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“I think we are becoming out of touch with modern gaming, Gaf.” - Principal Skinner's Enthusiast Boomers


We as gamers will always lean toward good storry, gamplay & visual presentation of AAA games. On other hand developers, publishers & big corporation's will always lean towards more profit, less spendings & option to milk gamers for more profit. Don't be fooled in their marketing how much they care about gamers, they only care about more $$$.
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falling down GIF
Are we the baddies?
I am out of touch. My nephew spent 10 minutes playing Rift Apart and thought it was too complicated and went back to Roblox. He is 11. I completed Ocarina of Time when I was 8. The modern generation has the attention span of a gnat and that's why all you see is Roblox, Fortnight, Warzone etc. I guarantee you that the average person playing TOTK right now is over 30. They don't mind micro transactions. They like it. Allows them to progress without effort. Developers haven't become lazy, they are doing exactly what they need to do for the new wave of gamers. Sony will eventually transition to Gaas away from big single play titles when we are all too old to keep it going.


Gold Member
Now go back and do the like/dislike ratios on the trailers for games like The Avengers, Babylon's Fall, and Gotham Knights.

I don't think it's so much that we're out of touch with gaming... but I do think we're out of touch with mindless social media hype.

All those Sony GaaS games? I doubt more than one will be anything other than a failure.


I’m younger than probably half of GAF, but not a teenager either…

And the showcase sucked.

What you see with YouTube is simply typical gamer fanboy reaction. Like it because it’s big and was introduced from my company.


I haven’t been a fan of Ryan’s tenure, and have voiced my displeasure for Layden before - but I definitely feel like Ryan needs to step away soon, as I don’t trust his vision moving forward.

PS is lucky that Xbox has crapped the bed so hard under Spencer, because they are beginning to look just as tired and uninspired as XBOX is currently and there is no excuse with the studios PS has in its roster.


Neo Member
Now go back and do the like/dislike ratios on the trailers for games like The Avengers, Babylon's Fall, and Gotham Knights.

I don't think it's so much that we're out of touch with gaming... but I do think we're out of touch with mindless social media hype.

All those Sony GaaS games? I doubt more than one will be anything other than a failure.
They want that Genshin Impact cashflow. Sure, there are The Avengers, and others (I don't even want to type that Platinum-SE embarrassment of a game name), but you won't get the golden egg unless you try your luck every now and then.


I became "out of touch" during the PS360 era. There are still games for me, but I have 0 interest in the "10/10 blockbuster" made by Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. I rarely play first party games. Best games come from third parties, and often they are not technical marvels.

Looking forward to Talos Principle II. Still enjoying Shiren 4+ years later.
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Sony will eventually transition to Gaas away from big single play titles when we are all too old to keep it going.
Considering that life expectancy did shrink in the US (probably due to Covid and opiod crisis and fat acceptance) we might actually outlive them.
And we can also hope that the next young gen swings back to what "we" like, like in other developments where a move in one way often is followed by a move in the direct opposite.


Developers haven't become lazy, they are doing exactly what they need to do for the new wave of gamers. Sony will eventually transition to Gaas away from big single play titles when we are all too old to keep it going.

No, they are conditioning the younger generation in a way that benefits them. Early exposure to GAAS mechanics, early exposure to FOMO, early exposure to microtransactions and gambling mechanics.

You likely completed OOT because there was no other option but to complete it. There were no microtransactions to help you take shortcuts, there was no gamepass or online F2P games providing you with hundred of other games to play instead. If you got stuck you needed to find a solution if you wanted to progress.

It wasn't only like that with gaming, it was like that with many things in life. There's a lot to be said about this, a lot of it well beyond the topic of gaming specifically, but the mindsets that were instilled in us as kids and the resulting resilience is being lost and it's a broader societal issue.
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Does that yt dislike plugin actaully show the correct number, some only show the dislikes of other users that use that plugin.
Unfortunately it's not very accurate I think. It is better then nothing and "broadly" should be ok to judge trends.

Although question is do people even dislike stuff anymore with the meter not shown. Hate that Google did this.


Reverse groomer.
I know people are going to make fun of this quote, but...it's fucking true.
except that's not really true because... your nephew isn't a representative of all of Gen Z????

I mean if GaaS is so in demand for us you'd think all the cancellations & shutdowns that happened recently wouldn't be a thing... right???

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
except that's not really true because... your nephew isn't a representative of all of Gen Z????

I mean if GaaS is so in demand for us you'd think all the cancellations & shutdowns that happened recently wouldn't be a thing... right???

GAAS is just chasing another popular trend because a few games got super popular and hit a moment of zeitgeist. Remember MMOs? So many studios chased that bird thinking it laid nothing but golden eggs and the vast majority failed. GAAS is no different.


Gold Member
except that's not really true because... your nephew isn't a representative of all of Gen Z????

I mean if GaaS is so in demand for us you'd think all the cancellations & shutdowns that happened recently wouldn't be a thing... right???

  1. Calm down with the question marks.
  2. We're generalizing here. This is all anecdotal. And anecdotally I find that Gen Z does indeed have shit taste in games and I'm very far from being alone in this opinion. There are of course always exceptions and I shouldn't need to tell you that.
  3. I never mentioned GaaS
  4. Not "nephew", but 3 nephews, 3 nieces, 2 of my co-worker's children (they talk about what they're playing), and a smattering of other Gen Z to Gen Alpha kids that I've randomly met.

This is super old man shouting at cloud, but here goes. When I was their age, I was playing Metal Gear Solid, Zelda, Mega Man, Super Mario World, Half-Life, Counter-Strike, etc. Literally EVERY kid I've met that plays games that's under 20 (and probably older) plays only Fortnite, Minecraft, and iPad games (and not the good ones.) Literally every single one of them ranging from 6 years old to 22 or so. Those games by themselves are completely fine, but it's as if they have no idea about any other game or care to know (despite my best efforts, but I quickly gave up).

I personally find it very strange that they can be so enamored by these games, and have zero interest in branching out.


No shit sherlock.....I'll be 50 in a few weeks,lol......I've not jumped into this gen yet,no idea if I will at this point,hey I might be done with gaming altogether but I'm not gonna make one of those stupid threads announcing it to the world because I'm not that special.....I had a great time gaming over the years from the C64 to the PS4,if it's over it's over,I'll spend more time listening to all the great rock/metal music I have,those guys have never let me down.


Gold Member
I don't think age defines what your gaming preferences are. I'm almost 50 and I play two 'gaas' games, Fortnite & CoD DMZ. And I'm not into retro gaming at all.
GAF is just normie central now. Half of you just blurt out whatever shower thought occurred to you and pretend it's anything more than that. Poorly written at that.

If GAF were to be believed something like Spidey 2 is an "ugly looking game" lol.
Why not just move to v, there are fewer "normies" there. I hope you like the board being 90% "is coffee good for you" threads because that's what you will have to accept if you want to escape "normie central"
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The beauty of gaming in the year 2023 is that there is so much more to it than Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, and 3rd party corporate made games. Indie gaming is huge and alive. There are insanely good games that you and I have never even heard of waiting to be discovered.

In many cases these indie games rival the corporate studios in terms of graphics and quality. To me, this is what makes me excited to play games nowadays. There are so many possibilities yet to be tapped into because these corporations are too afraid to try new things. Look at them continuing to recycle the same games we've been playing since we were kids. Every now and then we get a new AAA IP that's interesting, but for the most part these indies are what are keeping me engaged.

If you're an indie developer, I love you! Keep doing what you do!
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Gold Member
It is comfort food. Try new experiences. Don’t be stuck on the same games.
Nothing wrong with comfort food gaming, I'm about to dive into mega-comfort with Diablo 4 next month. And hey, I never said I only play those games, I play plenty of other things too. Even stuff I'm not sure I'll like, I was sure I would hate Elden Ring but ended up putting like 350 hours into that game.
i have a feeling Xbox showcase is going to be a W this time, a big W.
I have a feeling that PS is holding back on some bigger teases to drop after the Xbox Showcase lol. That would be hilarious.

Even though I'm a PS first party AAA game fanboy, I actually wasn't as disappointed as most people seem to be with the showcase.


50 here (turned before 20 days) & I can't find pleasure playing any of GAS games (except League of legends) . I need more games like Elden ring, The last of us or Days gone or Zelda or Resident evil etc.
Need something to chillout & I don't need games where I can fill pressure like I'm doing second work & pay for GAS loot shit or boxes. Todays gaming is almost same like gambling & I don't like that trend at all.


I have a feeling that PS is holding back on some bigger teases to drop after the Xbox Showcase lol. That would be hilarious.

Even though I'm a PS first party AAA game fanboy, I actually wasn't as disappointed as most people seem to be with the showcase.
ofc they are holding back......they have shit to show. Their big guns are not in condition to be shown in this time.
Maybe they can show some new CGI in September for Starfield launch :)
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