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Vicarious Visions officially working on Destiny


How do you want them to make tons of content and not have the labor force to do so?

The problem they had with content in D1 was not manpower, it was tools the tools they had at their disposal to make content.

That problem is hopefully fixed now. It seems the manpower is coming in because they need to push the game out by a certain date and they aren't close to finishing it so they're trying to brute force it.

Like Shinobi said, the team wasn't even sure a few months ago even if they should bring D1 content with the game moving forward, that just screams a lack of direction to me this late into development. That's a huge decision of course but that should have been determined a long time ago.


This is Assassin's Creed status of the amount of developers working on this franchise holy smokes. Super Curious to see how Destiny 2 shapes up.
You weren't told you'd get it after a year. Every single mention of exclusive items indicated it would be exclusive for "at least one year"; you just chose to assume it would be exactly a year.

Mind you, I think it's super shitty that Xbox players have a few fewer things (luckily not missing out on anything good). But though I sympathize with your sentiment, your statement was inaccurate.
I'm sad I'll never wield a Jade Rabbit.


I'm looking at Vicarious Visions past game development and I'm not seeing anything like Destiny - what are they going to be doing on the game?
The problem they had with content in D1 was not manpower, it was tools the tools they had at their disposal to make content.

That problem is hopefully fixed now. It seems the manpower is coming in because they need to push the game out by a certain date and they aren't close to finishing it so they're trying to brute force it.

Like Shinobi said, the team wasn't even sure a few months ago even if they should bring D1 content back, that just screams a lack of direction to me.
Eh I trust those in power now. I feel like this is worrying for just worrying sake.

If we get quality like TTK I'll be happy.


I gave up Destiny 1 after a month in and doing at least up to 5 raids. Game was limited and based on repetitive tasks (grinding for mats/loot/etc). The multiplayer was enjoyable but I could get multiplayer everywhere else so it wasn't something that was a necessity to play only there.

The hope is they can drastically improve with story/depth/environment. I would return for that. But no day one that is for sure. Will wait a good 1-3 months before diving in to see how the game has turned out first. Time to start being a better consumer going forward personally.


How do you want them to make tons of content and not have the labor force to do so?

Found the article.


People who worked on this project say that one of Bungie’s fundamental issues over the past few years has been the game’s engine, which the studio built from scratch alongside Destiny. Four sources pointed to Destiny’s technology—the tools they use to design levels, render graphics, and create content—as an inhibiting factor in the game’s development.

“Let’s say a designer wants to go in and move a resource node two inches,” said one person familiar with the engine. “They go into the editor. First they have to load their map overnight. It takes eight hours to input their map overnight. They get [into the office] in the morning. If their importer didn’t fail, they open the map. It takes about 20 minutes to open. They go in and they move that node two feet. And then they’d do a 15-20 minute compile. Just to do a half-second change.”
I gave up Destiny 1 after a month in and doing at least up to 5 raids. Game was limited and based on repetitive tasks (grinding for mats/loot/etc). The multiplayer was enjoyable but I could get multiplayer everywhere else so it wasn't something that was a necessity to play only there.

The hope is they can drastically improve with story/depth/environment. I would return for that. But no day one that is for sure. Will wait a good 1-3 months before diving in to see how the game has turned out first. Time to start being a better consumer going forward personally.
edit:read yah wrong
Can't say I disagree with you.

Found the article.


People who worked on this project say that one of Bungie’s fundamental issues over the past few years has been the game’s engine, which the studio built from scratch alongside Destiny. Four sources pointed to Destiny’s technology—the tools they use to design levels, render graphics, and create content—as an inhibiting factor in the game’s development.

“Let’s say a designer wants to go in and move a resource node two inches,” said one person familiar with the engine. “They go into the editor. First they have to load their map overnight. It takes eight hours to input their map overnight. They get [into the office] in the morning. If their importer didn’t fail, they open the map. It takes about 20 minutes to open. They go in and they move that node two feet. And then they’d do a 15-20 minute compile. Just to do a half-second change.”
I already know about the shitty engine. Iv been Playing destiny to know enough about it.


Eh I trust those in power now. I feel like this is worrying for just worrying sake.

If we get quality like TTK I'll be happy.

Eh, TTK was an improvement but the quality needs to be bounds better for me to be happy.

TTK wasn't bad, but it wasn't amazing, just an improvement over the bland Vanilla D1 mission and story design.
I meant I ran that one raid five times. To demonstrate that I put in at least some time into the game, got some end game loot and then decided to make a choice whether to continue onward or not.
Got yah. Hopefully they try to mix it up a tad mission wise.



As someone with many hours in Destiny https://www.wastedondestiny.com/xbox/i drift 2 I have several basic thoughts and wants.

PC will be irrelevant I love PC as much as the next but it will be the playerbase with the shortest life IMO.

As long as the story progresses better taken king was pretty good I'd be happy. This game has always been about the loot and the shooting it's a great shooter it feels great using the abilities and weapons.

We need some kind of carryover wether it be a base set of weapons or gear or something many of us do not wish to throw away 3 years of gear. I'd be content with my base characters and at least the exotics I've earned.

The exclusive lock out was bullshit. I played on both platforms but prefer playing on my Xbox one more friends and better controller.

I hope they don't continue the trend of shitty micro transactions we will see next week but FOTL was a micro transaction shit show.

Just fix what is broken and don't break what isn't simple as that.

Oh yeah my biggest wish... dedicated F'ing servers! These are just some of my basic thoughts I could talk for hours about this game but can't type it all out.


I just want a lot more areas to explore....Russia being the only place on the entire planet of earth and it was not that big. Just hoping for some more variety in locations and a lot more of them.
VV basically a C-tier dev. They did lots of ports. The project must be in trouble if they are throwing this many heads at it.
I just want a lot more areas to explore....Russia being the only place on the entire planet of earth and it was not that big. Just hoping for some more variety in locations and a lot more of them.

Plus make them feel more...."lived in" or ancient ruins deal. The way Old Russia was designed made very little sense.


I remember those days...


I hope they start giving us some detail on D2 soon. I'm guessing spring 18 as a release date.

There is no shot in hell it'll release in Spring. Holiday 17 for sure, there is no way they would miss that E3 presence.

Plus make them feel more...."lived in" or ancient ruins deal. The way Old Russia was designed made very little sense.

Being completely void of life didn't help either. The playspaces are eerily empty besides the constantly looping enemies.

If Activision really want Destiny to take offf they need to take PVP more seriously.

Yes, that means Dedicated servers for multiplayer.

At the moment Destiny has great PVP potential let down by terrible lag and red bar invincible warriors far too often. And lets not talk about the trials DDOSing.

Not to mention 60FPS, sane weapon balance, and a tick rate above 10 (seriously what the fuck).


If Activision really want Destiny to take offf they need to take PVP more seriously.

Yes, that means Dedicated servers for multiplayer.

At the moment Destiny has great PVP potential let down by terrible lag and red bar invincible warriors far too often. And lets not talk about the trials DDOSing.


Truthfully, I don't give a shit about the SP campaign and I would think most players who love Destiny feel the same way. I would much rather have them spend the extra manpower to deliver more compelling late game content like additional Raids.

Only a tiny percentage of players ever see raid content so it'd be silly of Bungie to neglect other more visible areas of which they'll be judged on by average joe.


Destiny is 1000% my game of the gen so far. Hopefully they've learned a lot from the mistakes they've made and they benefit a lot from the extra manpower. 2 could be incredible if so


Are they still on track for a 2017 release? With everything getting delayed these days, it feels for certain that it'll slide in to 2018. I would love to have it next year, but I'm not getting my hope up.
Destiny 2 launch version:

-more planets and mission than we have currently in Destiny year 3.
-same guardians but add 3 new classes.
-Keep the weapons we have now but add as many new ones.
-"unlimited" vault space. or next to it. you should have a hard time filling it anyway.
- Please have regular updates with you have idiots that cant adapt their style of play and complain its OP.


Destiny 2 is going to be one of the most ridiculously marketed games of all time, it will make Paul McCartney look like circus peanuts as advertising. I bet it will be more of an event than D1, and as much as I will try to resist the zeitgeist, it will probably get me
Yeah, but then AC4 was amazing.

This is an MMO, it needs mountains of content. People still criticize the first game for not having enough ready to go at launch. If they want to make this one more open world than the first game's areas, it's going to need an army of staff.

Right, I'm not saying it doesn't need a lot of people to work it; I was there day 1 and out by the end of the first month because of the lack of content on launch. All I'm saying is that I hope it's managed well. A mismanaged staff can make a project like this turn into a damn hydra of problems. Every time you think you squash one issue, two more take its place.

And believe me when I say I want nothing more than for D2 to be a brilliant success.

I totally disagree with you on AC4, but that's more preferences than anything else.
VV basically a C-tier dev. They did lots of ports. The project must be in trouble if they are throwing this many heads at it.

That's a negative and likely false way to look at it considering you don't know anything about the development process (yet). Its Far more likely Activision is going the call of duty route and having the satellite studios develop the expansion packs, multiplayer maps, etc rather than grunt working to get the game out on time. Throwing bodies at a project like this doesn't really fix a game that's behind schedule. With a game like this, they have to already start building what comes out 6 months after launch.


When's this supposed to drop, Holiday '17 bundled with Scorpio?
Not hardly. Sony's not letting this partnership go. It'll be bundled with the PRO at a discounted price. Then there's the PRO Destiny 2 LE that'll be driving folks wild. It will also include an exclusive Faction led by Eris Morn.


Only a tiny percentage of players ever see raid content so it'd be silly of Bungie to neglect other more visible areas of which they'll be judged on by average joe.

That is only one metric. I would venture to say that that relatively small percentage of players makes up for a significant portion of hours spent playing the game. The one thing we can all agree on is that the game did not become popular because of its SP content. All I am saying is that they can better spend their time on end game content like nightfall, MP and strikers.

For me personally the Raids are the best part about Destiny.


That is only one metric. I would venture to say that that relatively small percentage of players makes up for a significant portion of hours spent playing the game. The one thing we can all agree on is that the game did not become popular because of its SP content. All I am saying is that they can better spend their time on end game content like nightfall, MP and strikers.

For me personally the Raids are the best part about Destiny.

But they also need to ensure the journey to those activities is enjoyable. A lot of Destiny 1 players didn't last long due to how poor the game was at launch.


But they also need to ensure the journey to those activities is enjoyable. A lot of Destiny 1 players didn't last long due to how poor the game was at launch.

Yeah, it's a delicate balancing act. You want to push more people into the endgame with better single player content, but also make sure there's more to do at the endgame.


Destiny 2 is gonna come in hot is what this tells me. A year delay and still need to add several hundred more people to the project? Hmm.


I think PRO will be 30fps, Scorpio as well most likely, we don't have the final product so it's hard to tell which is one of the reasons I hope we do get a competent PC port.

That, KB/M and customizabilty.

You think that PS4/XBOne base will run less than 30fps? I find it highly unlikely. There's a big difference between frame drops in a third person RPG and frame drops in a first person shooter in terms of the potential to impact the player experience. Bungie is far too aware of how important framerate/pacing are to building the mechanics of a best-in-class shooter experience, frame drops below 30 would completely ruin the best selling point of the series. A sizable percentage of the player base doesn't even necessarily like Destiny as an overall experience, but they continue to play it every day purely because the gunplay is so high-quality vs other FPS games on the market. Doing anything to jeopardize that would be a massive mistake.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
2014: Destiny launch disaster
2015: Battlefront launch disaster
2016: Street fighter V launch disaster
2017: Destiny 2 launch disaster?


As someone with many hours in Destiny https://www.wastedondestiny.com/xbox/i drift 2 I have several basic thoughts and wants.

PC will be irrelevant I love PC as much as the next but it will be the playerbase with the shortest life IMO.

Unlike Titanfall or CoD, I think Destiny is the kind of game that could do really well on PC. Loot-driven multiplayer games are pretty popular on that platform and I imagine Activision will ensure Destiny 2 is as noob-friendly as possible to make it easy for PC players to jump on board.


Whether or not this reflects the critical quality of the game positively or not, Destiny 2 should be fucking gargantuan. It also won't have the same pesky limitations as the first game since it will not be a crossgen title. Destiny didn't interest me at all but I'm mildly intrigued now. Mildly. Blow me away Bungie, or just blow me.
jk I'm not mean



I know VV technically did do the Lion King game (whatever that is), but still, this seems like a bit of a dickish headline to write haha.


I put nearly 2000 hours between both XBO and PS4 Destiny characters but I really hope they make some solid changes to the mechanics. The controls and everything felt fantastic when it came out, but after TitanFall I can't go back. I lasted two matches last night in Iron Banner rift before I couldn't punish myself anymore. It just feels like mud in comparison.


But they also need to ensure the journey to those activities is enjoyable. A lot of Destiny 1 players didn't last long due to how poor the game was at launch.

It takes about 8hours to beat the single player portion of OG Destiny and get to level 20. I would say the experience was no worse than your average BF or low end COD, nonsensical FPS story. People online acted like the SP portion was a crime against humanity. The grind was a pain in the early days but it was a bonding experience/right of passage. Farming for engrams was what everyone did until the raid unlocked.

I am sure you remember this https://youtu.be/ozpAMtpz2nA?t=1m It was at this point that most people stopped playing the game. The endgame content was not particularly accessible to solo players and required a significant time investment.
While not fair to the teams, the rumored number of people working on this game is going to set some lofty expectations in terms of content by some.

I hope bringing in a third team ensures the original content will launch with the game if the rumors about that stuff being iffy were correct.


I put nearly 2000 hours between both XBO and PS4 Destiny characters but I really hope they make some solid changes to the mechanics. The controls and everything felt fantastic when it came out, but after TitanFall I can't go back. I lasted two matches last night in Iron Banner rift before I couldn't punish myself anymore. It just feels like mud in comparison.

While that's true (the speed) I get used to it quickly. I love the way Destiny feels. It's like comfort food. But I really hope they give us things to explore and not just RNG to chase in the sequel. The world could be really fun if you have a great lore spread out for the pve players, dedicated servers for the tryhar- I mean pvpers, and the raids are so freaking fantastic - I can hardly wait. About the same # of hours here, my youngest son JUST started playing with RoI, so he'll just be getting the hang of it in time for D2.

Bring it on. Come on Bungie blow us all away. Our bodies are ready.
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