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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT| Gwent Player, Monster Slayer, EVEN RACISM

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Does anyone have any thoughts on whether the prima guide is worth it? I haven't purchased a guide since Ocarina of Time but something about having a world atlas in front of me is mighty tempting. On the other hand, maybe just embracing random exploration is the way to go.


Also, when you call Roach why does he always come out from the most inconvenient place like a shrubbery or the woods when a road is right freakin' there.


Can you buy back from a seller at the same price you sold it if you don't exit the menu?

Sold a necklace (don't remember where I got it but it doesn't say it's anything special) for cheap and saw him try and sell it for like 10x lol so I just reloaded the save.

Don't know if this is the right thread to ask but as someone who hasn't played a witcher game and hasn't really gotten into RPG's, would it be ridiculous to get this game? I have watched reviews and gameplay and it seems like a great game that I would enjoy, but I played a bit of dragon age: inquisition and didn't like that at all.

Go for it. I was in the same position, it's good. Combat is decent fun too. It's actually engaging and not too frustrating, challenging sure (2nd hardest difficulty) but still fun and seems mostly fair to me so far anyway.

This has probably been mentioned earlier in here, but I can't read through 100+ pages of OT to check, sorry.

When trying to smoothly pan the camera when not stationary there's a really weird jitter at regular intervals. I can't tell if it's dropped frames or something about the camera controls, but it's really distracting.

Does anyone else have weird camera stuttering issues on ps4?

Yep, read this lots now.

Don't buy food. Explore, there is a lot of free food as loot in there. Crates, houses, chests, etc, loot everything.

Nice, was wasting a lot. Will check out that swallow potion too.

11 hours in and no ploughing so far. :(

Good good.

Velen/No Man's Land is beautiful, especially when you get that deep blue sky with the rolling cloud cover and high winds, but wow is the loading time for this area brutal on PS4 (standard HDD). Like 60-75 seconds just sitting there every time you die, reload, or need to fast travel back into it.

SSD time?

I really hate the "dirty camera" effect when looking at the sun or in the rain. Just really doesn't fit in a fantasy game.

Yup, it's just plain stupid.


No bald cap? Lies!
I sold my first set of Witcher armor after I upgraded to something better. Am I effed? Just read that all of the later armor crafting requires your witcher armor...ugh. Hate it when games do stuff like this without warning. :-(

Should I restart?

Can't you just buy it back? I remember most merchants show all the stuff we sell them.

a harpy

That crafting thing about the Witcher pieces is annoying. This game is great in a lot of ways but almost every facet of gameplay does something annoying in one way or another, with some problems being much larger than others. Someone earlier in the thread said that the game's combat is similar to Monster Hunter? I have to, very respectfully, completely disagree.


I have now found 2 weapon runes that are supposed to add Attack Power to a sword, but tooltip says that added Attack Power is 0. So is tooltip broken or are these runes bugged?


I sold my first set of Witcher armor after I upgraded to something better. Am I effed? Just read that all of the later armor crafting requires your witcher armor...ugh. Hate it when games do stuff like this without warning. :-(

Should I restart?

Can't you just buy it back? I remember most merchants show all the stuff we sell them.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is the case, so nobody should be fucked. Now just to remember who you sold it to :)

Edit: Unless you dismantled it of course...
Any loot I've GOTTA HAVE in White Orchard?
I've done the
noonwitch by the well
side quest and offed the
specter guarding
the igni sign at the small cemetery.... just wondering if there is anything I should definitely do before I bounce from this area. I've already killed the

also, can I travel back to White Orchard after I leave?


Any loot I've GOTTA HAVE in White Orchard?
I've done the
noonwitch by the well
side quest and offed the
specter guarding
the igni sign at the small cemetery.... just wondering if there is anything I should definitely do before I bounce from this area. I've already killed the

also, can I travel back to White Orchard after I leave?

You can travel back.


Any loot I've GOTTA HAVE in White Orchard?
I've done the
noonwitch by the well
side quest and offed the
specter guarding
the igni sign at the small cemetery.... just wondering if there is anything I should definitely do before I bounce from this area. I've already killed the

also, can I travel back to White Orchard after I leave?

There's a quest that gives you
2 good diagrams, 1 for a steel sword, 1 for a silver sword. The quest is called Viper something.


I know you don't want to sell your witcher swords because you can upgrade them later. What about your starting armor?

Yes, you can upgrade the armour as well. You can always buy those items back from the merchant again if you do sell them.

I've sold all my starting gear for now because all the diagrams I have are much better than the upgrade for Geralt's starting gear.
can anyone tell me why meditation isn't working ? i've done the first few missions and some side quests.

when i select meditate and try to set the time,it tells me i can't do that right now.am i too early in the story to use it ? thanks.


Any tips for fighting a crowd of enemies? I'm having serious trouble staying alive lol... obviously trying to lure them away one by one works fine but it's just so time consuming. Combat doesn't feel particularly tight to begin with.


I want to play this game so bad!! Having a Wii U and 3DS only makes me feel sad and a lil' pissed when such awesome games like this release in pretty much any console except the ones I have :(


Any tips for fighting a crowd of enemies? I'm having serious trouble staying alive lol... obviously trying to lure them away one by one works fine but it's just so time consuming. Combat doesn't feel particularly tight to begin with.

Bombs. I took out an entire bandit camp with a single grapeshot. It was so awesome seeing the body parts fly through the air. haha - wow, that is kind of morbid


I'd be in the dick
So am I ever going to have enough money to buy anything other than weapon repairs? Repairing my swords shouldn't keep cleaning me out.
About 12 hours in on Blood and Broken Bones. Game is perfect except for two things:

1. Durability sucks. It's expensive, kits are hard to come by, weapons wear out too frequently and it comes off as a time limit before you need to fast travel to a blacksmith. Keep me in the action, game. I don't want to be interrupted every twenty minutes with menial micromanagement.

It should either be removed altogether or exchanged for a Fallout/Dying Light system where junk weapons can be destroyed to repair your main ones.

2. Geralt's attack animations are still too unpredictable. Maybe it's just my perception, but it definitely seems like, even among quick attacks alone, some animations have more of a wind-up. I can never tell how Geralt is going to swing his sword, and I feel like some swings are clearly more useful than others.

In Dark Souls, every R1 with a particular sword produces the same slash, every R2 is the same poke. This makes the combat easy to learn, as your own moves always have the same range. In TW3, sometimes Geralt will roll, spin, lunge or twist during a light attack, other times he'll just do a swing or a poke.

The game seems like it's always trying to decide what animation is most appropriate for him to use at the time, instead of allowing me to strategically choose how he'll move. On higher difficulties, hyper-aggressive monsters don't afford you the few frames he needs to perform his flashier maneuvers.


So am I ever going to have enough money to buy anything other than weapon repairs? Repairing my swords shouldn't keep cleaning me out.

Yeah I noticed this becoming an issue for me as well last night.. Used my last 2 repair kits fixing my silver sword, now i'm all out and I have like 200 monies to my name. Dafuq.


I want to know this and if it's possible to get a lot of the respec potions/whatever

I wanna try all kinds of different builds

There's potions of clearance, they're like 1k crowns each. Certain vendors carry them, I've come across two so far.
So am I ever going to have enough money to buy anything other than weapon repairs? Repairing my swords shouldn't keep cleaning me out.

Yeah, after almost 8 hours of play, I had ~500 gold, then I repaired, now I'm back around 200. Most of the times the merchants don't have enough coin to buy all my items off me
I feel like I'm the only one who's enjoying the combat lol. It's not perfect but I'm approaching enemies slowly and methodically, almost Souls'ish, using signs liberally and timing parry attacks as best I can. I think it's pretty fun personally.
Hmm...I think I sold my witcher armor, so finding the merchant to whom I sold it shouldn't be a problem. However, I dismantled the first witcher steel sword. Does this lock me out of just the immediate next upgrade or two, or does this prevent me from entering a long tree of upgrades culminating in some of the game's best weapons?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
See, this is what I love. I can stumble across this level 14 spry motherfucker chomping on a horse corpse while I'm level 9 coming off my own adventure with a fucked up silver sword.




Win an intense battle and score myself some sweet new boots, rune or two, and fancy new saddlebag.

If the screenshot spam is annoying, I'll stop.

I feel like I'm the only one who's enjoying the combat lol. It's not perfect but I'm approaching enemies slowly and methodically, almost Souls'ish, using signs liberally and timing parry attacks as best I can. I think it's pretty fun personally.

I don't think it's perfect, but I'm still loving the combat to bits and there's not a single open world action RPG with better.
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