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To those who played the ME: Andromeda trial: are you buying the full game?


Trial took me from Day one Deluxe edition to maybe in a couple of months when some patches are out.

So incredibly disappointed, this was one of the games I was looking forward the most this year, and with the amount of great games coming this year, that is saying something.
Which planet is this?



Yep. Pre-purchased two months ago, playing the trial twice, pc & xbox.

I finally got some multiplayer in at the end of the pc trial- wow was that incredibly fun (caveat: when it wasn't rubber banding)

Looking forward to Tuesday, and it figures the wife wants to go out to dinner Tuesday night.. *shakes fist*
Sure, but it's Alec who is the super-smart, super-competent badass. Baby Ryder is rookie with no notable skills. Everyone making the "Ooooh, the Pathfinder!" noises when I talk to them is so jarring that it really takes me out of the moment.

It's like the inverse of Skyrim guards asking who I think I am right after I've killed a dragon and sucked out it's soul right in front of them.

Exactly. And it's also dumb.


No. Aside from all the obvious animation jank the most damning thing about the game is that I just didn't like anyone in it.
While writing quality in previous Bioware games has sometimes been hit-and-miss, there have been so many memorable characters (Minsc, Wrex, Garrus, HK-47 etc.) that made the games enjoyable. There is nothing like that in Andromeda. Voice lines are delivered in bored tones, and the dialogue seems to consist mainly blurt-it-out exposition mixed in with cringe-worthy bravado.

The whole "Pathfinder" thing is also grating to me. The colonists aren't a military organization so I don't understand why they treat my character with such deference and insist on addressing me with the bizarre honorific. Ryder doesn't have any particularly unique skills and considering the age of the character I'm absolutely baffled as to why everyone is treating him/her like second coming of Jesus.
Combat is smoother but without the option to pause the action and coordinate my companions I'm missing that strategic element that made playing the earlier games on higher difficulty so much fun for me.

So, a hard pass but I might give it a second look in a year or so to see if any interesting companions have been added and the rough edges smoothed over.
Agreed, as someone who has never played Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. Would you guys say that games multi is worth at least playing?


I've been struggling with this decision as someone who hasn't played the trial.

I should have tried the demo but figured I wanted to go in clean (I do have EA Access, but I ordered it on PS4, not XB1, so any progress wouldn't carry over... and I got it as part of a sale and can't get the same price if I were to switch platforms).

I'm not incredibly worried about the game — especially the facial animations... if they're a bit goofy, they're goofy... but they won't ruin the game for me — but I still have a ton of stuff to play and I am an EA Access member... so maybe it's worth waiting on.


I will play it eventually but I have done other stuff to play first.

The animation hate is overblown, getting hung up on that stuff is for dumb mean spirited people (see the pewdiepie video)


Nope. I was on the fence to begin with but after the trial I just can't see myself grabbing this. Maybe down the line when it is cheaper.


I didn't enjoy it so no. Not as good as the other ones. Considering this franchise was story focused, the story and character interactions are really really really bad and ughh..
I'd have tempered my expectations if they hadn't previously been somewhat tepid overall. After having played the trial my expectations are largely the same which didn't deter my interest and so I went ahead and pre-ordered it. I realize the oddity of that but I want to be in on the ground floor in the hopes that the narrative and characters improve later in the game.


Sure, but it's Alec who is the super-smart, super-competent badass. Baby Ryder is rookie with no notable skills. Everyone making the "Ooooh, the Pathfinder!" noises when I talk to them is so jarring that it really takes me out of the moment.

It's like the inverse of Skyrim guards asking who I think I am right after I've killed a dragon and sucked out it's soul right in front of them.

And most people appropriately react that you're unproven and not special. Like, you say that people ooh and aww over you buit that's literally the opposite of what happens. Some people, like Liam, have cautious optimism because they're in a fucked situation, but plenty of people blatantly tell you they have no faith in you or only od because they have no choice but you had better make it work.

Like. you can claim it's a messiah type setup, but the game itself NEVER makes that implication.

Man that all sounds really friggin dumb, I've read better sci-fi fanfiction.
So you haven't played it, glad your opinion on the matter is here from reading a sentence long description of the technobabble explanation. What is 'dumb' about it exactly? It's just a fucking honorific for the person that is leading the team that is physically searching planets. That's it. People don't revere it.


Allready pre-ordered after playing a couple of hours of the trial. Really liked what I played of it so far. It does have some weird stuff for sure, but it doesn't bother me really and there were far more positive stuff of what I've played so far.


Welp, I reached the end of the available story stuff and I'm dangerously tempted to go ahead and get it right away, even though I'm already spinning too many plates. It's rough, but enjoyable.

That multiplayer though. I'm glad it's not important to me, because damn. Guess they're having a beta for it after all. :\


Yeah. It was fun.

I like Mass Effect, and even if the faces are a little worse this time it's not going to really hurt the experience for me. The game seems to have improved in most areas over the previous games, and Sara is a more interesting character than Shepherd.

I'll probably pick it up Friday unless the reviews are just downright awful. Expecting it to see a lot of 7/10, 3 out of 5 stars. Probably with a meta in the low 70s.


Hell yes, purposely saved 2 hours of the trial to use tomorrow and then Tuesday I'm going all in. Hyped


Im gonna wait for game of the year version.

I got two weeks for zelda and horizon, and then persona 5....
Why not just wait for the inevitable cheaper version a year from now with all the DLC? That's what I do with probably 95% of games without multiplayer.
Customization seems pretty lacking but damn near everything else has been good. not really digging the characters yet but I am sure they will grow on me - 6 squadmates seems a bit weak especially when one if then is Liam

Best Buy $25 off $100 + GCU means my preorder was for like $34 or something so even with reservations about a couple things the game is basically half off.
Yep. I'm having fun with it. Some of the criticism is fair, but it's not hurting my enjoyment. I almost cancelled my preorder after the tutorial but I'm enjoying Eos and I have nothing negative to say about the combat.


When it's less than 25, which should be around a month.

I've enjoyed the trial, just have a huge backlog and I can wait.


And most people appropriately react that you're unproven and not special. Like, you say that people ooh and aww over you buit that's literally the opposite of what happens. Some people, like Liam, have cautious optimism because they're in a fucked situation, but plenty of people blatantly tell you they have no faith in you or only od because they have no choice but you had better make it work.

Like. you can claim it's a messiah type setup, but the game itself NEVER makes that implication.

So you haven't played it, glad your opinion on the matter is here from reading a sentence long description of the technobabble explanation. What is 'dumb' about it exactly? It's just a fucking honorific for the person that is leading the team that is physically searching planets. That's it. People don't revere it.

And Alec just
chooses his green eared son/daughter to lead humanity and the other races remnants without a say from the others because...? In any rational setup there would be a riot on the nexus and baby pf would have to step down. Instead they roll with this masked "chosen one" thing.


This game wasn't on my radar at all. I didn't even bother with ME3 after all the backlash. Now I just played through 3 and the trial and I can't wait for it, jank aside

I also expected it to run much worse on xbox so the trial allayed those fears


I'll probably pick it up late April or sometime in May.
Still deep into Zelda and I'm on holiday soon so just do not have the time to play it.
Hoping for some sorta discount by then :p that would be nice.


I will, but it won't be for a long time. Even ignoring the janky animations and bugs, the script and story doesn't seem particularly compelling or even well written for that matter and if you strip the story out of a mass effect game all you're really left with is the combat, which feels like its always felt imo... A not particularly great third person cover shooter...only now it has a jet pack.


I will, but it won't be for a long time. Even ignoring the janky animations and bugs, the script and story doesn't seem particularly compelling or even well written for that matter and if you strip the story out of a mass effect game all you're really left with is the combat, which feels like its always felt imo... A not particularly great third person cover shooter...only now it has a jet pack.

pretty much how i feel. since mp is not something i care about ... just wait till it goes to 20 bucks like their other games in the future. way to many other titles to play right now


And Alec just
chooses his green eared son/daughter to lead humanity and the other races remnants without a say from the others because...? In any rational setup there would be a riot on the nexus and baby pf would have to step down. Instead they roll with this masked "chosen one" thing.

he's a father and went with his heart. What an odd thing to nitpick. Literally nobody knows Sam's full capabilities, because he'd be witch hunted if they did, they're an important part of why he's so badass at the pathfinding duties. SAM is honestly a huge part of it, like SAM might as well be the pathfinder, it's just hitching a ride with a human host. If I were an illegally modified person and wanted to pass my illegal mod onto someone else without it being outed/suddenly causing an uproar, a direct relative is probably the best choice.
Also you're not unqualified, you're on the pathfinder team, you're clearly qualified regardless of relationship, perhaps Cora is MORE qualified, but the spoiler outlines why you might not go for her.
Plus he's giving his helmet to you as he's dying, not a lot of time to really decide what to do about it, and given biology it might even be a matter of SAM requiring more work/adjustment to work withj other people.

Any impressions of that yet? Or is it more like the garbage tier mp of the AC and Uncharted series?

Literally all over the impression threads, including this one? It was in the last game too, and VERY loved there. It's awesome. If you are really unable to research a major aspect of the series post ME3, the short version is that it's a VERY good horde mode, probably the best out there. With strong RPG and loot elements as well.
Yes, I am. Don't really understand all the hoopla over the facial animations. Sure sometimes the lip sync isn't the greatest but its far from terrible like I was expecting. Graphics are nice and the skin tones are very well done. It's the dead eyes that need better artists.

I'm a sucker for space games and this looks like it will be quite a large game. So far played about 2 hours and my computer runs it pretty well which is a shocker since I am about to upgrade to Ryzen (playing on FX 6100 and RX 480).


Yeah. It was fun.

I like Mass Effect, and even if the faces are a little worse this time it's not going to really hurt the experience for me. The game seems to have improved in most areas over the previous games, and Sara is a more interesting character than Shepherd.


Break that down for me cause I'm not seeing improvement in "most areas".

I do agree that the janky faces and animations aren't bothering as much as I thought. The open world areas all look pretty great and fun to explore.

But the writing is not very good, at least not in the early game, and the UI is atrocious.

Still pre-ordered it though. The characters, campy as they can be, still are at least a bit interesting, I like the combat, and I think I might like the exploration. I might end up really disliking the game, like I did DA:I, but I think I will at least get my money's worth.

And it's not like anyone else is doing Sci-Fi RPG's in this style anyway.


Don't get the UI complaints, like...it's the Mass Effect UI. I'm not saying that's amazing, but it didn't magically get worse.


I won't be buying it until the animation bugs are fixed. Many people are probably not bothered, but when I'm paying money for a product I at least hope its not overly buggered.


Don't get the UI complaints, like...it's the Mass Effect UI. I'm not saying that's amazing, but it didn't magically get worse.

True. But it didn't get better either. Isn't that what sequels are for? To improve things that wearn't great? Then again we are talking about the same people who shit canned the mako and replaced it with a rotating sphere...maybe i don't want to know what their idea of an "improved" UI would be afterall.


I am picking it up day one for the multiplayer. I'm hoping the campaign is good, but I will probably have 100+ hours in mp by the time I even try it, so I'll get my money's worth out of the game either way.
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