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DF: Orbis vs Durango Spec Analysis

I'm sure for certain types of games such as large open world Skyrim & GTA type environments, the more memory that's available the better.

But only in the sense you could have more of a level held in memory at any one time, but I'd rather have a more powerful GPU, which the PS4 seems to have,delivering higher fidelity visuals and smoother frame rates, at the expense of some additional loading from the Hard Drive.
Wouldn't a lower amount of RAM affect more than just loading? Like texture, model variety, quality etc.


I somewhat agree with DF in that 32 ROPs is a bit of an overkill for 1080p, but it will useful if Sony does decide to accommodate 4K and stereoscopic 1080p.


Why? People who care about IQ are already gaming on PCs and no matter how powerful PCs are in relation to consoles, they'll always be shackled by them. Aiming for 720p gives you that next gen leap and if you care about image quality then you'd move to PC and get those same graphics but at several times the resolution.

Aiming for 720p gives you a blurry, laggy scaled mess on all 1080p screens and 3/4 of "720p" ones.


Oh wait
On paper, Orbis looks like the tighter, more powerful, more games-focused design. With Durango, the astonishing lengths to which Microsoft has gone to accommodate 8GB of RAM adds further weight to the hypothesis that its plans for the Xbox hardware extend beyond gaming, that it wants the hardware to form a next-gen media centre. The question is to what extent its non-gaming plans impact on the processing resources available to developers
He has admit it but now media center is became something of good when on ps3 'wat the shit is happen' 'RSX sucks blablablah' for him, Godly DDR3 seems. I bet a lot of biases if the side were reversed. Sorry but I hate the microsoft fanboysm of this guy.
I agree, but it's important to point out that most gamers, at the distance they sit, wouldn't be able to see a difference between 720p and 1080p if everything else (frame rate, HUD real estate, etc) is held equal.
This. And that's why I think many developers will prefer going for 720p with more pumped graphics rather than going for 1080p and less impressive gfx. And as a console-only gamer I wouldn't be bothered at all: if this was an issue for me, I would've switched to PC a couple years ago.


Junior Member
Oh wait
He has admit it but now media center is became something of good when on ps3 'wat the shit is happen' 'RSX sucks blablablah' for him, Godly DDR3. Sorry but I hate the microsoft fanboysm of this guy.

What? I dont recall him dissing the PS3 for its media capabilities. There is nothing fanboyish about this article.
Wouldn't a lower amount of RAM affect more than just loading? Like texture, model variety, quality etc.

AFAIK, with 4GB at speeds of 178 (or 192, I can't remember which) GB/s, it has three to four times faster bandwidth than 8GB at 48 GB/s. So while the latter can load in twice as much STUFF at once, the PS4 would be able to load more in the same time period as it is three-four times faster bandwidth wise.

/Is not a computer expert.
I agree, but it's important to point out that most gamers, at the distance they sit, wouldn't be able to see a difference between 720p and 1080p if everything else (frame rate, HUD real estate, etc) is held equal. Even if both MS and Sony do commit to making 1080p the standard, I can guarantee they at least have both considered allowing developers to render at 720p.

And I'm thinking that will be the case: that 720p will be allowed. Also, 30fps (as opposed to 60fps) will almost certainly be allowed for developers to use, too.

This is bullshit, it applies to movies but not to games.
Lower res = more jaggies, more shimmer, more pixel crawling, more moiree, all very very noticable artifacts at any distance.

(also lcd screens suck at displaying non-native resolution so there is an extra benifit to going for 1080p)
Ah yes and as someone else pointed out: scaling = added input lag, fuck image quality, the input lag alone is a dealbreaker :p


Junior Member
But where will we be in six years? Honestly I can't see developers NOT tapping every bit of performance they can out of that 8GB.

I think if that was a possible advantage it would have been mentioned in all the analysis which we have seen so far.
Oh wait
He has admit it but now media center is became something of good when on ps3 'wat the shit is happen' 'RSX sucks blablablah' for him, Godly DDR3 seems. I bet a lot of biases if the side were reversed. Sorry but I hate the microsoft fanboysm of this guy.

You're seeing fanboyism that isn't there man.


What? I dont recall him dissing the PS3 for its media capabilities. There is nothing fanboyish about this article.

It's not what I'm saying, simply Leadbetter hardly biases microsoft for something when Durango it's full of controversial hardware choice.
I think if that was a possible advantage it would have been mentioned in all the analysis which we have seen so far.
Well the DF article makes an interesting point, that not all data needs fast bandwidth in game development. A mix of high bandwidth through the esRAM, low bandwidth and high quantities seems like it could make for optimal results for the developer using memory management systems to take advantage

Then we can go back to Crysis and the like saying 8GB is the minimum they need.
Well, hopefully this puts the debate about which console is more powerful to bed. Seems pretty clear from this analysis.

It's a shame Microsoft didn't go for a similar design to Sony, as it seems that is the preferable choice. Either way, I'm sure multiplatform projects will still look very similar on the two consoles, with the PS4 having an extra bell and whistle here and there.

I can't play Sony exclusives on my PC, and I want my Sony exclusives to be at 1080p. Going 720p next gen would be a huge mistake. 720p would be flat out unacceptable for what is supposed to be a huge leap graphically.

I'll be surprised if Sony exclusives aren't natively rendered at 1080p. Nearly all of their PS3 exclusives were rendered at a true 720p.
Ok, after reading i think there is not anything we didn't know untill now. Everything is known by now, and as I said before, PS4 more "games" oriented, X720 more multimedia oriented.

To be honest, even I like x360 more than ps3, I'm more excited about PS4 than new xbox.


But where will we be in six years? Honestly I can't see developers NOT tapping every bit of performance they can out of that 8GB.

Sony has said they work to reach the 8 GB capability of Durango, but honestly I don't think 4 GB of GDDR5 is that different.


AFAIK, with 4GB at speeds of 178 (or 192, I can't remember which) MB/s, it has three to four times faster bandwidth than 8GB at 48 MB/s. So while the latter can load in twice as much STUFF at once, the PS4 would be able to load more in the same time period as it is three-four times faster bandwidth wise.

/Is not a computer expert.

It's GB/s, but yeah, i'm pretty sure the crazy RAM bandwidth can compensate the smaller memory pool and then some. And if the rumors are true that only about 5GB are reserved to games on Durango, PS4 will outdo Durango RAM-wise.


so you're saying Durango used the wrong sauce?



Ok, after reading i think there is not anything we didn't know untill now. Everything is known by now, and as I said before, PS4 more "games" oriented, X720 more multimedia oriented.

To be honest, even I like x360 more than ps3, I'm more excited about PS4 than new xbox.

I would have said the same 5 years ago however, I am beginning to play game less and consuming other form of entertainment more, so I am quite excited that the next Xbox could fulfill my needs. I am still excited for the PS4 and I plan to get both consoles at launch.
I would have said the same 5 years ago however, I am beginning to play game less and consuming other form of entertainment more, so I am quite excited that the next Xbox could fulfill my needs. I am still excited for the PS4 and I plan to get both consoles at launch.

Since I'm in the part of Europe where I can not use Netflix, SkyTV or some other multimedia apps and things (unfortunately) I'm pretty limited to games only on consoles. It's just too shame that PS4 won't (probably) come out this year in Europe, I would gladly buy that first, but like this, I will go with new xbox, hopefully BC will be available too in it so I can use it for cleaning my neverending backlog that originates from Classic Xbox.


Both systems will look quite similar for it's 80% 3rd Party library. I expect 1st party to really show off what the respective hardware is capable of.

As it stands, Sony will have some mind-blowing stuff but remember the some aspects of the specs could either be false or change at any given moment.
The RAM differences of these consoles are going to have a negligible difference when it comes to games. The speed of the RAM is more likely to have an impact on games than an extra gig being available.


Since I'm in the part of Europe where I can not use Netflix, SkyTV or some other multimedia apps and things (unfortunately) I'm pretty limited to games only on consoles. It's just too shame that PS4 won't (probably) come out this year in Europe, I would gladly buy that first, but like this, I will go with new xbox, hopefully BC will be available too in it so I can use it for cleaning my neverending backlog that originates from Classic Xbox.

One of the drawbacks of not having a federal Europe lol.

The RAM differences of these consoles are going to have a negligible difference when it comes to games. The speed of the RAM is more likely to have an impact on games than an extra gig.

Yep, Sony made a wise decision going with 4GB of GDDR5 rather than the rumoured 2GB from a year or two ago.



Based on the specs I think they should have stuck with 720p as that would allow them to provide a proper next gen leap with the added bonus of native 1080p on PC. I doubt the current specs will be enough to provide a proper leap at 1080p.

I bet the next gen consoles will be able to run games at 1080p. If the 360 and PS3 were twice as powerful then I believe that they could run games at that resolution, so...

About the data regarding the flops being meaningless, could that mean that the same applies to the WiiU, and that console could be considerably more powerful than it looks on paper?


Again with the secret sauce -___- .
Evertime Orbis seems to be ahead of Durango, someone (Aegis, Proelite, etc) comes out with some unspecific blah blah.
Orbis has better GPU? No problem, Durango has GPU secret sauce.
Orbis has better RAM? Nor problem, Durango has RAM secret sauce.
Orbis has 4 CUs for computing? No problem, Durango has CPU secret sauce.


You could say the same for Sony always seemingly waiting to hear what Microsoft says first before telling us how powerful the PS4 will be. They did the same thing with the PS3, always waiting so they could better whatever Microsoft said.


AFAIK, with 4GB at speeds of 178 (or 192, I can't remember which) GB/s, it has three to four times faster bandwidth than 8GB at 68 GB/s. So while the latter can load in twice as much STUFF at once, the PS4 would be able to load more in the same time period as it is three-four times faster bandwidth wise.

/Is not a computer expert.

Fixed that for you.
You could say the same for Sony always seemingly waiting to hear what Microsoft says first before telling us how powerful the PS4 will be. They did the same thing with the PS3, always waiting so they could better whatever Microsoft said.
Is that right? Please tell us more
I bet the next gen consoles will be able to run games at 1080p. If the 360 and PS3 were twice as powerful then I believe that they could run games at that resolution, so...

Of course they'll be able to. The 360 and PS3 even have games that run at true 1080p.

The question comes in when developers are building a game that really pushes the graphics. The lower the resolution, the more impressive you can make the effects, so it's a give and take. Higher resolution or more effects? Based on the specs for Durango, it seems many developers may feel the need to target 720p. It would seem doing 1080p will be easier on Orbis.

About the data regarding the flops being meaningless, could that mean that the same applies to the WiiU, and that console could be considerably more powerful than it looks on paper?

No. He said flops aren't everything, but comparing them on Durango and Orbis does still give an indication the Orbis is more powerful. We pretty much know how powerful the Wii U is at this point. It's similar to the Xbox 360.
Fixed that for you.

Alright, 2.5-2.8x faster bandwidth, which should make up for (and then some) for half the amount of available memory.

If we compare the amount of ram available after the OS ram usage has been taken into account (this is all speculation) and set hte Durango OS usage at 2GB (lower than the hypothesized 3GB), and the PS4 OS usage at 1GB (which is probably the case) then you end up with the same results - the PS4's faster RAM Enabling it to load in slightly more than the Durango's ram in the same time frame.

They end up on-par if you take the eSRAM of the Durango into account, or ends up more favourable to the Orbis if you go ahead with the Durango using 3GB for the OS and the PS4 only using 500MB.

/Not a computer expert.
I'm still not convinced that a pool of fast RAM is necessarily the right choice. What happens if a game is optimised to utilise 8GB?

Most PC games are just unaware of most than 2GB of RAM, thanks to be 32bits executables or don't have the flag of Large Address Aware.

A open world, mammoth GFX, game like crysis runs under 2GB of RAM and around 900MB of VRAM at 1080P.

It fits nicely on the 4GB RAM pool of Orbis, discountig OS, as a straight port. But it's a 2007 game. Although, BF3 eats 1'5GB of VRAM alone.

Honestly, I can't see how devs would have to struggle at all with 3'5GBs of free RAM coming from less than 400MB splitted RAM of the PS3.

Anyway, most people don't understand that you need to pair the RAM bandwidth with the proccessing power. GDDR5 is useless in a mid-low range tier GPU. And Orbis/Durango are just mid range GPU's, don't forget that.

By the EOL of this machines, DDR3 could be more expensive than GDDR5. Maybe Sony is aiming at that, coming from the nightmare of XDR. Because bandwidth for that modest GPU is just overkill.


Alright, 2.5-2.8x faster bandwidth, which should make up for (and then some) for half the amount of available memory.

If we compare the amount of ram available after the OS ram usage has been taken into account (this is all speculation) and set hte Durango OS usage at 2GB (lower than the hypothesized 3GB), and the PS4 OS usage at 1GB (which is probably the case) then you end up with the same results - the PS4's faster RAM Enabling it to load in slightly more than the Durango's ram in the same time frame.

They end up on-par if you take the eSRAM of the Durango into account, or ends up more favourable to the Orbis if you go ahead with the Durango using 3GB for the OS and the PS4 only using 500MB.

/Not a computer expert.

Then stop speculating like you are one.


I don't think people really care. Nobody I know offline cares that the COD games are sub-HD, or complains about them looking low-res. It even came up in a conversations with a couple of core gamers I know (not GAF-tier core, but not casuals either) and they had no idea.

Oh, play some CoD on a 1080p TV on PS3, then after startup WipeoutHD

They wont fucking know what resolution is but they will probably say "oooh that looks cleaner"
Same with people who say they dont see a diff between dvd and blu-ray. They dont actually know how bad the former is


good old Leadbetter. "Dreamcast is more powerful than Carol Vorderman!"

Good times reading the official saturn mag :D
Alright, 2.5-2.8x faster bandwidth, which should make up for (and then some) for half the amount of available memory.

If we compare the amount of ram available after the OS ram usage has been taken into account (this is all speculation) and set hte Durango OS usage at 2GB (lower than the hypothesized 3GB), and the PS4 OS usage at 1GB (which is probably the case) then you end up with the same results - the PS4's faster RAM Enabling it to load in slightly more than the Durango's ram in the same time frame.

They end up on-par if you take the eSRAM of the Durango into account, or ends up more favourable to the Orbis if you go ahead with the Durango using 3GB for the OS and the PS4 only using 500MB.

/Not a computer expert.

PS4 OS is rumored to be 512mb. So games would have 3.5GB GDDR5.

MS is rumored to reserve 2-3GB out of 8GB. So the RAM difference isn't really that big.
Oh, play some CoD on a 1080p TV on PS3, then after startup WipeoutHD

They wont fucking know what resolution is but they will probably say "oooh that looks cleaner"
Same with people who say they dont see a diff between dvd and blu-ray. They dont actually know how bad the former is

I still don't think they'd even care, and just chalk it up to Wipeout's cleaner, glossier "look" rather than its tech. Similarly, I remember booting up the R&CA4One demo in front of someone who had played every previous Ratchet, and the first thing I said when I saw it was "wow, 30fps Ratchet feels fucked up", and they were like "what? How can you even notice something like that?" To me it was glaringly obvious to the point of distraction, and this Ratchet vet wasn't just apathetic, he was clueless.

I know this is all anecdotal, and people could counter by citing COD's success running at 60 (I believe it would do fine at 30), but I really don't think people at enthusiast forums like this realize how little the mass market gives a shit about this stuff.
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