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Adam Boyes Confirms: Call of Duty: Ghosts is Native 1080p on PS4

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Junior Member
So you took an original 1080p render, downscaled it, and then upscaled it again.

Does that sound like what the XB1 is going to be doing? You think the console is going to be rendering a native 1080p frame, then downscaling it to 900p for no reason, and then upscaling it back to 1080p?

Lol no.

Take a native 900p image and upscale it to 1080p and post the difference.
It's not even a 1080p render. It's a downsampled 4k bullshot.


Hopes and Dreams

2 sources, right????? [/bish]

Not being snide...really really want this to be true.

Well he hasn't been banned yet and several mods have popped in so I think it's good

I.E. BF4 on PS4 is 1080p :)

No idea on XB1 though

How reliable is famousmortimer?
I'm not familiar with his past work.

He's very good as of late. He was the first to confirm that Driveclub would be delayed

Also he's behind the COD 720p on XB1 but 1080p on PS4 and half of that leaks been confirmed
Well he hasn't been banned yet and several mods have popped in so I think it's good

I.E. BF4 on PS4 is 1080p :)

No idea on XB1 though

He's very good as of late. He was the first to confirm that Driveclub would be delayed

Also he's behind the COD 720p on XB1 but 1080p on PS4 and half of that leaks been confirmed

I was the first one who hinted at a DriveClub delay.
I was the first one who hinted at a DriveClub delay.
Lol bullshit. You created a thread that at first amounted to little more than concern trolling. Just because it became true later does not make you clairvoyant or put you in the same league as an insider... unless you're claiming to have inside knowledge?

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


So you took an original 1080p render, downscaled it, and then upscaled it again.

Does that sound like what the XB1 is going to be doing? You think the console is going to be rendering a native 1080p frame, then downscaling it to 900p for no reason, and then upscaling it back to 1080p?

Lol no.

Take a native 900p image and upscale it to 1080p and post the difference.
Of course I didn't think so. I took a 1080p picture because it was from BF4 and had some tiny details (birds). Do you know any game that runs 900p native? I don't. Ok, that BF4 pic wasn't the best choice. I tried the same with a KZ:SF screenshot but this time I cut a 1600x900 piece out of it. After upscaling to 1920x1080 it still looks rather good even up close. Come on, anybody can try it and judge the results. I can't post those pics right now because I'm not at my desktop.

I'm not trying to defend any console here as some people suggest. Can we step out of the console war for a second? I think it's a valid question if we'll be ever able to decide if a game is native or upscaled when devs are silent about it. People just laughing at my post without any further explanation aren't adding anything to the discourse.


Well I hope it is too, but not for that reason. This console war has gotten ugly, lol.
But I like watching the world burn.

If you really wanna see the world burn...you should hope the Xbone version actually performs better than the PS4 version..then my friend..the world shall burn! Buhahhahaha


So tools are much improved and the games are still suffering? ESRAM is turning out to be a pain in the dick. Is there a reason why MS went this route instead of going with unified memory?


I pretty much won't buy an xbox one if it cannot render in as high a resolutions as PS4... quite a big deal to me. I don't see shoddy resolutions as value for money as a pc gamer.


y'all should be ashamed
So tools are much improved and the games are still suffering? ESRAM is turning out to be a pain in the dick. Is there a reason why MS went this route instead of going with unified memory?

Cheaper way to get to 8GB of RAM. Sony took the pricier 8GB of DDR5 RAM route with no need for ESRAM bottlenecks.
So tools are much improved and the games are still suffering? ESRAM is turning out to be a pain in the dick. Is there a reason why MS went this route instead of going with unified memory?

Because when desigining the console, MS needed absolutely needed 8 GB of memory to accomplish their vision of media functions (snap, tv guide etc.) and at the time GDDR5 (the best unified solution) would be far far too expensive at 8GB. They couldn't assume the price would drop fast enough to make 8GB possible at a reasonable price point

So they had to go with the much cheaper DDR3 and then to try and compensate with the slow memory for game usage they implemented the ESram as a sort of bandaid. Others have argued that 64mb of EDram might have been a better approach but I think that would require a daughter die and that was again against MS's vision (not so clear on this part)

Sony on the other hand started from the ground up trying to make the best gaming console for the money and thus went for unified architecture which then led to GDDR5 memory. Sony originally had to compromise with 2GB of GDDR5 memory due to cost but the cost of GDDR5 went down unexpectedly fast and thus Sony bumped it up to 4GB of GDDR5 while maintaining a similar price point. With the continued decline of prices for GDDR5, Sony bumped it up once more to 8GB (also with the developer's input asking for more than 4GB of ram)

And that is in essence how we ended up with 8GB of DDR3 + 32MB of ESram vs 8GB of GDDR5

Praise Cerny :)

Honestly, I think Mort has been more accurate throughout this year than CBOAT.

Didn't mort claim League of legends was coming to XB1? Or one of the consoles?


Cheaper way to get to 8GB of RAM. Sony took the pricier 8GB of DDR5 RAM route with no need for ESRAM bottlenecks.

Because when desigining the console, MS needed absolutely needed 8 GB of memory to accomplish their vision of media functions (snap, tv guide etc.) and at the time GDDR5 (the best unified solution) would be far far too expensive at 8GB. They couldn't assume the price would drop fast enough to make 8GB possible at a reasonable price point

So they had to go with the much cheaper DDR3 and then to try and compensate with the slow memory for game usage they implemented the ESram as a sort of bandaid. Others have argued that 64mb of EDram might have been a better approach but I think that would require a daughter die and that was again against MS's vision (not so clear on this part)

Sony on the other hand started from the ground up trying to make the best gaming console for the money and thus went for unified architecture which then led to GDDR5 memory. Sony originally had to compromise with 2GB of GDDR5 memory due to cost but the cost of GDDR5 went down unexpectedly fast and thus Sony bumped it up to 4GB of GDDR5 while maintaining a similar price point. With the continued decline of prices for GDDR5, Sony bumped it up once more to 8GB (also with the developer's input asking for more than 4GB of ram)

And that is in essence how we ended up with 8GB of DDR3 + 32MB of ESram vs 8GB of GDDR5

Praise Cerny :)

Didn't mort claim League of legends was coming to XB1? Or one of the consoles?

Oh ok, that makes sense. Thanks guys.

Also, does anyone know if the ESram was planned from the start or if they implemented that AFTER the PS4 GDDR5 announcement?
Oh ok, that makes sense. Thanks guys.

Also, does anyone know if the ESram was planned from the start or if they implemented that AFTER the PS4 GDDR5 announcement?

Oh it had to have come before the GDDR5 announcement if you're referring to the Feb reveal?

Yeah that would've been decided likely 2 years ago at least? I would hope


Ah, so we've already moved onto the next phase. esRAM was a problem, but now it's already fixed. Also, he basically suggests the PS4 GPU advantage is meaningless, and attempts to blame launch differences purely on the esRAM.

Arthur is a clueless hack.

You would get more relevant and accurate information from a spluttering asshole.


Ah, so we've already moved onto the next phase. esRAM was a problem, but now it's already fixed. Also, he basically suggests the PS4 GPU advantage is meaningless, and attempts to blame launch differences purely on the esRAM.

Sarcasem about suggesting the ps4 gpu is meaningless? Or?
Ah, so we've already moved onto the next phase. esRAM was a problem, but now it's already fixed. Also, he basically suggests the PS4 GPU advantage is meaningless, and attempts to blame launch differences purely on the esRAM.

Isn't that what CBoat pretty much said?

Dont get me wrong im not expecting 1080p or something like.
Isn't that what CBoat pretty much said?

Dont get me wrong im not expecting 1080p or something like.

No, CBOAT said that its a problem now but the situation will improve to the point that its workable. All it means is that the situation will be less awful than before. Its not like what Arthur is suggesting where the memory problem is a non-issue and is capable of the same and more (embedded memory can do..."things") than Sony's GDDR5 cluster.
No, CBOAT said that its a problem now but the situation will improve to the point that its workable. All it means is that the situation will be less awful than before. Its not like what Arthur is suggesting where the memory problem is a non-issue and is capable of the same and more (embedded memory can do..."things") than Sony's GDDR5 cluster.

I don't see where Gies is suggesting

where the memory problem is a non-issue and is capable of the same and more (embedded memory can do..."things") than Sony's GDDR5 cluster.

Where there further tweets?
It's Friday. Isn't that when people usually try to bury bad news? So we should be getting official word from Albert re: COD 'round about 5pm pacific time?
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