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Aaryn Flynn leaving BioWare/EA, Casey Hudson returning to assume role of GM

Considering he practically fathered Mass Effect 1 (my favourite entry in the series) I consider this news great. Hopefully if he's being assigned back to Mass Effect he can create an excellent sequel to Andromeda with the foundation laid so far.

If he's being wasted on Anthem I'll be sad, I have no interest in whatever mess that game will turn out to be.


Considering he practically fathered Mass Effect 1 (my favourite entry in the series) I consider this news great. Hopefully if he's being assigned back to Mass Effect he can create an excellent sequel to Andromeda with the foundation laid so far.

If he's being wasted on Anthem I'll be sad, I have no interest in whatever mess that game will turn out to be.

He's the studio general manager. He's running the entire company instead of working on a particular series.

Anthem was his idea for a new IP though. That's why BioWare Montreal was on Mass Effect: Andromeda, because he wanted to make Anthem and brought the Mass Effect leads along with him to do it.
I had no idea Hudson had left Bioware. In fact, I thought he was the one who was put in charge of Anthem after Mass Effect 3.


Left a sinking ship, i cant blame him,Anthem will be the final nail in the cofin. Hope they finich dragon age before bioware goes belly up.
He's the studio general manager. He's running the entire company instead of working on a particular series.

Anthem was his idea for a new IP though. That's why BioWare Montreal was on Mass Effect: Andromeda, because he wanted to make Anthem and brought the Mass Effect leads along with him to do it.

Exactly right.


Whoa, did not expect this. Casey Hudson and David Gaider are probably the people whose work is most directly responsible for my enjoyment and appreciation of BioWare games, so this is great news.


Mass Effect saved?

After destroying the reapers, Shepard gets wind of the Andromeda mission and sets out after them.

While in control of the reapers, Shepard decides to enlarge the scope of the Reaper mission to the rest of the universe, starting with Andromeda.

After achieving synthesis, Shepard decides to chase after Andromeda and to save them from themselves by forcing synthesis on all.


What an absolute waste of Casey's talent just hiding away at MS pretending to make Hololens games for a few years.

Delighted he's back at Bioware now though! :)


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Left a sinking ship, i cant blame him,Anthem will be the final nail in the cofin. Hope they finich dragon age before bioware goes belly up.

Your awful grammar and spelling take the sting out of your troll post.
He's the studio general manager. He's running the entire company instead of working on a particular series.

Anthem was his idea for a new IP though. That's why BioWare Montreal was on Mass Effect: Andromeda, because he wanted to make Anthem and brought the Mass Effect leads along with him to do it.

His idea sure, but I don't think whatever he envisioned for Anthem back in 2012/13 is identical or even close to the product that exists under different management and direction since he left all those years ago.

Even if he doesn't personally direct another Mass Effect game I consider having a general manager for the studio that at least understands where a team needs to be in order to make a game good is a net bonus to the series in the future.


His idea sure, but I don't think whatever he envisioned for Anthem back in 2012/13 is identical or even close to the product that exists under different management and direction since he left all those years ago.

Even if he doesn't personally direct another Mass Effect game I consider having a general manager for the studio that at least understands where a team needs to be in order to make a game good is net bonus to the series in the future.

Would it help if I mentioned that they wanted to add significant campaign online elements to each Mass Effect game, but had to cut them each time due to technical limitations, and that Casey Hudson was also super hyped to make a Mass Effect MMO at one point?


Hmm, it will be interesting to see how he handles things. I think it would be good to let Mass Effect rest for a couple years. Anthem is already going to be on the forefront regardless of who's managing the studio and a Dragon Age 4 seems likely in the next couple years.

I would be thrilled to see a tight narrative focused 20sh hour Jade Empire sequel. Not really open world, but with environments akin to Mass Effect 2 areas in size and scope. Basically a mid-tier game that gets back to the heart of Bioware games from the first decade of the 2000s. Yeah, I'm dreaming. :)


not me
The return of the guy who outright destroyed Mass Effect (3) is a good sign?!

Mass Effect 2 and 3 are in my top ten all time so yeah. Plus he's kinda the guy who fathered Mass Effect in the first place.

Anyway I liked Aaryn and wish him the best, but getting Casey back feels really good.


What will Aaryn do? Seems a lot of old heads leaving the industry to focus on other pursuits, indie endeavours.
I'm actually pretty excited about this. For all the criticism I can give Bioware's games in the last handful of years, I always enjoyed them, and Casey Hudson likely played a part in that. I feel better about Bioware if he's part of steering that ship.


He was working on HoloLens, presumably because he wanted a 40 hour a week, never any overtime job where he got to explore future tech while he could focus on spending time with his family.

Presumably his got over his burnout (the Mass Effect leads used to do months at 16+ hours a day every other year), and wanted to come back, similar to how Drew Karpyshin (Mass Effect 1's lead writer) left and came back later after he got to write some novels.

EA's projects have endlessly longer development cycles now, so they're less likely to have that kind of abrasive schedule anymore.

Screw that.


Really Really Exciting Member!
The return of the guy who outright destroyed Mass Effect (3) is a good sign?!
Bisnic! You of all people. You really didn't like Andromeda :D

Despite its ending, Mass Effect 3 was still more fun/replayable than Andromeda. It was a damn good game despite the ending and the star child nightmares/Kai Leng. And let's not forget that Casey was also behind the other 2 ME games.

Andromeda is too big and "open world" for its own good. I didn't hate it, but I was disappointed with what we got. I wanted explorable planets, yeah, but more than half a dozen(not to mention nearly half of them are arid/desert like) and not filled with pointless fetch quests that are not any better than what we found in WoW 10 years ago. Planets also didn't need to be that big. They could have made double the number of planets we got if they just cut them all in size. We could have gotten some nice alien planets, but all we had was desert, ice, jungle, arid, desert planets + asteroid.

I wanted a good, very replayable, ~30 hours game that mixed the good elements of ME1(story and atmosphere)-2(characters and world building)-3(combat gameplay), but they only succeed on the combat, some characters and perhaps atmosphere too, but the soundtrack was kinda lacking to help on that imo.

Instead we got a 80-100 hours game that I'm just forcing myself to replay a 2nd time because of its size. Even by ignoring the meaningless tasks section of the journal, it's still taking way too long to do one playthrough. And to think I used to replay the old trilogy at least once a year. Not sure I'll even do that with Andromeda.
Would it help if I mentioned that they wanted to add significant campaign online elements to each Mass Effect game, but had to cut them each time due to technical limitations, and that Casey Hudson was also super hyped to make a Mass Effect MMO at one point?

I don't inherently have any issues with online components, it's the bland and uninteresting looking story (or lack thereof) and unimaginative art-direction/world building that make me incredibly wary of Anthem. If he had been on the project during all these years in development I might be interested but all he's really doing is coming back at the tail-end of development.

My personal grievances with Anthem aside, I am glad he is back.


As a longtime Bioware fanboy, I've been disappointed in the direction of the company. To me at least, it seemed like the EA buyout wasn't as bad it would seem. Their games, even with disappointing parts, still had those Bioware elements that other studios don't do as well (characters, story, world building). I enjoyed DA2, ME3, and Inqusition for those things despite their flaws. Andromeda was a low point because it wasn't up to snuff in terms of those elements. Maybe we can blame it on it not being "real Bioware" but was still billed as a Mass Effect game. Anthem looks interesting but it doesn't seem like a Bioware game. Many people have left over the years so I'm not sure if it's the same company that wants to make the kinds of RPGs I like. Being an EA subsidiary means having to make games for a wider aduience or a least what publishers think a wider audience wants. That means less KOTOR and more the last Sim City.

I still hold out hope for the next Dragon Age to carry the Bioware RPG torch. There are still longtime Bioware folks who are still working there. I'm sure they're looking at the Witcher 3's success. Casey is back though he seems like the guy to move onto the next new thing. I love Mass Effect but it was a departure from the tradition RPG to a cinematic shooter with RPG elements. I believe he worked on Anthem and maybe that's where Bioware is ultimately heading. Not that I always need some super hardcore RPG and Bioware games were never that but I would like to see a return to form.

Good luck to Aaryn and Casey.


Good luck to both of them, but Casey Anthony's return will hardly guarantee quality for obvious reasons...


His ego allowed it to happen.
As a reminder this is the Casey Hudson who is singularly responsible for ME3's shit ending.

He's not, Mac Walters helped. He also came up with the design doc for the ME universe so shitposting ahoy...

He worked heavily on some of BioWare's best games, least of all things like Kotor, BG2, Jade Empire. Cranster's post does burn a bit tho :p
I don't count that as a good thing. To be blunt, bioware and EA cockteased everyone with the mass effect remaster repeatedly, knowing that it was hugely popular but also knowing they weren't even contemplating it. The entire thing was a bait and switch to keep people talking about Mass Effect because they couldn't share details about Andromeda, and it feels like they abused fans good will with that.

(Nowmof xourse we know why they couldn't share details about Andromeda).
I remember that and I think unfortunately you hit the nail on the head. All bullshit.


ME:A is really good but Im only playing it now so I guess a lot has been patched. Cant wait for next ME game with Casey there!
I'm actually really happy to hear this, although losing Flynn is still sad. In spite of whatever missteps he took with ME3, Casey is a man with a vision, and that's not something I could say of just any game dev. The industry needs people like him, and I'm really happy to see him back where it all started.


Aaryn Flynn seemed like a cool guy. Was super active on twitter re: Mass Effect Andromeda, posted on GAF a few times... and then the game came out, and he went 99% dark.

Not a big deal or anything, It just seemed strange at the time.

Can't really blame him for that. I mean, would really could you say without shitting on co workers?
Interesting times indeed, I was and still am a fan of Hudson and the teams at BioWare. Mass Effect 1 was for a long time my GoAT video games (recently knocked down to #2 behind Witcher 3), I've never played Dragon Age but I know tons of fans enjoy it and I'm looking forward to Anthem but it never ceases to amaze me how much people appear to despise, condemn and ridicule BioWare for their faults. Even now, it looks like some in this thread would love nothing more than to see BioWare crash and burn and it's hard to tell if they're just joking or being legitimately serious.

Anyway, welcome back to Casey and best of luck to Aaryn!
Best of luck to Aaryn, he seemed like a nice guy.

Though, as a Mass Effect fan, I don't know how to feel about Casey Hudson becoming the GM.
Good luck to him wherever he goes.

Not super thrilled that Casey Hudson's back, given his bad decisions on the Mass Effect franchise (making it revolve around the Reapers, coming up with the ME3 endings in like a week or two without workshopping it with the other writers).
Nah, fuck all of that. We got 2 all time greats (ME 1 and 2) while he was there. Bring his ass back lol


This is great news. I think this reaffirms EA's commitment to Mass Effect. I would not be surprised to see the main Bioware team jump back into Mass Effect after Anthem launches. I personally enjoyed Andromeda but it certainly was not the quality of the other three games.
You should feel ecstatic. He is the creator and the reason the Mass Effect trilogy exists.
Yeah, but he was also the guy who said a lot of things about ME3's ending and then it turned out that many of them weren't true.

Edit: And he was already done with the series after ME3, so I'm not sure his return means anything for Mass Effect anymore.


This is crazy, I thought he was done with ME an Bioware
Best wishes to Aaryn Flynn
I really hope this means ME isn't completely dead


After destroying the reapers, Shepard gets wind of the Andromeda mission and sets out after them.

While in control of the reapers, Shepard decides to enlarge the scope of the Reaper mission to the rest of the universe, starting with Andromeda.

After achieving synthesis, Shepard decides to chase after Andromeda and to save them from themselves by forcing synthesis on all.



This makes me hurt on my insides.

After Andromeda though I'm willing to forgive and forget! Come on Casey, let's bring 'er back home.
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