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A polite discourse amongst friends on the importance of MP-elements in No Man's Sky

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Yes, because the general gaming public reads Sean's twitter feed. C'mon fam. Even that statement is ambiguous. It could be interpreted based on past commentary that it won't be an elaborate experience or easy to do or rewarding.

He could have simply said, "NMS will have no multiplayer features and you will not be able to see other players. But it will have x, y and z for recording your travels, etc."

See how unambiguous that is? And he could and should have said it a month ago when the game went gold and he knew it wouldn't have said features. Why say the shit essentially on the eve of launch, ambiguously, and on Twitter where 95% of gamers aren't going to read info on game software anyway? It stinks, man. He did it this way on purpose, let's not kid ourselves.

Maybe he didnt realise there was a massive expectation that the game was multiplayer


They didn;t know what will happen when the game went live. If it were to create a miniature blackhole (cool feature), than none of us would be here arguing about whether HG knows everything to know about their game or not.

"To be super clear - No Man's Sky is not a multiplayer game. Please don't go in looking for that experience." - Sean Murray. https://twitter.com/NoMansSky/status/762688708764135425

This just makes the whole thread kinda pointless. Subject should be changed to why isn't multiplayer in instead of THEY LIED. But watch this go unnoticed.
They never said it was a multiplayer game. THis shitstorm shouldn't exist multiplayer features was an expectation that was never set.

Whether or not it's a multiplayer focused game is irrelevant. It's that they've said there is a multiplayer like feature and failed to confirm if it was in still or not. There is no expectation set that wasn't already set by the developers here, and the miscommunication is clearly on them.

If people really, really need more proof (for whatever reason, despite gossi's informed post), the PC version comes out Friday. I'm sure we'll get more swerves and excuses for another two days until someone has to literally dig through the files and display this for all to see.
They never said it was a multiplayer game. THis shitstorm shouldn't exist multiplayer features was an expectation that was never set.

they never said it was a multiplayer game
Except, you know, they did say there were certain multiplayer features that are now not there and they are not clearing that situation up.

They didn;t know what will happen when the game went live. If it were to create a miniature blackhole (cool feature), than none of us would be here arguing about whether HG knows everything to know about their game or not.
What do you mean they didn't know what will happen when the game went live? Either the feature is there or not. That is not something that they can't know.


Gold Member
Stuff can change, everybody with a brain in his skull knows that. But you need to communicate that change way in advance. Two days before release is laughable.

And to the whole: Just don't preorder stuff. We are past that point in this industry. Just imagine a world with no (zero) preorders for NMS. In such a world development would have stopped a long time ago because preorders allow developers to estimate sales and to test if it is reasonable to release said game if it'S starting to miss milestones (like NMS). No pre orders for 'niche' games would kill those games.

So you feel that if you don't pre order then you're scared they might start cancelling games? If so then you're part of the problem.

Video games existed long before pre ordering on a mass scale started and they would continue to exist after.


He said you could play with friends.

You can't play with friends.

He never made a statement before release taking it back.


Probably because the store pages / case don't describe such features and actually list it as a single player game, both for PS4 / PSN and Steam.



Our PC brethren will get to the bottom of this! It all falls on them to crack this game open and see if there is latent code in there referencing character models or multiplayer!!!!!!!
Meeting did not for guy x and guy y cuz reasons we do not know= LIE BURN THE WITCH, BILL MURRAY IS THE SON OF A BITCH


I packet captured my PS4. When the servers are online, no player movement data is sent to servers, either in space or planet side. It simply doesn't transmit where you are, or any world sharing information.

It does transmit your Discovers, and a diary of planets you have visited. I imagine that is for the Easter eggs.

Also, if you press 'OPTIONS' it pauses the entire game world, including AI (watch creatures and ships stop) and *time*. Planets stop moving and time stops passing when in OPTIONS. This is *not* a multiplayer game.


The packet capture doesn't lie.

I was ready to buy this game and preach it.

I'll get it for dirt cheap now that the truth was exposed. Finding another player would be the holy grail in this game. And that's not possible.
Meeting did not for guy x and guy y cuz reasons we do not know= LIE BURN THE WITCH, BILL MURRAY IS THE SON OF A BITCH
Nobody is saying that. There is just confusion about whether the feature is in the game or not. Murray could clear it up with a small Twitter message, but he kept being vague about it.

Probably because the store pages / case don't describe such features and actually list it as a single player game, both for PS4 / PSN and Steam.

Yet two days ago the developer stated "The chances of two players ever crossing paths in a universe this large is pretty much zero." which seems to point towards it being possible.

That was me joking.
Ah, my bad.


"To be super clear - No Man's Sky is not a multiplayer game. Please don't go in looking for that experience." - Sean Murray. https://twitter.com/NoMansSky/status/762688708764135425

But that just sounds like there is multiplayer, but it's not the focus of the game, lol.

I distanced myself from the game and the hype pretty much after the reveal since people were already losing their goddamned minds, so I'm not really familiar with Murray's PR presence, but it does seem like he's being intentionally cryptic.
Maybe he didnt realise there was a massive expectation that the game was multiplayer

It's certainly possible. But when you introduce the possibility of some level of multiplayer, it's like adding a 3rd dimension to a reality. It's not a small thing or a small matter. Game can become significantly more varied and anything can happen. To put it out there and not be clear on the fact (it's a fact right now) that the game doesn't have any multiplayer of any kind stinks.

I imagine many people heard it will have multiplayer months ago, pre-ordered and went on radio silence. Only to get it today and find out after the game has been opened. It's just bad form. Perhaps if this information had come out when the game went gold, people would have had a big enough window to have found out in advance and made a good decision for themselves based on what they were hoping to get out of the game. It can still be a great game, but this sort of thing is like...it's a really big deal to a lot of people. There are lots of people who don't even buy a game if it doesn't have the ability for them to play with a friend as well. It's not something people should be surprised by.


"To be super clear - No Man's Sky is not a multiplayer game. Please don't go in looking for that experience." - Sean Murray. https://twitter.com/NoMansSky/status/762688708764135425

This should ne be pasted here anymore. It has no context in terms of seeing other people nor does it state something feature wise.


This is clearly a statement about the game not focussing on multiplayer elements. This tweet does not exclude the possibility of interactions with other players.


"Can you play with other players?" - "Yes"

Not least the statement that only other players can see how you look like. Oops, nope. Actually no one sees anyone in this game. Ever.

you can play with other players lol, you can pass the controller to your mate, you can tell your mates about a cool planet you found and they go and check it out at a later time.

it's all in the meta game. The game provides a construct for people to share things about the game amongst themselves because you are in a shared universe. it's not traditional multiplayer, but the devs have stated the game is not a multiplayer experience.

I guess I just personally saw this coming a mile off and tampered my own expectations. shame people let themselves be bought in by the marketing, being in the biz makes you pretty jaded to all that :p

yup a load of marketing speak without actually confirming the game has multiplayer. you can totes grief players by naming a planet " FlammableAceSux "


But that just sounds like there is multiplayer, but it's not the focus of the game, lol.

I distanced myself from the game and the hype pretty much after the reveal since people were already losing their goddamned minds, so I'm not really familiar with Murray's PR presence, but it does seem like he's being intentionally cryptic.

Haha. That's not cryptic at all. "It's not a multiplayer game" is as clear as crystal.
They, being probably mostly smarter people than us, probably have a vague idea of the amount of data they are going to have to shift and store one thousands of people are playing this at once and uploading discoveries. But they have no idea how popular this will end up being. It could be anywhere from a flash-in-the-pan decent indy title to a minecraft-like phenomena. And as with every other game that comes out, you don't run out and buy massive amounts of cloud/networking until you have to. Also that's not including the crazy ways people might come up with the to break things or really put a stress on the networking. As with every game in existance, it will be played in ways the developers don't anticipate.

This type of game world is completely and utterly unprecedented. The fact that it works this well and doesn't fall over is mind-blowing. I would image at times they will have some networking issues just keeping it running at all, even at a basic level, and that's fine/normal. That happens with every networked game that isn't directly replacing a simimar predecessor thesedays. Imagine if everyone playing minecraft right now was automaically naming everything and uploading every patch of land they wakled on to a central minecraft server - the mojang devops would be sweating bullets.

They probably have a system for detecting if players are in the same starsystem and then transmitting micro detailed XYZ coordinates between players in the starsystem if close enough. But that's a reasonable step up in traffic in the games networked universe if enough people try to use it. It's probably only on when networking load is already low enough, and prioritises friends, it might not be enabled until a bit after launch, or it's just buggy, or only works for 2 or 3 players maximum, or it's just not fully implemented yet and they are seeing how networking goes with the main meat of the game first. In my mind it's peer to peer, and the server is used for negotiating suitable peer to peer connections when appropriate.

Of course it's not going to work every time. This is probably most analogous to Destiny - you can see your friends, and a few other people who happen to be in the same place, and there will be probems, I had problems with this at Destiny launch, and that game is comparitively straightforward and big budget, it's not having to consider location matches in a comparitively infinite universe!

But small issues like this doesn't mean we should be talking about courtcases, or lies, conspiracies or misinformation - madness! The game isn't even out yet (or barely just is). Lets also be clear here, this small aspect of the game is an aside. This isn't Eve Online. This isn't an MMO. We aren't paying monthy fee for a connected massively multiplayer universe. I have a feeling people are going to try to meet up in the dozens... or even hundreds, as soon as they even get a sniff of 2 people meeting up in a single location working, and I can see the same kind of comments rearing their ugly head when that doesn't work - of course it won't work!
Wow just went theough seans most recent twitter posts and responses...seems like hes intentionally ignoring the majority of people tweeting to him.


Is there like, normal multiplayer in the game other than the vague "you might run into someone" Dark Souls thing? Like, this is a Minecraft/Terraria/Starbound-like game right? Can you just group up with friends on your friend list and explore/build together?
you can play with other players lol, you can pass the controller to your mate, you can tell your mates about a cool planet you found and they go and check it out at a later time.

it's all in the meta game. The game provides a construct for people to share things about the game amongst themselves because you are in a shared universe. it's not traditional multiplayer, but the devs have stated the game is not a multiplayer experience.

I guess I just personally saw this coming a mile off and tampered my own expectations. shame people let themselves be bought in by the marketing, being in the biz makes you pretty jaded to all that :p

Trying to defend this is pathetic, yes they said it was multiplayer, yes they said you could play with your friends.

Watch it and learn
I packet captured my PS4. When the servers are online, no player movement data is sent to servers, either in space or planet side. It simply doesn't transmit where you are, or any world sharing information.

It does transmit your Discovers, and a diary of planets you have visited. I imagine that is for the Easter eggs.

Also, if you press 'OPTIONS' it pauses the entire game world, including AI (watch creatures and ships stop) and *time*. Planets stop moving and time stops passing when in OPTIONS. This is *not* a multiplayer game.



Wow just went theough seans most recent twitter posts and responses...seems like hes intentionally ignoring the majority of people tweeting to him.

Gotta get those sales, eh?

At this point, he has an obligation to be honest! He knows this is what everyone is talking about. So why not just end it now? Be the good guy!!!!!11


Is there like, normal multiplayer in the game other than the vague "you might run into someone" Dark Souls thing? Like, this is a Minecraft/Terraria/Starbound-like game right? Can you just group up with friends on your friend list and explore/build together?
Is there like, normal multiplayer in the game other than the vague "you might run into someone" Dark Souls thing? Like, this is a Minecraft/Terraria/Starbound-like game right? Can you just group up with friends on your friend list and explore/build together?



Oh, I guess that's why this game never popped up on my radar. If it had multiplayer I think some friends would be bugging me to get in on it, lol.


Is there like, normal multiplayer in the game other than the vague "you might run into someone" Dark Souls thing? Like, this is a Minecraft/Terraria/Starbound-like game right? Can you just group up with friends on your friend list and explore/build together?

No, you can't do any of that stuff. It's a singleplayer game, other than the data being transmitted about planets and objects.


Is there like, normal multiplayer in the game other than the vague "you might run into someone" Dark Souls thing? Like, this is a Minecraft/Terraria/Starbound-like game right? Can you just group up with friends on your friend list and explore/build together?

No. Only find planets others have found. The names they have given animals, planets etc. Should show.


Is there like, normal multiplayer in the game other than the vague "you might run into someone" Dark Souls thing? Like, this is a Minecraft/Terraria/Starbound-like game right? Can you just group up with friends on your friend list and explore/build together?

Nothing of that, you are a forever alone, but they promoted the game differently it seems.


Welp, that's that. He either lied or couldn't get the feature out in time. Either way it's not a good look. I personally don't care that I can't meet anyone, but still, comeonson.


Haha. That's not cryptic at all. "It's not a multiplayer game" is as clear as crystal.

If you take it out of context, then yes, you're right. But just hours after that tweet he was literally talking about two people meeting each other in the game.



I think I remember A Destiny thread during the whole over blown shit show that was "but some off hand comment during a stream said we can go climb that mountain in the distance, bungie are filthy liars"

That all games do this, all media does this
Things are mentioned and then not there
But geezus Christ GAF we are supposed to be better than this and now we look like the people that we would usually crucify.

It says single player on the box
The game has never been called "up coming future multiplayer game No Man's Sky...."

Come on guys/girls....who buys a game for a below 1% chance of meeting someone? Something that probably won't even be patched into the game for months to add more interest. But nope, riots on forums.

If I was Hello Games, I would not even address you guys right now, it's scary how a lot of you're acting about a game that says single player


This thread hahah. Weird how quite a few people in this thread knew about these truths before they were exposed! We must be in on it?!

Sean made me believe I had a small chance to meet another player, in No Mans Sky vast universe.

That chance is actually zero, since players have absolutely no chance of finding each other.

That would be all.
Is there like, normal multiplayer in the game other than the vague "you might run into someone" Dark Souls thing? Like, this is a Minecraft/Terraria/Starbound-like game right? Can you just group up with friends on your friend list and explore/build together?

It's an universe so huuuuuuge it might just not happen


Nothing of that, you are a forever alone, but they promoted the game differently it seems.

I dunno about that. If they promoted it that way, someone would probably have brought the game up whenever we talk about what we should play together next. Lol.


Trying to defend this is pathetic, yes they said it was multiplayer, yes they said you could play with your friends.

Watch it and learn

don't condescend to me. I'm not defending anything. the statements he says are misleading. tis a shme the community at large still hasn't learned to see through marketing pr speak.

I think I remember A Destiny thread during the whole over blown shit show that was "but some off hand comment during a stream said we can go climb that mountain in the distance, bungie are filthy liars"

That all games do this, all media does this
Things are mentioned and then not there
But geezus Christ GAF we are supposed to be better than this and now we look like the people that we would usually crucify.

It says single player on the box
The game has never been called "up coming future multiplayer game No Man's Sky...."

Come on guys/girls....who buys a game for a below 1% chance of meeting someone? Something that probably won't even be patched into the game for months to add more interest. But nope, riots on forums.

If I was Hello Games, I would not even address you guys right now, it's scary how a lot of you're acting about a game that says single player

bu.. but he made vague statments making me believe!


On steam it's only listed as single player and not multiplayer... But this whole time he's been saying we can meet other players in game.
I think I remember saying in a Destiny thread during the whole over blown shit show that was "but some off hand comment during a stream said we can go climb that mountain in the distance, bungie are filthy liars"

That all games do this, all media does this
Things are mentioned and then not there
But geezus Christ GAF we are supposed to be better than this and now we look like the people that we would usually crucify.

It says single player on the box
The game has never been called "up coming future multiplayer game No Man's Sky...."

Come on guys/girls....who buys a game for a below 1% chance of meeting someone? Something that probably won't even be patched into the game for months to add more interest. But nope, riots on forums.

If I was Hello Games, I would not even address you guys right now, it's scary how a lot of you're acting about a game that says single player

Hello Games owns a good chunk of this bullshit. Sean has been cryptic to falsely keep people's expectations high.



But some GAF-research pointed out that at the moment, no multiplayer-related data travels between the PS4 and HG servers. Also, the gameworld pauses when you go in options. For all intends and purposes; the current version of the game does not feature any kind of MP. Some possible outcomes:

- NMS will not / never feature any kind of MP
- NMS features MP but it has been 'disabled' some way. (with the gameworld stopping during pause, pretty unlikely)
- NMS might feature some form of MP but in a way that we havent found it yet
- NMS might feature MP through updates

Gotcha, thanks for the reply.

I'm wondering if "multi-player" only extends to seeing player discoveries in the game. Not actual multiplayer where you are able to see others in real time.

Although this is still controversial in the sense that Sean mentions it in interviews although always very vaguely it seems.

Not to worry though, it seems like a pretty big deal and is getting a lot of notice and traction right now. I'm sure the NMS team will in address this more formally very soon.
They, being smarter people than us, probably have a vague idea of the amount of data they are going to have to shift and store one thousands of people are playing this at once and uploading discoveries. But they have no idea how popular this will end up being. It could be anywhere from a flash-in-the-pan decent indy title to a minecraft-like phenomena. And as with every other game that comes out, you don't run out and buy massive amounts of cloud/networking until you have to. Also that's not including the crazy ways people might come up with the to break things or really put a stress on the networking. As with every game in existance, it will be played in ways the developers don't anticipate.

This type of game world is completely and utterly unprecedented. The fact that it works this well and doesn't fall over is mind-blowing.
I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine.



NMS isn't the only game out there with a procedural generated universe with billions of stars (400 billion, to be exact) to travel to and planets you can land on. Except this one has multiplayer.

Now, it's fine that the game doesn't have it. What's not fine is waiting until the 11th hour to allude to some things and still not unambiguously stating the reality that the game doesn't support any sort of multiplayer. If they had said it clearly a month ago, everyone would have understood and some pre-orders may have been cancelled at worst. This will have an impact on their reputation.
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