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What are your expectations for Horizon Zero Dawn?


For me it's all going to depend on the quality of the quests. Core gameplay looks great but if I'm doing the same thing over and over like MGSV then I'm going to be bored shitless.
I've said Far Cry (3-4) in here myself but not as a mark against the game, it's just what it reminds me of at it's base. It's obviously a lot different and more complex but it's a good starting to point to articulate what it looks like to me.

Fair enough, at least you're not generalising and acknowledge the differences.

Not that the concern trolling and what not against Horizon isn't irritating, but bemoaning that it doesn't seem to happen as often to other games releasing in the same window seems weird...

That being said, for the longest time people had doubts over stuff like there being proper dungeons or even towns in Zelda, if that counts lol

That is not what I meant. I was asking if Horizon is the only game out of the three that's unusually being compared to Far Cry.

If you haven't noticed, I'm not a fan of comparisons that are made on assumptions or industry wide similarities.


It's really surprising how the attitude towards this game has shifted over last the 6 months. All this speculation is really meaningless though. Reviews(more precisely Metacritic) will make or break the game.

Yeah the reviews will make or break it for some on the net, my mind is is set.
I keep hearing GG has yet to make a great game, did KZ2 exist in the alternate universe? You may not subjectively like it but it is one of the highest rated games of last gen.
I keep hearing GG has yet to make a great game, did KZ2 exist in the alternate universe? You may not subjectively like it but it is one of the highest rated games of last gen.

KZ2's strengths were its multiplayer not its single-player campaign. It's like expecting DICE to make a really great single-player RPG with a strong narrative and characters when everything in the past has shown them incapable of this.


SuperÑ;230002837 said:
Guerrillas Far Cry Primal clone with mech dinos.



I can relate to this somewhat, as I'm bigger on games like Bloodborne, TLG and Nioh than I am on their western output as well (not counting smaller gems like Resogun).
That said, I do think the combat in this game - which looks like the core loop - looks a good deal better than the stuff you find in similar games. My hope is that a good gameplay loop is tied to an interesting world, which would be enough for me. We'll see.

I haven't tried the gameplay. I do agree its looks a little more interesting than usual, but I'd have to try it before deciding. I've also never enjoyed a game from Gorilla, KZ doesn't do a thing for me, so I don't have much faith in their ability to make a game I find compelling to play.

I should also mention that I completely agree about the smaller stuff. Resogun, Helldivers et al., are just great.

If you are not into Open World RPG's, how would you know what an "mediocre/bad/good" one looks like?

I didn't say I wasn't into open world RPGs...I said that these dev houses don't cater to my tastes. As far as I know, this and Infamous are the only open world things made by Sony.
For me it's all going to depend on the quality of the quests. Core gameplay looks great but if I'm doing the same thing over and over like MGSV then I'm going to be bored shitless.
Doing the same thing over and over is the core gameplay of any and every game

I dont get that comment

In any shooter, what adds variety is level/arena design, the mix of enemies, and the weapons/tools you have. The core gameplay - shooting and fighting things - isnt going to change.
Nothing more annoying than muh far cry primal with robo dinos game - comments.

I expect this game to be GOTY material, though it'll probably lose to breath of the wild because nintendo is giving us the second coming of jesus in open world- game form, as many people on gaf are preaching about.


Fair enough, at least you're not generalising and acknowledge the differences. ...

Talking about Generalising and acknowledging differences
SuperÑ;230002837 said:
Guerrillas Far Cry Primal clone with mech dinos.

For me it's all going to depend on the quality of the quests. Core gameplay looks great but if I'm doing the same thing over and over like MGSV then I'm going to be bored shitless.
We already know it's not going to be an endless bunch of fetch/ infiltrate/ kill quests beaide the main story, if only due to dungeons/ caves and light platforming/ puzzles.
Having story / quests designers from New Vegas and W3 should also give us a little more ambition/ hope than that imo.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I'm expecting it to scratch some of the same itches Witcher 3 did. I'm not expecting the same deep RPG universe or the amount of characters and story, but I do expect interesting and rewarding exploration, character building, interesting combat and playing around with tactics and loadouts.

F*ck the haters of Witcher 3 combat, by the way, that game offered loads of awesome strategies and on higher dificulties tense standdowns. Horizon looks to deliver even more spectacular combat. And I love the fact there's a big role for longbows. Archery in games (and real life) is good fun.


Neo Member
KZ2 campaign and MP was so-so, just like the rest of the kill zone series.

However, it feels like the studio have needed to refresh on a new project for a while and Horizon looks like it's shaping up to be something awesome.
Nothing more annoying than muh far cry primal with robo dinos game - comments.

As much as some people are trying to make that into a bad thing, I'm not seeing it that way because Far Cry 3, 4 and Primal are great games, so if part of Horizon plays like them, along side it's RPG elements and robot dino's, it should make it an awesome game.
KZ2's campaign was in the top 3 fps campaigns all of last gen. It was a masterpiece.

Outside of the art direction what was good about the campaign? It had dull as hell encounter and level design, bad story and the wack input lag put a big damper on the gunplay. It was basically a CoD campaign with better production values. Multuplayer is where the game shined, and that was in spite of the god awful lag.


Moderate. Graphics look stunning, animations are great and the combat is decent, but this game reminds me Ubisoft open world games, with mediocre sidequests and boring stuff to do.
Outside of the art direction what was good about the campaign? It had dull as hell encounter and level design, bad story and the wack input lag put a big damper on the gunplay. It was basically a CoD campaign with better production values. Multuplayer is where the game shined, and that was in spite of the god awful lag.
Intense combat that delivered a sense of large-scale sci-fi war very well, solid AI, weapons and shooting that feel powerful and responsive af with fantastic hit reactions
The Order 1886 - 2

Pretty Graphics but then when everyone is done with the campaign its going to be lining the used bins at Gamestop

Game will be 10 bucks in a PS+ sale next year.

The Lamp

I was expecting a high budget open world action game.

Then that amazingly stupid scene with voice acting came out and I was convinced they have no idea what they're doing.

I'm still picking it up but I expect a mess now.


It will do well commercially and critically. I'll play it and enjoy it when I finally decide what 4K TV I'm getting.

But tbh, I'm still more excited for the review thread.
Metacritic of 83 - 85 which is good enough for me to thoroughly enjoy. Really don't care about the score because what I've seen so far has warranted my preorder. I think it will be a great foundation for a new series.


a mix of shadow of mordor + monster hunter + skyrim?

Aloy is not too much like Conor from AC3
atmospheres match Skyrim (probably not)
Submissions are not repetitive, but if they are, they have a nice hook
there are not any follow missions

Guerrilla put skin in the game, so will I with day one support relatively to their cost my is low

i'm not hearing the 'don't preorder or you'll regret it shit'

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I have tempered expectations like I would for any new IP. Will wait for reviews and impressions in here, with a focus on how decent the story and characters are and how good the open world exploration is as those make or break these type of games for me.

I won't get to it for a while in any case as I'm skipping it initially since Zelda/Switch are out a few days later and Mass Effect (assuming it is worthy of the series) is my most anticipated game of the year and out a few weeks after that.
I dont like the serious tone and cinematic approach of Sony's AAA first party output (except for the Last of Us), dont like prevoius games of Guerrila either. And I don't like current open world game desing, so, besides it protagonist and overall aesthetic, it is a bit meh to me.

Waitin for reviews and a discount.


KZ2's campaign was in the top 3 fps campaigns all of last gen. It was a masterpiece.

What am I reading? Did you only play 3 FPS's last gen? KZ2 had top tier MP, like the best MP Sony has ever made alongside TLOU but it's campaign was mediocre as fuck.

In response to OP, I think it'll be the next big thing for PlayStation.


Guerrilla Games can't make a good game even if their lives depended on it. So I'm expecting a mediocre game with pretty graphics.
All the previews have seem incredibly positive, i'm betting Metacritic of at least 90.

They hired individuals with backgrounds in RPG (Witcher 3, Fallout) so the story and missions should be fleshed out...

Sometimes RPGs can be too long which can detract away from the experience but I'm guessing this game is around 30-40 hours for a playthrough of the campaign...
I think people are going to be surprised by how it's way more Monster Hunter than any other open world adventures. This will either turn people off, or make them appreciate Monster Hunter more.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Despite all of the positivity surrounding the event, I came away less enthused by Horizon. Was actively hoping it didn't fall into the Ubi/Mordor open world trap(and it may not), but the sheer amount of comparisons stymied my desire to pre-order.

And I like those games! Just really still hoping for a bit more uniqueness and I wasn't quite seeing it in the footage. At least to convince me to wait for a discount over day 1 until final impressions and reviews emerge.

I think people are going to be surprised by how it's way more Monster Hunter than any other open world adventures. This will either turn people off, or make them appreciate Monster Hunter more.

As a Monster Hunter fan, I would like this. Just need to see some actual evidence.
Pretty game with repetitive mission design, wrapped up in a trite story with laughable dialogue. Decent combat for 5 hours.

So basically I'm expecting Mafia 3 gameplay wise without the good story or dialogue.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
It's a stupid reason for any one using it. What Ready At Dawn or Hello Games did is completely irrelevant to what Guerrilla Games or Japan Studio will produce. And if someone is using that extremely flawed reasoning there has been more good than bad, especially recently.

In your opinion it's stupid. But I personally can understand why someone would be wary. Which is all I was originally saying.

James Sawyer Ford seemed to be insinuating that we should all take part in a circle jerk.

I merely suggested why I thought someone wouldn't.
Despite all of the positivity surrounding the event, I came away less enthused by Horizon. Was actively hoping it didn't fall into the Ubi/Mordor open world trap(and it may not), but the sheer amount of comparisons stymied my desire to pre-order.

And I like those games! Just really still hoping for a bit more uniqueness and I wasn't quite seeing it in the footage. At least to convince me to wait for a discount over day 1 until final impressions and reviews emerge.

As a Monster Hunter fan, I would like this. Just need to see some actual evidence.

Majority of those comparisons are from people who haven't played it and have only watched stuff and taken stuff previewers have said out of context. Most things that they have compared with Far Cry are also things that are in RPGs such as Witcher 3, Final Fantasy XV and Skyrim, and most of that is on the crafting side and the way you can find points of interest (what people call Ubisoft Towers are functionally identical to Restaurants in FFXV and Notice Boards in Witcher 3). There isn't really anything else comparable to Far Cry beyond that. I mean, the closest the core gameplay loop comes to is Vanquish more than anything.
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