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VIDEO: Bikers attack Range Rover driver after he drives over them during a rally(NY)

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wow, thats nuts.

I thought it was the white suv that ran the guy over though.. Hmm..

Never seen so many "Sports" bikers before together like that.
Its usually the "Bikie Gang" type ones


Uh huh. Your initial 'recap' completely ignore the fact that the driver of the RR got forced to stop and was surrounded by the bikers in the middle of the highway. Your next recap stated that the bikers likely wanted to just talk/yell at the RR driver. Then you said you 'heard a rumor' that no car denting or tire slashing occurred at the original gang up. Now some car shaking may have occurred and the tires blew from damage caused by driving over one of the bikes (analysis from bikers who were allowed to inspect the RR apparently) What is the next rumor you might hear? Biker accidentally hit the car with his helmet as he was taking it off?

These bikers are for all intents and purposes, a biker gang. They were driving around the city with their license plates removed, causing all kinds of mayhem. It's obvious to anyone what occurred here. Every excuse I have heard sounds like it's coming from a child caught doing something bad.

The story has not actually changed much since the initial report/video. What has changed? Officially, not from the rumors you hear.

Honestly I do believe this is gang violence. as everyone else stated the proof is in the pudding of that video. That video encriminates a bunch of bikers coupled with a editing cut that begins and ends at times when the rider was probably thinking that it would only show the adverse reactions of the RR driver and family. What we do not know is what started it, and what transpired during the initial stop and run over. As I stated, its speculation. Its rumor. And it is what I have said with every post. I was not there nor do I know anyone that was there. My only source is a friend, who has a friend that was there, but was not in this group of riders, as there were hundreds of riders all over the city.

To me its a puzzle, a investigation of sorts. It intrigues me of what the mindset would be for all parties.

It should also be noted that even if the rumor was true, I feel the driver was still vindicated in his actions. I would of chose a different response, but who knows what any of us would do in those circumstances.

Not sure how any of my posts in this matter, have rubbed people the wrong way. All I have done since the beginning was try and bring a different perspective to it, one of which hasnt really been reported, and offer my own personal opinions as well to the discussion... isnt that what forums are for?


Are there not police in New York? I don't understand how these bikers can get away with riding like this regularly.

There are cops, actually a decent amount out and about, but I have rarely seen a car pulled over for breaking the rules of the road. I shouldn't say rarely, the cops use the corner of my street as a trap whenever they need to give out tickets. I see people on a daily basis doing stupid shit with their car, but the police never seem to pull them over, just the people taking a left onto a street that they should be allowed to take a left onto.

You don't normally see roving biker gangs anywhere in NYC. It was an unsanctioned event, but it most certainly was planned.

Not sure how any of my posts in this matter, have rubbed people the wrong way. All I have done since the beginning was try and bring a different perspective to it, one of which hasnt really been reported, and offer my own personal opinions as well to the discussion... isnt that what forums are for?

You've stated from the get go that your info is rumor, you're all good. You having been part of that scene, I understand why you would like to think of bikers as assholes. You still have friends that participate in those things, it makes sense that you wouldn't want to portray them in that manner.


New rumor... could be tales from my ass:

After Cruz was struck when brake checking the RR, everything stopped including RR and all other bikers. Cruz was slow to get up, and Meezee got off of his bike in front of the RR to check on cruz. At this point the other riders, still pointing swearing and 1 rider began shaking/ rocking said RR. At which point the Driver chose flight in the face of a mob brewing. This choice had a very severe aftermath. Not only did he run over Meezee, but it was also the bike in which he ran over that ultimately caused the tire to deflate and peel off after 100 mph speeds and 50 blocks later. At no point did the bikers "slash tires" .

I'm just going to take this as bs and go with the NYPD report. How long did it take them to come up with this story?
I'm just going to take this as bs and go with the NYPD report. How long did it take them to come up with this story?

None of the new articles cite reports. They take quotes from Police who have said they're still investigating. Even those quotes use words like "apparently" which signify that even the Police aren't positive at this point that things happened the way they've been told.

It's an emerging story with conflicting reports and Bowlers posts have all be clearly labeled as rumors he's heard from people who heard from people. I understand that people are upset but Bowler shouldn't be the target of that aggression.
No respect for a child, absolute pathetic behavior. Pretty big man to brake check whilst roaming the highway with 30 comrades. Bunch o' cowards trying to act like Tig and Chibs, this isn't SOA ye twits.
The guy who braked in front of the Range Rover was a moron.

The guy inside who tried to run them all over was an even bigger moron.

Such a stupid thing to do, even if he was feeling intimidated, to escalate it like that and risk killing someone, if I'd been on one of the bikes I'd have given chase.


The suv driver got off pretty light. Looked like brake check guy and suv guy were exchanging words before the brake check guy got hit. Idiots will be idiots. They were probably having exchanges before the video started. If someone cut me off like the biker did I would have braked. SUV guy didn't even brake


Did the SUV family call the cops at any point?

Yes. But at what point is speculation. I would of been on the phone with a 911 the whole time. No 911 dispatch (all recorded) has been released, which is further adding to the mystery


I have no idea how anyone can justify supporting the bikers based on the YouTube video. It's hardly surprising if the SUV driver freaked out with that number of bikers swarming around the vehicle.
The amount of people on this thread ready to kill because... "well, fear for my life"... WOW, frightening!

Bunch of Truman and Zimmernan lookalike all over here...

If I understand, the ONLY reason none of you didn't already kill somebody is just because you still didn't find, yet, a reason do to so, right?

Again, frightening...

I would not hesitate to end you if you were part of a gang of 30+ people that were surrounding my vehicle while my wife and kid were in the car. I'd do it twice.

Now I don't know all the facts. I just saw the video and I would have done the same thing given the information I have at hand.
Was there a longer video showing this? It's an ignorant assumption either way.

Yeah. It's in the first video link. The bikers come up on the car, the biker cuts over in front of him, intentionally breaks hard while looking back. Honestly, what did the biker expect?

Let's assume that the guy in the Range Rover is driving like an "asshole" before the video starts. That could mean any number of things. Hell, the guy could have almost hit one of the bikers right before this on accident. It still doesn't give that first asshole the right to purposely try to get hit by the car.


Lack of context in the video, and no-one deserves to get run down like that.

However, going by the information presented (riding style, lack of plates), I would say the driver is far more likely to be in "the right" here. It doesn't look to me like the rider was brake checking, rather that he simply rolled off the throttle (which was even stupider as there would be no brake light showing, and engine braking is pretty strong).

As a biker this kind of behaviour really is reprehensible and does nothing to improve motorcyclists in the eyes of the general public.
When any of you have a wife and a 2 year old in a car and you are intimidated , let me know if you stop or try to run next time eh?

Bikers are at fault here pure and simple

They were there illegally many had no plates


Lack of context in the video, and no-one deserves to get run down like that.

However, going by the information presented (riding style, lack of plates), I would say the driver is far more likely to be in "the right" here. It doesn't look to me like the rider was brake checking, rather that he simply rolled off the throttle (which was even stupider as there would be no brake light showing, and engine braking is pretty strong).

As a biker this kind of behaviour really is reprehensible and does nothing to improve motorcyclists in the eyes of the general public.

I'm not sure there is any way the public perception of biker gangs can be improved, but it's also pretty silly to think that everyone that rides a motorcycle belongs to a biker gang. I would like to see more people using motorcycles here in NYC. One more person on a bike is one less car stuck in traffic. The number of people who should not be driving in NYC is immeasurable, that sort of presents a danger if there were more people on the road, but then again, less cars.


I'm not sure there is any way the public perception of biker gangs can be improved, but it's also pretty silly to think that everyone that rides a motorcycle belongs to a biker gang. I would like to see more people using motorcycles here in NYC. One more person on a bike is one less car stuck in traffic. The number of people who should not be driving in NYC is immeasurable, that sort of presents a danger if there were more people on the road, but then again, less cars.

Unfortunately here in the EU there seems to be a lot of legislation being proposed to actively discourage motorcycle use. When the general public hears of events like this they are less likely to vote with any concern to riding. We recently had a road in London near my office ban motorcycles entirely, due to a minority of idiots using it like a drag strip (outside a hospital no less), which has the knock on effect that I can no longer use it.

My mind boggles at this incident anyway, riding is dangerous so why these people decided to put themselves in that situation I'll never understand. The attack on the driver was pure blindness to the cause of the incident in the first place, these people are always blameless victims of other road users in their eyes. I think the fact that one of them used their helmet to break the window (thus rendering the helmet useless in a future crash) shows the intelligence of this lot.


Those freakn pictures of the RR driver being beaten up.. unforgivable.

I cannot express my anger towards the bikers involved. I really hope they continue to get what they deserved.

Man... Had that been me in the RR with my family, I wouldnt have hesitated to hit each of them, literally be driving away and ramming anything in front of me or on the side of me. At that time it's my family or them and I sure as heck will do ANYTHING to protect my family,

And bowler you're crazy for posting those stupid ass rumors. I would love to ride and have been wanting a bike so bad. I understand you dont want bikers generalized but you're rumor posting bs is ridiculous. Friend of a friend? lol please spare of the updates.

Be a rider and understand that like any other 'group' they all tend to get generalized. I have more respect for the riders in this thread who give no sympathy for the riders in the videos vs someone trying to post rumors because it tells both sides of the story.

For his wife and kid to have to witness such a thing.. I could never understand. I hope the biker who got paralyzed enjoys his shitty life moving forward, him, his friends and his family. Fuck them. I dont care if he was helpign a biker who got hit from behind for brake checking. We all saw the brake check and we all know the RR wasnt driving at even 10MPH when he bumped him so why the fuck would you care that your friend fell off the bike and had to help him? The car was driving slow as fuck.

Sorry for the cursing, just couldnt believe the updated pictures and videos that are surfacing. Any family person shoudl be fuming.


Those freakn pictures of the RR driver being beaten up.. unforgivable.

I cannot express my anger towards the bikers involved. I really hope they continue to get what they deserved.

Man... Had that been me in the RR with my family, I wouldnt have hesitated to hit each of them, literally be driving away and ramming anything in front of me or on the side of me. At that time it's my family or them and I sure as heck will do ANYTHING to protect my family,

And bowler you're crazy for posting those stupid ass rumors. I would love to ride and have been wanting a bike so bad. I understand you dont want bikers generalized but you're rumor posting bs is ridiculous. Friend of a friend? lol please spare of the updates.

Be a rider and understand that like any other 'group' they all tend to get generalized. I have more respect for the riders in this thread who give no sympathy for the riders in the videos vs someone trying to post rumors because it tells both sides of the story.

For his wife and kid to have to witness such a thing.. I could never understand. I hope the biker who got paralyzed enjoys his shitty life moving forward, him, his friends and his family. Fuck them. I dont care if he was helpign a biker who got hit from behind for brake checking. We all saw the brake check and we all know the RR wasnt driving at even 10MPH when he bumped him so why the fuck would you care that your friend fell off the bike and had to help him? The car was driving slow as fuck.

Sorry for the cursing, just couldnt believe the updated pictures and videos that are surfacing. Any family person shoudl be fuming.

Any decent human being should be fuming. Like I said there is no context as to why they were crowding this person (though given the information presented it's likely they were intimidating this driver for "fun" beforehand), but that kind of reaction is disproportionate and not what is done in civilized society.

Stay and help the guy who has been injured, sure, if you must follow the driver (safely) so you can provide details to the police (which I'm sure is the reason they will give), sure. But handing out mob justice like that is not justified, even if they had just been cruising along and the RR had slammed into them deliberately.


Any decent human being should be fuming. Like I said there is no context as to why they were crowding this person (though given the information presented it's likely they were intimidating this driver for "fun" beforehand), but that kind of reaction is disproportionate and not what is done in civilized society.

Stay and help the guy who has been injured, sure, if you must follow the driver (safely) so you can provide details to the police (which I'm sure is the reason they will give), sure. But handing out mob justice like that is not justified, even if they had just been cruising along and the RR had slammed into them deliberately.

I agree. I'm pretty understanding of situations but even if I were part of the biker mob I REALLY think I would have tried to intervene when they stopped the RR. I just couldnt sit back and let that happen even if he hit them. I'd know logically we have the SUV outnumbered, he has his fam, and I'm with some crazy ass bikers who might not give a fk. So I would have wanted to back the family up even if I were part of the biker mob.

The fact that these guys are all recording it is despicable. I hope some of them step up and NOT because they were caught up on tape, but because it's the right thign to do.


Any decent human being should be fuming. Like I said there is no context as to why they were crowding this person (though given the information presented it's likely they were intimidating this driver for "fun" beforehand), but that kind of reaction is disproportionate and not what is done in civilized society.

Stay and help the guy who has been injured, sure, if you must follow the driver (safely) so you can provide details to the police (which I'm sure is the reason they will give), sure. But handing out mob justice like that is not justified, even if they had just been cruising along and the RR had slammed into them deliberately.



Looks like NYPD arrested the guy who smashed the window of the SUV on Saturday night:

The crazed biker who was caught on video using his motorcycle helmet to smash an SUV’s side window on the Henry Hudson Parkway was arrested Saturday night, authorities said.

Reggie Chance, 37, was cuffed in his alleged role in the brutal beatdown of Alexian Lien, who was pulled out of his Range Rover after a wild chase into upper Manhattan.
Chance, of Brooklyn, was charged with assault, gang assault and criminal mischief in the Sept. 29 attack. He is expected to be arraigned Sunday

Link: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york...d-beating-desk-duty-sources-article-1.1477174


Christoper Cruz says the accident that he caused sparking this rampage was a big misunderstanding in this Good Morning America interview I think he is completely full of it. This is what is wrong with society today no one takes the blame for anything.


guy is so full of shit. you can see it in his demeanor when he talks. he looks down with he answers the questions, you can see he doesn't believe what he's saying.



Jay Fray

You can see his fucking brake light turn on in the video. Fucking punk coward.

He might be telling the truth, it's hard to tell. Regardless of whether he was braking or not, anyone whose ridden a motorcycle knows that the minute you release the throttle the engine alone will act as enough of a brake to lead to what happened. It would make more sense as to why Lien didn't really brake either.

I'm not sure how the lane change/looking for friends story is supposed to help him. That would just further prove he's a reckless rider and a danger to other vehicles on the road.
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