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North Korea says ready to strike U.S. aircraft carrier

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Quick, someone give Kim Jong Un 450kg of Swiss cheese.

I thought it was Emmental.

This particular round of provocation does feel different, more tense. I think part of it is proximity of NK to a functioning intercontinental nuke, and part of it is their usua crazy-guy-on-subway verbal defense is not really working when Trump is on the other side, being almost as crazy.
Trump could easily nuke North Korea right now and claim, 'I had extremely credible reports that North Korea was about to launch a missile targeting Seattle, Washington and we had to act first.'

And there would be no way to prove him wrong with all of these stupid we are going to hit America talk DPRK has been doing lately.


Trump could easily nuke North Korea right now and claim, 'I had extremely credible reports that North Korea was about to launch a missile targeting Seattle, Washington and we had to act first.'

And there would be no way to prove him wrong with all of these stupid we are going to hit America talk DPRK has been doing lately.

If we use nukes even preemptively anywhere then it's game over. I believe Trump would be impeached. The collateral would not be worth it.


The one thing I can never figure out regarding NK's constant threats to blow up the Earth is whether it's just propaganda to keep it's own population brainwashed or if NK leadership genuinely believes it could take the US, SK, and our 4500+ nukes on in a fight. Not saying it would be an easy win by any stretch, but still.

On that note, how much of NK military leadership at this point has ever even seen combat? Most Korean War vets are in their 80's now and to my knowledge, NK haven't been involved a "traditional" boots-on-the-ground conflict since. Their army may be fucking huge in terms of shear numbers, but it's not like they're a battle-hardened fighting force.


Trump could easily nuke North Korea right now and claim, 'I had extremely credible reports that North Korea was about to launch a missile targeting Seattle, Washington and we had to act first.'

And there would be no way to prove him wrong with all of these stupid we are going to hit America talk DPRK has been doing lately.

The world would not tolerate that, nor should it. Trump has already significantly tarnished the reputation of the US around the world, but using nuclear weapons first in 2017 would lead to a massive backlash from reasonable parts of the world.
The one thing I can never figure out regarding NK's constant threats to blow up the Earth is whether it's just propaganda to keep it's own population brainwashed or if NK leadership genuinely believes it could take the US, SK, and our 4500+ nukes on in a fight. Not saying it would be an easy win by any stretch, but still.

On that note, how much of NK military leadership at this point has ever even seen combat? Most Korean War vets are in their 80's now and to my knowledge, NK haven't been involved a "traditional" boots-on-the-ground conflict since. Their army may be fucking huge in terms of shear numbers, but it's not like they're a battle-hardened fighting force.

Mostly for their own consumption IMO. They need to show that there are enemies everywhere and they themselves are some massive power to keep themselves in check. The top leadership behaves like they know they actual extent of their power spending most of their time and money on luxury goods.

I seriously doubt most of their military is functional besides paper numbers. I personally think they have enough to maintain some salvos to destroy much of Seoul but beyond that, in terms of mobilization and supply, I don't think they would function at all.
If we use nukes even preemptively anywhere then it's game over. I believe Trump would be impeached. The collateral would not be worth it.

The world would not tolerate that, nor should it. Trump has already significantly tarnished the reputation of the US around the world, but using nuclear weapons first in 2017 would lead to a massive backlash from reasonable parts of the world.

I don't think a 70 year old billionaire give a damn about backlash, we should be ready for that type of thing to go down.

Sure it will change the course of world history, it will have a major domino effect for sure but this is still Trump. If this type of shit don't cool down soon I don't put it pass him.


Unconfirmed Member
Bad article. You're making an error if your think that the S. Korean sentiment is automatically what's "really" happening.

South Koreans are a poor sample of opinions to understand what's happening in the Koreas. They have 60 years of ignoring the problem and it going just fine for them. They're another kind of "brainwashed" as you crudely put it. They will ignore the NK situation no matter what happens... that's what they've been raised to do, sleeping next to the beast.

The S. Korean inutition will be increasingly inaccurate as NK approaches real nuclear launch capability. Some estimates say they will achieve this during Trump's first term. S. Koreans will ignore it far beyond the point when they should have taken it seriously.

That said, an American high on the NK-scare of the moment is also a dupe. Both S Korean "it's never anything" sentiment and scared American "Panic!" sentiment are two kinds of lies.

This sounds like something out of The Time Machine. The North Koreans being the Morlocks and the South Koreans being the Eloi.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Fuck yeah, war!

Wait til these idiots get killed a lot by these guns. I've been researching military vehicles and technology for years, secretly lusting to see them used. So when you see me type the word "theater" in a military post, you know that I know that you know that I know my shit from the top to the bottom. Additionally, I'll use the terms "hostiles" and "actors" just to drive the point home that when it comes to killing machine strategy, i'm the guy you wanna be talking to. I read Sun Tzu in high school, so @ me bro.

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
North Korea attacking a Battlegroup would be the dumbest military decision in 50 years. Even without using WMD, the majority of the country would be reduced to ruble in a matter of days. Won't even need trident.

Also this type of posturing is as about as much news as GAF bashing the prequels.
Strategically speaking that would be the dumbest move North Korea could ever do. It pretty much says "hey attack us with the full force of your military". China would completely turn a blind eye to North Korea and let the U.S. pummel them till kingdom come.


If we use nukes even preemptively anywhere then it's game over. I believe Trump would be impeached. The collateral would not be worth it.

There's no way the Republicans would even impeach Trump even if he came out tomorrow and said "yes, I took payments from Russia for favors. F**k you."


NK was reportedly working on long range anti ship missiles. They do have some Silkworm missles but they would have to get close to fire and Vinson has anti missiles defenses along with the Aegis ships.

They would also need to have accurate data on where Vinson even is, which would absolutely not be particularly easy for them. Anything they'd try to send out would be extremely vulnerable.
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