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Abusive RelationshipGAF, help me save my sister...

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Hello everyone. This is my first actual created thread since becoming a member, yay! It's too bad the subject matter is a bit of a depressing topic for me. This is a TLDR because it's not easy to explain the situation without going over specifics.

My sister is in a relationship with a guy who is ruining her life.

We're 4 years apart, I'm 27, and she's 23.

It all started when her boyfriend moved in 3 years ago to live with her. My pops lived in a different state, and was still paying for her rent. The guy was a loser; no job, no intention of getting one, dropped out of high school, exiled from his family, but if I had to give him credit he has my sister wrapped so tightly around his finger it's mind-boggling, and now it's come to the point where I'm fearing for her life.

They were evicted from that apartment due to disruption of peace (so, being loud and partying too much?). My pops found her another place, and of course he followed. My father didn't approve of this but he didn't feel there was anything he could do, because he doesn't want his daughter on the street. You see he is my step father, but he is her biological dad. For all intents and purposes though he raised me and I respect him like a dad.

They were evicted from the next apartment too, for similar reasons, I wish I were kidding. Over the course of these evictions, communication with my sister became pretty infrequent and she began to act strangely. She has become distant.

Soon after her car was totaled, which of course pops was paying for...and he was driving it alone. My father, when trying to contact her was met with the boyfriend on the phone. He basically keeps her phone in his pocket. My pops was suspicious of what was leading this to happen and obviously this was unacceptable, so he called the police on the boyfriend with basically no evidence of anything. He just claimed that she was in a harmful situation.

The police went to investigate and they found a large amount of prescription medicine, obtained illegal. What's worse is my sister was found as having acquired it illegally, but she apparently doesn't take any of it. He does. She was actually let go for this with a slap on the wrist, and obviously all the stuff confiscated.

At this point they are living in a motel. Yes, you heard that right.

My father went to "get" her. As in, bring her to his home state, and help her reboot her life. When he arrived at the motel, he was met with the guy out front, who told him he was not allowed to take her away. He literally rolled on the ground and screamed like a child, wildly saying that he couldn't take her from him. The worst part is my sister was just inside and refused to come out.

My mom got involved as well, but she was afraid of him at this point so she left it to my pops. This is where it gets scary. He, with my sister in the car, drove to my moms house and asked to meet with her. However, they would not exit the car, they asked her to come out and get in the car so they could talk. My mom obviously is not feeling it, so she refuses, and my mom begins to, at range, call him out for being psychotic and weird. My moms husband (my step father and her have been divorced a while) came out to protect her, just for safety as he didn't feel comfortable with the situation. My mom tried to plead to him, using words such as "if you love her don't you want to protect her?". In a shocking response he said "I can always protect her, I keep my gun in my the car". By the way this is my sisters new car that pops bought after he totaled the first one.

He obviously probably didn't have a permit and it's California, so my mother threatened to call the police and say she feared for her daughters life. Then he said that my sister would claim significant sexual abuse if she did that. Cops didn't get called and they drove away.

I talked to my sister on Facebook chat, it started pleasant like "I miss you" but quickly devolved as I started to ask questions about why she was doin this to our family and causing so many problems (probably my mistake but I'm not a psychologist I'm her brother I've never sugar coated stuff with her didn't see why I needed to start now). She became defensive. She's loves him more than anything else and maybe I'd understand that if I took time to get to know him. It was a sour note ending. I'm judging her, too stuck up to be considered family to her, yada yada.

Shortly after a few days later, I tried calling her. He picked up. He cursed me out and told me to stop bothering her. This guy is younger than her. And he cursed me out. I told him that if he lays a hand on her I'll be over there quicker than he can drop out of school to destroy him. The problem is...I live in Tokyo. I'm far, so it's not actually that easy.

This all happened over the course of the past 3 years, with less honorable mentions like my sister's work banning him from the premise because he appeared to be violent and loud when dropping her off (in her car). Apparently some of her colleagues have seen things that might resemble bruises but this is not proven (she works at a hair salon).

That brings us to today, and why I fear now for my sisters life (or the rest of it).

They were just simultaneously evicted from their motel and arrested for possession of illegal substance and firearms. Apparently my sister was trying to mix things with 'butane', that's all I know but looking up butane I was horrified. They were both jailed. My father bailed her out for $2000. He was released 5 days later, and they both have a court date.

My father is on his last leg, he doesn't have the money for a lawyer, and he is lost.

The boyfriend sent my father an e-mail shortly after he was released. I'm going to post that e-mail. Now, for context, the guy is referring to my father changing my sisters cell number through the carrier to try and cut off communication with him when she got out, until he could get over to her state and pick her up without interference. Judge the words of your own accord.

I do not understand your position against me when, for the past 3 years nearly I have kept your daughter safe have helped her with her emotional problems to where she is functional and I maintain that all out of love for her. I am sorry that I took the rap for her went to jail with her and am looking at some somewhat serious charges because once again I love your daughter unconditionally. Now she is trying to say you aren't invited to our wedding ceremony and I am completely against it. You are her father and you deserve ​to walk her down the row in front of both of our families who will get along wonderfully and it should be a very wonderful event that WILL happen.
Now I am sorry financially my family has not been supportive unfortunately they are all in places financially to were they aren't able to help so much and I am sure you have no idea the shame that comes with not being able to solely take care of all the money she could ever need, but I DO MORE THAN MY BEST when it comes to working and giving her cash any check I have I put in her account and she receives cash from me on quite a frequent basis.
We must reconcile, I forgive you for trying to DESTROY My marriage to your daughter and yes I said marriage we have already said vows infront of an ordained minister so as for as it goes in the eyes of ur all mighty creator we are married and the paperwork is just paper also we havnt filed for a legal marriage for healthcare reasons to allow for ********** to remain on your plan. This will change soon we are now looking into alternative insurance for the exact reason of becoming legally wed in the eyes of law. I am sorry u weren't there for our vow reading and wish you could have seen it. anyways

Tell me why on earth you think it is ok to do this? Whatever in this life I must do to protect her, meaning from imprisonment like this last incident which we all make mistakes but ********** unfortunately made some really poor decisions if I hadn't taken some of the wrap she would be in there with her charges and I would have walked free, I chose to take some heat most of it to protect her from a very serious situation. I am not a felon either, also this felony might stick I may have to do time but we are taking it to trial because the police screwed up and don't have shit for evidence against either of us. I also am not guilty of any other of this shitstorm of police indecency. this is all I have to say for now but I hope you will consider wwjd and realise I am not some skumsack shithead who is using abusing or manipulating your daughter, I don't know if you know this but ,she is a very independent and strong willed stubborn woman and I love her more than anything almost as I love Christ.
respond if you will if you don't that is alright to but fyi, I am not going anywhere I would scower the earth to reunite with your daughter the love of my life the light of my day and the event horizon of my heart.

For the record he still has no job. It sure seems passionate but unfortunately some of it is confirmed a lie. Both my sister and he have consistently refused to provide any contact information for anyone on his side of the family.

What's worse is my sister is also lying about the situation. She says one thing, my pops gets on the phone with the detectives and they tell him something else. She's covering for him and lying for him.

**So GAF**

This has been long...both this post and the turbulent trip that is the past 3 years.

I'm worried she's going to end up dead on the street to drugs. In prison the rest of her life, or worse, killed by this guy out of some psychotic "she's mine" passion. The worst part is she's implicit. She loves him and says none of us understand.

...sigh...what do I do? What CAN I do? What SHOULD I do? This question applies to advice that could go to my father or my mother. Or ANYONE that is the appropriate platform to do something. I called an abusive relationship hotline and they gave me the "well you just gotta wait till she comes 'round". What? Why? When it's too late already?

Sorry if this post is too long and I hope it's not out of place. I couldn't seem to find any good outlets to talk about this with people who will listen...so I came here.


My father recently had this to say in the middle of the family e-mail conversation...

Please advise if I could get arrested if I set up a radical action that snatches ********, probably against her will. If I do it personally, or hire a private firm.

Now...my father is war veteran of nearly 27 years. Served in Vietnam. He was an officer and part of special forces.

Outside of the military he is a teddy bear and he's getting older. He has never been a person to even think like this. He always does things by the book. He raised me tough. If I screwed up, I paid the price, and he never cut me slack when I made mistakes. To hear him suggest something like this is quite immense, I can't really express that enough. It's completely out of his character but...I feel that he's becoming desperate. I'm not just worried about my sister...
Damn man, that is some missed up shit. The guy seems like a total nutjob saying that your dad should be able to walk her down the line only to say they are married a sentence later. I don't think I believe that though.

As for what you can do, I am not sure there is anything you can do besides trying to talk her round. He seems to have his claws in pretty deep.

Hope you all get through it and sorry I couldn't be much help.
I wish I had some advice for you, but after reading that, I'm completely at a loss. All I can say is that I hope things work out for your sister, man. That dude sounds like total scum.



I wish, really wish, I could offer up something concrete that you could do, but I don't even begin to qualify for that. My gut instinct says that really, at some point it is on her to make the choice to "come around" as it were and want to get away from him.

Certainly hope for the best, and hoping someone can offer better advice than that.

One thing I would say though, is not to provoke the guy any further. He sounds unhinged.


This is one of the craziest stories I've read here. I cannot begin to relate.

Your sister's SO sounds like a master manipulator plus drug abuse fueling the fire.

I really don't know what to say and I hope your sister finds help even though she doesn't want it.
Your sister is on drugs. She is just as much the problem as the boyfriend. Blaming him alone isn't going to solve the problem.
Have your family go to all the court dates. If given an opportunity to speak, they should unabashedly throw dude under the bus. Tell the judge -everything-. Getting him incarcerated would fix half the problems, and letting her be homeless/incarcerated without her 'twu wuv' for a bit is your best shot at fixing the rest.
Your sister is on drugs. She is just as much the problem as the boyfriend. Blaming him alone isn't going to solve the problem.

Yup. She's being very selfish. Very childish. And is ruining her life in ways she won't understand until she's older.

As big bro I'd sit her down and explain then cut all ties if she keeps up this dumb shit.

Tell step-dad he needs to stop supporting two bums that don't wanna work. He's enabling this to continue.
Classic abusive relationship. To a T. Wherever there is a checklist, this guy is lighting the whole thing up.

If your family that is physically close is not willing to either cut her off or send only him to jail or "kidnap" her (like maybe from work? If she still even has a job) and send her to some kind of intervention, therapy, rehab, and/or deprogramming, you will have to wait for her to see for herself that what he is doing is wrong.

The more you guys try to pull her away from him, the tighter she will cling to him, and the more abusive he will get.

Having dealt with similar situations in my own family, the victim of abuse needs to see with their own eyes what an asshole the abuser is before they will leave. The guy got caught cheating on my sister, that got her away from him, at least (he was not physically violent, though). They have a kid, but even so, it has been better for all parties concerned. Not sure of my mom, we're estranged, but last I heard, same situation - guy cheated and she left him.

I hope you guys are able to get your sister away from this guy and that she has a decent life afterwards.


unfortunately there's not really anything you can do. Offer her support and let her know that your dad will help her if she leaves this abusive relationship


If she doesn't want help there's almost nothing you or anyone else can do for her.

Sorry man, wish I had some useful advice.
Your sister is in a trance and I'm not really sure how to break it. Your dad I just going to have to cut her off and let her hit rock bottom. As long as he is there to bail her out why would she need to change? He should have let her sit in jail tbh. Her bf got her on lock, and as long as your pops gives her money she's not going to leave him. They also sound like horrible dealers if they keep getting busted and have to carry a gun.


Thank you, to those who wished well. Even that is enough to make me feel better in all of this...

Your sister is on drugs. She is just as much the problem as the boyfriend. Blaming him alone isn't going to solve the problem.
Yup. She's being very selfish. Very childish. And is ruining her life in ways she won't understand until she's older.

As big bro I'd sit her down and explain then cut all ties if she keeps up this dumb shit.

Tell step-dad he needs to stop supporting two bums that don't wanna work. He's enabling this to continue.
Your father needs to stop enabling her. Let her make those mistakes on her own dime

Yeah, I know this. Recently the family as a whole has been having an e-mail back and forth over ideas and things we can do to help her. First, remember that she actually does( did?) have a job (though I don't know how stable it is at this point).

My first input was she needs to be cut-off.

In the past my father has cited things like "I will not see my daughter on the street" as reasons for not cutting off support. I can actually see his side. It's the "my baby girl" thing, I think.

The entire family recognizes that she is near equally to blame for the current messed up situation. We aren't ignoring that. She's been a total bitch in all conversations me, or my mom have tried to have with her on this, and her behavior has been terrible.

My mom simply sees her as the victim though. And for me? I think she's just being my stupid idiot little sister except it's carried way too far at this point.

Even though she's partly to blame, it doesn't change the fact that our first and foremost priority is recovering her safely and extracting her from this.

Have your family go to all the court dates. If given an opportunity to speak, they should unabashedly throw dude under the bus. Tell the judge -everything-. Getting him incarcerated would fix half the problems, and letting her be homeless/incarcerated without her 'twu wuv' for a bit is your best shot at fixing the rest.

This is actually my current line of thinking, but you expanded on it in words in a way I hadn't thought of yet. This is a good idea.


My father recently had this to say in the middle of the family e-mail conversation...

Please advise if I could get arrested if I set up a radical action that snatches *******, probably against her will. If I do it personally, or hire a private firm.

Now...my father is war veteran of nearly 27 years. Served in Vietnam. He was an officer and part of special forces.

Outside of the military he is a teddy bear and he's getting older. He has never been a person to even think like this. He always does things by the book. He raised me tough. If I screwed up, I paid the price, and he never cut me slack when I made mistakes. To hear him suggest something like this is quite immense, I can't really express that enough. It's completely out of his character but...I feel that he's becoming desperate. I'm not just worried about my sister...
This is one of the craziest stories I've read here. I cannot begin to relate.

Your sister's SO sounds like a master manipulator plus drug abuse fueling the fire.

I really don't know what to say and I hope your sister finds help even though she doesn't want it.

Your sister is on drugs. She is just as much the problem as the boyfriend. Blaming him alone isn't going to solve the problem.

There's something more to this story were not getting. This guy is definitely a problem, but OP's sister is definitely manipulating the situation and she definitely seems like an addict.

This is making me think of Breaking Bad to be honest.

Your dad definitely isn't seeing this for all that it is. I'm not sure how to help you OP but as has been said this is just as much your sister's fault. Your dad as hard as it is for him probably needs to draw a line. It sounds like she's still desperate for the parents attention, especially daddy. Your dad like you said needs to cut her off. As long as she's being propped up by Dad she will be enabled to stay in her current situation and nothing will change. "Snatching" her will do absolutely nothing but cause her to have resentment and potentially attempt to emotionally and financially extort your dad to regain his status with her. She needs to come to the realization for the most part on her own.
The best thing your dad can do right now is to leave her. If she needs to go to jail to get something through her skull and get her away from him, then thats what needs to happen. Sounds like your dad has gone above and beyond what should be expected of him.


Tagged as I see fit
What a horrible situation for your family to be in. Wow. I'm sorry OP.

I'd say the only chance you have is to have your Dad stop enabling them, as others have said. Tell her she's welcome home when she's ready and serious about getting help and then pray for the best. It still may not end well though, but the current method is clearly not working. She has to want out.


OP, I am in an extremely similar situation to yours at the moment.

My sister met a guy 6-7 years ago, he was nice at first, but graduated HS without any job and just lived with his parents doing nothing with his life. Slowly but surely, he cut my sister off from her friends and family, physically abused her, got her pregnant, and they ran off and got married. They live with his parents, and the only time we see or communicate with her is to see the child once a month on court orders. My sister has turned very hostile on us (my family), lied to us on his behalf, and is adamant this is what she wants, to leave her alone, Etc. (we found out they they shoplifted a few things and got caught for it numerous times too)

It's extremely tough. My parents are heartbroken, but hold out hope she'll return one day. I.... Have accepted the fact that she might never go home or be the same ever again since they share a child. It's gotten to the point where we have removed my sister from my parents will to protect any of my parents assests from reaching him. I've seen my sister once in the past 3 years.

There's more details to this story, but I covered most of them.

My heart goes out to you. I know how you and your family feel. Please reach out to me if you want to vent or talk about anything. My suggestion is to appreciate any time you have with her now, as it seems like she's slipping away and being controlled by him. I would also suggest your father pulling the financial cord.


Have your family go to all the court dates. If given an opportunity to speak, they should unabashedly throw dude under the bus. Tell the judge -everything-. Getting him incarcerated would fix half the problems, and letting her be homeless/incarcerated without her 'twu wuv' for a bit is your best shot at fixing the rest.

This. Sorry OP but if there is a real possibility of them being jailed then then that is very likely the best option at this point. They need to be separated at all cost and she needs to be sober if anyone is to talk to her and remove her from the situation. If jail is the way it happens then let it happen.
That's a messed up situation your sister is in, OP and I am so sorry.

Halfway through your post I was already stumped on what I can give as an advice.

And the only thought I came the closest is similar to what your father is thinking.

It will be ugly, and potentially dangerous. But your sister has to be separated from that dude, and it looks like she is not gonna do it on her own will.

EDIT: the idea from post above is possibly the best option right now.


Have your family go to all the court dates. If given an opportunity to speak, they should unabashedly throw dude under the bus. Tell the judge -everything-. Getting him incarcerated would fix half the problems, and letting her be homeless/incarcerated without her 'twu wuv' for a bit is your best shot at fixing the rest.

unfortunately there's not really anything you can do. Offer her support and let her know that your dad will help her if she leaves this abusive relationship

Yeah your dad needs to cut her off. Similar to Intervention.

Listen to these guys OP.

Sounds like a textbook abusive relationship. Her SO has probably brainwashed her at this point.

If you can get her away from this guy, you should try and take her to a therapist.


Tell your dad to cut them off, stop supporting them. Once he does that, get social services involved.

If needed get police involved once more, but advise them of who they're dealing with so that they don't dramatically overreact.

If you can call social services, they will do whatever it takes to get her out of the abusive situation, especially with their initiative for women.

Please take this advice.
That's a horrible situation to be in, I've been there with my sister.

She married a guy VERY similar to this jack ass. Abusive, no-job, drop out, drug abuser, etc. Thing is this guy knows she's basically his safety net and will pretty much follow her to the ends of the earth. Chances are, he threatens her if she leaves, and either she's

a) too scared to do anything

b) somehow convinced herself this is what she wanted. And probably says she loves him.

And my sister is in category B. I got the impression that she thought this is normal, that she could "change" him or wait for the day he turns it all around and be the man she expects him to be. In a warped way, she wanted to prove she is an adult so any relationship is better than living at home. Hope to God your sister is smarter than my sister and realizes how much of a loser he is, but considering your story she won't allow herself to believe she made a bad choice. My sister was the same way, after eloping almost instantly they moved from Arizona to Mississippi.

This next part is going to get worse... my mom when she was alive and myself eventually stopped contacting her. She made it clear that WE were the ones interfering with her "one true love". She would eventually call once in a while, leaving a message sobbing (this is before smartphones was a thing) and wanted to talk but we kept ignoring her because the cycle would reset when we told her to leave him.

It got to the point where not only was she homeless, miscarried, working TWO jobs to keep them afloat and her now ex sleeping with guys in front of her was when she finally came to her senses. This took about five months before all this.

Oh and OF COURSE he'd still call her, often. Like creep levels of stalker, and yes he even moved all the way back to Arizona just so he could stalk her. Eventually his lifestyle caught up with him and he was arrested for warrants in Arizona. After another few months of watching my sister lose it mentally it was finally over.

TLDR: Sometimes tough love is more effective when the party in question is too thick to realize her life is in danger. Not trying to be harsh, but I've seen it first hand.


I'm sorry you and your family have to go through this. Unfortunately, you can't help her until she is ready to let you help. Your sister seems completely brainwashed by this guy. I think you and your family need to give her an ultimatum. Cut off all contact with this guy and come home or cut her off. Your dad keeps giving her money. What do you think she's spending this money on? Certainly not the rent or they wouldn't keep getting evicted. This is something that is painful but you have to do. Cut contact until she is ready to get help.


Your family needs to let her know that you all will have her back and help if she ever decides to break up with him, no questions asked.

And stop enabling her no matter what. She has to come to the realization herself and take that first step in wanting to leave him.


I'd look into contacting a local non profit that deals with assisting victims of domestic violence and see if they have any ideas or resources. Social services as well, but a lot of times non profits are better equipped to handle or give advice on more unique situations like this.
Damn, sorry to hear she's in such an awful situation.

My sister is currently in the middle of exiting a relationship with an abusive ex, though not to that degree, so I understand your desire to get her help.

Unfortunately, people can't be helped until they admit it to themselves. For my sister, that moment was when she found herself worried he might harm her child. As horrible as it is, until that time all you and your family can really do is ensure she knows that when she's ready, you'll be there to provide the support she needs. Hopefully that happens before it's too late.
Hello everyone. This is my first actual created thread since becoming a member, yay! It's too bad the subject matter is a bit of a depressing topic for me. This is a TLDR because it's not easy to explain the situation without going over specifics.

My sister is in a relationship with a guy who is ruining her life.

We're 4 years apart, I'm 27, and she's 23.

It all started when her boyfriend moved in 3 years ago to live with her. My pops lived in a different state, and was still paying for her rent. The guy was a loser; no job, no intention of getting one, dropped out of high school, exiled from his family, but if I had to give him credit he has my sister wrapped so tightly around his finger it's mind-boggling, and now it's come to the point where I'm fearing for her life.

They were evicted from that apartment due to disruption of peace (so, being loud and partying too much?). My pops found her another place, and of course he followed. My father didn't approve of this but he didn't feel there was anything he could do, because he doesn't want his daughter on the street. You see he is my step father, but he is her biological dad. For all intents and purposes though he raised me and I respect him like a dad.

They were evicted from the next apartment too, for similar reasons, I wish I were kidding. Over the course of these evictions, communication with my sister became pretty infrequent and she began to act strangely. She has become distant.

Soon after her car was totaled, which of course pops was paying for...and he was driving it alone. My father, when trying to contact her was met with the boyfriend on the phone. He basically keeps her phone in his pocket. My pops was suspicious of what was leading this to happen and obviously this was unacceptable, so he called the police on the boyfriend with basically no evidence of anything. He just claimed that she was in a harmful situation.

The police went to investigate and they found a large amount of prescription medicine, obtained illegal. What's worse is my sister was found as having acquired it illegally, but she apparently doesn't take any of it. He does. She was actually let go for this with a slap on the wrist, and obviously all the stuff confiscated.

At this point they are living in a motel. Yes, you heard that right.

My father went to "get" her. As in, bring her to his home state, and help her reboot her life. When he arrived at the motel, he was met with the guy out front, who told him he was not allowed to take her away. He literally rolled on the ground and screamed like a child, wildly saying that he couldn't take her from him. The worst part is my sister was just inside and refused to come out.

My mom got involved as well, but she was afraid of him at this point so she left it to my pops. This is where it gets scary. He, with my sister in the car, drove to my moms house and asked to meet with her. However, they would not exit the car, they asked her to come out and get in the car so they could talk. My mom obviously is not feeling it, so she refuses, and my mom begins to, at range, call him out for being psychotic and weird. My moms husband (my step father and her have been divorced a while) came out to protect her, just for safety as he didn't feel comfortable with the situation. My mom tried to plead to him, using words such as "if you love her don't you want to protect her?". In a shocking response he said "I can always protect her, I keep my gun in my the car". By the way this is my sisters new car that pops bought after he totaled the first one.

He obviously probably didn't have a permit and it's California, so my mother threatened to call the police and say she feared for her daughters life. Then he said that my sister would claim significant sexual abuse if she did that. Cops didn't get called and they drove away.

I talked to my sister on Facebook chat, it started pleasant like "I miss you" but quickly devolved as I started to ask questions about why she was doin this to our family and causing so many problems (probably my mistake but I'm not a psychologist I'm her brother I've never sugar coated stuff with her didn't see why I needed to start now). She became defensive. She's loves him more than anything else and maybe I'd understand that if I took time to get to know him. It was a sour note ending. I'm judging her, too stuck up to be considered family to her, yada yada.

Shortly after a few days later, I tried calling her. He picked up. He cursed me out and told me to stop bothering her. This guy is younger than her. And he cursed me out. I told him that if he lays a hand on her I'll be over there quicker than he can drop out of school to destroy him. The problem is...I live in Tokyo. I'm far, so it's not actually that easy.

This all happened over the course of the past 3 years, with less honorable mentions like my sister's work banning him from the premise because he appeared to be violent and loud when dropping her off (in her car). Apparently some of her colleagues have seen things that might resemble bruises but this is not proven (she works at a hair salon).

That brings us to today, and why I fear now for my sisters life (or the rest of it).

They were just simultaneously evicted from their motel and arrested for possession of illegal substance and firearms. Apparently my sister was trying to mix things with 'butane', that's all I know but looking up butane I was horrified. They were both jailed. My father bailed her out for $2000. He was released 5 days later, and they both have a court date.

My father is on his last leg, he doesn't have the money for a lawyer, and he is lost.

The boyfriend sent my father an e-mail shortly after he was released. I'm going to post that e-mail. Now, for context, the guy is referring to my father changing my sisters cell number through the carrier to try and cut off communication with him when she got out, until he could get over to her state and pick her up without interference. Judge the words of your own accord.

For the record he still has no job. It sure seems passionate but unfortunately some of it is confirmed a lie. Both my sister and he have consistently refused to provide any contact information for anyone on his side of the family.

What's worse is my sister is also lying about the situation. She says one thing, my pops gets on the phone with the detectives and they tell him something else. She's covering for him and lying for him.

**So GAF**

This has been long...both this post and the turbulent trip that is the past 3 years.

I'm worried she's going to end up dead on the street to drugs. In prison the rest of her life, or worse, killed by this guy out of some psychotic "she's mine" passion. The worst part is she's implicit. She loves him and says none of us understand.

...sigh...what do I do? What CAN I do? What SHOULD I do? This question applies to advice that could go to my father or my mother. Or ANYONE that is the appropriate platform to do something. I called an abusive relationship hotline and they gave me the "well you just gotta wait till she comes 'round". What? Why? When it's too late already?

Sorry if this post is too long and I hope it's not out of place. I couldn't seem to find any good outlets to talk about this with people who will listen...so I came here.


My father recently had this to say in the middle of the family e-mail conversation...

Now...my father is war veteran of nearly 27 years. Served in Vietnam. He was an officer and part of special forces.

Outside of the military he is a teddy bear and he's getting older. He has never been a person to even think like this. He always does things by the book. He raised me tough. If I screwed up, I paid the price, and he never cut me slack when I made mistakes. To hear him suggest something like this is quite immense, I can't really express that enough. It's completely out of his character but...I feel that he's becoming desperate. I'm not just worried about my sister...

Classic abusive relationship. Sorry you have to deal with it.


Your sister is a drug addict, most likely meth from the mention of cooking up stuff and using butane.

You dad needs to stop giving her money. He is enabling her. If he does give her any more money for bail or whatever, it needs to be on the condition that she goes to an inpatient facility afterwards.

You might be able to get her committed for a 5150/welfare check, but that will most likely only deepen the rift and make her boyfriend seem like a hero.


My older sister is in a similar situation - only further along. She had a rough time in her teenage years, dropped out, and went through addiction. While in treatment, she met the guy who is now her "husband." I say "husband," because he's legally still married to his "ex" wife. Every time I've asked why this is the case, I'm fed another bullshit excuse about how his ex is trying to take some piece of shit house away from him or something. Who knows how real that excuse actually is.

In any case, for the first 2-3 years they were together, my family was constantly trying to get her to leave him. He's like 10 years older than she is (she's now in her mid 30s), can't hold down a job for more than a month, drank himself into oblivion to the point where he'll probably die the next time he binges, and just generally leeches off her.

The issue is, after those 2-3 years, she got pregnant. Like three and a half years later, she's now got two kids by this guy while she works herself to the bone for scraps while he just lays around and does jack shit. He's "watching the kids," but he can't even drive them to school because his license is suspended, and he doesn't have a car anyway.

He's a piece of shit, basically. I've given them a hefty amount of money over the last couple years, because a few times she's called me up in tears because she has no money to feed her children, and my heart just breaks for those kids. They don't deserve to be in this shitty situation. But lately, I've just given up on helping them. No matter how many times I pay their rent, no matter how many times I wire her money so that she can buy groceries, they just end up back in the same situation. The money isn't the problem here - it's this shitstain leeching up all of her resources and emotional energy. He's emotionally abusive, a dullard, and most importantly, a terrible role model for these children.

About a year ago, when she told me she had enough, I spoke to a bunch of people in my family to repair bridges she'd burned over the years, and arranged for her to move in to my grandmother's condo, where she and the kids would have their own space, and she'd only have to pay utilities while she got herself on her feet. My grandmother would even help watch the kids while my sister was at work. The only condition? She had to leave this guy. She decided instead to give him an ultimatum, and told him that if he could get a job within four weeks, she'd give it another shot. He did, she turned down the apartment, and then he got fired two weeks later for not showing up.

Just recently, she hit me up for money again, but I'm holding to my principles this time. I told her that I'll always be there to talk to her as her brother, and that my emotional support won't be going anywhere. But I'm not giving another dollar to fuel this idiot's lifestyle. It hurts a ton that I won't be helping the kids, but I just can't justify putting more good money after bad. It sucks.

I hope your sister doesn't end up like mine.
My older sister is in a similar situation - only further along. She had a rough time in her teenage years, dropped out, and went through addiction. While in treatment, she met the guy who is now her "husband." I say "husband," because he's legally still married to his "ex" wife. Every time I've asked why this is the case, I'm fed another bullshit excuse about how his ex is trying to take some piece of shit house away from him or something. Who knows how real that excuse actually is.

In any case, for the first 2-3 years they were together, my family was constantly trying to get her to leave him. He's like 10 years older than she is (she's now in her mid 30s), can't hold down a job for more than a month, drank himself into oblivion to the point where he'll probably die the next time he binges, and just generally leeches off her.

The issue is, after those 2-3 years, she got pregnant. Like three and a half years later, she's now got two kids by this guy while she works herself to the bone for scraps while he just lays around and does jack shit. He's "watching the kids," but he can't even drive them to school because his license is suspended, and he doesn't have a car anyway.

He's a piece of shit, basically. I've given them a hefty amount of money over the last couple years, because a few times she's called me up in tears because she has no money to feed her children, and my heart just breaks for those kids. They don't deserve to be in this shitty situation. But lately, I've just given up on helping them. No matter how many times I pay their rent, no matter how many times I wire her money so that she can buy groceries, they just end up back in the same situation. The money isn't the problem here - it's this shitstain leeching up all of her resources and emotional energy. He's emotionally abusive, a dullard, and most importantly, a terrible role model for these children.

About a year ago, when she told me she had enough, I spoke to a bunch of people in my family to repair bridges she'd burned over the years, and arranged for her to move in to my grandmother's condo, where she and the kids would have their own space, and she'd only have to pay utilities while she got herself on her feet. My grandmother would even help watch the kids while my sister was at work. The only condition? She had to leave this guy. She decided instead to give him an ultimatum, and told him that if he could get a job within four weeks, she'd give it another shot. He did, she turned down the apartment, and then he got fired two weeks later for not showing up.

Just recently, she hit me up for money again, but I'm holding to my principles this time. I told her that I'll always be there to talk to her as her brother, and that my emotional support won't be going anywhere. But I'm not giving another dollar to fuel this idiot's lifestyle. It hurts a ton that I won't be helping the kids, but I just can't justify putting more good money after bad. It sucks.

I hope your sister doesn't end up like mine.

Yeah, people have to hit rock bottom and see just how shitty it is to really change. I think in your case I would take food over for the kids but otherwise I would do the same.


Yeah, people have to hit rock bottom and see just how shitty it is to really change. I think in your case I would take food over for the kids but otherwise I would do the same.

Yeah, I wish I could, but I live in Chicago, and they're still living in Miami, so there's not much I can do in that regard.
Yeah, I wish I could, but I live in Chicago, and they're still living in Miami, so there's not much I can do in that regard.

Ah I assumed you two lived close my bad, hope your sister turns it around I hate to hear about kids suffering in situations like that.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Firstly, it sucks that you had this happen to someone you love, you have my sympathies. Secondly, for her to be supported by any means when she's exhibiting this behavior is just reinforcing it. If your father doesn't want his "baby girl" to be homeless on the streets, he can extend the invitation for her (and her alone) to sleep on his couch or in a spare room in his home.

I also want to express that she's her own person and an adult whether she's currently acting in her best interests or not. It's her life to ruin and it seems that's the choice she's made. No one can force her to be the innocent girl you all remember from when she was 10. It sounds to me like she's living the way that she wants and is quite adamant about keeping things as they are. It sucks, but until she's able to see things clearly for herself, no one can do all that much to help her.

I wish you and your family the best, I hope someone she's able to find her way back to a fulfilling life.


can't kidnap your sister to deprogram her, no matter how well that might have worked in the 90s.

she's gotta learn to be her own person. hopefully before he eats up too much of her spirit. Instead of judging and questioning, quit all of that, because it will only push her away. Give her love, guidance, listen to her try to get her to really open up, because she's full of doubts but she's not going to let him see any of that.

Sounds like a codependency meets controlling personality cycle, and 80% of his efforts are probably spent on making her feel weak, making him seem like a good choice, and making sure she stays under his thumb. So she needs to start thinking for herself, and you can help that by just talking to her.

a piece of shit will be a piece of shit, this guy will fuck up at some point, with her, and she needs to be self-aware enough to realize her own self-worth when it happens. So just keep contact. Don't give her any money and don't enable her though. You all can work through this.


keep your strippers out of my American football
It REALLY sucks all of this is going on, but you and the rest of your family needs to leave her alone. The more you enable the situation, the more you fight her, the closer she is going to be to her bf. It becomes more about them vs her family than anything else. The repeated attempts to break it up backfires everytime. If she is going to leave, she is going to have to make that decision. She may never make that decision, but trying to force it will pretty much guarantee that it won't happen.

It's hard, but your dad is going to have to let her figure it out, let her hit rock bottom. Or...she may decide that is the life she wants. If she does, you have to be prepared to let that happen as well. I had a friend who was going down the wrong path, basically throwing her life away for drugs. Slowly all of her friends cut her off and she hit rock bottom. She climbed back up and now is having a great, clean life. It took her years to get over us cutting her off, but she realized that is what we had to do so she would decide to straighten up her life.


Looking for meaning in GAF
People act like if you don't have a job as a man you are the scum of the earth. Damn.
Not having a job is different from being a complete deadbeat. You could be a stay at home dad or something if that works for you and your SO. Or you could just be looking for work, or maybe you just ended a job and want to take a few weeks/months off before looking for your next job. Nothing wrong with that.

That's very different from a guy who can't hold a job, doesn't try to do anything useful at all, drags down and poison those around him, and destroys everything he is given with absolutely no remorse.
People act like if you don't have a job as a man you are the scum of the earth. Damn.

That applies when you are okay with being legitamately lazy, dropping out of HS because "its too hard/i'm too cool for that.", doing drugs, and using people to get ahead in life and supporting you.


People act like if you don't have a job as a man you are the scum of the earth. Damn.

It's about not having a job period, regardless of gender. If you have the complete financial means to do so, then sure whatever.

But if you don't then...What ARE you doing?
People act like if you don't have a job as a man you are the scum of the earth. Damn.

Except for the part where this guy is clearly a meth cook/drug dealer. Scum.

Y'know - What I would suggest is *not* outreach to your sister.

I firmly believe the situation to this Problem lies in dealing with Him. The first course of action needs to be removing him from the picture - Take him away from her, not the other way around. My first suggestion in this matter, of course, would be to do everything in your power to see that he ends up in prison or at least jail - Present a case against him, he's practically dug his own legal grave with how many times he's been arrested for cooking meth, as well as that unlicensed gun (Beware, for obvious reasons). If that plan of action doesn't work, and I really hope it doesn't have to go that far - Interpret my previous words in whichever way you choose to - Preferably ONLY if you are forced.

EDIT: Let me clarify, before someone interprets this darkly:

You need to scare the shit out of him. Break him down psychologically. Make him feel that doing anything to your sister will be the end of him. Make him never want to go near her or your family again. He himself must not feel safe continuing this relationship. Then, once HE pushes away from her, that is when you start outreach. Granted, this guy is a meth cook/dealer, and they are well known to be absolutely batshit crazy, so very much easier said than done.
it's a shitty thought but prepare to deal with a potential addiction problem from your sister. it sounds like she may be sticking with him in part due to one, dealing with abuse and outbursts and saying "oh but he's a good guy" through it all. i've seen it before and all of a sudden a bunch of strange behavior becomes clearer.

i may just be talking out of my ass though, but i wish you luck. that is one hell of a situation and hopefully she realizes how lucky she is to have family still care for her well-being


People act like if you don't have a job as a man you are the scum of the earth. Damn.

In this case it was more about "not having a job and clearly no intent to get one"

I've been unemployed for almost a year and desparately trying to get a job, does that make me scum of the earth?
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