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25 minutes of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD English gameplay

I hope King sound good in English. I will cry bullet tears if they botch him!

I do hope the sound effects are better. On PSP they seemed too loud and "crashy". Basically, wasn't sitting right for my ears, almost like chalkboard scratching.
Looks like they threw every single bell and whistle they could at the PSP version. Even the animations look updated with new details in the hands and of course things like Class Zero's cloaks.

Something that might be less noticeable is that the UI takes up much less space on a Hi-Def image that it did on the PSP's screen, so you're by default going to see more of the action than in the PSP game.

Other things to note: The mission shown in the video is the first real mission in the game, and it looks to be untouched from a enemy encounter/game design perspective. The only thing that's different is the fact that the party has Re-Raise on permanently, which is not possible in the full game past the intro tutorial mission. This means that when you summon Ifrit, the character you were playing as is out of commission for the duration of that mission. That was not the case here, since Seven came right back after Ifrit de-summoned.

Personal notes: I'm glad that they stuck with Eidolon, though the pronunciation is weirding me out. I'm surprised that Rubrum is the "Dominion of Rubrum" or "Rubrum Dominion". And I'm confused that the icon above the save crystal is just the original japanese icon with an english word pasted above it. But eh, no big. Oh yeah, I like that Ace's "Deck Open" was changed to "Cut Cards", and I like that the Summon Gate was renamed to Channelgate.

Oh, and the player had no idea what he was doing. If the gameplay looks dodgy, that's mostly why. He didn't know that you can detonate dead bodies to cause more damage to enemies, and he only accidentally took advantage of Kill- and Break-Sights. Both of those things are essential for kicking ass.


No, the right thing would have been to release this overseas 2-3 years ago.

Hard to say... The PSP was dead in the West outside of the homebrew/pirate scene, and the Vita was on the horizon. I think holding off made more business sense.

Keeping so quiet about it for so long; that was probably a bad move. I think more transparency about Type 0 would have helped.
So this is my first exposure of anything Type-0 related, at all! For whatever reason, I never kept up with the JP release on the PSP.

Ok, a few thoughts from watching the video:

-WOW this guy is fucking terrible at playing this! He was THAT bad I genuinely had to ask a friend if he was just terrible or if the game was bad!

-Combat reminds me a lot of Crisis Core, which is a GREAT thing. Love that game!

-Kupo! FUCK OFF! Hate moogles!

-So I'm assuming re-raise is similar to auto-life, and I'm also assuming that its permanently on because this is a demo. That's not a permanent thing in the final game right? I would like some degree of difficulty please.

-I'm getting a very FF8 SeeD Exam vibe from this mission, everyone in school uniforms, following orders, attacking a base. Could type-0 have a graduation into elite force type story element?

-OK Ifrit looks fucking SICK! I like the way summons are used here, sacrifice yourself for a spell of overpoweredness, although the demo-auto-life thing kinda makes the sacrifice a moot point.

-Characters look pretty fun to use, wonder how customisable their skill sets will be. In terms of physical attacks Seven>Rem>Ace. Whipblade? Yes please!
Guess they decided not to or had conflicts and I guess opted to pretty up the graphics and market it as a PS4/X1 title to make more time for development of other projects like XV. And to give Tabata some time to work with the new systems.

At the time it was no longer viable. PSP was on its way out in the west. I believe that was the gist of what SE (Tabata?) said.


Just about finished. Amazing how quick it went down after this thread went up.

I think the PCs and the enemies look pretty good. A lot of people have commented on how empty the environments look, but I think having things in the environment would have made the combat even worse. Could be player skill, but there seems to be issues navigating space and obstacles.

Enthusiasm went up in the first few minutes and then fell back to normal upon completion. Seem to be four attacks mapped to PS face buttons and three characters which can be switched in and out of player control. Is this supposed to resemble FFXV?
if this is what they are doing with a converted PSP game, I can't even imagine what FFXV will look like when done.

Mobile phones haven't sucked all of the magic out of S-E... yet... ;)


Yea don't understand why there isn't a Vita version especially with it's mission structure. Oh well I'm very impressed and will buy this for PS4
The video is still on IGN's server. It's loading fine and I'm watching.

I'm looking at the html source code but can't find a video link (flv).

This is only IGN's Flash Player


<iframe src="http://widgets.ign.com/video/embed/content.html?url=http://www.ign.com/videos/2014/09/17/final-fantasy-type-0-25-minutos-de-gameplay-pt" width="468" height="263" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

So this is my first exposure of anything Type-0 related, at all! For whatever reason, I never kept up with the JP release on the PSP.

Ok, a few thoughts from watching the video:

-WOW this guy is fucking terrible at playing this! He was THAT bad I genuinely had to ask a friend if he was just terrible or if the game was bad!

-Combat reminds me a lot of Crisis Core, which is a GREAT thing. Love that game!

-Kupo! FUCK OFF! Hate moogles!

-So I'm assuming re-raise is similar to auto-life, and I'm also assuming that its permanently on because this is a demo. That's not a permanent thing in the final game right? I would like some degree of difficulty please.

-I'm getting a very FF8 SeeD Exam vibe from this mission, everyone in school uniforms, following orders, attacking a base. Could type-0 have a graduation into elite force type story element?

-OK Ifrit looks fucking SICK! I like the way summons are used here, sacrifice yourself for a spell of overpoweredness, although the demo-auto-life thing kinda makes the sacrifice a moot point.

-Characters look pretty fun to use, wonder how customisable their skill sets will be. In terms of physical attacks Seven>Rem>Ace. Whipblade? Yes please!

Reraise is one of Rem's abilities, I believe.
There are times it is on though.
Summons are an option. Before missions either pick a Summon or a team attack. Missions were the only way to level Summons, sadly and well, it was a grind to level as it was so I mostly ignored the summons.
Characters have multiple abilities. Multiple levels of certain abilities. You can mix and match e.g. one spell (or two if you wish), a character's unique skill and then generic skills every character has (dash, infinite roll etc). Eight has some cool moves! Probably the most fun looking. Jack has a couple cool things but his speed is going to put so many people off...

I can't believe I didn't realize Type-0 was this type of game. Much more hyped now actually!

I've said it before, but I can see XV using a very similar character switch mechanic. I thought it worked well in Type-0.


So this is my first exposure of anything Type-0 related, at all! For whatever reason, I never kept up with the JP release on the PSP.

Ok, a few thoughts from watching the video:

-WOW this guy is fucking terrible at playing this! He was THAT bad I genuinely had to ask a friend if he was just terrible or if the game was bad!

-Combat reminds me a lot of Crisis Core, which is a GREAT thing. Love that game!

-Kupo! FUCK OFF! Hate moogles!

-So I'm assuming re-raise is similar to auto-life, and I'm also assuming that its permanently on because this is a demo. That's not a permanent thing in the final game right? I would like some degree of difficulty please.

-I'm getting a very FF8 SeeD Exam vibe from this mission, everyone in school uniforms, following orders, attacking a base. Could type-0 have a graduation into elite force type story element?

-OK Ifrit looks fucking SICK! I like the way summons are used here, sacrifice yourself for a spell of overpoweredness, although the demo-auto-life thing kinda makes the sacrifice a moot point.

-Characters look pretty fun to use, wonder how customisable their skill sets will be. In terms of physical attacks Seven>Rem>Ace. Whipblade? Yes please!

Reraise is not always on in the full game. You have to use a Phoenix Pinion to get it. And of course Phoenix Pinions are a rare item so yeah.

Physical attacks remain basically the same the whole game, but you can equip different skills to add customization to your character. So like Seven can turn her whip blade into an elemental weapon, or can use it to drain HP, and Trey, the archer, can do a sniping mode or fire multiple arrows at a time. Stuff like that.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
If they are remastering for the PS4 I find it hard to believe it would be hard to port that over to the Vita. Just offer it as a digital download.

Sony will push for Remote Play to promote the PS4 I would wager. I too would love to have this as a Vita title.


If they are remastering for the PS4 I find it hard to believe it would be hard to port that over to the Vita. Just offer it as a digital download.

The reason it's only on PS4/Xbone is to build up install base in Japan for XV. The Vita version in Japan could take away lot of sales from next gen versions.
Characters have multiple abilities. Multiple levels of certain abilities. You can mix and match e.g. one spell (or two if you wish), a character's unique skill and then generic skills every character has (dash, infinite roll etc). Eight has some cool moves! Probably the most fun looking. Jack has a couple cool things but his speed is going to put so many people off...

This is cool!

Reraise is not always on in the full game. You have to use a Phoenix Pinion to get it. And of course Phoenix Pinions are a rare item so yeah.

Physical attacks remain basically the same the whole game, but you can equip different skills to add customization to your character. So like Seven can turn her whip blade into an elemental weapon, or can use it to drain HP, and Trey, the archer, can do a sniping mode or fire multiple arrows at a time. Stuff like that.

Customizing skill sets is probably the biggest thing you do to upgrade the characters. You always have your default attack, though each character's default attack gets upgrades which include additional swings/shots/notes (yes one of them uses a flute as a weapon) with unique animations.

Then you get character-specific moves like Ace's Cut Cards or Rem's Throw. Those can be upgraded and sometimes modified. Then there are attack and healing/defensive spells.

You're usually required to take one heal/defense spell, which means you then get two slots to place a skill and an attack spell, or two attack spells, or two skills.

You can also upgrade all your spells. And you earn them as you go through the game and take on various types of challenges.
if this is what they are doing with a converted PSP game, I can't even imagine what FFXV will look like when done.

Mobile phones haven't sucked all of the magic out of S-E... yet... ;)

I seriously cannot think of an internet person greater than you to talk about FF with. What's it been? Well over 15 years dating back to Squarepedia?


The animation looks sooooooo much better than the psp version. Is it because the framerate is smoother or am I just imagining things?
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