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2 Men Use Girl as Human Shield, Father Guns Them Down

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Cortez McClinton, 33, and Terrell Johnson, 31, held a gun to the girl’s head

Everybody acknowleges the fact that they were lucky to have access to guns, but not how unlucky they were that the criminals also had access to guns.

I'm glad nobody got hurt, besides the criminals.
Well the common opinion that Europeans seem to have of us Americans is that we're ass backwards people who roam the open plans like Raiders in Fallout 3.

If only it was so exciting! I was lied to. Instead of that I got strip malls :(

Not to say that americans' opinions of europeans is much more informed anyway.


Fuck Cancer
Well the common opinion that Europeans seem to have of us Americans is that we're ass backwards people who roam the open plans like Raiders in Fallout 3.

I don't think that this is true at all. At least not for me. It's quite the opposite. What most Europeans don't like are the guns and the way you handle Foreign policy.


Yea let me tell you I was not justified carrying my 45 while clearing brush on my property. I was wrong for shooting those boar that charged me, I should just be a man and get gored because fuck guns. Or how about the time someone tried to run me off the road and carjack me, I was an asshole for pulling my gun when they tried to break my driver side window.

You should have jumped into a tree and called the police and waited for them to arrive...clearly.


Don't charge anyone at all because it was a justifiable homicide? Seems like you're just stacking charges as a "fuck you" without any sense of justice.

Holding the aggressors of such a crime responsible for subsequent deaths given the situation *is* justice.

A homicide that would NOT have occurred if the accomplice hadn't helped in the burglary in the first place. I'm not a lawyer. Someone with more legal understanding please feel free to chime in here but doesn't the accomplice have a legal obligation to alert authorities that the other is planning such an attack and the fact that they don't and participates is what makes them responsible for their partners homicide? Please help me here, lol.

Keep propping up that straw man, very intellectually honest.

Gotta put something in that broken window to cover the hole...

In all seriousness, stahp.
If only it was so exciting! I was lied to. Instead of that I got strip malls :(

Not to say that americans' opinions of europeans is much more informed anyway.

Not as informed but so much more hilarious.
Like how most Americans think Brits live posh, comfortable lives whilst sipping tea and eating scones.

I don't think that this is true at all. At least not for me. It's quite the opposite. What most Europeans don't like are the guns and the way you handle Foreign policy.

We're a country that has forward military bases in a good chunk of the countries around the world...

It could be a lot worse. We could be universally hated like North Korea.


Regardless of what the end result was in this one particular case, shooting somebody who's holding a hostage at gunpoint is an incredibly bad idea.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Regardless of what the end result was in this one particular case, shooting somebody who holding a hostage at gunpoint is an incredibly bad idea.

But it is the responsble thing to do apparently.
As is missing and firing through your neighbor's house (luckily you missed hitting them)




Regardless of what the end result was in this one particular case, shooting somebody who's holding a hostage at gunpoint is an incredibly bad idea.

The father assessed the situation and came to the conclusion she would die if he didn't...it sounded like a calculated risk.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon

Sounds like they used her as a shield because they assumed (rightfully) that there were guns in the house.
This is what angers me about this whole story. It could've been prevented!

McClinton, of the 3100 block of Pennsylvania Avenue, was charged with second-degree murder (also called felony murder), kidnapping, burglary and armed criminal action. McClinton’s cash bail was set at $1 million.

In May 2010, McClinton was charged with fatally shooting Bryan Reed, 28, the previous month. Reed was sitting with a friend in a car April 24 in the 3700 block of Minnesota Avenue about 12:40 a.m. when a gunman approached and shot Reed several times.

The St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office dropped murder and armed criminal action charges against McClinton in Reed’s killing because of a lack of witness cooperation, said Susan Ryan, a spokeswoman for the office. McClinton was released from jail in January 2013 after nearly three years behind bars awaiting trial on the murder case and other unrelated charges that were ultimately dropped.

McClinton has convictions in Missouri of drug possession and distribution and vehicle tampering.

The investigation is ongoing, police said.

No one answered the door at the home Tuesday, but broken glass and bullet holes marked the storm door where shots were fired.

There are people defending these assholes who invaded someone's home, but yet no one's pointing out how a shitty legal system let this guy slip through the cracks.
He was most likely mobbed up if he was able to shake witnesses.

Just FYI nypd handguns have a mandated 10 pound trigger pull. That makes aiming really difficult.

What is a trigger pull?


"playing" dumb? unpossible
This is why I believe rational home owners should be allowed to keep firearms at home.

Sadly I live in a pathetic island called the UK. Criminals appear to have more rights in this country.

0.23 yearly gun related homicides per 100,000 says "hello!" Question, would homeowners having guns be a positive factor or a negative factor to that number? Oh and, in 2012 there were 653 homicides (not just gun related; ALL homicides) in all of the UK which translates to a rate of 1.0 for the year. Last year the city of Detroit recorded 332 murders with a city population of 706,000. The UK had double that while having 63 million people living there. What is the problem you seem to be having again?



What is a trigger pull?

The amount of force required to pull the trigger. A light trigger pull could also be referred to as a hair trigger. The problem with a heavy pull like the NYPD is that the higher level of force required makes aiming harder as you struggle to pull the trigger and tense your hand.
Wow, scumbag parents value property over their daughters life.

This doesn't even make sense without doing serious mental backflips.

The criminals didn't have a gun placed to their macbook. It was placed against their daughter. With zero guarantee that they wouldn't pop their kid anyway they took the action they believed absolutely required.

The amount of force required to pull the trigger. A light trigger pull could also be referred to as a hair trigger. The problem with a heavy pull like the NYPD is that the higher level of force required makes aiming harder as you struggle to pull the trigger and tense your hand.

I believe it's to prevent negligent discharges?


Amusing that they turn a robbery involving a gun being held to a 17 year old girls head into a pro gun article, the girls incredibly lucky not to have been shot by either side.
I'm glad that they defended their family & home, glad the daughter was unharmed & i have no sympathy for the criminals whatsoever. one less dirt bag in this world & his accomplice is being charged for his death, great ending to a terrifying story.
Look guys, we can argue semantics until we are blue in the face, but let's not ignore the true lesson of this story.

Women can't aim for shit.
Honestly they could have easily used the girl as a human shield with a knife even if nobody had access to guns. A gun isn't necessary in this case at all.

Or a cutter. Or a broken bottle. Or keeping her in a chokehold.

Still, the only weapon they could use to kill the girl and the rest of her family without even taking one step from where they stand is a gun.

Just because there exist other weapons does not mean it should be made easier for criminals to have access to more dangerous ones.

Criminals are going to find access to guns.

Nope. Barely any gun homicides in Europe compared to the USA. See a previous post with data from the UK and Detroit.


Man, with the amount of guns being pointed at that girl I wonder what might have been going through her head.

A zero incident(aside from the tragic loss of an armed criminal) story is great but it seems more than just a story about 'family fights off armed criminals and save their daughter' its more like 'familys packing heat and stare down a pack of ravenous criminals but with the mircale of modern weaponry and -I told you so- at their side they defeat the foes with guns blazing and save their daughter'... or at least the NRA will headline that bombastic story.

The father sounds like he only cares about the life of his daughter though, he didn't make any grand statements from what I read.


I think you guys over there just like shooting guns, not much else to say, you can see that they're extremely dangerous, that kids are getting access to them, vigilantes are straight up headshotting people left right and center. I think you don't do anything about it cause you know, westerns and shit.


Daughter is lucky not only that her parents didn't hit her, but also that the robbers weren't crazy enough to simply kill her once the shooting starting considering they had a gun to her head.

I can't imagine this situation going down as well as it did very often.
Common sense? If someone wants a gun bad enough there are ways to get one, maybe easier in certain places, but if a criminal wants a gun he can get one.

According to your statement, gun related crime should be approximately equal among other nations equiparable with the USA, right? Which doesn't seem to be the case:

Gun violence in the United States is unusually high for a nation of such wealth. Although there is little difference in the overall crime rates between the United States and other high-income countries, the homicide rate in the U.S. is seven times higher than the combined homicide rate of 22 other high-income countries.[5] This is because of the firearm homicide rate in the U.S. is twenty times greater than in these other high-income countries. The higher prevalence of gun ownership and much less restrictive gun laws are important reasons why violent crime in the U.S. is so much more letal than in countries of similar income levels.*

Daniel W. Webster et al.; Johns Hopkins center for gun policy and Research. Link.

*Any difference with the linked text is due to me having to transcribe the paragraph, as I couldn't copy & paste it.

Maybe criminals in other countries don't want more convenient and deadly weapons with which to commit their crimes.
Common sense? If someone wants a gun bad enough there are ways to get one, maybe easier in certain places, but if a criminal wants a gun he can get one.

I don't know if that's common sense, but you are dead wrong all the same. As proven by statistics that show the disparity in gun crime between US and Europe.


Dad's damned lucky. If he had killed his daughter, the next person he'd want to use the gun on would probably be himself.
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