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Adam Saleh, popular YouTube racist, kicked off Delta plane for being a jerk

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Has anyone in this thread mentioned anything about him using an Arabic racial slur towards black people in one of his videos in 2014? I've been seeing people bringing that up a lot yesterday on Twitter.

Sorry I don't really know anything about that. If Twitter is the source I'd always check who on twitter is saying it. Or if they are linking to a video. Although he has started deleting videos.

Heh more twitter sleuthing and he's getting heat for "rape jokes". Although this shitty tweet is a bit less serious than the boston bomber/Jew nonsense.


This is what happens though if you bring a media circus onto your ass. Better be squeaky clean as not to appear a hypocrite, especially if your claims end up looking false.

As always as well, the internet archives - http://archive.is/lWrlK
Good thing people can differentiate between an underdeveloped child mind and an adult mild in its 20's and act accordingly.

Plus often people do signal their displeasure at crying babies by staring at the parents. Often said parents are already doing their best to calm their child down/feed/change the diaper.

So, your point? If it's actually that we should kick babies off planes, then yeah... okay.

You seem highly strung.

And those MoFo's who always recline their seats during meal serving......

Right? These cunts are worse than Hitler.




Like, I get that he's playing on the stereotype of racist Arabic parents (which is true sadly), but the fact that he tossed (gangsters :x) in there is just repulsive.

For those who don't know what "Abeed" means, it means "Slave", and it's a nasty slur that racist fucks in the region toss at black people.

I was about to say how long now till he deletes that video, but it seems like one of his bigger earners


You seem highly strung.

Right? These cunts are worse than Hitler.

So you were serious? Either way pretty shitty snark Miles.




Like, I get that he's playing on the stereotype of racist Arabic parents (which is true sadly), but the fact that he tossed (gangsters :x) in there is just repulsive.

For those who don't know what "Abeed" means, it means "Slave", and it's a nasty slur that racist fucks in the region toss at black people.


Dude is 100% racist trying to claim that word means gangster. About to spread that video to folks I know who watch him.


Whelp, looks like someone earned themselves a one way ticket to the No Fly List.

And well deserved. If he was doing this as a prank, playing off the fears of 9/11, he 100% deserves to have his ass grounded for a few years.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
lol i called it. What a douchebag. Hope he gets in major trouble and they ban his youtube account. people lose their jobs over this kind of stuff and he needs to suffer the same fate.

Racism is a real thing and something this country has been dealing with for centuries. we dont want some douchebag instigating it and then crying wolf.


To whatever extent it matters, it seems in that video he's making fun of parents being racist.

Anyway, one thing I guess you could criticize YouTubers for is that it allows them to side-step the real world and maturing. More than just a "prankster", this guy really gives off the feeling of having never left high school mentally.


I have had the woman with a seizure and a beyond drunk guy that kept getting up and ripping up magazines. I really really hate planes too :(


For the first time flyer, you shouldn't worry. I was on 4 total flights in November, and it they were all non-events. Everyone boards, quiet and just peaceful rest until the arrival.

There are so, so many flights every day, 99.9% of them are all non-events.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
lol i called it. What a douchebag. Hope he gets in major trouble and they ban his youtube account. people lose their jobs over this kind of stuff and he needs to suffer the same fate.

Racism is a real thing and something this country has been dealing with for centuries. we dont want some douchebag instigating it and then crying wolf.

Youtube didn't get rid of Joey Salads, this guy ain't going nowhere.
It may behoove parents on the left to put extra effort in teaching their children the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. May have to add a bit about how it's wrong even if you'll get a bunch of likes.


lol i called it. What a douchebag. Hope he gets in major trouble and they ban his youtube account. people lose their jobs over this kind of stuff and he needs to suffer the same fate.

Racism is a real thing and something this country has been dealing with for centuries. we dont want some douchebag instigating it and then crying wolf.

It's a crazy world over in YouTube la la land. Make fake prank videos = make a lot of money. Make videos bullying other people = make a lot of money.

But, be the guy who berated a Chick-Fil-A employee a couple years ago, and lose your job.


Chie is the worst waifu
It's a crazy world over in YouTube la la land. Make fake prank videos = make a lot of money. Make videos bullying other people = make a lot of money.

But, be the guy who berated a Chick-Fil-A employee a couple years ago, and lose your job.

I get what you're saying, but his employer decided to fire him on those grounds.

He wasn't a "hotshot" youtuber bringing in the views/$$$, which is the sad reality in this.

That shit was fucking awesome because the employee never took the bait and was as nice as could be

Fuck that nerd

There was an update to that story a while back, in which he was still having an issue finding a job in his field.

Either from his own sense of self-worth, or potential employers finding out about his past and throwing his resume in the trash bin of their e-mail application.
It's a crazy world over in YouTube la la land. Make fake prank videos = make a lot of money. Make videos bullying other people = make a lot of money.

But, be the guy who berated a Chick-Fil-A employee a couple years ago, and lose your job.

Funny how you mention "bullying" videos on you tube and yet separate the actions of the Chick-Fil-A dude from that category.
Tomato, tomato


Better post a source or some in here will just say you are victim blaming...


this information is definitely more compelling than delta saying he "shouted," without attempting to address what he shouted or if it was even directed towards anyone. sounds like delta made the right call

it's really unfortunate that this will almost certainly weaken the position of him and other minorities going into the future


Free speech is generally becoming a better business model when other sites start censoring more and more.

YouTube like Twitter is a private company with a ToS they made up, and they turn around and don't actually enforce.

Neither of them exist to protect you from the government, so free speech is a flawed argument. You can always try exercising "free speech" on GAF and seeing how it goes. Ergo, GAF like YT/Twitter are private companies. Many ideas and debates are fostered on all 3, you just shouldn't expect to be able to be vicious/an asshole or discriminatory in your debating and get away with it.

this information is definitely more compelling than delta saying he "shouted," without attempting to address what he shouted or if it was even directed towards anyone. sounds like delta made the right call

it's really unfortunate that this will almost certainly weaken the position of him and other minorities going into the future

People like him are who delta interviewed

Upon landing the crew was debriefed and multiple passenger statements collected. Based on the information collected to date

Delta aren't doing a reddit AMA though, so a short and concise PR statement was used. Therefore it came down to people saying are you proposing Delta is lying about their debriefing/passenger statement collecting?


This seems all so similar to the usual profiling that goes along after an incident that involves someone darker of skin. "He's a known prankster, how do we know he wasn't pranking" sounds all to similar to "he's a known thug, he looked like was up to no good"

To me the waves from likely the same people that told the staff about shows where their intent was. The "he's no angel" fallacy needs to go away.


This seems all so similar to the usual profiling that goes along after an incident that involves someone darker of skin. "He's a known prankster, how do we know he wasn't pranking" sounds all to similar to "he's a known thug, he looked like was up to no good"

To me the waves from likely the same people that told the staff about shows where their intent was. The "he's no angel" fallacy needs to go away.

Yeah, so how about we replace it with "is he/she telling the truth?" like most pursuits of justice should revolve around. How do you find the truth out? You ask questions to get answers to build a case. What is that? You don't want questions to be asked? Yeah, great, try and live life searching for truth and facts without being able to ask questions. Precisely what people in here railed back at with accusations of "victim blaming" if a question is dared to be asked towards an accuser, let alone one with the past baggage Adam has.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
This seems all so similar to the usual profiling that goes along after an incident that involves someone darker of skin. "He's a known prankster, how do we know he wasn't pranking" sounds all to similar to "he's a known thug, he looked like was up to no good"

To me the waves from likely the same people that told the staff about shows where their intent was. The "he's no angel" fallacy needs to go away.


If you got a Joey Salads level person making shit up of course people are going to be questioning it.


This seems all so similar to the usual profiling that goes along after an incident that involves someone darker of skin. "He's a known prankster, how do we know he wasn't pranking" sounds all to similar to "he's a known thug, he looked like was up to no good"

To me the waves from likely the same people that told the staff about shows where their intent was. The "he's no angel" fallacy needs to go away.

ahahahaha wat

Ulysses 31

Gold Member
YouTube like Twitter is a private company with a ToS they made up, and they turn around and don't actually enforce.

Neither of them exist to protect you from the government, so free speech is a flawed argument. You can always try exercising "free speech" on GAF and seeing how it goes. Ergo, GAF like YT/Twitter are private companies.

My post had nothing to do with the government, I was indicating that YT allows more free speech than Facebook and Twitter and that that makes YT better IMO, wether they do for the $$$ or any moral grounds. This "cleaning up" what you were refering to can easily be misconstrewed/abused as silencing viewpoints you don't like.


Yeah, so how about we replace it with "is he/she telling the truth?" like most pursuits of justice should revolve around. How do you find the truth out? You ask questions to get answers to build a case. What is that? You don't want questions to be asked? Yeah, great, try and live life searching for truth and facts without being able to ask questions. Precisely what people in here railed back at with accusations of "victim blaming" if a question is dared to be asked towards an accuser, let alone one with the past baggage Adam has.

I've said nothing about asking questions, get off your soapbox.

ahahahaha wat


This seems all so similar to the usual profiling that goes along after an incident that involves someone darker of skin. "He's a known prankster, how do we know he wasn't pranking" sounds all to similar to "he's a known thug, he looked like was up to no good"

To me the waves from likely the same people that told the staff about shows where their intent was. The "he's no angel" fallacy needs to go away.
You seem to completely misunderstand the no angel fallacy. The problem with it is that it doesn't matter if the person did some minor criminal things since none of it warrants getting shot over.

Now in this case making a prank video is exactly what can you justifiedly get you kicked off a plane.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
This seems all so similar to the usual profiling that goes along after an incident that involves someone darker of skin. "He's a known prankster, how do we know he wasn't pranking" sounds all to similar to "he's a known thug, he looked like was up to no good"

To me the waves from likely the same people that told the staff about shows where their intent was. The "he's no angel" fallacy needs to go away.

Nah, this is closer to "5 time convicted arsonist arrested at the scene of house fire." And then people saying, "Well, yeah, he probably did it."


My post had nothing to do with the government, I was indicating that YT allows more free speech than Facebook and Twitter and that that makes YT better IMO, wether they do for the $$$ or any moral grounds. This "cleaning up" what you were refering to can easily be misconstrewed/abused as silencing viewpoints you don't like.

What is your quantifier of "more free speech"? Most of us were highlighting far right YT channels and nasties who incite hate/abuse/dogpiling. Not many of us want to lump that in with "free speech" on private communities. That kind of shit does nothing to further a battle of ideas, which free speech does protect.

I've said nothing about asking questions, get off your soapbox.

You're drawing a fallacy in a topic where it's not fitting, hence being challenged as to where in this situation your place for "he's a known thug, he looked like was up to no good" fits in? This is nothing like that precisely because of the evidence we have, and the questioning that has gone on. It's why people cite the boy who cried wolf, except in this case it looks like he's still at the stage of lying and hasn't found his actual wolf yet.


This seems all so similar to the usual profiling that goes along after an incident that involves someone darker of skin. "He's a known prankster, how do we know he wasn't pranking" sounds all to similar to "he's a known thug, he looked like was up to no good"

To me the waves from likely the same people that told the staff about shows where their intent was. The "he's no angel" fallacy needs to go away.

The "no angel" thing stems from racists (or people with biases) trying to justify extreme actions by saying the victim had done some bad stuff in the past and so they could have done bad stuff at the time they were victimized. For example "well he stole some cigarettes so who knows WHAT he could have done" after a man is shot by the police in an unrelated incident.

However, Saleh was thrown off the plane while filming one of his Pranks. The flight attendants were made aware that he was filming a prank, and the people on the plane didn't want to do with his bullshit. Those of us who were skeptical of the initial claims had every reason to be because he had multiple videos on his YouTube channel showing him pulling pranks on planes trying to get kicked off.

Further, he's also been known to lie about his pranks. Specifically one prank involving a plane. So, when you put the pieces of the puzzle together it's hard to believe him, not because we're trying to justify the behavior of Delta...

But because it seems like he's a fucking liar.

Don't try to conflate actual problems in critical thinking ("no angel" fallacy) with people being rightfully skeptical about this tool. Use your brain.


You seem to completely misunderstand the no angel fallacy. The problem with it is that it doesn't matter if the person did some minor criminal things since none of it warrants getting shot over.

Now in this case making a prank video is exactly what can you justifiedly get you kicked off a plane.

No, I completely understand it. Its not limited to getting shot, not sure why you would say that. People of color get selectively arrested for petty crimes that fair skinned people get by on all the time. I honestly have no problem with Delta removing him after it became to big of an issue. Whats bothering is the insistence that he must've been in wrong due to whatever he has done in the past. Not that anybody could've readily identified him in that moment as a known prankster to begin with.


Not that anybody could've readily identified him in that moment as a known prankster to begin with.

Someone did just that on the plane to the flight attendants.

He's a popular YouTube personality that is easily recognizable.

You should read before making yourself look the fool cause you wanna seem virtuous.
Nah, this is closer to "5 time convicted arsonist arrested at the scene of house fire." And then people saying, "Well, yeah, he probably did it."
I would even go as far as saying... "long time heroin user was caught shooting up heroin again" YouTube fame is no joke, it can become an obsession, take control of one's life, especially someone as unhinged, immature and sheltered as the kid in this story.




Like, I get that he's playing on the stereotype of racist Arabic parents (which is true sadly), but the fact that he tossed (gangsters :x) in there is just repulsive.

For those who don't know what "Abeed" means, it means "Slave", and it's a nasty slur that racist fucks in the region toss at black people.

ugh my girlfriend told me he was trash but i didn't know he was this much trash. what a fuckboy.


Further, pointing out a "fallacy" does not invalidate the initial assessment.

If we're calling the "no angel" thing a logical fallacy, then we have to accept it as one which means that it isn't an automatic refutation of someone's argument, but just a flawed logical tool. It doesn't mean that it's wrong, just that if you want to present a decent argument for or against something it should be used sparingly if at all.

However, looking at the past actions of someone and using those past actions to determine what they might have done IS NOT fallacious, just because you've seen it employed badly in the past.

Christ just stop trying to tie this shit back to some kinda racial argument and realize that he's a shithead who was kicked off for being a shithead.


No, I completely understand it. Its not limited to getting shot, not sure why you would say that. People of color get selectively arrested for petty crimes that fair skinned people get by on all the time. I honestly have no problem with Delta removing him after it became to big of an issue. Whats bothering is the insistence that he must've been in wrong due to whatever he has done in the past. Not that anybody could've readily identified him in that moment as a known prankster to begin with.

If you don't want your history following you around, try not and do stupid shit? Unlike someone who might have made one or two mistakes in their life, this guy actively makes a living out of lying, deceiving and outrage. Said evidence is circumstantial but like it or not for him it paints a skeptical scenario when it's yet another plane incident. Unlike some in here who were 100% the whole plane is racist and Delta are scum, others said it is LIKELY he is lying, but most are willing to readjust their thoughts as and when more evidence came out.

That is the issue with the way some minds in here work, they either don't readjust to overwhelming evidence, hence doubling down, or during the stages of potential investigation they call people victim blamers who otherwise have some decent circumstantial evidence to at least "ask more questions" with.


Someone did just that on the plane to the flight attendants.

He's a popular YouTube personality that is easily recognizable.

You should read before making yourself look the fool cause you wanna seem virtuous.

According to who? There's conflicting info everywhere.

Chris Ashford, 47, who was aboard the plane after a layover in London, said he believed that the woman had “overreacted.”

“She heard somebody speaking in Arabic and assumed the worst,” he said.

He added that while he thought Delta had acted in the interest of some of its passengers, “I do think it was heavy-handed, kicking the guy off the plane and then removing his bags


According to who? There's conflicting info everywhere.

It's being contested via this

That man was the main person not several and they were right down at the other end of the plane, he probably missed most of it and just heard the shouting at the end in which case I can see why he would listen to what that guy is saying and is defending him. I heard every word said when that guy was maybe 20 rows away. I'm not lying I am not doing this for money fame or YouTube views. He's a prankster and that's what he tried to do. When you shout racism if people only hear that word they will defend you, I probably would have if I had missed all of the start. I'm not saying those people were right but he was giving as good as he got and none of it was racist or against Islam, he didn't even talk Arabic his friend said one word 4 times and it didn't even sound like a real word, not one I've heard anyway.

Remember that shouting about someone being racist will pick up the attention of nearly a whole plane, even those who didn't necessarily see everything kick off.

"Someone speaking in Arabic" isn't the same as "Shouting a word over and over to try and bait a reaction/prank, then shouting at people telling him to shut up and escalating a verbal argument".


If I ran another airline I would go ahead and ban him for life now to avoid potential future bad press for my airline. This guy is eventually just not going to be able to fly due to all of this.


not characteristic of ants at all
Holy shit, people still aren't willing to admit that this guy was in the wrong?

It's crazy to me that it's easier for you to believe that there is a plane was filled with 20 racists and then the evil-masterminds at Delta are now trying to undermine the story (because they are racist too!)

The other explanation is much more logical and plausible. A YouTube prankster whose known for plane pranks got kicked off a plane for intentionally inciting conflict.


It's being contested via this

Remember that shouting about someone being racist will pick up the attention of nearly a whole plane, even those who didn't necessarily see everything kick off.

Also Soledad O'brien (a famous news reporter) said that she spoke to a friend on the plane who said the flight attendants were notified that Saleh was a YouTube prankster.
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