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Aircraft Carrier Wasn’t Sailing to Deter North Korea, as U.S. Suggested

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Aircraft Carrier Wasn’t Sailing to Deter North Korea, as U.S. Suggested

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WASHINGTON — As worries deepened last week about whether North Korea would conduct a missile test, the White House declared that ordering an American aircraft carrier into the Sea of Japan would send a powerful deterrent signal and give President Trump more options in responding to the North’s provocative behavior.

The problem was, the carrier, the Carl Vinson, and the four other warships in its strike force were at that very moment sailing in the opposite direction, to take part in joint exercises with the Australian Navy in the Indian Ocean, 3,500 miles southwest of the Korean Peninsula.

White House officials said on Tuesday they were relying on guidance from the Defense Department. Officials there describe a glitch-ridden sequence of events, from a premature announcement of the deployment by the military’s Pacific Command to an erroneous explanation by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis — all of which perpetuated the false narrative that an American armada was racing toward the waters off North Korea.

By the time the White House was asked about the Carl Vinson on April 11, its imminent arrival had been emblazoned on front pages across East Asia, fanning fears that Mr. Trump was considering a pre-emptive military strike on North Korea. It was portrayed as further evidence of the president’s muscular style two days after he ordered a missile strike on Syria while he and President Xi Jinping of China were finishing dessert during a meeting in Florida.

What is even going on anymore
White House officials said on Tuesday they were relying on guidance from the Defense Department. Officials there describe a glitch-ridden sequence of events, from a premature announcement of the deployment by the military’s Pacific Command to an erroneous explanation by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis — all of which perpetuated the false narrative that an American armada was racing toward the waters off North Korea.

good to know that wwiii will likely be due to some screw up
Either that was just a hardcore saber rattling lie, or this administration shows again that the hand doesn't know how to wipe the ass. I would believe either.


Maybe they mistakenly thought Australia is North Korea?

Good they didn't start preemptive airstrikes in that case


Maybe they did it deliberately to scare NK?

I mean NK always comes up with empty threats of things they probably don't even have the capability to do, much less plan to go through with.

A possible response could be to threaten back with things the US do have the capability to do like sending an aircraft carrier, then don't follow through with it.


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White House officials said on Tuesday they were relying on guidance from the Defense Department. Officials there describe a glitch-ridden sequence of events, from a premature announcement of the deployment by the military’s Pacific Command to an erroneous explanation by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis — all of which perpetuated the false narrative that an American armada was racing toward the waters off North Korea.
Oh that's comforting.


I totally get it now. No wonder everyone is freaking out. If I were any other world leader watching this unhinged moron run the most powerful military I be scared as well.

its utterly amazing that this clown has not been impeached, he is straight up unable to preform the duties of the president.
I totally get it now. No wonder everyone is freaking out. If I were any other world leader watching this unhinged moron run the most powerful military I be scared as well.

its utterly amazing that this clown has not been impeached, he is straight up unable to preform the duties of the president.

Yeah but...Her emails and brown people.
I totally get it now. No wonder everyone is freaking out. If I were any other world leader watching this unhinged moron run the most powerful military I be scared as well.

its utterly amazing that this clown has not been impeached, he is straight up unable to preform the duties of the president.
Yep. America looks at North Korea like North Korea looks at America*10000 since Trump. People here don't have the proper perspective, NK has just been generally vilified to us without people having the context to understand it. Same with all the other sides in the Middle East. We're the brainwashed, militaristic nation the world fears most.


The saga of the wayward carrier might never have come to light, had the Navy not posted a photograph on Monday of the Carl Vinson sailing through the Sunda Strait, which separates the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra. The picture was taken on Saturday, four days after the White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, described its mission in the Sea of Japan.


SO the carrier doesn't have a compass or anything? Sailing up 3,500 miles is kinda hard to do without thinking you made a mistake.
Carrier was deployed on different orders. Initially sent to do joint exercises with the Australian Navy, days before the North Korea stuff blew up.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Let's not forget that Trump himself said in his Fox News interview last week that he was sending an armada towards the Korean peninsula.
Yep. America looks at North Korea like North Korea looks at America*10000 since Trump. People here don't have the proper perspective, NK has just been generally vilified to us without people having the context to understand it. Same with all the other sides in the Middle East. We're the brainwashed, militaristic nation the world fears most.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm. Hope you aren't brainwashed too far the other way to believe that. Go ask NK's neighbors (SK, Japan, even China) and citizens of Damascus/Idlib what they think about that.


I can't tell if this is sarcasm. Hope you aren't brainwashed too far the other way to believe that. Go ask NK's neighbors (SK, Japan, even China) and citizens of Damascus/Idlib what they think about that.
SK and Japan actually don't want military action. That's why it didn't happen yet.


This White House is terrible at communicating messages but I'm worried that this is intentional confusion and/or gaslighting.


I mean we should have known something was fishy when they appeared to tell us exactly where this carrier was going, they usually don't do that, at least not until the carrier is actually there. It's not a good idea to lay out your mission plans before hand.
Why is everyone so surprised? Aside from tougher talk this administration is not going to do anything different that the previous other than hype up the threat to sell more weapons to S. Korea and Japan and piss off China so they can give the Trump family business even more sweat heart deals.
Remember when people wondered that if his administration lied about things like crowd sizes, how could we trust them on matters of national security?
One more time:



not tag worthy
well that's one way to de-escalate tensions.

missle test going wrong and ships going wrong way.
A battleground only goes where the Navy tells it to go. If they went the other direction, it's because they had orders to go the other direction and the Navy did not change them (or was not told to change them officially) after Trunp's tweet.

Correct. Administration/Trump were talking out their ass to look like they had the PRKs number in the face of the usual "look-at-me" from them.

Sad thing is, I bet many [most] in the Navy and USMC still ate that BS grandstanding up despite knowing better.

Edit: Don't believe the DoD blame game. They knew they were talking shit and probably thought no one would look too close due to OPSEC. This was 100% The White House.


Next NK missile launch could be cancelled by something as mundane as the weather and you'd have NK claiming that it was the most successful launch ever and Trump claiming that we had the most successful missile intercept ever.


Next NK missile launch could be cancelled by something as mundane as the weather and you'd have NK claiming that it was the most successful launch ever and Trump claiming that we had the most successful missile intercept ever.

To defeat an idiot, you need to become an idiot?
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