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Whitehouse issues statement after Breitbart (Bannon) goes to war with McMasters


The attacks have come in the form of simultaneously saying McMasters is anti-Israel and saying he's controlled by Jews.


Trump defends McMaster from far-right snipers

Terse statement follows attacks from bloggers and Breitbart and firings of three White House officials known to be allies of senior adviser Steve Bannon

Donald Trump has come to the defense of his national security advisor, HR McMaster, in the face of a sustained attack on the army general from the far right.

The president put out a short statement on Friday night which described McMaster as a “good man”, and said they were “working very well together”. But by Trump’s standards it was a terse statement, unlikely to stem the flow of invective from the president’s own hardline supporters or resolve the factional conflict inside the White House.

Many of the attacks have come through the Breitbart News website, which was run until last August by Trump’s in-house ideologue, Stephen Bannon. Breitbart stories described McMaster as “increasingly volatile” and said he “frequent blows his top”. Another headline said he was “deeply hostile to Israel and to Trump”.

The Trump statement, provided to White House reporters on Friday night, said: “General McMaster and I are working very well together. He is a good man and very pro-Israel. I am grateful for the work he continues to do serving our country.”

Breitbart’s report on Trump’s statement said the president had “defied his base” in defending his national security adviser, who it described as “globalist”, an insult from the point of view of the “alt-right”.

The anti-McMaster campaign was ignited by the firing of three White House officials known to be allies of Bannon and McMaster’s predecessor as national security advisor, retired general Michael Flynn.

Mike Cernovich, a far-right blogger who promoted conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton during the campaign, posted an antisemitic cartoon showing McMaster as a puppet having his strings pulled by George Soros, a liberal Jewish philanthropist, who was in turn being controlled by another hand labelled “Rothschilds”.

The cartoon was later amended to crop out the Rothschilds hand.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
John Kelly: I will insure that the in-fighting is put to an end!
Kelly: God damn it...


Sounds similar to what happened when Jared took on a bigger role and McMasters booted Bannon from the NSA. Sounds like he's losing grip on whatever power he had left.
Could this be the end of Bannon? He and Sessions (who Trump also seems to dislike!) seem to be the worst of the administration - the rest are just annoying conservatives whose shenanigans can be fixed by the next government.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
Could this be the end of Bannon? He and Sessions (who Trump also seems to dislike!) seem to be the worst of the administration - the rest are just annoying conservatives whose shenanigans can be fixed by the next government.

This feels like his last stand.
I wonder how much time Bannon has left. Him and McMaster don't get along and I'm sure Kelly will side with McMaster before he does Bannon.

Like the poster above said if Bannon is kicked out I expect to see a whole bunch of alt-right meltdowns on twitter and articles about if Trump "has been cucked or something along those lines.
I really don't understand why outlets like Breitbart are allowed to operate. I understand the first amendment and its purpose but Breitbart isn't a news organization, it's a hate group masquerading as one.


I really don't understand why outlets like Breitbart are allowed to operate. I understand the first amendment and its purpose but Breitbart isn't a news organization, it's a hate group masquerading as one.

Hate groups are allowed to operate. They are protected by the samw 1st Amendment.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
Bannon being fired would be a great thing for Trump to hear during his vacation...

It would be great for us too because a) Bannon is vile and b) the alt right morons would lose their minds.


It's hard to say really. A lot of people thought Bannon was getting the boot when he got kicked off the NSA and started going after Jared. Trump isn't a smart man at all, but he knows that a lot of the passion of his base, and the nastiest part of it, comes from the fires that Bannon helped to stoke. If he goes, it'll be a firestorm for some of his fiercest supporters. I think that's one of the reasons he's been keep on this long, but Trump seems to be giving Kelly a lot more rope than he has anyone else, so I don't know, definitely feels like a big clash is coming.
Hate groups are allowed to operate. They are protected by the samw 1st Amendment.
And I don't understand why that is. I get slippery slopes and all that but they don't contribute anything to society that deserves such protection. As a minority they impact my safety and quality of life, where is my protection from them?


I wonder who leaked the info to Breitbart for their article? Hmm.. Hmmmmm...

(deep breath) HHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm....

Hasn't Breitbart been falling apart ever since Trump won? I remember reading they have very little in ad revenue because barely anyone wants to associate with fascists and Neo-Nazis. If Bannon gets sacked he doesn't have much left.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Trump doesn't seem to have a real understanding of who he's surrounded by,and weirder still, who he needs to keep close and who he owes what to.

The people he's alienating have tons of dirt on him yet he literally seems to forget that - or maybe more likely he thinks he can survive anything they or the Russians expose him for.

I count six main camps:

Kushner and the family (even that seems fractious)

The Russians

The Senate


McMasters and Kelly (the adults?)

Bannon and Miller and the Nazis.

And that ignores the red hat MAGA mouth breathers and the Mueller investigation. He can't juggle one ball at a time let alone these disparate groups friends and enemies- and he's shown time and time again that he can't maintain tweet or interview discipline at all. He won't make it more than a couple of days without self-harming again.

He's also demonstrated to Flynn and Manafort et al that he will not be loyal. Everyone is probably looking for a deal with the FBI now.

And two decades of financial impropriety seems certain to surface now.

It's going to explode.
Without Bannon and Breitbart, alt-right will stop supporting their God Emperor and will find a different fascist overlord to suck dick.

If Trump fires Bannon, r/t_d is done.


Hasn't Breitbart been falling apart ever since Trump won? I remember reading they have very little in ad revenue because barely anyone wants to associate with fascists and Neo-Nazis. If Bannon gets sacked he doesn't have much left.

Breitbart is funded by right wing billionaires, they don't need ad money
Bannon is going to get canned he feels threatened by Kelly who in putting the place in order is probably also making sure Bannon doesn't have the presidents ear anymore it's why he had to resort to Breitbart reaching out vial their weirdo site and hashtag bots. Bannons days are numbered and he desperately trying to claw his way back up the food chain.


Likely multiple people with conflicting agendas in the White House that hate each other.

Yep, yet another reason why running the White House like a business is a terrible idea. You got a bunch of sharks together all after every other, but there's not really a 'top' to climb to, the whole point is to come together and create a singular force.

Hasn't Breitbart been falling apart ever since Trump won? I remember reading they have very little in ad revenue because barely anyone wants to associate with fascists and Neo-Nazis. If Bannon gets sacked he doesn't have much left.

I don't know if it's falling apart, but they have lost a lot of ad revenue and them losing Milo was a big hit because he was a popular figure until the pedo stuff came out. They get a lot of money from those Mercer fucks (or however you spell their last name), so I don't think they're in any real trouble financially speaking
Trump doesn't seem to have a real understanding of who he's surrounded by,and weirder still, who he needs to keep close and who he owes what to.

The people he's alienating have tons of dirt on him yet he literally seems to forget that - or maybe more likely he thinks he can survive anything they or the Russians expose him for.

I count six main camps:

Kushner and the family (even that seems fractious)

The Russians

The Senate


McMasters and Kelly (the adults?)

Bannon and Miller and the Nazis.

And that ignores the red hat MAGA mouth breathers and the Mueller investigation. He can't juggle one ball at a time let alone these disparate groups friends and enemies- and he's shown time and time again that he can't maintain tweet or interview discipline at all. He won't make it more than a couple of days without self-harming again.

He's also demonstrated to Flynn and Manafort et al that he will not be loyal. Everyone is probably looking for a deal with the FBI now.

And two decades of financial impropriety seems certain to surface now.

It's going to explode.


Hell, he probably doesn't even realize that Kelly and McMaster are going to fight his his efforts to try to shut Mueller down.

The next six to twelve months are going to be glorious and frightening. It's time to watch history being made.


What if Bannon is the leaker in the white house?

I'll grab my tinfoil hat, hold on...

Really, though, I have no doubt that Bannon leaks all kinds of shit to further his cause and disparage his political enemies in and outside the WH. And at least to me, it seems that Bannon and Trump's relationship has weakened significantly (assuming there was actually a strong relationship before). Bannon is one of the few competent* individuals with power in the WH and that makes him dangerous to Trump and his admin. But, Trump doesn't seem to take any of Bannon's shit anymore, but that's just my read.

*Smart in sense that he is mentally fit and knows how not to be stupid like Trump, but has strange and more extreme ideologies which...Man, the only thing that scares me more than Trump is Bannon as POTUS. Good thing though is that will never ever happen.
I dont understand. I thought the fat nazi and his shit rag disliked jews. So why is anti Israel a bad thing for them?

The WhiteNat'lists like to point to Japan and Israel as examples of relatively free nations who are mainly mono-cultures. It gives them perverse justification for their plans to recreate America in their fucked-up image.

They also enjoy that Israel has a heavy hand when dealing with Palestinians. These scumbags are sadists at heart.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Will be beautiful if Bannon gets booted. This might not happen because the repercussions from Breitbart would be massive.
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