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What do you think of the people who use the pejorative "SJW?"

Only one side is supporting a fascist president. So...

I don't say they're Nazis, but I have no problem calling out bigoted horseshit.

I mean in discussions in general and a lot longer then the last year.

Trump is just the byproduct of a the level of discourse that has been slowly brewing for a decade and "SJW" is a good example of how shit tier things have gotten.


I mean in discussions in general and a lot longer then the last year.

Trump is just the byproduct of a the level of discourse that has been slowly brewing for a decade and "SJW" is a good example of how shit tier things have gotten.
The internet was a mistake.
Because each of those terms is indicative of a distinctively anti-intellectual undercurrent that frequently characterises internet conversations.

Using the terms 'problematic' or 'toxic' bears just as much resemblance to drive-by shitposting as the term 'SJW' does. All of terms basically amount to 'I don't like/agree with this person but I can't be bothered to or lack the capacity to explain why'.

Problematic and toxic can be used mindlessly yes, but usually, people qualify their use of these terms. How often do you see people just blanket label something as toxic and not elaborate? For as many people as who do that, there are many, many more who use the term SJW without thinking about what it even means.


Like 90% of the time they're morons if they're using it unironically.

The other 10% aren't, but they either hang around morons and picked it up from them (i.e. people who aren't racist or whatever, but discovered the term by watching H3H3 or something, I have indeed met people like this), or they're just really behind on terminology and don't recognize that it's been co-opted by the alt-right.

Then there are people who use it ironically to refer to themselves.
I do this on another website where "anti-SJW," people are prevalent.
The internet was a mistake.

Pretty much. Once the internet got huge, suddenly the shitty internet level of discussion became THE level of discussion and now we as a people are kinda screwed and heading towards a dark age if someone doesnt nuke the atmosphere first.

So.... yeah.

Now all discussion sucks. We as a people suck. Lets all start prepping for the dark times ahead!


I feel like i missed the boat on ever using it. I have totally met people who fall under the original intent of the term (at least as far as I understand it), but that was mainly in college and the term wasn't used back then. Now its meaning has changed and it's used almost exclusively by the alt-right.

As an example, in college, there were protests constantly and the people protesting were straight up fucking idiots. They could never keep their message straight and would just throw whatever cause they believed in all into a pot to the point where they were no longer talking about anything. A good example was when there was a protest against ROTC for having a Don't Ask Don't Tell policy despite all other school groups not being allowed to have such blatant discrimination. A perfectly valid complaint....Quickly devolved into an anti-war protest. A friend wore a ROTC shirt and somebody threw something at her saying, "get out of Iraq!" As if she was there, started the war, supported the war, fucking anything. She just wanted to get through school. Those dumb fucks I would have called SJWs.

Also, lol at people saying, MLK was an SJW and it's a term of pride. Remind me never to respond to you with sarcasm or irony.


They're sometimes the same people who may move from Miami to Seattle, and suddenly find themselves having to be more aware of their language. The term 'SJW' has a particular dynamic that makes it somewhat unique, but usage is not entirely dissimilar from the pejorative use of words like gay, retarded, and others along those lines. Widely stigmatized, especially in more liberal areas (rightly so), but still has a lot of cultural currency.

SJW is just widespread enough that it can exist in a space outside both liberal and alt-right bubbles. There are plenty of people who use it casually, without the level of meaning those groups tend to infuse into it. So when I see someone use SJW, assuming a relatively innocent context, my most comfortable assumption is that they're uneducated on the full dynamics surrounding the term.

And I'm coming from a place where I can relate to that. I started browsing Tumblr because I was interested in their social justice communities, and bounced after I got tired of all the vitriol. I did a Google search on the phenomenon of childish Tumblr leftists, and soon after was introduced to the term SJW. At the time, it seemed quite fitting. Eventually, I saw that some of the people using it were garbage human beings, and I dropped it from my vocabulary.
White Knight is great as like cuck it shows more about the person using than the person they were trying to insult.

They literally cannot understand that it is possible to see women as anything other than fucktoys so if you are defending a woman it is obviously because you want to have sex with her, there is no other reason. There can't be.

White knight might actually be worse

Story Time. Shuttle to university a town over here in Canada. My friend and I are talking about various topics and stumble on abortion since its a hot topic on unversity (we have groups aligned to both sides who also set up demonstrations). My opinion was that even taking into account the death of a fetus (just for arguments sake) it should still be up to the woman as children can bring financial ruin to a young parent for example. My friend said that though personally he was against abortion, he said it should still be legal and that his personal stance didnt reflect many other peoples. the "white knight" sitting in front of us turns around and begins going on about how my friend is a horrible human being who hates woman. We try to explain my friends stance better in order to establish a friendly debate but this guy just goes on and on about were just evil. He then later takes photos of each of us without our consent (We presume to use as blackmail? idfk).

I did talk to one of the governors of the university who told me if he ever heard the student trying to blackmail us said student would be expelled instantly as thats a form of bullying so we at least got that. But yeah, that dude is who I would call a white knight
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