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Vicarious Visions officially working on Destiny

My suspicion for a while has been that instead of reworking their allegedly inefficient game engine, Bungie has instead opted to brute force man hours into the development of Destiny 2 by hiring all of these extra hands. 2~3ish years is not enough time to completely overhaul their development tools and simultaneously build enough content for a sequel release.


I used to work right down the street from these guys in Albany, NY. I never even realized they were there until I drove past the large building the're and saw their name on the outside. Cool and good for them.

Granted I left in 2011, I still to this day didn't know about them being in Albany. Guess I wasn't very observant haha.
Hopefully destiny 2 has some goodd dynamic story content because the way the story was told in vanilla destiny bored me, similar to the division for me but I did get more time in the division than I did with destiny.
800 people at Bungie and we get some of the most barebones single player campaigns ever. It's beyond crazy.

I bet all they do is browse gaf and watch youtube all day. Not projecting at all.

You'd think if they did browse GAF then they would have added some much-requested stuff in their game lol.

Anyway, this definitely means we'll be getting Destiny 2 next year, right?


It will all be great until they decide that story needs to be cut down and stretched over 3years of DLC.


My suspicion for a while has been that instead of reworking their allegedly inefficient game engine, Bungie has instead opted to brute force man hours into the development of Destiny 2 by hiring all of these extra hands. 2~3ish years is not enough time to completely overhaul their development tools and simultaneously build enough content for a sequel release.
According to Shinobi they have been updated.


I'd rather them expand the SP/matchmade content. I never even found the time to do Wrath of the Machine (or whatever the RoI raid is called). Destiny's gunplay is killer, but if you don't have time to play several hours on end, you end up running out of things to do rather quickly.

I agree on Matchmade content. I am fine with a Halo Reach level campaign, which in my opinion was their weakest Halo campaign.


For all peoples moaning about the DLCs price, destinys dlcs offer far more value than any other FPS I have ever played.

And no, the original game was not going to ship with 3 raids etc. That was never the plan


You think that PS4/XBOne base will run less than 30fps? I find it highly unlikely. There's a big difference between frame drops in a third person RPG and frame drops in a first person shooter in terms of the potential to impact the player experience. Bungie is far too aware of how important framerate/pacing are to building the mechanics of a best-in-class shooter experience, frame drops below 30 would completely ruin the best selling point of the series. A sizable percentage of the player base doesn't even necessarily like Destiny as an overall experience, but they continue to play it every day purely because the gunplay is so high-quality vs other FPS games on the market. Doing anything to jeopardize that would be a massive mistake.


I said I don't believe it will be 60fps but 30fps. Where the hell did I say it would be less than 30?

Where did I mention 3rd person RPG?

I'm lost...

Who else is gonna teach you how to "Dougie" in space?



Neo Member
I'm of the firm belief that a good chunk of what made Destiny a shell of what was promised content-wise, as well as a mess story-wise, was the decision to have full last-gen support. It's purely conjecture, but I've always had the impression that the team couldn't get around a plethora a technical cul-de-sac's that meant they had to hastily cut out a bunch of content.

I'm quite optimistic about D2's chances just because of the fact that they're developing from the ground up (presumably) entirely for next-gen.


More people does not mean a bigger game.

Look at the first Destiny. It was a very shallow game until the expansion packs, the devs lied about features ('member being able to go everywhere at E3?), etc. I wouldn't be surprised if half of that workforce is just for art.

it's almost 2017 and people are still quoting out of context.

What he was talking about was real geometry and technically you could out there in that build. What ended up happening is no encounters were put there so it was softwalled away. There's no technical restriction or limitation from making that area he was talking about playable.

I'm of the firm belief that a good chunk of what made Destiny a shell of what was promised content-wise, as well as a mess story-wise, was the decision to have full last-gen support. It's purely conjecture, but I've always had the impression that the team couldn't get around a plethora a technical cul-de-sac's that meant they had to hastily cut out a bunch of content.

I'm quite optimistic about D2's chances just because of the fact that they're developing from the ground up (presumably) entirely for next-gen.

Destiny was built targeting the Xbox 360 from day 1. You have to remember they ramped it up in earnest right after Reach came out, so they had multiple years where the only viable systems on the market were the 360 and the PS3.

Anyway, they revealed in the BWU that High Moon made the Titan armor for the SRL update:

So my hunch is - much like other AAA games - they're collaborating with other devs on asset creation, because the only way to do that faster still is to throw more people at it.


I kinda wonder if there's something more.
Like Treyarch, Vicarious not only likes working on Nintendo products but also has direct/and great relationship with Nintendo.

So maybe they could also be handling a Switch version.

Not a chance in hell. That does have me thinking though. Imagine if cellular data was on par with wired internet and didn't have data caps. Imagine if something like the Switch could be set up to work on your cellular data too. Now imagine the possibilities. You could play Destiny for example and pick it up and go out and about while still playing online. It would be the ultimate connected gaming experience for a home console.

Never happen in a million years but it would be cool as hell wouldn't it?


My suspicion for a while has been that instead of reworking their allegedly inefficient game engine, Bungie has instead opted to brute force man hours into the development of Destiny 2 by hiring all of these extra hands. 2~3ish years is not enough time to completely overhaul their development tools and simultaneously build enough content for a sequel release.

Lol you act like there's no cut content. Destiny 1 was on a auto release schedule. All of the content till TTK was already in the original game, and I'm pretty sure RoI was supposed to be the actual first DLC release.

It sure as hell didn't need a full team behind it to release. D2 is still a continuation of the original story.


I'm guessing Destiny 2 isn't going to sell even half of what the first game did. They burned a lot of people with 1. I'm expecting a huge drop off for the second.


I'm guessing Destiny 2 isn't going to sell even half of what the first game did. They burned a lot of people with 1. I'm expecting a huge drop off for the second.

They still have like 8 million monthly users last I've heard. So I don't think it'll be that bad that, and they've got their rep back seeing as they've been supporting the game pretty good in most cases.


I'm guessing Destiny 2 isn't going to sell even half of what the first game did. They burned a lot of people with 1. I'm expecting a huge drop off for the second.

That is a very bad guess. If people were mad and quitting Destiny because they got burned at launch, the expansions would have been flops. (They weren't.)

I am expecting some drop-off in initial sales, but Destiny is a long tail game with a surprisingly loyal fanbase. Destiny 2 is very unlikely to be a flop.

E92 M3

In on day 1 collectors edition. Been playing since the beta - I love Destiny. Don't agree with how Bungie is handling PVP, but it's an extremely good game.


lol @ this

Lol you don't believe me ok.


11:30 or 11:00 which ever you prefer. Then go read up on what exactly happened to the story when it got rewritten. Because they sure as hell didn't start from scratch.

There also was the reddit leak that had happened months prior to the game coming out.

You need to read up on what happened to Destiny because it explains a lot.


Lol you don't believe me ok.


11:30 in that video clear proof of TTK dlc right there. Go read up on what exactly happened to the story when it got rewritten go check the reddit leak about the game you need to read up on what happened to this game because this shit goes deep.

Oh that again. This is about the fifth post I've made on it, but Bungie always makes geometry/areas first and figures out "where" they're at later and then populates them with encounters. That location wasn't where it is now when it was shown - the Dreadnaught only existed as ideas on paper and whiteboard. It wasn't held back for later DLC, it simply wasn't even ready to be in the game yet, where-ever it was going to be at the time.
Lol you don't believe me ok.


11:30 or 11:00 which ever you prefer. Then go read up on what exactly happened to the story when it got rewritten. Because they sure as hell didn't start from scratch.

There also was the reddit leak that had happened months prior to the game coming out.

You need to read up on what happened to Destiny because it explains a lot.

Your only half right and you should actually do some research. The two first dlc and Taken King did have some things cut from v destiny but it was mostly assets and small things. Luke Smith and many of the developers have commented on this many times even here on NeoGAF:


Taken king was a giant overworking of almost all the systems and as someone that did not care for v destiny to me personally made the game great. Since tk destiny has been the most fun I've had in gaming the raids are phenomal. Anyone complaining about medicore single player I feel bad for, cause the coop is amazing and if you got a good group of friends you will have a ball. If you don't coop or won't play with people destiny isn't gonna be for you. It has great pve and PvP but it's a multiplayer game through and through. I hope two makes a great single player/coop campaign and improves on what they learned here.


Your only half right and you should actually do some research. The two first dlc and Taken King did have some things cut from v destiny but it was mostly assets and small things. Luke Smith and many of the developers have commented on this many times even here on NeoGAF:

/ Rant

What were they supposed to say? Yeah, we gutted content, most of this was cut? People lie. Like that time Kinect was essential or the whole A:CM debacle.

I only see this type of naivety in gaming fans. 'Well, they said it wasn't that bad, so here you go, straight from the horse's mouth: it wasn't that bad'.

To quote George Costanza: "Where are you living? Are you here? Are you on this planet?" Nobody can and will admit to a fuckup unless they absolutely have to. They are probably contractually obligated not to. It's bad for publicity, it's bad for business and big money isn't made on honesty. Stop being so gullible. Stop enabling.

They gutted the original game and story and made a Frankenstein monster out of it.

/ End rant


/ Rant

They gutted the original game and story and made a Frankenstein monster out of it.

/ End rant

That monster is some of best gaming moments in history. And for keeping on insisting on what couldve been? I can quote you and ask if you are living on this planet, or in your imagination.

The Destiny we got, while couldve been more, was some of the best times many of (much more than dozens) had in our life.


For some reason it's harder for people to admit that the game literally just wasn't done at the time of release, even though it's the harsher reality. But I guess conspiracy theories and salacious made up "leaks" get more clicks and comments.


That monster is some of best gaming moments in history. And for keeping on insisting on what couldve been? I can quote you and ask if you are living on this planet, or in your imagination.

The Destiny we got, while couldve been more, was some of the best times many of (much more than dozens) had in our life.

But you see, I havent commented on the quailty of the Destiny we got, did I? Just that the content was probably cut and repurposed.

There's also no denying that vanilla Destiny 'story' was laughably bad and mission structure non-existent. The shooting is sublime though!


I've said it before, but I knew something was up when the parking lot on the weekend went from being a skeleton crew with a few cars there, to the whole damn lot being filled with cars on a Saturday.


Lol you act like there's no cut content. Destiny 1 was on a auto release schedule. All of the content till TTK was already in the original game, and I'm pretty sure RoI was supposed to be the actual first DLC release.

It sure as hell didn't need a full team behind it to release. D2 is still a continuation of the original story.
I can assure you this isn't true. Both Dark Below and House of Wolves were extremely time-consuming and painful for the developers, which is the main reason Bungie decided not to do DLCs after Taken King. It was just too hard. Dark Below, which was originally planned to have plenty of Peter Dinklage, was completely rebooted after vanilla Destiny shipped. There might have been a few shells of zones lingering in vanilla from previous plans, but the bulk of Dark Below's actual content was made in around 8-9 weeks of non-stop, grueling crunch by the dev team behind it. House of Wolves went through just as much iteration.


For everyone talking about the fact they are in the Albany area, there are actually quite a few game developers in the area. Nice people, although I havent talked to many lately.


That's a pretty accurate feeling; google The Mythical Man Month.

AAA development is... something.

Haha I literally came in to reply "adding programmers to a late project makes it later".

Fred Brooks figured this shit out 40 years ago. It's remarkable how backwards the game industry still is relative to most of the software industry.
Time for some bad with numbers out of my ass.

1000 People
3 Years of Development Time
$75k average Salary For Programmers, Artists, Gameplay Designers etc.

1,000 x $75,000 = $75 million budget per year
For 3 years = $225 million total.

Now granted they had some of the crew working on DLC for the last two years, and these other two studios only joined a year or so ago, it's still well over a $100 million budget. Insane.

Then you have to factor in the employer's Social Security withholding, the employer's contribution to health care and retirement plans, computers for each person, licenses for their software, rent for their offices, incidentals like on-site food and business trips...

The rough estimate I once heard is that an employee's salary is roughly half their cost to their employer.

Re: the number of people working on the project, 9 pregnant woman can't produce a baby in one month.
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