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1st Grade Transgendered Student being barred from using Female Bathroom

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Which is my point. People saying she is too young to know whether she is a boy or a girl must feel there is an age before which people don't know, so I am asking what age they were when they decided their gender.

It was supposed to be Reductio ad absurdum but it was obviously not very good.

Oh I see what you were getting at. It's not that there's an age where you know, but there's certainly an age where you start beginning to understand your sexuality, and it seems bizarre that a child could really come to grips with what they were feeling at such a young age.

I'm not trying to discount it, but for straight-male GAF it's a very difficult concept to understand.


It's gotta be some sort of commentary on society in general when the actual trans person in this thread is completely ignored and cis-privilege reigns supreme.

Dead Man

Oh I see what you were getting at. It's not that there's an age where you know, but there's certainly an age where you start beginning to understand your sexuality, and it seems bizarre that a child could really come to grips with what they were feeling at such a young age.

I'm not trying to discount it, but for straight-male GAF it's a very difficult concept to understand.

But sexuality is never discussed here, she may grow up to be gay, straight, or somewhere in between. Sexuality is not even on her radar, this is about gender.

It's gotta be some sort of commentary on society in general when the actual trans person in this thread is completely ignored and cis-privelage reigns supreme.

Passing :) Sorry if have have presumed to speak for anyone.
Bathrooms accommodate the equipment not the psyche. Male privilege urinal crew unite!!!

They should remove male/female from the bathroom doors and replace them with Dicks/Vaginas. Remove the grey idea of gender association, if you have the tools just refer to the sign on which bathroom to use.
It's gotta be some sort of commentary on society in general when the actual trans person in this thread is completely ignored and cis-privelage reigns supreme.

You haven't said a whole lot, and you said it to nobody in particular. Didn't mean to ignore you.

But sexuality is never discussed here, she may grow up to be gay, straight, or somewhere in between. Sexuality is not even on her radar, this is about gender.

That's kind of what I'm getting at. As a teenage boy I had those questions of sexuality for a while but gender was never in doubt for a second, so the concepts of a) what it means to feel outside one's physical sex and b) what it means to question it are utterly foreign to me. Therefore my only basis for such a profound question is regarding sexuality, which I don't think is something that really manifests before puberty for most people, so it's strange to see such a young person affirming their gender like this.
The kid wants to be (i.e. is) a girl.

Disclaimer: I'm very uneducated in regards to transgender people, so I'm asking this question out of curiosity and wanting to learn, not out of anything mean-spirited.

With that said, what sets a transgender person apart, mentally/emotionally-speaking, compared to someone that maintains the gender they were physically born with, anatomically-speaking? I mean, what makes some people transgender but others not, scientifically-speaking? Have there been any studies that suggest there is a difference in the genetics of the individual?

I guess, being transgender seems a bit different to me than being gay; there are cases that are easily observable in nature of gay animals, but it's much harder to identify transgender animals, so I have a harder time understanding what makes someone transgender. Is it really just as simple as being genetic (which, I'm not sure on this, I assume is the same underlying reason why gay people are gay and straight people are straight)?

I'm quoting you specifically because your post sparked my questions, but I'd love if anyone can educate me on this.

Juicy Bob

Is this a case where the child is genetically male but had ambiguous genitalia thus the parents decided to raise him as a female? If so, then authorities ought to treat him as a female. If this is just a boy who really likes being a girl, I'm sure he can tolerate using the boys room as he has the equipment to do so, or could use a stall. Whether the other boys will tolerate him, that is the real question.
Two things here.

First of all, I think it's important to stress that this situation isn't really about a boy who just 'likes' to act like a girl. The best way I can think of to describe this child is that she is a girl who was born into a boy's body. She may have a penis, but she knows that she is female on the inside. So I wouldn't personally think of it as a matter of preference, but as a matter of fact. In short, we are talking about a girl here.

Secondly, suggesting that she simply uses the boy's toilets might seem logical, but the fact is that that would most likely be really quite damaging for her. As we separate children very clearly between boys and girls from an early age, telling a girl that she has to use the same toilets as the boys do and not the other girls is going to be a pretty unpleasant thing for her. If you'd had told me when I was her age that I was only allowed to use the girl's toilets, I would have found that pretty distressing myself. This also isn't really about her physical makeup either, it's a matter of her identity and who she is on the inside. That's why this is an important issue and why I really don't think it would be healthy to make her use the boy's bathrooms if she doesn't want to.


"However, I'm certain you can appreciate that as Coy grows older and his male genitals develop along with the rest of his body, at least some parents and students are likely to become uncomfortable with his continued use of the girls' restroom."

When you start hormone therapy as soon as she will probably start, there will be no male genital development and her body will be as girly as possible with breasts and such ... so they will REALLY have no problem.

And really ... there will be no student with problems of this ... children are FINE with it. The problem are the transphobic parents =P

edit :

It's gotta be some sort of commentary on society in general when the actual trans person in this thread is completely ignored and cis-privilege reigns supreme.

If trans person were listened to trans person problems all countries would be like Argentina when you only need to sign a paper and you can change all your documents instantly =P

Disclaimer: I'm very uneducated in regards to transgender people, so I'm asking this question out of curiosity and wanting to learn, not out of anything mean-spirited.

With that said, what sets a transgender person apart, mentally/emotionally-speaking, compared to someone that maintains the gender they were physically born with, anatomically-speaking? I mean, what makes some people transgender but others not, scientifically-speaking? Have there been any studies that suggest there is a difference in the genetics of the individual?

I guess, being transgender seems a bit different to me than being gay; there are cases that are easily observable in nature of gay animals, but it's much harder to identify transgender animals, so I have a harder time understanding what makes someone transgender. Is it really just as simple as being genetic (which, I'm not sure on this, I assume is the same underlying reason why gay people are gay and straight people are straight)?

I'm quoting you specifically because your post sparked my questions, but I'd love if anyone can educate me on this.

Do you know how you feel awesome for having a penis and being manly ?
So .. it is like the oposite =P

There are lots of studies that the brain of transgender people are equal (as in, size of gender related parts of the brain) to the gender they identify, including the ones that never had any hormone therapy.

It has more to do with hormone levels in fetal stage than genetic, as in the brain receives no effect of the Y chromossome and the rest of the body receives it

There are LOTS of examples of transgender animals ... but usualy got the easy way and have all the change instantly like clownfish


It's the only thing I could think of. It's such a complicated issue that I don't even know where to begin.

Gender separate bathrooms ARE simple.

You goes to the bathroom of your gender.

What people go crazy is that they think someone with a penis will rape other people ... wich is kinda hilarious because it not only ignores transgender people very basic nature, but also ignores HOMOSEXUAL people very basic nature.
If a transgender person can rape someone (trivia : most trans women take anti androgens in extremaly high dosages. anti androgens are drugs used in chemical castration by convicted rapists) than a gay man can EASILY rape another man on the bathroom =P
I've never decided anything it was already decided for me.

Well, there you go. Same here, it's just that this little girl's body is a bit off.

I mean, what makes some people transgender but others not, scientifically-speaking? Have there been any studies that suggest there is a difference in the genetics of the individual?

Dunno. From earlier threads on NeoGAF and talking to people off-GAF, I've learned that trans-women have much more similar brain structure to cis-women than to cis-men, and vice-versa.

This looks really interesting.

It's the only thing I could think of. It's such a complicated issue that I don't even know where to begin.

Single-occupant gender-neutral bathrooms solve the problem completely.

For larger bathrooms, you only need urinals because it keeps pee off the toilet seat when men don't care. I've also found it only takes a little while to become accustomed to shared bathrooms (they had them in one of the buildings at my university)— it turns out I hate shitting with an audience, regardless if it's another man or woman.
with the potentials for lawsuits from other parents, I can see why the school did what it had to do. there's really no winners in cases like this.


Transgender issues really boggle my mind. I'm pretty compassionate, so I'm never one to just push some old, outdated view, obviously. I try to sympathize as much as I possibly can, but sometimes I really just can't wrap my mind around it at all. I guess that's part of why I try to give them the benefit of the doubt more than most things. In this case especially I just really can't fathom a 1st grader having that sort of cognition to realize and acknowledge that its a girl and not a boy.

Gender itself is a weird concept to me. I don't feel especially attached to being a man. I've got a dick, but other than that I'm just me, I guess, and that's about all I've ever put into it. Especially separated from sexuality altogether, it's just never been something I've even identified with much. That's why it's odd to fathom a 1st grader doing that.

Do you know how you feel awesome for having a penis and being manly ?
So .. it is like the oposite =P

This is just the thing. I don't feel awesome for having a penis, nor do I feel particularly manly. I have a penis, but it's just a thing that I have to pee and to have sex with. I don't feel that attached to it as a concept, nor do I really care about being "manly" or anything like. It's really just hard for me to think of an "opposite" for my feelings on the subject.

Anyway, I support transgendered issues wherever I can, but bathroom stuff is going to be really interesting to see how we solve it in the future. I'm not sure what we can do short of getting rid of gendered bathrooms altogether, and that is probably waaaaaaaay off, and would cause some odd problems in and off itself, probably.


So not worth it
with the potentials for lawsuits from other parents, I can see why the school did what it had to do. there's really no winners in cases like this.

So basically what needs to change is not the mentality towards transgenders, but the "lawsuit-mentality"?

Less lawsuits, more regular conflict resolvement?
This is just the thing. I don't feel awesome for having a penis, nor do I feel particularly manly. I have a penis, but it's just a thing that I have to pee and to have sex with. I don't feel that attached to it as a concept, nor do I really care about being "manly" or anything like. It's really just hard for me to think of an "opposite" for my feelings on the subject.

1) Take your pants off
2) Swing your dick to knock things off a table
3) Realize what you've been missing all of your life
Gender separate bathrooms ARE simple.

You goes to the bathroom of your gender.

What people go crazy is that they think someone with a penis will rape other people ... wich is kinda hilarious because it not only ignores transgender people very basic nature, but also ignores HOMOSEXUAL people very basic nature.
If a transgender person can rape someone (trivia : most trans women take anti androgens in extremaly high dosages. anti androgens are drugs used in chemical castration by convicted rapists) than a gay man can EASILY rape another man on the bathroom =P

This issue is just the tip of the iceberg, it will lead into changing/locker rooms if it hasn't already. It's not about rape, it's about people's personal beliefs. I don't think parents are ready to explain idea of transgender, our country has a hard enough time explaining the basic concept of safe sex.

Dead Man

This issue is just the tip of the iceberg, it will lead into changing/locker rooms if it hasn't already. It's not about rape, it's about people's personal beliefs. I don't think parents are ready to explain idea of transgender, our country has a hard enough time explaining the basic concept of safe sex.

I love that some peoples personal beliefs are worth more than the dignity of this kid.


At such a young age there should only be unisex restrooms anyway.

If it was just first graders, that might have some merit. They've got to design the restrooms to be used by the entire school though, which usually means grades K-5 or 6. By fifth grade, I don't think a single girl would ever use the bathroom if there were boys in there.


Question only slightly related to the topic: How does she have a state ID and Passport that "recognize"s her as female? Biologically, isn't she a male, and shouldn't official documents have her noted as such? Or does the birth certificate just become an extra sort of idetification in this instance? I'm just imagining getting ripped apart in another country's Customs Dept (has happened to a friend) and causing a huge misunderstanding/problem.
I love that some peoples personal beliefs are worth more than the dignity of this kid.

Nobody said gaining equality would be easy. The fact of the matter is until gay rights are solidified I don't see any major debate or breakthroughs for transgender rights.
Two things here.

First of all, I think it's important to stress that this situation isn't really about a boy who just 'likes' to act like a girl. The best way I can think of to describe this child is that she is a girl who was born into a boy's body. She may have a penis, but she knows that she is female on the inside. So I wouldn't personally think of it as a matter of preference, but as a matter of fact. In short, we are talking about a girl here.

Secondly, suggesting that she simply uses the boy's toilets might seem logical, but the fact is that that would most likely be really quite damaging for her. As we separate children very clearly between boys and girls from an early age, telling a girl that she has to use the same toilets as the boys do and not the other girls is going to be a pretty unpleasant thing for her. If you'd had told me when I was her age that I was only allowed to use the girl's toilets, I would have found that pretty distressing myself. This also isn't really about her physical makeup either, it's a matter of her identity and who she is on the inside. That's why this is an important issue and why I really don't think it would be healthy to make her use the boy's bathrooms if she doesn't want to.

A child is conditioned since birth into behaving female or male based on what parents do to them and say. Everything between men and women are learned behaviors until it comes to the sexual organs. Females play with dolls and wear dresses because they have been conditioned since birth that that's what they are supposed to do. Same for males. You tell a lil girl, she's a girl. A child on its own is not going to identify as anything, until someone shows it what to identify as. Just because the boy has an affinity to society labelled "female" items, doesn't mean he thinks he's a girl. Sounds like the child is raising the parents and not vice versa.

With that being said, the parents can do whichever they feel with their child. Nothing immorally wrong with anything. However, I kind of agree that their 'daughter' shouldn't share the bathroom with other girls. I can see parents being uncomfortable. Children do the darndest things, might go to bathroom and have a show and tell with other girls.
How does a child that age know to swap genders? I cant seem to understand or accept that it was his/her decision from the get go.
I can't either. I like to think of myself as forward thinking but enough is fucking enough. This is the kind of shit that makes me hate so many modern parenting tactics. And I am a parent. I have a son and I have a daughter. The boy fucking loves cranes and has loved cranes & tractors since he was crawling. The girl has been obsessed with princesses from the get-go too. This was with almost no effort. I suspect the parents let this kid go down some rabbit hole of gender non-specificity and never should have.

This shit makes it hard for me to pretend I am liberal. I support gay marriage, I support homosexuals in general, but if I can't be convinced to give a flying fuck about this, good luck convincing the Fox News crowd. Good fucking luck. I can't even focus on the issue. All I can focus on is the hoity-toity asshole parents that let the kid question his gender in the first place.


I'm not quite certain I understand how a child that age would be able to self-identify their gender. It seems like a rather heavy topic for a person under 6 years old.

I ask this in open curiosity as I don't know a whole lot about transgender issues.

I'm assuming your straight? Weren't you aware of your sexual orientation at that age, even if you didn't think about it? Obviously transgenderism isn't a sexual orientation, but it's similar in that its something you just know. It's really as simple as that.

Some people don't realize they're gay/les/bi/trans until later in life, some people are perceptive of it from the near get go.


A child is conditioned since birth into behaving female or male based on what parents do to them and say. Everything between men and women are learned behaviors until it comes to the sexual organs. Females play with dolls and wear dresses because they have been conditioned since birth that that's what they are supposed to do. Same for males.

I strongly doubt that.

Sure, it matters to a certain degree. But I believe these conditionings are so common because they fit most of the time. Children aren't born as blank slates.


No bald cap? Lies!
This issue is just the tip of the iceberg, it will lead into changing/locker rooms if it hasn't already. It's not about rape, it's about people's personal beliefs. I don't think parents are ready to explain idea of transgender, our country has a hard enough time explaining the basic concept of safe sex.


Statement holds true for transgender rights just as much for gay marriage. If you have a problem with an innocent transgender kid using the bathroom they identify with then that's your problem and you can take your shitty kid and homeschool them if it means that much to you. This has very little, if any, adverse affects on the other kids. It may be odd at first, but children adapt to things like this extremely well if exposed to it early on and if adults actually explain shit to them and try not to hide them away.


A child is conditioned since birth into behaving female or male based on what parents do to them and say. Everything between men and women are learned behaviors until it comes to the sexual organs. Females play with dolls and wear dresses because they have been conditioned since birth that that's what they are supposed to do. Same for males. You tell a lil girl, she's a girl. A child on its own is not going to identify as anything, until someone shows it what to identify as. Just because the boy has an affinity to society labelled "female" items, doesn't mean he thinks he's a girl. Sounds like the child is raising the parents and not vice versa.
I'm all for breaking down gender roles and the such, but lots of this is wrong. Society plays a big role in how we perceive our genders, but people are ingrained with certain characteristics that denote what gender you are. People identify as what they're brain tells them to identify as.
So basically what needs to change is not the mentality towards transgenders, but the "lawsuit-mentality"?

Less lawsuits, more regular conflict resolvement?

yes, exactly. A single lawsuit against the school can cost a lot of money, which will then most likely be taken away from the arts.

Make it less possible for parents to sue schools, and you will see schools become the beacon of progress in the US


I really don't think they've thought it through. There is no scenario where anyone is going to see her genitals, except those who already have male genitals.
I call bullshit.


I'm assuming your straight? Weren't you aware of your sexual orientation at that age, even if you didn't think about it? Obviously transgenderism isn't a sexual orientation, but it's similar in that its something you just know. It's really as simple as that.

In first grade? Not me. I mean I think I was vaguely aware that generally speaking boys were supposed to like girls at a later time, but no I don't think I had any real sexual orientation in first grade. I don't think it was until 3rd grade or so where I was even into the "Oh, I guess girls are kind of aesthetically pleasing" sort of stage.
But sexuality is never discussed here, she may grow up to be gay, straight, or somewhere in between. Sexuality is not even on her radar, this is about gender.

Passing :) Sorry if have have presumed to speak for anyone.

I agree with the first sentence. How do you know this (bold) about her? I think it's a bit of leap to assume that a 7 year old boy identifies as a female and it has absolutely nothing to do with sexuality. Kids aren't entirely oblivious to sexuality despite being generally embarrassed by the discussion of it. When I was that young, I definitely knew what I liked. Could that have changed over time? Sure. It didn't, but sure. I find it hard to believe a first grader has absolutely no clue what they're attracted to, and I find it slightly less difficult to believe that it doesn't, in some however minute way, inform her decision to identify as a girl.

edit: I'm surprised how many of you say that you didn't know if you liked boys or girls or anything at that age. Is my experience really that uncommon?
I'm assuming your straight? Weren't you aware of your sexual orientation at that age, even if you didn't think about it? Obviously transgenderism isn't a sexual orientation, but it's similar in that its something you just know. It's really as simple as that.

Some people don't realize they're gay/les/bi/trans until later in life, some people are perceptive of it from the near get go.

I don't understand how being transgender isn't associated with sexual preference. So it's possible to be a woman within a mans body...who is sexually attracted to women? You cant blame people like me for not understanding this.


A child is conditioned since birth into behaving female or male based on what parents do to them and say. Everything between men and women are learned behaviors until it comes to the sexual organs. Females play with dolls and wear dresses because they have been conditioned since birth that that's what they are supposed to do. Same for males. You tell a lil girl, she's a girl. A child on its own is not going to identify as anything, until someone shows it what to identify as. Just because the boy has an affinity to society labelled "female" items, doesn't mean he thinks he's a girl. Sounds like the child is raising the parents and not vice versa.

With that being said, the parents can do whichever they feel with their child. Nothing immorally wrong with anything. However, I kind of agree that their 'daughter' shouldn't share the bathroom with other girls. I can see parents being uncomfortable. Children do the darndest things, might go to bathroom and have a show and tell with other girls.

There was a very unethical medical experimentation that happened because of a malformed male genitalia that the doctor told the parent to raise the boy as a girl, including giving pills to have a female puberty and all.

long story short :
The boy was NEVER girly and transitioned to male like any transgender male would.
When he discoered what happened he commited suicide


In first grade? Not me. I mean I think I was vaguely aware that generally speaking boys were supposed to like girls at a later time, but no I don't think I had any real sexual orientation in first grade. I don't think it was until 3rd grade or so where I was even into the "Oh, I guess girls are kind of aesthetically pleasing" sort of stage.
It varies for different people, but I'm sure you'd be hard-pressed in this day and age to find a young person who at a base level doesn't know who they're slightly attracted to/supposed to be attracted to.
I'm all for breaking down gender roles and the such, but lots of this is wrong. Society plays a big role in how we perceive our genders, but people are ingrained with certain characteristics that denote what gender you are. People identify as what they're brain tells them to identify as.

Exactly, and you wouldn't know what to identify as unless the identity was presented to you. If there were no gender "roles", then how would you identify yourself as a female?


I don't understand how being transgender isn't associated with sexual preference. So it's possible to be a woman within a mans body...who is sexually attracted to women? You cant blame people like me for not understanding this.
It definitely is, but it probably isn't for someone so young. The main misconception is that it's ALL about sexual preference for someone like a first-grader. I'm sure she's attracted to boys, but her attraction isn't what precipitated her thinking that she was transgender. I'm not sure if you understand what I'm saying? I'm not the best with words.

Exactly, and you wouldn't know what to identify as unless the identity was presented to you. If there were no gender "roles", then how would you identify yourself as a female?
This is so reductionist that I don't even know where to begin.


Most schools over here have unisex bathrooms, and are (very) easily accessible for teachers. At the daycare of my son they have two stalls without a divider and a transparent door.


I don't understand how being transgender isn't associated with sexual preference. So it's possible to be a woman within a mans body...who is sexually attracted to women? You cant blame people like me for not understanding this.
Sure. I watched a TV program about a man who married a woman and had kids and after all that underwent the transgender process to a woman. She said she was still attracted to her wife throughout the marriage and after.


It varies for different people, but I'm sure you'd be hard-pressed in this day and age to find a young person who at a base level doesn't know who they're slightly attracted to/supposed to be attracted to.

I suppose people now are exposed to so much more (at least that's my feeling) that perhaps a first grader might be a bit further along than I was at that time. Still, I remember quite clearly a few different times where I really sat and thought about it, and the only conclusion I could come to was that society said I was supposed to pair up with a girl when I was older, and that was about it.

It's odd because I had been masturbating as young as 4, but there was no actual connection that it was a sexual act at all or that it could have any connection to an attraction to girls either.

Juicy Bob

What's there to doubt? Society tells you everyday what males and females so-called roles are. From how children are raised , TV commercials, toys, and clothing are all catered to each gender.
It's true. Boys and girls and men and women are conditioned by society into adhering to 'acceptable' gender roles in line with traditional masculine or feminine values. That is very much the case.

However, I think that for some children, like the girl in this story, this isn't something that has been learned, taught or influenced. For whatever reason, this girl is absolutely convinced beyond any doubt that she is the opposite gender to what her sexual organs suggest. There's a lot of evidence to suggest this isn't something she's likely to change her mind about either, but that she will feel a girl and, ultimately, a woman for the rest of her life. I think that it's best to not worry so much why or how and instead focus on accepting this is the reality and what can be done to make sure she doesn't suffer because of this.

I don't understand how being transgender isn't associated with sexual preference. So it's possible to be a woman within a mans body...who is sexually attracted to women? You cant blame people like me for not understanding this.

This is a good way to describe it:



So not worth it
Most schools over here have unisex bathrooms, and are (very) easily accessible for teachers. At the daycare of my son they have two stalls without a divider and a transparent door.

This would make it very hard for me to go the bathroom, as I can't even use a urinal with someone near me, I have always been very consious about peeing "in public"
It definitely is, but it probably isn't for someone so young. The main misconception is that it's ALL about sexual preference for someone like a first-grader. I'm sure she's attracted to boys, but her attraction isn't what precipitated her thinking that she was transgender. I'm not sure if you understand what I'm saying? I'm not the best with words.

This is so reductionist that I don't even know where to begin.



What's there to doubt? Society tells you everyday what males and females so-called roles are. From how children are raised , TV commercials, toys, and clothing are all catered to each gender.

Yes, and that happens because it fits most of the time.

Children aren't automatically forced into every gender stereotype. Very often in satisfies their natural needs and interests, and that shouldn't be frowned upon.

At the same time, society needs to acknowledge that there are a lot of children who are "different" as well (I don't want to make it sound derogatory at all, but as a German, I don't know how I could say it better in English), and nobody has the right to force them into some stereotype they aren't happy with. This needs to be respected as well. Everybody is different, and it doesn't really matter if someone fits into an established gender role or doesn't. Both options are perfectly fine.
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