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Xbox Expected to Gain Console Software Market Share over PlayStation & Nintendo By 2026


But for some reason people are still making excuses for Phil Spencer and how MS handles their ecosystem. It’s been nearly ten years for the guy now. And he’s still just talking, talking, talking. Xbox only fans should be a little more angry. I honestly don’t get it. This report is again, much ado about nothing. Pure conjecture and an estimate that leaves things at, essentially, the status quo. I don’t see why this is even “news.”
I am sorry, but this take is crazy.

Have you seen xbox before Phil took in? Their in-house studios was shit. Guy increased those studios to 15. Then bought bethesda to make it 23. And now they are owning Activision Blizzard, which puts them at 32 studios.

That is a major change for xbox.

But the biggest however, is MS backing Xbox.

Playstation is having their success, because Sony backed that division. MS didn't really invest heavily on xbox, until Phil took in.

And as for games, we always tell you guys. It Takes time. Most of their acquired studios finished making games. And since games take too long, they won't see any of their games for a while. That is just common sense.

The real issue is MS not investing on their studios during OG xbox, and x360. Xbox one would have had games by now.
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Wait. They are predicting Xbox will have 27% market share, Nintendo will have 34% and Sony will have 39%?

It sounded (to me) like you were saying they predicted Xbox to be in first in 4 years, but they're just saying they'll still be last, but not quite as far behind? I dont think that anyone would predict that they wouldn't gain some ground, Xbox One was a low point and they've been spending a ton of studio acquisitions.

I'd think only having 27% by 2026 would be a disappointment to Microsoft.
this is why people like you never did u understand how this market work
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I don't think that impacts the switch in anyway as it isn't actual competition.

More and more people are buying both an Xbox and playstation, so I don't think it is an either/or thing anymore.


How do you figure any of what you just said? If Sony is the one that can’t compete why is the forecast for MS to still be a distant third? What planet do we live on where the one “losing” is the one the other companies “can’t compete” with? Are we in the bizarro universe? Does Phil Spencer have a goatee I am missing?
It’s called delusion.


Gold Member
Still feel any shift in market share will be between Nintendo and Sony (with N gaining over S).
If things pan out as put forward in this "slaughter goat and study entrails" analysis, then the 2026 pie chart looks healthy for all of the big 3.
And in case there is any "concern", MS is still 3rd in this prediction, so you can rest easy (ish).
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Well yes, after losing a lot of market share. Xbox looks like it should gain some market share back if it strives to do well.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
How do you figure any of what you just said? If Sony is the one that can’t compete why is the forecast for MS to still be a distant third? What planet do we live on where the one “losing” is the one the other companies “can’t compete” with? Are we in the bizarro universe? Does Phil Spencer have a goatee I am missing?
It's simple.

  • Subscription Services
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Aren’t they going to be 3rd in revenue after the acti acquisition? I think once the xcloud app hits TVs the flood gates are going to open for a lot of new suns so revenue rise I’m sure they’ll be #1 in due time. Tencent I don’t really consider cause China doesn’t have any regulations with book keeping’s so their numbers can be anything.


Software sales?

I'm curious how they think this...

Are they counting GamePass? If so... are they also counting Gamepass PC as sales of software?

With the straight sales figures we get updates on the regular, I can't see it.... (GFK, NPD etc)
"DFC Intelligence surveys show PS5 to be still the preferred console, but that might change as Microsoft's Xbox library grows thanks to the many acquired game studios."

Essentially: Tales from my ass


Still a far cry from their leadership position with the Xbox 360. Goes to show how much damage was done, when after investments totalling USD$77b, they're still expected to be third.


Maybe in 10-15 years they (Microsoft) will dominate? It's a long time to speculate for me, probably not for Microsoft. All their moves to buy Activision and the other one will pay off. It's just gonna take a while. Be interesting if Nintendo keeps farting out successful Switch consoles and end up the biggest competitior to Microsoft.


I do a lot of forecasting and future results modelling at my companies, and it is always fun, you based it on actual data and reasoning so you have got good base to build on, and it also allows you to defend any numbers you produce. At the same time, estimates/forecasting allows for a lot of freedom, you can interpret the data on many different ways to get many different scenarios. When I am doing something like this I usually produce at least 3x sets of estimates - realistic, pessimistic and optimistic.

What I am trying to say it is all finger in the air and with global situation changing so quickly (pandemic, wars, local conflicts, shipping routes blockage, manufacturing issues) it is even harder to stick to only set of numbers.


I am more interested by the fact that they think console will grow by 4% this year. I am struggling to see that but maybe cod will do gang busters

Kagey K

As long as the PS5 stays supply constrained, every day Xbox is making up ground.

This quarter results are going to show why MS made a good bet on the Series S as they are going to start closing that sales gap.

No doubt they are going to close software gaps with more machines in the market.

This is easy science (or math) right here.
Wait. They are predicting Xbox will have 27% market share, Nintendo will have 34% and Sony will have 39%?

It sounded (to me) like you were saying they predicted Xbox to be in first in 4 years, but they're just saying they'll still be last, but not quite as far behind? I dont think that anyone would predict that they wouldn't gain some ground, Xbox One was a low point and they've been spending a ton of studio acquisitions.

I'd think only having 27% by 2026 would be a disappointment to Microsoft.

Xbox focuses mostly on North America.

Sony/ Nintendo are more of a global players. Where I live Sony has 90% market share.

That's where MS intends to keep it. They have never shown any interest in overtaking Sony/ Nintendo in console space.

Kagey K

Xbox focuses mostly on North America.

Sony/ Nintendo are more of a global players. Where I live Sony has 90% market share.

That's where MS intends to keep it. They have never shown any interest in overtaking Sony/ Nintendo in console space.
They would be foolish to try to take on a Monopoly like that at this time.

It's basically wasted money. Once they have cornered the markets they are already strong in, it makes sense to try to break those other countries.

It's not because MS hates those countries, but they realize the realities of trying to break into those.
They would be foolish to try to take on a Monopoly like that at this time.

It's basically wasted money. Once they have cornered the markets they are already strong in, it makes sense to try to break those other countries.

It's not because MS hates those countries, but they realize the realities of trying to break into those.

They wouldn't be able to purchase Activision if they were bigger.

More thought goes into it than just trying becoming market leader immediately.

If MS intends, they can increase market share easily. There are obvious things they can do.


If MS intends, they can increase market share easily. There are obvious things they can do.
Don't really have the consumer behaviour data to prove it but we are seeing growth from xbox in some European markets (barring France for some reason).

It's partially due to the ps5 shortage and imo partially due to the series s making buying into the ecosystem much easier due to the price point.
Don't really have the consumer behaviour data to prove it but we are seeing growth from xbox in some European markets (barring France for some reason).

It's partially due to the ps5 shortage and imo partially due to the series s making buying into the ecosystem much easier due to the price point.

This is without them trying or putting any additional effort.


Sony came bursting out of the gate with the PSX. It absolutely changed the market “overnight.”

But for some reason people are still making excuses for Phil Spencer and how MS handles their ecosystem. It’s been nearly ten years for the guy now. And he’s still just talking, talking, talking. Xbox only fans should be a little more angry. I honestly don’t get it. This report is again, much ado about nothing. Pure conjecture and an estimate that leaves things at, essentially, the status quo. I don’t see why this is even “news.”
So are you an Xbox-only fan? Because you surely sound angry.
If Xbox-only fans should be angry, then why are PS-only fans so insecure with Xbox? Something doesn't add up here.
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So are you an Xbox-only fan? Because you surely sound angry.
If Xbox-only fans should be angry, then why are PS-only fans so insecure with Xbox? Something doesn't add up here.
Because what Xbox does, pisses him alot.

Subscription service = thinks they devalue games. Ignoring the fact that xbox can sell those games.

Making games = he think they drop from fairy tale, because he doesn't understand how long they take to make.

Anything about Phil spencer makes him mad for some reason. Because what he does, goes against his beliefs.

You can see that from every gamepass thread, or any news about Phil spencer.
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"Over" is being used incorrectly int the title, as the data (pie chart) still shows Microsoft's share ranking below Sony and Nintendo by 2026.

Clickbait title of the article and, therefore, the thread. Mods should edit it.

Yes - they are predicted to gain some market share from Sony and Nintendo, not over.

OP's title has a big, big difference from what this article is predicting.
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Because what Xbox does, pisses him alot.

Anything about Phil spencer makes him mad for some reason. Because what he does, goes against his beliefs.
That's where I don't follow.
According to him, Phil Spencer just talks and absolutely nothing has changed since he took over eight years ago. It should be easy then to simply ignore Xbox and Phil because nothing is happening there.
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That's where I don't follow.
According to him, Phil Spencer just talks and absolutely nothing has changed since he took over eight years ago. It should be easy then to simply ignore Xbox and Phil because nothing is happening there.
Because he wants instant gratification. He simply doesn't understand that you need to rebuild organization, from bottom to top. Fixing relationships, and planning for the future.
All these things take time.
For a person that calls himself working in environments that demands planning, he should know this. Yet he keeps ignoring it.
People like that, think what they are saying is right, and don't want to be corrected.


As there is no punishment for failing a prediction you can make this lottery they call big data analysis in a reputable job.


So you expect MS to gain dominance in market share from two acquisitions? 👀
Well I'm sure MS didn't spend nearly $100bn just to win some list wars 😂😂😂

Not that I place any faith in these analysts but MS spending that much money to gain 7% share of a $50bn market would be a pretty terrible investment.

Sega Orphan

It's pretty obvious that Microsoft is going to have a far better generation this time than last. I would expect then to sell around the 80-90 million units by the end.
It also has to be noted that with the acquisitions of Zenimax and Activision they are going to have a bigger cut of the software sales then they did when they had only 5 studios.
Infact, without selling one console more they would meet those predictions through the studio acquisitions.


As there is no punishment for failing a prediction you can make this lottery they call big data analysis in a reputable job.
Most predictions fail, due to unforeseen forecast.
From wii to wii u, x360 to xbox one, and ps2 to ps3. Most people thought those new generation consoles, will sell alot, but they failed to meet that predictions because of fuck ups from the company.

If Nintendo made a wii like successor, they would have sold tons of wii u. If Xbox just focused on gaming, instead of tvs, they would have surpassed the 85m x360 mark. And ps3 would have sold more than ps2, if they just improved ps2 specs, instead of changing the system.

2016, people thought Xbox will close down, but few key changes, and now they are in strong position.

As long as these weird unforeseen forecast exist, most predictions are bound to fail, even if you do alot of extensive researches.


Well I'm sure MS didn't spend nearly $100bn just to win some list wars 😂😂😂

Not that I place any faith in these analysts but MS spending that much money to gain 7% share of a $50bn market would be a pretty terrible investment.
Market share has different type of variables. Spending $100b wouldn't do that much.
Xbox lacks global brand image, which Nintendo and Sony established for a long time. There is a reason why older gamers prefer those systems. Because they have been exposed to these systems, since they were kids.
MS would need that kind of exposure, to cement themselves in the top of the list. And that takes alot of time. Not just the money.


The word “over” should be replaced with “from”, as the title can imply different things.

MS 27% on the pie chart is less than I thought it would be by that time, considering the acquisitions and possible exclusives.

That’s without knowing all of the unreleased software Sony & Nintendo could release in the near future.
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