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Tomb Raider Definitive Edition - PlayStation 4 = ~60fps, Xbox One = ~30fps

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Crazy. No wonder I missed those cause I wasn't playing any sports games. Still I literally have a handful of 3rd party titles on my PS3 compared to the 360 and it seems like now things have completely switched. Big bummer if you only have one console.

My brother owns a PS4, hes a huge supporter of it so ive been playing that. Xbone I played a lot of KI3 at EVO. What i get from both console is that they are enhanced clones of their predecessors with more bells and whistles. So all Im seeing is prettier versions of gen 7 games. Which Ive been experiencing for years now on PC.

What game on PC is proving to be a leap for you over what were playing on these consoles?


I'm kinda pissed that PS4 is actually destroying the pc in the Graphics/Performance balance. I mean, this also happened last gen but, as the Image quality was so much better on PC, that it wasnt much of an issue. Now the PS4 has PC-like graphics while receiveing all the support/optimizations from the developers. It's a shame we cant get the same treatment on pc, as their reasoning is "you can always upgrade your machine".
Well, i think we need to accept the fact that the Xbox One is not that powerfull and games at 1080p and 60fps will be the exception, not the rule.

I'm buying all my multiplatform games on PS4 anyway, they simply look better. I just wonder if the gap will get bigger as the generation moves on...

Now those MS execs and their lying... Penello and Major Nelson, they just can't comeback to GAF and try to argue power anymore... they're gonna get slaughtered !

Xbox One is underpowered compared to the competition, deal with it !


It's also called locked. You can lock it at 60fps so it doesn't go over and then optimize the game so it never, or rarely, drops below 60. Forza is one of the best at maintaining 60fps.

Oh like for example Killzone Shadowfall's multiplayer frame rate being locked?

I think "locked" is a very poor word to use with frame rate. It works for PR though. People just see 60 FPS and they think that's the performance. Then you get all these stupid comparisons people make of high end graphics cards running at 60 FPS average versus PS4's "locked" 60 FPS.
What game on PC is proving to be a leap for you over what were playing on these consoles?

Its not one game, its that what PS4 and Xbone gamers are experiencing now I already have years ago.

Now everyone uses this bang for the buck to defend their consoles of choice. If the bang for the buck was that important then everyone would be driving a Prius. I clearly dont.
Just no dude, the Titan doesn't get 60 fps 100% of the time on Tomb Raider with everything cranked up sorry.


This benchmark isnt even on 1080p and it gets a min fps of 19. That's with FXAA on not even SSAA the better AA technique the game has...

Holy shit those minimum fps' across the board! If those cards have difficulty 1680x1050 I'd like to see them perform in 1440p, can't be that soon to upgrade my 670 :(


Just no dude, the Titan doesn't get 60 fps 100% of the time on Tomb Raider with everything cranked up sorry.


This benchmark isnt even on 1080p and it gets a min fps of 19. That's with FXAA on not even SSAA the better AA technique the game has...

I have a TItan.

1080p, Ultra settings, including the new shadow quality.

And this is without TressFX

So yeah, pretty unoptimized still, when a few strands of hair cut the framerate in half.


If you guys want a good laugh read the Xbox One subreddit.

Tuning in right now.

"This should be marked as a rumor until confirmed by SquareEnix.
So far all I see is a lot of rumors and "This dude said that" stuff."

"What kind of website is this? Am I supposed to believe in something called Rocket Chainsaw? There are other websites reporting this too?"

"Let's not forget, the most enthusiastic PS4 fanboys said the PS4 has 40% more power than the XO in raw spec... and to push twice as many frames, that'd take 100% more power?

And Square Enix has a history of being in Sony's pocket, remember the whole 1080p Final Fantasy on PS3 thing cause the Xbox 360 just couldn't handle it, but the game was nothing special graphically - I'll walk away from this one thinking its Square Enix's choice for whatever reason ($$) rather than the Xbox One being an under powered console."

"omg guys. Please do some research on hardware and software. the xbox is more than capable of 1080p 60fps. just because a modified port game doesn't get there does not define the system. this goes for both consoles. we are so early on in the generation"

Denial		[x]
Anger		[ ]
Bargaining	[ ]
Depression	[ ]
Acceptance	[ ]


Wow I didn't expect so many salty PC gamers in here, calm down guys, so what if you need to spend $1000 dollars to get PS4 performance on this game, TressFX. Just, TressFX, think about it.


50 pages? Holy shit. As for the difference, I am not surprised. Will I trade in my Xbox One and go all PS4 from here on out though because of this? Nah.


Well no shit. When has console gaming ever been close to PC gaming?

This "hurr PC is stronger" stuff needs to stop. We know.

Gen 5. Maaaaybe Gen 6, but that was the first gen when you could already buy very high end PC's that outperformed consoles at release. Also when they started mainly developing on PC Dev studios and platforms.

Its not new. Especially when you factor in inflation adjusted console prices.


From VG247....

"#53 X14EVR
23/01/14, 1:40 pm
dont lose faith xbox has always been better and always will be it just needs to unlock the new code they are making"

oh lord
Its not one game, its that what PS4 and Xbone gamers are experiencing now I already have years ago.

Now everyone uses this bang for the buck to defense their consoles of choice. If the bang for the buck was that important then everyone would be driving a Prius. I clearly dont.

I'm trying to understand what prize you want to win here. You've been playing up ports of 360 and Ps3 games for years now on your PC, well congratulations.

Now what is your point?


Just no dude, the Titan doesn't get 60 fps 100% of the time on Tomb Raider with everything cranked up sorry.

http://static.techspot.com/articles-info/645/bench/Ultimate_1680.png[/IM G]

This benchmark isnt even on 1080p and it gets a min fps of 19. That's with FXAA on not even SSAA the better AA technique the game has...[/QUOTE]

The version they used there is apparently from March and so are probably the drivers. TR runs better now, they actually did some optimization.

[quote="Canis lupus, post: 98181944"]Holy shit those minimum fps' across the board! If those cards have difficulty 1680x1050 I'd like to see them perform in 1440p, can't be that soon to upgrade my 670 :([/QUOTE]

See above, that benchmark is pretty much worthless now and you can always turn down a few settings.


Junior Member
Oh like for example Killzone Shadowfall's multiplayer frame rate being locked?

I think "locked" is a very poor word to use with frame rate. It works for PR though. People just see 60 FPS and they think that's the performance. Then you get all these stupid comparisons people make of high end graphics cards running at 60 FPS average versus PS4's "locked" 60 FPS.

I agreed that locked framerate is no such of thing, because it will eventually drop in some part, like over rendering, dirty disc, corrupt data, memory leaking etc... Esp Forza have some drop.

I think best wording is cap at 60fps.


Crazy. No wonder I missed those cause I wasn't playing any sports games. Still I literally have a handful of 3rd party titles on my PS3 compared to the 360 and it seems like now things have completely switched. Big bummer if you only have one console.

Those were the first iterations on those respective franchises on PS3, since Xbox 360 launched a year earlier and had already launched a few games that did not appear on the PS3 when it launched (NHL 07 for example).

Also considering they were running very different architectures, and nobody knew how to program for CELL pushed back their ability to run the games at acceptable performance levels.

This time around though, both consoles run pretty much identical architectures, with hardware power differing. Both launched at the same time as well, so one doesn't get a year's head start of engine optimization/development. It isn't at all comparable to the situation today.


My brother owns a PS4, hes a huge supporter of it so ive been playing that. Xbone I played a lot of KI3 at EVO. What i get from both console is that they are enhanced clones of their predecessors with more bells and whistles. So all Im seeing is prettier versions of gen 7 games. Which Ive been experiencing for years now on PC.
Psst... I've heard that when you upgrade your PC, it too is an enhanced version of its predecessor with more bells and whistles. Also, we're not seeing next-gen games fully realized within the first few months of a new cycle. Shocking.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Ha ha just no

As someone who does not have a gaiming PC anymore, while the PS4 is off to a great start. PCs performance will always start to pull away a few years into a console generation.

Huh? Now that is funny.

i mean, sure you can drop hundreds of bucks a year to maintain a top notch gaming pc that already cost you twice the price of a ps4 but the value proposition looks worse and worse. ps4 is running games excellently, and it's closed box nature ensures devs are optimizing their games. not to mention the exclusives.


Isn't the PC version automatically gimped via assets like the new textures and face model? Until/if they patch them into the PC version, which they clearly aren't atm for marketing purposes.

Seems like an NBA2k14 situation, though maybe not that drastic.
I'm trying to understand what prize you want to win here. You've been playing up ports of 360 and Ps3 games for years now on your PC, well congratulations.

Now what is your point?

Why are you so mad? Someone asked me a question and I answered it.

Psst... I've heard that when you upgrade your PC, it too is an enhanced version of its predecessor with more bells and whistles. Also, we're not seeing next-gen games fully realized within the first few months of a new cycle. Shocking.

Exactly, so Im glad PS4 owners are finally enjoying these enhanced gen 7 games.


I wouldnt want to if I could.

3 years down the line when you are still playing games at 900p, are you going to still convince yourself that its ok you only paid $400 bucks?

Yes, absolutely.
and 3 years down the line when you need to pay another $1000 to get a few more frames or pixels, are going to convince yourself that it's ok to keep upgrading?
50 pages? Holy shit. As for the difference, I am not surprised. Will I trade in my Xbox One and go all PS4 from here on out though because of this? Nah.

Good on yah Marley man.

Its not one game, its that what PS4 and Xbone gamers are experiencing now I already have years ago.

Now everyone uses this bang for the buck to defend their consoles of choice. If the bang for the buck was that important then everyone would be driving a Prius. I clearly dont.

I guess I just don't understand where your coming from here. There are no games on the PC that are more advanced or next level than what the consoles are doing right now so it seems like everything is following a natural evolution. I was playing HL2 on my 50" Plasma forever ago. Does that make KZSF look any less impressive? Not at all but that's just me.


Are you putting this all down to the Xbone having a hard as fuck CPU to code for?

No. Was simply answering the question he asked.

The reasons for it happening this time around are different.

Crazy. No wonder I missed those cause I wasn't playing any sports games. Still I literally have a handful of 3rd party titles on my PS3 compared to the 360 and it seems like now things have completely switched. Big bummer if you only have one console.

I've played both versions of Madden 2008 at the time. I had 360 but my friend had PS3. It wasn't that great of a game on either console but I had fun playing with my friends at the time (no matter the version).

But anyway, yes, the multiplatform advantage has switched brands. People who only own an Xbox One will more than likely still enjoy 3rd party games, as was the case with PS3-only owners last gen.
Im not impressed by either console and what they are doing overall.

I get your point, but you fib to make a point. PS4 is a great price but I really dont care for the price. Once you buy a PS4 are you going to remind yourself when performance isnt as good as it should of been that you only paid $400? lol
As it should have been? What should a complete computer for 400 dollars give you in terms of performance? Enlighten us all. By all means. Build a PC for 400 dollars and see what you get in terms of performance. You will NOT run tomb raider with the same quality at that framerate for that kind of money on a PC. I assure you.
I wouldnt want to if I could.

3 years down the line when you are still playing games at 900p, are you going to still convince yourself that its ok you only paid $400 bucks?

(PC gamer here. The price of building a PC that outperforms a PS4 is very high. People care about price/performance because we don't all have infinite money. I'm not sure why it needs to be explained to you; you can't look at performance in a vacuum if you want to draw comparisons. It's like complaining about a Civic's horsepower because a Lamborghini is better. Pointless.)


No don't seem that way. Both versions will have voice commands and PS4 version will also include Remote Play.
Let's not forget though!
Didn't the Executive Producer for Tomb Raider, Scot Amos, recently confirm it was 1080p, 30 frames on both consoles?


Well... guess this is STILL running at 30 FPS on both. :p So he wouldn't exactly be lying! That powergap, lol.

Meh. Don't really care myself. Still buying this on my Xbox One over my PS4, just for the slightly better Voice Commands and the Achievements.

EDIT: Clarifying a bit on why I'm still getting it on Xbox One:


^ha another "i own both but GG on getting an xbox the games i played on xbox are fantastic PS4 am collecting dust so maybe i buy a game to play on it" post.
Yeah, just like last gen. These dual console owners gotta throw their poor PS4's a bone to keep that pesky dust from clogging all the vents. But hey, he mentioned Resogun, so we're cool, right?
Hopefully devs will not gimp Ps4 in the future - we can tell when they have made no effort if its the same as Xbone (in my opinion)
Yeah, I think this is one good example of "forced parity" not being an issue with multiplats going forward, which is a good thing. There's still a little concern for the bigger profile games, but even that may be changed for this year's fall releases.


yes. and by people on GAF that have played the PS4 version already.

Ok, I know it was dropped in conversation in a video linked by the OP, just wondered if anyone has gone on record to say 'Yes the PS4 is running at 60 FPS'. Similar to how CD confirmed that it was going to be 30 FPS on both only a few days ago.
Well I've been following your discussion and I'm trying to understand exactly what you want to say, because so far all I'm getting is "High end PC > Consoles", but I'm still hoping that I'm missing the point.

Im not impressed thats all. Someone asked a question and I answered. Im not trying to convince anyone into anything. Just having a nice chat this am before going to the gym.

As it should have been? What should a complete computer for 400 dollars give you in terms of performance? Enlighten us all. By all means. Build a PC for 400 dollars and see what you get in terms of performance. You will NOT run tomb raider with the same quality at that framerate for that kind of money on a PC. I assure you.

Oh god, I already posted that the Price for a PS4 is good. Can we move on to just performance now? lol


Wow I didn't expect so many salty PC gamers in here, calm down guys, so what if you need to spend $1000 dollars to get PS4 performance on this game, TressFX. Just, TressFX, think about it.

Exactly. Corners have been cut to arrive at that performance. A $400 PS4 isn't going to do as much work as a $400 graphics card.


Its not one game, its that what PS4 and Xbone gamers are experiencing now I already have years ago.

Now everyone uses this bang for the buck to defend their consoles of choice. If the bang for the buck was that important then everyone would be driving a Prius. I clearly dont.

Give it up. No one cares about your PC. There was a time when PC gaming was home to the most innovative and groundbreaking experiences. But it's not the late 90s anymore, and now consoles are the focus, so everyone wants to know which console gives the best experience and can power the most visually resplendent games. Later on you can play those ports at 4k on multiple monitors with mods and magic AA at 200fps or whatever it is you think makes the misguided PC focus relevant.


Those were the first iterations on those respective franchises on PS3, since Xbox 360 launched a year earlier and had already launched a few games that did not appear on the PS3 when it launched (NHL 07 for example).

Also considering they were running very different architectures, and nobody knew how to program for CELL pushed back their ability to run the games at acceptable performance levels.

This time around though, both consoles run pretty much identical architectures, with hardware power differing. Both launched at the same time as well, so one doesn't get a year's head start of engine optimization/development. It isn't at all comparable to the situation today.

It simply compares based on his original question which was if there were games that ran at different framerates last gen on different consoles, and there were.
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