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Windows update removes features from Pro edition, disables Cortana off switch

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Shit is so un-Window like. Im not used to having to fight to turn shit off, or dig to find a way to disable something I don't want. And they seem to be going down that path pretty fucking hard. I did not buy a fucking Mac. Get...the...fuck ON with this crap.

God I hate their new direction.
Yeah. Microsoft used to be pretty good with Windows. From Windows 95 on it was a highly flexible operating systems that users could modify large parts of. It wasn't until Windows 8 that Microsoft felt their need to impose their vision on users, and consequentially it was a bad operating system. Windows 10 isn't nearly as bad, but you can tell that it retains a lot of the same design philosophy and that really sucks.

The only reason I want to upgrade to Win10 is because of Scalebound and some Win10 exclusives in the future. But I guess it's really not worth the trouble huh?
I am dreading the upgrade to Win10. It has such terrible usability, but if I want to continue gaming I'm going to have to get it sooner or later.
Windows 10 isn't great, but it's also not so bad that you need to refrain from it. I'd recommend it for anyone buying a new computer or anyone with a computer that's fairly new. If your computer is pretty old and/or is unstable then Windows 10 is a bad idea.
Man what the hell. This is why recently I switched from google to duckduckgo and disabled third-party cookies. I'm tired of these companies tracking me everywhere and fucking with my search results and giving me targeted ads. I had Cortana disabled and shouldn't have to edit group policy to turn it off again. Why you gotta be a dick Microsoft?


bish gets all the credit :)
Expect more of this shit after the "free" upgrade date passes. It's amazing how much shit I had to turn off/modify via registry in order to make W10 not annoying to use. Should have stuck to 7 tbh.


My Windows 10 PC keeps randomly shutting down, the Troubleshooting app keeps running into errors and Windows Reset doesn't work. Some of my file associations have been getting randomly reset to MS programs. Also, I can't get Rainbow Six: Vegas to work anymore. Now this?

Think I'm going back to Win 7!
I have Windows 10 Pro and disable Cortana via Group Policy so I'm not too bothered.

That being said, why does Microsoft feel the need to enforce Cortana to everyone? Give users the choice of what they want to do.
Fucking Win10.

So, I went to system restore my PC. Except, when you do so, they require the CD or that you flash it onto a USB. I didn't do the latter when I did the wipe, and Win10 being an upgrade, can't be expected to give out CDs even after you've made the switch.

The damn thing is booting up without an OS, so I think to myself, "I'll just install Win8 on here!" No, fuck you, Win10 is on your hard drive, buy our CD or get it on a USB.

Now I'm waiting for this repair disc to come in the mail and allow me to finish my install, despite having a Win8 CD right here. Kill me.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Well, looks like after the anniversary update users will not see an off switch for Cortana anymore.


Goddamn it, Microsoft. When I said "let me nuke Cortana from orbit." I didn't mean "FORCE CORTANA ON ME LIKE A DRUNK FRATBOY." >:|

Hopefully there's a bash script and/or powershell command that'll nuke her from orbit. I don't need it. "Search" with start was the only thing I needed. Not personalized bing searches that go through my computer. :|

That being said, why does Microsoft feel the need to enforce Cortana to everyone? Give users the choice of what they want to do.

Probably because most people aren't using her due to privacy concerns.



I mean, seriously, why did people think Microsoft wanted you to have this for free?

Edit: fucking hell, that typo.
I have updates turned off precisely because of stuff like this.

That is also dumb and unsafe. If you're on Windows 7/8.1, just don't install KB3035583 or KB3173040. Really, the answer is just to make sure to read your updates. It's usually only 10 or so a month. Also, wait a few days, because someone's sure to raise a fuss if an update breaks something or does something unwanted.


I'm sure none of you have an iPhone with Siri or Android with Google Now. If you aren't a gamer, you should probably move to Linux.

and this has what to do with my desktop?
maybe you also think I should be fine with letting corporations install cameras into my home to profile my behavior because hey my smartphone already has one? I have a practical need to own a smartphone but the day a model with hardware locks on wireless communication, camera and the mic is released I'll be first in line to buy one. Not wanting to further corporations intrusion of my privacy isn't hypocritical just because I own a device that already is "compromised". That's like saying anyone who doesn't live without electricity and eats nothing but sea weeds and insects isn't serious about pulling their weight for a green environment.


Yea I'm not doing the free update.

Call me in 2020 when you "stop supporting Windows 7".

I'm sure you'll have more free offers or Windows 11 by then.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'm sure none of you have an iPhone with Siri or Android with Google Now.

Even if I did: I wouldn't use those functions. I don't need them, forcing them onto me by turning them on when I have them off is a dick-move.

If you aren't a gamer, you should probably move to Linux.

Sure. Call me when EA/Ubisoft/Capcom/et. al. port to Linux. Until then, I have to suffer.
Even if I did: I wouldn't use those functions. I don't need them, forcing them onto me by turning them on when I have them off is a dick-move.

Sure. Call me when EA/Ubisoft/Capcom/et. al. port to Linux. Until then, I have to suffer.

Then you'll suffer forever. At least dual boot and buy games that are on Linux and play them there so pubs have more incentive to support an OS that doesn't constantly do screwy shit.


They really want me to switch to Linux, don't they?

I will definitely try out Linux in some way or the other on my pc.

MS really doesn't care what you think.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Then you'll suffer forever. At least dual boot and buy games that are on Linux and play them there so pubs have more incentive to support an OS that doesn't constantly do screwy shit.

Except the stuff I do play doesn't support Linux. See the catch-22 there? I can't move until the publishers make the first move.


For fucks sake. Just heard about this now. I don't want it, I never wanted it. I expect more of these kind of decisions to crop up as time goes on.

It says this is the case for "Home" users. So I am hoping that "Pro" users like me can side step the shit


I've never had any use for that Cortana shit, first thing I turned off, it's so useless for me.
I'm sure it won't be easy to get rid of it with a little tweak or tool though but man, Microsoft sure is getting annoying.
I wonder if all this bullshit wouldn't have happened if they just made it priced like a regular operating system

Them again if it was priced normally it may have flopped like window 8 and vista


I wonder if all this bullshit wouldn't have happened if they just made it priced like a regular operating system

Them again if it was priced normally it may have flopped like window 8 and vista
Microsoft did the same kind of thing with Windows 8, so why would paid/unpaid make any difference. And in Windows 8 it was much worse with the mandated Modern UI and no Start Menu.


Good news (sort of), it is fairly simple to disable, but you have to do some registry digging:

You will still be able to disable it using a local or group policy (so to not completely infuriate corporate customers or potentially break the law by violating HIPAA standards) which means it will still be trivially easy to disable, but you'll need to do it yourself without a GUI or rely on a third party app to disable it for you.

EDIT: Link to instructions, in case you're worried

Still, this is pretty contemptuous to do this right after a year the free offer to get people in en masse, where the option was there (and many took to disabling it)


Windows 10 has caused numerous issues for my Laptop and PC.
Laptop could no longer wake up after closing the lid forcing me to manually turn it on and off everytime.
PC has Program issues, blury chrome, resolution issues, fullscreen issues, sound issues.
Reverted both back and glad I did doesn't seem like Microsoft wants me to ever upgrade with this forcing features on me bullshit.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I just brute force remove Cortana from my Windows 10 install, so this shouldn't affect me.

How did you do that? Powershell? Powershell won't let me do it even as admin. Most of the stuff I've found on Google is a year or so old on doing it.

The Real Abed

I'm sure none of you have an iPhone with Siri or Android with Google Now. If you aren't a gamer, you should probably move to Linux.
Siri, and I assume Google Now, can both be easily turned off without hunting for a hidden check box. Siri even uses Bing.

For Siri to always be on as well lol
Siri can be turned off on macOS extremely easily too. Pretty much everything on macOS can be disabled pretty easily.

What are we, walled-garden Mac users now? Maybe we want to be able to customize our experience as we see fit?
Macs aren't a walled-garden. You can still install any app you want even if it's not on the MAS. And there's a lot of apps for macOS that can do anything you need. Where did you get the impression Macs are locked down? Because it's not true at all. Even with protections in place, there's always an easy workaround. (Even their System Integrity Protection can be disabled if you need to install something that requires deep system access.)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Good news (sort of), it is fairly simple to disable, but you have to do some registry digging:

Still, this is pretty contemptuous to do this right after a year the free offer to get people in en masse, where the option was there (and many took to disabling it)

JShackle's post doesn't seem to work? Unless I have to restart, killing Cortana in task manager after doing the registry edit will just have it pop back up.


JShackle's post doesn't seem to work? Unless I have to restart, killing Cortana in task manager after doing the registry edit will just have it pop back up.

I think this is based on a preview version. There are also different methods for the different Windows versions. Pro users can do it through the group policy edits and Home users have to do it through the registry. Not sure if it will work right now or after the update


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I think this is based on a preview version. There are also different methods for the different Windows versions. Pro users can do it through the group policy edits and Home users have to do it through the registry. Not sure if it will work right now or after the update

Yeah, that's what I mean: I'm on Home and apparently my Surface is on Home as well(?), so I tried using the registry edit you posted: It doesn't kill it. (Maybe because I already turned it off?) Though the process still runs. It's funky.

Powershell's option works, but it won't let you kill it that way anymore. Even if you find the correct version that's on your system. :/


If you don't use a Microsoft Account, Cortana won't work anyway. Not the best solution if you use other stuff in Win 10 but local account at least gives you some control.


To be clear, all that MS have essentially done in the anniversary update is rename Windows Search to Cortana. So, no, you can't easily turn Cortana off like you could do before, because that would be the same as turning off the entire Windows Search functionality (at least that's the way MS wants people to think). However, all the privacy stuff related to Cortana is still there and accessible, allowing you to disable all the "scary" stuff that Cortana does. If you do that, then you've pretty much disabled the real Cortana, and now all "Cortana" is, is a fancy name for Windows Search. Now, with that said, you can of course still completely disable Cortana using gpedit on Windows 10 Pro, which will revert Windows Search to what it was like in Windows 10 Version 1511. Home users can use the ever-reliable registry.

JShackle's post doesn't seem to work? Unless I have to restart, killing Cortana in task manager after doing the registry edit will just have it pop back up.

Restarting should work. Assuming you are running the latest build of course.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
To be clear, all that MS have essentially done in the anniversary update is rename Windows Search to Cortana. So, no, you can't easily turn Cortana off like you could do before, because that would be the same as turning off the entire Windows Search functionality (at least that's the way MS wants people to think). However, all the privacy stuff related to Cortana is still there and accessible, allowing you to disable all the "scary" stuff that Cortana does. If you do that, then you've pretty much disabled the real Cortana, and now all "Cortana" is, is a fancy name for Windows Search. Now, with that said, you can of course still completely disable Cortana using gpedit on Windows 10 Pro, which will revert Windows Search to what it was like in Windows 10 Version 1511. Home users can use the ever-reliable registry.

I'm guessing this is what the process is, because:

Restarting should work. Assuming you are running the latest build of course.

Yeah, still didn't work unless I did the regedit wrong. But oh well. :/
I don't understand what the distinction between the two even is, if you can turn off it uploading information? The "old" (current) search automatically searched the internet when you type stuff too. It just sounds like they're switching one search thing for another, similar one - no? I mean, we weren't all asking to be able to turn off the old search, were we?


I don't understand what the distinction between the two even is, if you can turn off it uploading information? The "old" (current) search automatically searched the internet when you type stuff too. It just sounds like they're switching one search thing for another, similar one - no? I mean, we weren't all asking to be able to turn off the old search, were we?
You can toggle it off in Pro version at least.
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