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What should be the NX's controller?

Regardless of the dozzy sheep in here asking for a traditional controller :p , I'll say bring on the Gamepad 2.0, it's concept is a good one, just upgrade it


I think the x1 controller feels like an evolved wii


I loved the Xbox 360 controller, Xbox One is my new favorite.

That level of refinement to the GameCube controller would be rad as fuck


It should be the next evolution of the N64 controller.

Adn please, please don't use a handheld for a controller. What were they thinking?
Pro controller so I don't have to live in fear of my controller breaking and costing me an arm and a leg. I won't miss the screen anyway, it was rarely useful.
There is, and you're using "facts" out of context, even if they have been losing market share, that doesn't mean it's down to the input device
You are not even following the thread of this discussion and are falling into contradictions. You yourself began the thread by correlating market share with input method. Here's the proof:

oni-link said:
Standard controller

Anything else will put off a greater number of people than a weird design will attract

So you are the one that brought up risk of losing market share due to input choice into the conversation first. i just replyed with facts and those are: that the company has been losing market share since the SNES. Also please refrain from atributing arguments i haven't made in the first place just as a way to reply them yourself.

Also saying Nintendo have always used gimmicks is missing the point, whether that is technically true or not (it's not) there has never been an outcry until the Wii and Wii U, even the 3 pronged N64 controller was more or less accepted (after being ridiculed of course), because it was still a standard controller, just an iteration on what came before
You are contradicting yourself again in many ways. You are admiting there were outcries when the N64 controller was revealed, not mention lots of misconceptions about it. Adding to this The N64 it's one of the most ginmicky equiped controllers NIntendo has deviced:

-Multiple postures/schemes setups (see Wii Remote)
-Enhanced feedback systems with the Rumble ( see Wii Remote Speaker)
-Modular oriented design via expansion port (see Wii Remote modular usability)
-Revisited method of controlling games in 3D space with thumbstick. (see Wii Remote revisited method of controlling games in 3D space via IMUs and MEMS sensors)

You're also being either naive or disingenuous with your repeated use of the Gamecube sales to back up your points, when the Gamecube, (like everything else) was unlucky enough to have been launched vs the PS2, had the PS2 launched with a PS3 style price and shortage of games, maybe the Gamecube would have done better.
Except im not the one being disingeneous here. i beg of you to not take this personally and just look at the facts:

-SNES had a drop of market share coming from NES.
-N64 yet have a significant drop of market share coming from the SNES.
-GameCube another drop of market share.

The reason the GameCube tends to be single out or called upon more in this discussions it's because it was the lowest point of market share until the trend was reversed with the Wii.

That said the PS2 is the perfect way to follow up a console if you want to do well, keep it familiar, keep it affordable, and attack on all fronts with great software

The PS4 started well and did the same thing (as did the 360, as did the SNES), kept things familiar with what came before, and pushed more power and focused on games. It gave the people what they want. No one wanted the Wii U gamepad, and no one cares about the possibilities of second screen gaming.
You are been naive in this case.

The reason that strategy works it's because it suits Sony quite well, as a more resourceful and tech wise oriented company (see their machine working as trojan horses for their own technologies DVD/BluRay) What you want Nintendo to do is to adopt the same exact model and go head on to compete more directly. But you see, Sony and MS are doing a fine job fulfilling that strategy so having a 3rd leg tagging on trying to the same thing with the added risk of failing miserably ( since NIntendo is way behind in terms of games as service). i would dare to say.... is not wise really.

What Nintendo desperatly needs is to make more balanced hardware, that is quite true. Yet they should still keep fiting their devices with out of the ordinary features.

The Wii is an unusual case because it was lucky enough to ride the casual wave before smartphones ate up that audience, but either way, those people are gone now, so there is little point trying to sell them dedicated gaming hardware while they have a smartphone on them at all times. No one who wants a dedicated games system cares about pointer controls, and if you want to aim your console at the ones that do, then prepare to sell under 10m units
Your perspective is too narrow.

The Wii was "THE POPULAR CONSOLE" just like the PS2 was, the difference been that it was less traditional in how it achieved that status. Also you seem to forget that PS2 also have a peripheral attraction outside of gaming as it was a competent and accessible way to play DVDs.

Regarding the point about Mobile, well the phenomenon is eating market share from every dedicated gaming device for obvious reasons. Not just the Wii as you are trying to portrait.

The standard controller is the best we have for controlling an object in 3D space, it's not perfect for shooting games and games where aiming is important (which is something that came to prominence in the 7th gen as it became the dominant genre) but Nintendo already solved that with the gyro, all they need to do is release the NX with a good price, decent power and gyro enabled Wii U Pro controller

Anything else will sell under 10m
No, Dual Thumbsticks is not the best way to control objects in 3D space. The exception would be controlling character movement as the feedback it gives is still useful.

Also it is hilarious to see you mentioning the Gyro here (a motion sensor) when it is something that was popularized in gaming by the Wii, that ginmicky console XD

And with that we are done with the interchange regarding the matter in this thread, at least until you take the care to adress the arguments substantially.



Just give me the best of both worlds

An evolved dual wiimote with a standard layout (with those scrollable shoulders).

Something like this could be cool, with strong magnets that can hold it together when you want it to be a normal controller, and can be switched off through a menu or physical switch.


lots of stuff

So your point is Nintendo has been losing market share since the NES, and so they should continue to do what they have been doing, and therefore continue to lose market share?

That's a solid plan if you want them to go 3rd party

The Wii wouldn't have done well if it was released after everyone had a smart phone, it sold to people who didn't normally buy games consoles, a lot of that group probably have and only ever will buy one games console ever, and that was the Wii

The next system tried to copy the Wii by again providing something new, but no one who wants a dedicated gaming system cared about second screen gaming, no one on PC cares about it, the few console games that used a companion app or a tablet for off screen stuff didn't do well, because conceptually it is flawed, it barely enhances games at all, and the benefits it does provide are so minor that they don't justify the enhanced cost

Just look at how many people in this thread alone want a pro controller, if this thread had a poll, the standard/pro controller would be the most popular choice by far. Nintendo will fail if they try and aim the NX at any group other than core gamers, because anyone not in this group doesn't care about games enough to buy a dedicated gaming system when they most likely own a PC and a smart phone already

You say Nintendo have always released gimmicky controllers, then you say they need to keep doing so to differentiate themselves, but at the same time you're saying they have also been losing market share, so why does it makes sense to go with yet another gimmicky controller?

Your conclusions are contradictory, you say they need to go with a unique controller and then you say they have always done this and they have always been losing market share

If you poll gamers, most will say they want a standard controller, if you look at all console sales from gen 6 to present, most of those systems will have launched with a standard controller, if you ask everyone who plays games on a gen 7/8 console for at least a few hours a week what their preferred input method is, they'll say standard controller, if you ask most devs what they will be designing their games around in the next 5 years, they'll say standard controller

They can either go with what works, or they can risk everything by trying to replicate the Wii, and try to entice people who don't normally buy consoles, to buy a console

One of those things might work, one will definitely fail
'Wall of Sanity'

This, so very much.

Although I will say I think the Wii actually inherited a lot of the casual market the PS2 enjoyed in the 6th gen. Doesn't change the fact that that audience is long gone, and was definitely far larger on the Wii, but Sony's behemoth does get a little airbrushed in history when it actually managed to bring in a lot of non enthusiast gamers with it's multimedia capabilities and family friendly titles.

But yeah, that nitpick aside, spot on.

Innovation can be great, but there's a lot to be said for the phrase 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'.

Besides which, why do controllers need innovating? What software isn't being catered for well enough by the current norms, and what audience is there that would find it appealing?

We live in an age now where technogy is the norm, and there are no more untapped markets to appeal to. Even VR and AR, the new frontier of interactive media, is building itself up on the back of existing technology, and will for the overwhelming majority likely end up just being an add on for their smartphones.

Swimming against the tide is just going to drown Nintendo. All they can do now is compete, and it's a choice of either competing with iOS and Android for the casual market, which they can't, and never will, win, or Playstation and Xbox for the console gaming enthusiast market, which they'll also lose, but get themselves in a better position for gen 9, where they might actually have a chance at coming out on top.

It's a shitty position to be in, but they've only their own dumb decision to blame for it, and only have one path to go if they don't want to continue an inevitable slide into irrelevancy.
I did this a few days ago in the other WSJ NX thread


If they can come up with something even remotely similar to this I'd be more than pleased.
I thought a bit more on it, and started to think that most of what's here could work for an actual NX controller. The only feature that still feels out is the speaker; I never saw the Wii's speaker providing any useful audio information personally. Also if you wanted to make the action buttons a little bigger the "power" button feature could just be consolidated to the "Home" button; hold the Home button for a second or two to boot the system up, tap it to pull up the Home menu, hold it for a few seconds to power the console down. Maybe even tap Home + the shoulder buttons for a second to put the console in Standby mode?

Also think maybe the scrollable shoulder wheel buttons could just act as replacements for the L2/R2 style trigger buttons. Frees up more space at the top for the fingers, and still could provide the same functionality. It's a good idea though.

These are all just ideas, but it's the most aesthetically pleasing of the mockups imo. Sometimes I just let thoughts on practicality and costs get the better of me. I honestly do think the analog stick and action buttons on the right side need to swap places, though. I never liked the Pro controller's setup that way b/c the thumb doesn't naturally fall there when holding a traditional-styled controller.

Thats how I envision it (quick powerpoint draft):
Same controller for left and right hand, you just hold it the other way round
The Wii should've had this tbh, but it probably won't be a good fit on NX. The design itself is interesting but Nintendo probably wants NX to disassociate with the Wii brand completely, and any Wiimote-like controller is gonna immediately make people think of the Wii brand again.

I could see Apple doing something like this for the Apple TV though. At least the iDevice brand isn't in the trash like the Wii one is.

WATCH THIS if you want to see what I mean with Haptic feedback on motion controls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD3hhIYr1f4

I swear this could change the game entirely.
That's awesome, and gave me an idea about a controller implementing that. It could look like a traditional controller, but be slightly segmented, and different combinations of areas of the controller could vibrate in response to recreating different types and levels of force feedback.

Subtle, but something that could be really interesting with games. So say the vibration itself, in what parts of the controller vibrates, and their intensity, could be used as feedback clues in directions to follow in a dungeon segment of a Zelda game. The left side vibrates softly, so in the darkness you walk slowly along a narrow path. It suddenly vibrates strongly on the right handle, so make a strong southeast-like backflip move to a platform in the darkness that suddenly rises up for you to land on by doing that move. That sort of thing.

Some of this is also admittedly from a couple of WARP's games, Enemy Zero and Real Sound. Those games used sound as clues in getting players to move around; this is just replacing and refining that with segmented, multi-level force feedback for each "quadrant" of the controller; northeast, southeast, northwest, southwest, and center.

Maybe not something to the level as that example in your video, but a basic form of the concept refitted for a standard type of controller.
I think game controllers should keep innovating, but perhaps the problem with Nintendo's last couple attempts (or maybe just the Wii) was innovating too drastically. The Wii remote basically asked developers to rethink much of what they'd learned about console game design since the 80's. The big publishers decided not to take the risk and stick to what they knew.

Previous additions to the standard control scheme like the d-pad, more buttons, analog sticks, and shoulder pads were accepted because they were small additions that didn't intrude on or remove any part of the safe, familiar environment. I think Kinect might have had a chance of working had Microsoft went in thinking of it more as a light addition to the controller interface. Voice control and camera-based control while still using a regular Xbox controller could have had some possibilities. Nintendo should think in this direction with future gimmicks as well.
Dpad, analog thumbsticks and shoulder buttons are by no means small additions to a game controller. This is not directed to you Red, but i think some people in this thread are too much in a mind set of a time were games became main stream, that is NES onwards or PSX onwards. Please take time to read this explanation and as a note we are not talking "firsts" here, just changes in trends:

If you look at the early 70's you' ll see paddles everywhere. Not until the Atari 2600 hit by 77 things started to change in a more apparent way to 4 directional joysticks or in some cases discs. Then what you would mainly see will be a 4 directional input accompanied by fire buttons or lots of numeric keypad layouts XD

The other marked shift is the Famicom which brought up changes that have become standards to this day:

Main navigation method goes from joystick to Dpad. A lot of previous controllers were held in a vertical manner, this one cemented the horizontal way, left side relegated to movement, right side for action/fire buttons. The complex keypads that populated many controllers went away. Also typically "mode" buttons were part of the console itself, after it up until today there's something akin to "start" in some place in a console controller.

Shoulder buttons nor thumbsticks are small changes either. Not many things previously to the Super Fami pad had something similar to them. What was iterative about that controller were the 2 extra face buttons. And thumbsticks, well after the Dpad displaced joysticks as the main navigation method for 2D games in consoles, a stick with thumb use in mind is brought up to control the emergence of 3D polygonal games.

Technically the GamePad isn't a drastic departure, but it's still big from a cost standpoint, and perhaps its sheer physical size is off-putting. I've always been curious about the potential for the PS4's touch pad or something like it. It's why I hope something like the Steam controller's haptic pads take hold. It seems to be a relatively small change to the standard controller that drastically expands the limits of cursor control.
The haptic touchpads are not a minor addition also. We are talking here about changing the main controlling method for console input devices today and swapping it by something else entirely, relegating it to a more secondary function. It's somewhat similar (to a lesser degree) to the Dpad's fate after the 5th generation.

I think the Gamecube's problem was it had nothing to offer third party developers. That has always been Nintendo's main problem since the N64 years. The PlayStation looked more attractive because of CDs (though western developers did seem to prefer the N64). The PS2 launched with a ton of inertia from the PS1 and the original Xbox had a development environment that was friendly to western developers coming in from PC. Even if the Gamecube had less to get in developers' way, it didn't really have anything to make its market or environment more appealing to developers than the competition.
This is a good point and something that should be considered by the people who propose a Nintendo branded PS4. The other 2 guys offer more attractive propositions to 3rd party developers: better deals, better licensing, better network infraestructure, more features more services. Why bother being the fith leg of the table?

A more balanced Nintendo console hardware wise? Of course, but with a key diferentiator beyond the Nintendo catalogue, which has proven to not be enough it seems.

The Wii had big potential for developers, but only if they were willing to step completely outside their comfort zones, which few in the big western space were willing to do. The Wii U was sort of a continuation of the N64 and Gamecube path of not really offering third party developers anything. I think the GamePad has some serious missed opportunities (RPGs, team sports games, strategy games, etc.), and perhaps Nintendo should have tried harder to have a major piece of software to sell the idea at or near launch, but by that point perhaps the big western third parties were just too entrenched in their comfort zone.
The software to sell the Gamepad idea was right there at launch and kept coming through out the years, althought not in a timely manner as it should. The problem is, the controller and the console was supported mainly by one developer. Expecting one developer to change an entire industry is too much even if Nintendo has manged to do that several times.
Maybe if the NX or some future console did go with a touch pad like solution that felt like a mouse, it would encourage people to bring games like RTSs and MOBAs or other typically PC-only genres to consoles. That's pure speculation at this point though. I imagine if NX truly does offer a shared ecosystem between a handheld and console, one of its main points of appeal would be making it a lot easier for Japanese developers to support a console. A lot of them right now are making 3DS and Vita games, and then maybe doing a PS4 version that's basically an upscaled Vita game. Giving them an environment where they can more or less develop a game once and hit the console and handheld audience at the same time could save them resources and be a draw to the platform all in itself.
Well the Wii Remote should have fulfilled that role. For the first time it was plausible to bring PC type genres to the living room and consoles and to a minor extent it managed to achive that. But in the end that's exactly what the Steam controller will do.
just slightly update this, please

Make the C stick not a crappy nub, get rid of the octagon thing on the joy stick, make the d pad not small cheap and spongey, add a second shoulder button, change the face buttons to a more traditional layout and the controller will be perfect. Wait that's basically completely redesigning the controller.


An updated and improved wireless wiimote and nunchuck connected to a main wiiu gamepadesque touch gyro screen which is usable without being connected to an nx thus making it a portable gaming device , probably doesn't have a second screen...

And said wiimote and nunchuk can be usable without the screen and also they can make the screen(the portbale console which completely digital) an optional buy so that people can just buy the main console or the whole package ?
The off TV feature of the Wii U is pretty cool so just fix the Gamepad a bit:
-Stick location should be more in line with the competition, which means below the face buttons (I prefer Sony's layout but Microsoft's would also be ok).
-Better battery life out of the box
-A good capacitive 720p screen
But you know... the Dual Shock 4 stick position is at odds with their Touchpad placement. The Wii U's placement could work better since it feels better to move the thumbs down to the center to make gestures on the surface. Other thing to consider is that the thumbsticks are still the main input method in todays controllers so having your thumbs rest above them makes a lot of sense.

Imagine having the trackpads of the Steam controller situated where the sticks of the DS4 are. Rather suboptimal.

Also 480p in the Gamepad was a necessary concesion, there's not much they coul have done about it from my POV.
Use the GameCube controller as a base:

- Wireless (obviously)
- Replace C-stick with exact same stick as used for the left stick (Keep same positions for both sticks, DO NOT PUT THE RIGHT STICK ABOVE THE FACE BUTTONS)
- Make both sticks click-in as extra buttons
- Round the octagon edges out of the stick holes
- Lithium-ion rechargeable battery with micro-USB plug
- Z button above both shoulders instead of just the right shoulder
- Tighten up the D pad and make it more akin to the one on the Xbox One controller

Voila --- perfect, ultimate dream Nintendo AAA controller
Increasing the resolution of a theoretical new Gamepad as high as 720p would also compound the flaws we already see with the WiiU, requiring even more expensive, processing intensive, speciality parts to maintain that lag free 60fps consistency, which would mean either a higher price tag or lower overall power, again limit the room for price reductions due to the need for low production runs of those bespoke components, as well as similarly killing the controllers battery life even at a much higher capacity than the WiiU ones.

Even with that shitty low res screen the Gamepad completely hobbled the WiiU. Any attempts to improve it could potentially do even more damage to the NX.

Boss Man

Regardless of the dozzy sheep in here asking for a traditional controller :p , I'll say bring on the Gamepad 2.0, it's concept is a good one, just upgrade it
It's a cool concept but it boxes the console in way too much. I want something interesting too, but not something that is irreplaceable if it breaks and locks the console's price above what it should be.


GameCube controller with second analog stick instead of the c nub and another shoulder button

Use the GameCube controller as a base:

- Wireless (obviously)
- Replace C-stick with exact same stick as used for the left stick (Keep same positions for both sticks, DO NOT PUT THE RIGHT STICK ABOVE THE FACE BUTTONS)
- Make both sticks click-in as extra buttons
- Round the octagon edges out of the stick holes
- Lithium-ion rechargeable battery with micro-USB plug
- Z button above both shoulders instead of just the right shoulder
- Tighten up the D pad and make it more akin to the one on the Xbox One controller

Voila --- perfect, ultimate dream Nintendo AAA controller

You had me until the d-pad part
I could live with it though
Wii U Pro controller with analogue triggers.

This with the ability to play and charge with the usb cable (not just charge only). This would be the ideal controller for the NX.

Also ensure compatibility with the Gamecube usb adapter so that Smash 4 and any future Smash title will work with Gamecube controllers.


Gold Member
If it is a Wii mote, it will save me a lot of money on buying the system. It will also kill all hope of 3rd party.

Wii pro would be cool, but in reality, it is going to be another wiiu game pad except with support for synching 2 or more to the base and the game pad can run games without the console connected


An improved version of the Wii remote + nunchuck. With dual analog sticks, complete Wireless, analog Trigger, shoulder buttons etc. So you can use it as normal controller



I had this idea like a month ago but never had the time to finish the mockup, esentially the idea is merging the wii and wii u concepts. With this controller you could post in miiverse, text and video chat, surf the web, receive notifications, interact with your tv, navigate the eshop and even play games without turning your tv.Sort of the ultimate tv remote or your smartphone @ home


WiiU Pro Controller but with Gyroscope for aiming like it was implemented in Splatoon, since it will also show on Star Fox and Legend of Zelda


Just do this:


or this:


with the NX logo of course. Please don't bring weird and useless controllers just 2 people from 10 million like.
A third possibility, in my opinion, would be Nintendo revisiting the Wiimote & Nunchaku design with an redesigned controller, like a Wii U Pro Controller split in the middle with IR pointing in both ends. The idea is revisiting the motion controls that made the Wii a success in first place while correcting the design flaws that made it not as viable as a pro controller.

Sounds a bit like the old Microsoft sidewinder PC controller, i'd be okay with that i think? but i'd rather something like the WiiU pro controller with maybe motion controls in and pointer built into that - similar to the DS4 i suppose


They just need to give up on trying to be "innovative" with the controller. A standard has been created now around a certain style and button layout. Don't try to fight it, just embrace it. Bring the innovation to the games through gameplay.

The problem I have with the Wii U is the complexity in the controllers. There's the gamepad and the pro controller and the wiimotes... or wiimote+nunchuck but only one person can use the gamepad while everyone else has to choose something else. Simplify it. One controller for everybody.
Just do this:


or this:


with the NX logo of course. Please don't bring weird and useless controllers just 2 people from 10 million like.

Some years ago I would have laughed you off, for that GC-controller...but now Nintendo sells them again for smash and all of a sudden it doesnt seem to far off...


Just a regular controller. The gimmicks are killing Nintendo.

I don't want motion controls or giant tablets. I just wanna sit on my couch and play a normal game made by Nintendo.
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