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Yuji Horii: Dragon Quest 11 will be an offline game, for home consoles

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You never know until you try. Ni No Kuni sold over a million on PS3 in the west and proved that people still want JRPGs. DQ will sell in Japan, that's guaranteed and with the right push it could potentially do well in the west too.

Eh... Ghibli is super popular even in the west though and you could easily say Fire Emblem shows that 3DS has just a big a market for JRPGs in the west. Plus whilst it will relatively well in Japan it could still be two million down from DQIX.

It could do well and consoles are doing better than handhelds in general but I'm not sure JRPGs are going to benefit much.

Either way I think it's probably Asian markets that they're looking at more. PlayStation dominates there and their tastes are more closely aligned with JP.


You're kind of forgetting they released 5 games in the West last year and 2 this year. They might have been on a platform of your choice but this wasn't effortless either. That means they're still investing resources on DQ in the West, they're not just investing them where you (and a large number of people) would like to see them.


Already localized ports sure takes effort.

I would say anything Dragon Quest-related getting brought over nowadays is a good thing.

If DQ Heroes bombs, it's going to make them re-evaluate those prospects.


Even if it would hey more sales on 3DS, that's not the most important. Also DQ is the type of game that sells consoles on japan.

It's a matter of appretiation.

New Dragon Quest on 3DS? People would just think -> they are going cheap, spendind little with high return. no ambition aywhere.

New Dragon Quest on home console? gamers will feel that SE is finally going all out because making a BIG JRPG on the current gen is much harder and more ambitious. And since SE wants a change of image to the latter, it will be that for sure. Many people (myself included) feels the series doesn't exist since Dragon Quest VIII. I think it's time they ditch PS3 tho.
the real news here is that if console DQ11 is successful, others might follow and give turn-based RPGs a boost on consoles. i miss them.


Why do people think DQH is gonna bomb? It's coming out in a mostly uneventful month and Musou games are usually solid sellers.

Something about how PS consoles have no rpg fanbase(which is absolutely bullshit), so all Jrpgs should be exclusive to 3DS instead.


And how is Dragon Quest doing worldwide?

some of you keep bringing this argument. assuming it is on ps4 it is obvious they are taking a risk and who is to say it won't do better this time around? Gaming has a far bigger reach than it did back in the ps2/ds days. social media is huge, there are far better ways to market a game and get big sales. if a game like bloodborne or souls games for that matter can sell a little over a million outside japan in the first week then I don't see why a well marketed dragon quest game cannot do it as well. Console games get the most coverage whether you like it or not when it comes to the worldwide market and if square wants to make a big splash with regards to bringing it worldwide then ps4 is the most popular console currently.

weren't you one of the ones that were jumping up and down over sales of mh4 in the west? are you going to say it did well outside japan only because it is on 3ds? nintendo marketed it alongside a new version of their 3ds hardware and bundling it helped as well. more people started talking about how good the game is and hence it sold well.

if it is on ps4 then it going to be localized and Sony/Square are going to make a big deal out of it.

In business you have to take risks from time to time. you can't just sit back and say it didn't work out in the past so lets not try that again! If you naysayers turn out right and the game fails to garner good sales then they will just go back to smartphones/handhelds..... for the next decade....
DQ7/8 could be any platform, including ps4, on a related note didnt someone from square enix say they wanted all the FF games eventually on PS4? if so its not hard to believe they would feel the same way about DQ. Either way I wanna play 8 again, I loved that game


I wish this magic risk-taking SE everyone keeps talking about would sprinkle their magic fairy dust and get DQX localized.


I wish this magic risk-taking SE everyone keeps talking about would sprinkle their magic fairy dust and get DQX localized.

Maybe once they port it to PS4, but I think the localisation ship for that one sailed a long time ago. Which is a shame because I need to play it. :(


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I wish this magic risk-taking SE everyone keeps talking about would sprinkle their magic fairy dust and get DQX localized.
There isn't much risk taking at all... If I were to develop a console JRPGs for 2016 I would also aim for PS3 and PS4. It's the safest choice considering the current state and their recent announcements.


PS3/4 looking more likely again. Still weird they did DQVIII 3D rather than DQVIII HD then though.

You never know until you try. Ni No Kuni sold over a million on PS3 in the west and proved that people still want JRPGs. DQ will sell in Japan, that's guaranteed and with the right push it could potentially do well in the west too.
Ni No Kuni shipped/digital was under a million in the west at last count but that was about a year ago and it was probably close at that point (~900k).

Even with PS3 added DQXI won't be doing 4m+ in Japan this time, and it remains to be seen how much PS4 can really push the franchise past it's usual 1m+ in the west if at all (as PS4 isn't really tracking above PS2/DS either). Sales for Star Ocean, Persona and Tales might give us a better idea of how non-FF JRPGs can do on the system overseas.


I have a weird feeling this is going to end up on Wii U or whatever NX becomes. It would blow my mind to see it on PS4 considering it'd be one huge risk for Square Enix and would go against how they've usually released Dragon Quest games. Going to be really fun to see wherever this game ends up.

I think that no matter where this game gets announced, there's gonna be some pissed off people rofl
Rather than "went out of their way", I would assume they stuck literally to the words he said, and then 家庭 simply becomes "home".
Also "console" is a general term for portables as well at consoles in french.

Like I originally said, we cannot know without the original transscript, but my experience with Japanese translations would suggest my scenario.

Sorry for the multiposting but after the concerns you raised, I asked the interviewer/translator on Twitter and here's what he just replied:

@BastienPean: @palette_swap Il ne dit pas "de salon" mais en parlant de DQ9 il précisait "portable". Il il parlait de manettes.

So you were right in that Horii didn't say home consoles but he did mention "portable" when talking about DQIX and he also mentioned controllers. I guess that context made the interviewer confident enough to translate as home consoles.
Yeah, the DQ on PS4 is already annoying enough, could we not fucking start this for the games that are 99.5% the remakes on 3DS? Is that possible?

On topic, I think it was mentioned already, but doesn't SQEX count the handhelds as consoles, too?


sörine;170856335 said:
PS3/4 looking more likely again. Still weird they did DQVIII 3D rather than DQVIII HD then though.

Ni No Kuni shipped/digital was under a million in the west at last count but that was about a year ago and it was probably close at that point (~900k).

Even with PS3 added DQXI won't be doing 4m+ in Japan this time, and it remains to be seen how much PS4 can really push the franchise past it's usual 1m+ in the west if at all (as PS4 isn't really tracking above PS2/DS either). Sales for Star Ocean, Persona and Tales might give us a better idea of how non-FF JRPGs can do on the system overseas.
Dragon Quest is still bigger than SO, Persona, and Tales though. Even still bigger than FF in Japan.


Dragon Quest is still bigger than SO, Persona, and Tales though. Even still bigger than FF in Japan.
Sure, I was talking about the west. Here non-FF (and I guess KH) JRPGs generally can't manage multimillions on consoles and that's probably what DQXI will need to sell to counterbalance the almost guaranteed loss of sales they'll face in Japan.

I was just using SO, Persona and Tales as examples to see if PS4 can push those series over what they sold on PS2/360+PS3.


sörine;170857673 said:
Sure, I was talking about the west. Here non-FF (and I guess KH) JRPGs generally can't manage multimillions on consoles and that's probably what DQXI will need to sell to counterbalance the almost guaranteed loss of sales they'll face in Japan.

I was just using SO, Persona and Tales as examples to see if PS4 can push those series over what they sold on PS2/360+PS3.
I could see PS4 picking up in Japan if DQXI, FFXV, and KH3 are all released within a year of each other and a price drop happens to sell enough to justify a PS4 version.


Seems like they're going the PS3/PS4 route.
Square Enix has decided to back the PS4 like the old days at this point. It fits with their strategy.


Why do people think DQH is gonna bomb? It's coming out in a mostly uneventful month and Musou games are usually solid sellers.

Because some publishers have high expectations in regards to sales. If it doesn't do Call of Duty or GTA V numbers, it's sometimes considered a failure.


This is speculation until we could get our hands on the original Japanese, but he most likely gave no confirmation whatsoever.

In Japanese, game devices (console & handheld) are called Kateiyou Game-ki 家庭用ゲーム機 (which translates to household game-device). This is a general term and includes stationary consoles (Sueoki-ki 据置機, stationary device) as well as handhelds (携帯機 Keitai-ki, portable device).
The term itself is meant to differentiate from Arcade-machines back in the day and phone-games today.

So to summarize, I am quite sure he said Kateiyou Game-ki, because the console-specific term Sueoki-ki is rather unusual, and he most likely wanted to point out it's not going to be on mobile.

Further infos (in Japanese): https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ゲーム機

I think you've got it right. Horii wouldn't just make such specification in a random interview.

But if he did, I guess SE could release DQXI for Wii U, PS3 and PS4 and they might get 3 million sales out of it in Japan.


I could see PS4 picking up in Japan if DQXI, FFXV, and KH3 are all released within a year of each other and a price drop happens to sell enough to justify a PS4 version.
Well it's hard not to imagine some level of improvement given the system's still tracking behind Dreamcast launch aligned. With those 3 games maybe it can bump things up to N64 level?


Sorry for the multiposting but after the concerns you raised, I asked the interviewer/translator on Twitter and here's what he just replied:

So you were right in that Horii didn't say home consoles but he did mention "portable" when talking about DQIX and he also mentioned controllers. I guess that context made the interviewer confident enough to translate as home consoles.

Which would rise the next question, did he talk about physical controls (so not smartphones), or did he talk about actual controllers connected to a console. My guess would be the former, since I cannot picture a conversation where he need to be precise about the latter.


Unconfirmed Member
I've seen Japanese developers refer to handheld as home consoles. It isn't as defined as console/handheld like on the West.

Edit: I've also seen tweets mentioning that he mentioned the 3DS in relation to the DQ8/7 localization.
DQ8 is the best selling PS2 format game in Japan all-time. It sold 4.9M units globally, at least 4M of them in Japan specifically.

One could argue that the decline of console sales in Japan is at least partially tied to the lack of single player Dragon Quest on consoles since the PS2 era. DQ was THE system seller in Japan when it was on consoles.

The PS4 is on track to sell much more like the PS2 than any console since. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Sony and Square Enix work together to bring DQ to PS4 in an attempt to revitalize the Japanese console market.

The decline of home consoles in Japan cannot be tracked down to just one game. PS3 had so many issues when it launched back in 2006 that the loss of Dragon Quest becomes irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

For example, PS1 was a successful platform and it got DQVIII in 2000, 6 years after it launched and after PS2 was released.

You really don't want to see this game on PS4 do you? lol

I think that the next game being on console is perfectly reasonable. And if the market isn't there then games like Final Fantasy XV will make strides in helping that happen to an extent. I think you need to remember that the audience for Dragon Quest and JRPGS in general didn't appear on 3DS out of thin air.

With any console you need to build a market by taking risks with high quality software, ensuring you build that audience in preparation for further titles.

The logic that 3DS is dominating Japan so DQXI only makes sense on that platform doesn't cut it anymore. It just isn't that cut and dry.

Dragon Quest =/= Final Fantasy. Those are just two completely different IPs with completely different appeals overseas. Final Fantasy X sold 4-5 million units in the West, Dragon Quest VIII barely a million... On PS2, by far one of the most successful platform for jRPGs.

Even if it would hey more sales on 3DS, that's not the most important. Also DQ is the type of game that sells consoles on japan.

It's a matter of appretiation.

New Dragon Quest on 3DS? People would just think -> they are going cheap, spendind little with high return. no ambition aywhere.

New Dragon Quest on home console? gamers will feel that SE is finally going all out because making a BIG JRPG on the current gen is much harder and more ambitious. And since SE wants a change of image to the latter, it will be that for sure. Many people (myself included) feels the series doesn't exist since Dragon Quest VIII. I think it's time they ditch PS3 tho.

There are ambitious games on handheld consoles as well. And there exists lazy titles on home consoles as well (Square Enix is quite renown for this).

I'm sorry for you the series hasn't existed for 11 years since plenty of great entries were released in the West in the meanwhile.
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