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25 minutes of Final Fantasy XVI Revealed at the State of Play


The nicest person on this forum
Its called "Video" games after all.
To me “game” part has much more value, game doesn’t need to be high tech to be fun, heck it doesn’t even need to look good as long as it great art direction.

Only people on internet that are obsess over techs, majority of other people are satisfied if it’s fun to play with good artstyle.
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I’m not too impress but not disappointed either. I just wish they went back to turn base or make it more like dragon quest 11 where it is more tactical.

The combat looks dumbed down and “casualized”. However, the graphics, replay value, and story look good so I can see this being a 4/5 game.
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Not impressed .although I have to give them the benefit of finally making a game without ugly hud and hiding it .at least for the video. I really don't understand why they stil show numbers and icons on screen like it's some mmo. There's a health bar thts all we need to know.to much crap on screen
Its cause the trend of seeing numbers go up helps prime certain people for MicroTransactions. Its all about turning as many people into gambling addicts as possible.


To me “game” part has much more value, game doesn’t need to be high tech to be fun, heck it doesn’t even need to look good as long as it great art direction.

Only people on internet that are obsess over techs, majority of other people are satisfied if it’s fun to play with good artstyle.
Both are good and worth pursuing.

It cost $10 more than before and requires a $500+ upgrade to play. Yah im not paying thaf price for framerate and res.
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Ohhh goddamnit that airship taking off from the port is straight from FFXI. There are 2 areas in that video that remind me a lot of a couple zones from FFXI as well. I don't think that is a coincidence.
Is this Tread that paying to remove a third party game from a console is a good thing?!
To be fair all consoles manufactures do this. MS doing this with warhammer dark tide, ARK 2, and Stalker 2. Just part of the business.

Nintendo also have some exclusive third party games.

However, I feel like it is a short term plan and not a long term plan because eventually the games end up everywhere unless it flops and doesn't sell.
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I find Soken's music to be particularly painful to the ears. No idea how he manages to have a fanbase with his shamelessly generic and monotone music.

You're entitled to your opinion, It's a shit opinion though that the vast majority of people will disagree and even think WTF 🤔

Sooo fucking sick of graphics conversations in every fucking thread, I look at the game and it looks great and that all I need, I dont care AT ALL about the tech behind it.

Agreed, I think the game looks fine personally, OK it's not ground breaking but it's definitely decent, Graphics aren't everything if the story, characters, world and OST are great, I hate graphics snobs.

The fuck are you talking about

They're talking the language of nonsense.

Does it go for both sides though? It seems like it's fine for people saying the graphics look incredible, but a problem if someone say the graphics are mediocre.

Because saying it looks mediocre is straight up bollocks, Are they Great? No they're not amazing but to say that it looks shit/crap/sucks/PS3/Mediocre?? Anyone who says that Fuck outta here man.

Soken is the best composer not named Uematsu

Masashi Hamauzu, Yasunori Mitsuda and ACE Xenoblade composers are immense, Sakimoto who did FFXII is incredible and last but not least Naoshi Mizuta is god level.

Combat looks boring. Sick of every Final Fantasy game having the main characters in all black for the whole game. Really wish there were more item slots to make my character look different and not just full skins I'm sure you can buy with real money later.

Boring? What are you talking about, Compared to???


this is amazing.

this makes me think the story is going to be FF (Fucking Finally) what this franchise needs

The map has a FFXII feel to it and the hunt board is a welcome return!!!

I ain't watching a single fucking thing on this game.

See you in June when it drops.

You won't be disappointed come June 22nd.

The music in this timestamped segment is beautiful. Captures the feeling of what FF is all about.

Yeah I like it, Sound is good in every trailer or gameplay I've seen I'm looking forward to hearing more Soken.

I will play it, but I have to say

Auto-Doge, auto select abilities, 1 push button, I know this is about accessibility, but at the same time feels like too much, next time they will add an auto-play itself, so you just enjoy watching the game

It feels like:

im an idiot GIF

You don't have to equip the accessories, Rings and Necklace have abilities to dodge/evade and guaranteed counter etc to mix up difficulty levels based on a player's skills, They went really into depth about them in the PAX stream when Yoshida did a live playthrough of the game last month, Don't worry you don't have to play with any " PRESS R1 TO WIN" shit if you don't want.

I'm all in for Ralph Ineson as Cid.

Chris Finch bloody good Warrior.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Square just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but strategic turn-based combat is a huge part of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by pandering to low-IQ dudebros. If you abandon turn-based combat in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase FFXVI, nor will they purchase any of Square's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square has alienated an entire market with this move.

Square, publicly apologize and add a classic turn based mode or you can kiss your business goodbye.


World’s Biggest Weeb
As usual.... the takes in this thread.

You know a soundtrack is good when you already can't get it outta your head.
Man I’ve been part of online FF communities since the run up to FF VII launch. Every single game has had a vocal minority of whiners who just can’t get over how the newest game isn’t the same as the one they played when they were 12. Just laugh at them and move on.
I’m not too impress but not disappointed either. I just wish they went back to turn base or make it more like dragon quest 11 where it is more tactical.

The combat looks dumbed down and “casualized”. However, the graphics, replay value, and story look good so I can see this being a 4/5 game.
Casual Fantasy XVI has a certain ring to it. Seriously though, I'm at a point where I like seeing more difficulty options and accessibility features so more people can enjoy games the way they want these days.


Looks solid and coherent overall, that's something we didn't expect from Square anymore especially with such big budget titles.

I like something that pushes the spectacle further rather than something that tends to the infinitesimal detail, so much that it sometimes can become trivial in some big western games.

But for now i'm still missing some of that Final Fantasy magic.


Square just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but strategic turn-based combat is a huge part of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by pandering to low-IQ dudebros. If you abandon turn-based combat in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase FFXVI, nor will they purchase any of Square's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square has alienated an entire market with this move.

Square, publicly apologize and add a classic turn based mode or you can kiss your business goodbye.
At first, I thought you were serious because there are people who sound just like this.



Soken is the best composer not named Uematsu
The fuck? Yoko Shimamura gang bout to thow down.

Also the combat still looks like a total shit show. There's soooo much going on. And you can just auto dodge with no penalty? Snooze.
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I am very excited for the game, I want to explore fantasy world, encounter bizarre creatures and hopefully enjoy at least decent writing and some interesting quests filled with drama.

That said, between this and Forspoken, what is this Japanese love affair with diarrhea Chrismas lights? I am not sure how I'll be able to understand what's going on or where my enemy's situated. Maybe it's just me as I already sometimes have trouble with this in other games, too busy rolling away/evading and spamming attack buttons, but here I could barely understand what's going on just lying in bed doing nothing. It's all just sparkles, sparkles, sparkles, like I am an animated character who was hit in the head with baseball bat.


Looks amazing. Ffxv tried to do a lot of things and didnt do them well, this looks like its trying to do less (non open world, ect…) but doing it much better


The nicest person on this forum
I just said "both"?
Some people say game worth full price if has high tech graphics, for me the worth is all about actual game and satisfaction, could care less how expensive the graphics are.

For example: Tears of Kingdom is worth full price as much FFXVI despite of the tech, because I care faaar more about actual game itself rather than graphics and other tech crap.
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Some people say game worth full price if has high tech graphics, for me the worth is all about actual game and satisfaction, could care less how expensive the graphics are.

For example: Tears of Kingdom is worth full price as much FFXVI despite of the tech, because I care about actual game itself.
When the full price jumps $10 and requires and additional $500 just to be elligable too purchase it matters.

What exactly is the $10 for if the budget didnt move an inch? What are we paying for? Just the right to keep being a JRPG gamer like some entertainment tax?

If you raise the price you got to raise the value as well.


The nicest person on this forum
When the full price jumps $10 and requires and additional $500 just to be elligable too purchase it matters.

What exactly is the $10 for if the budget didnt move an inch? What are we paying for? Just the right to keep being a JRPG gamer like some entertainment tax?

If you raise the price you got to raise the value as well.
The question is what you value? Yes I'm pay for entertainment value regardless how expensive the tech is, the so called "high tech graphics" didn't help me enjoy games like Horizon or TLOU 2, so those things has no value for me.


The question is what you value? Yes I'm pay for entertainment value regardless how expensive the tech is, the so called "high tech graphics" didn't help me enjoy games like Horizon or TLOU 2, so those things has no value for me.
Curious whats your price limit on games is then?
Like if this game was... $90,$100, $180 etc...would it not bother you?

How much financial value does a new FF hold for you?


The nicest person on this forum
Curious whats your price limit on games is then?
Like if this game was... $90,$100, $180 etc...would it not bother you?

How much financial value does a new FF hold for you?
Well I pre-ordered deluxe edition for it which costs $129 CAD.


When the full price jumps $10 and requires and additional $500 just to be elligable too purchase it matters.

What exactly is the $10 for if the budget didnt move an inch? What are we paying for? Just the right to keep being a JRPG gamer like some entertainment tax?

If you raise the price you got to raise the value as well.
Sorry... what exactly are you talking about?

Are you saying games are not worth buying at $70? And that it makes no sense to buy a $500 (or $400 because you keep talking like there isn't a $400 PS5) console?

Please tell me that's not what you are saying.
Square just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but strategic turn-based combat is a huge part of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by pandering to low-IQ dudebros. If you abandon turn-based combat in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase FFXVI, nor will they purchase any of Square's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square has alienated an entire market with this move.

Square, publicly apologize and add a classic turn based mode or you can kiss your business goodbye.
A bit on the nose. Most turn-based fans I've seen are kinda like me: we just get tired of those that say there's no place for that kind of battle system in modern times when a lot of us still enjoy it, not demanding that every Japanese game be like that.


The nicest person on this forum
A bit on the nose. Most turn-based fans I've seen are kinda like me: we just get tired of those that say there's no place for that kind of battle system in modern times when a lot of us still enjoy it, not demanding that every Japanese game be like that.
I fucking love turn based combat but I dont mind FF games experiment with different combat system as long as SE continues make games like Octopath, if they completely stop making turn based RPG then we have a problem.
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Sorry... what exactly are you talking about?

Are you saying games are not worth buying at $70? And that it makes no sense to buy a $500 (or $400 because you keep talking like there isn't a $400 PS5) console?

Please tell me that's not what you are saying.
Its not.
I fucking love turn based combat but I dont mind FF games experiment with different combat system as long as SE continues make games like Octopath, if they completely stop making turn based RPG then we have a problem.
Agreed. FF has always experimented with different styles of combat, and we've accepted that. Sometimes it works out, other times not so much. Some games, like OT, BD and DQ however, should stay turn-based imo.


Agreed. FF has always experimented with different styles of combat, and we've accepted that. Sometimes it works out, other times not so much. Some games, like OT, BD and DQ however, should stay turn-based imo.

I would like to see another FF13 like battle system, I like turn based but I'm not really interested in 90s and early 00s turn based anymore it's just a bit boring now.


The fuck? Yoko Shimamura gang bout to thow down.

Also the combat still looks like a total shit show. There's soooo much going on. And you can just auto dodge with no penalty? Snooze.
It's facts. Everything Soken has done with FFXIV over almost 10 years now has been fantastic. 16 is gonna be great.

The auto dodge is an item you can use if you suck at action rpg games.


Definitely can't reason with thread derailers talking total twaddle either.
I didnt derail anything. Its a thread about the video which I commented on. These threads are not "only" for circle jerking and hype there for all sides opinions.

Stop acting like any graphics talk here is some existential crisis that needs to be snuffed out immediatly if your to save the industry from the big bad meanie graphics whores.
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