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Trump going around tables, asking dinner guests if he should fire Priebus and Spicer

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Trump's first 24 days in office have become a leak-filled mess, with the fortunes of various aides rising and falling in rapid frequency. Stephen Bannon, his chief strategist, and his precocious understudy, Stephen Miller, received much of the derision for Trump's controversial executive order on immigration. (Last week, a federal appeals court ruled against the ban.) At the same time, the president has had issues with the performance, dress code, and even S.N.L. depiction of his press secretary, Sean Spicer. Kellyanne Conway, his counselor, has pirouetted from sticky situation to sticky situation—from referring to Spicer's outright lie about inaugural crowd size as an ”alternative fact" to possibly breaking federal law when she gave daughter Ivanka Trump's clothing brand an advertisement on Fox News—seemingly unscathed in her boss's eyes, but undoubtedly damaging her public credibility. Meanwhile, chief of staff Reince Priebus seemed poised to ascend after the successful rollout of Trump's Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. Last week, my colleague Sarah Ellison referred to the rollout as ”Reince's Revenge."

But a lot can happen within Trumpworld in a single week. While the president was hosting Abe in Mar-a-Lago, Priebus's fortune already seemed to be on the decline. Christopher Ruddy, the Newsmax Media C.E.O. and Trump pal who spent an evening with the president at Mar-a-Lago, told CNN on Sunday that ”there's a lot of weakness coming out of the chief of staff." (Ruddy would later issue a tweet backtracking.) A source close to the president, who was not there but had knowledge of the situation, told me that Trump was going around tables during dinner asking guests what he should do about Priebus and Spicer—a crowdsourcing game he reportedly played when he was deciding which candidate to choose for vice president, and again, when picking who he would nominate as secretary of state. (A White House spokesperson did not immediately respond to request for comment.)

While everyone expected turmoil within Trump's White House, few expected the velocity of the chaos. As Priebus seemingly swoons, another Trump aide appears to be soaring. As recently as a few weeks ago, Trump's son-in-law and adviser, Jared Kushner, appeared frustrated in the West Wing. As I reported at the time, Kusher was ”fucking furious" after a Trump tweet scuttled a crucial meeting he had been arranging with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. Weeks later, as he prepares to take a central role in the meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Kushner seems renewed, his power intact. To those who know him and interact with him, he is no longer perceived as the quiet, moderating force in his father-in-law's ear, but rather a true believer who remains in lock step with Bannon and Miller and intent on pushing through their White House agenda.

Eh I believe this happened and happened previously for those other picks but I doubt Trump takes the table suggestions seriously.

He seems to be the type to want all possible positive attention for his ego so this just seems like that.

"I can make people feel important by just asking their opinion, how bigly am I?"


incredible that someone like Stephen Miller is on staff. No experience whatsoever. It's been an absolute mess and very embarrassing for America.
Call 1-800-DJTRUMP and press 1 to keep Spicer, 2, to Keep Priebus, 3 to keep both. Voting will be open until 8 PM EST.

Or you can use the hashtags #keepspicey, #keeppriebus or both together,

Vote now!


The whole point of doubling the membership fee to $200,000 last month was that you get pay-to-play access to the President. Trump's probably just making sure to include them and give them the feeling of getting their money's worth.

This is disturbing: "Kushner seems renewed, his power intact. To those who know him and interact with him, he is no longer perceived as the quiet, moderating force in his father-in-law’s ear, but rather a true believer who remains in lock step with Bannon and Miller and intent on pushing through their White House agenda."

Basically, the entire administration must be expelled immediately.
Gutting his administration of establishment Republicans will hopefully make the congressional Republicans extremely nervous. I'm still of the feeling that there is a breaking point for the cowards, it's just a lot further down the insanity line than I had previously thought.
Eh I believe this happened and happened previously for those other picks but I doubt Trump takes the table suggestions seriously.

He seems to be the type to want all possible positive attention for his ego so this just seems like that.

"I can make people feel important by just asking their opinion, how bigly am I?"

He is a very important person. The most important. No one has more importance than him. Is it not right that he should let lesser beings bask in his light?

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
On one hand I have zero problem with a president asking people for advice like that.

On the other hand, I question who he's asking, the situation where he's asking people, and Trump's own desire for reality style theater.



After GOP establishment forces inside President Donald Trump’s White House forced out National Security Adviser retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, sources close to the president confirm to Breitbart News there is serious doubt as to whether this early administration shake-up will also see the exit of White House chief of staff Reince Priebus.

i mean, what?
"sources"? Are they being coy to make it sound like their boss isn't part of Trump's team of misfits, and sound much more like 'actual journalism?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
The fact that theyre hitting a trump admin tells you that theyre getting ready to throw him under the bus...

He, Ryan and others are a part of the establishment sites like Breitbart want to overthrow. So, they are definitely playing to their base


This is something he's well-known for at his properties - Trump is good at playing fools for their money. He'll go around asking people for their advice on a Big, Important Decision, making them feel in-the-loop so they just have to keep their membership/rental, but meanwhile his real choice is kept to his inner-circle.


Priebus is the "in" for the rest of the GOP into Trump's White House, keeping them in the loop, and to a lesser degree, at least having Trump's ear.
Without him there, the GOP would have even less reason to further capitulate to Trump's insanity, and will look into ways to get him out of there, if they haven't already.


Maybe one of his guests is a Russian adviser and only he knows which. Neat trick to discuss openly with a plant.
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