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Alien: Isolation |OT| 1 Alien. 1 Ripley. No Jonesy.


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Oh, I know the area intimately and exactly where I need to go. It just seems crazy that
they can spot you peeking over a railing from one side of the raised area to the other. I even tried just flat-out running, but that way I get shot by two people instead of one.
The raised/diagonal lines of sight in that room are bullshit, yeah.


Oh, I know the area intimately and exactly where I need to go. It just seems crazy that
they can spot you peeking over a railing from one side of the raised area to the other. I even tried just flat-out running, but that way I get shot by two people instead of one.

I never used them but you can also

- Use rewiring to cause sound distractions
- Use craftables

But honestly I'd keep trying and if you ever quit the game out of frustration at least make it after you've dodged the Xenomorph unsuccessfully a few times lol


I really enjoy the fact that when you draw and aim Amanda's revolver, you can see her hands shaking a little bit. It's clear that this is a very tense situation, and that she's not a trained marksman.


Giant bomb quick look sold me on the game because of how utterly incompetent they are at playing anything that requires a brain. You can save when there are enemies nearby, but it states a warning, and one of the guys saves himself to constant repeating death. Whos fault is that? The game of course. Its always the game.


I really enjoy the fact that when you draw and aim Amanda's revolver, you can see her hands shaking a little bit. It's clear that this is a very tense situation, and that she's not a trained marksman.
Yup, it's little details like that that really make this game special.


planning to pick up the game later today.

whats the general consensus on the difficulty setting i should be playing at? normal or hard?

fyi, i played the last of us and tomb raider on its highest difficulty the first time through, if that makes any difference.

is the game still enjoyable on hard or should i stick with normal for a frustration free experience?


OK I'm going back in. Wish me luck.
I will die a dozen times

What I did was run up the stairs after I picked up the tuner (they come from the East side IIRC) and then crouch down and head towards the door. If they don't see you, they go downstairs and mill around for a bit before starting to patrol. (At least they did for me. They don't appear to be unpredictable like the alien.)


Neo Member
planning to pick up the game later today.

whats the general consensus on the difficulty setting i should be playing at? normal or hard?

fyi, i played the last of us and tomb raider on its highest difficulty the first time through, if that makes any difference.

is the game still enjoyable on hard or should i stick with normal for a frustration free experience?

I say play on hard. It is the recommended difficulty when you first start the campaign and from what I've heard it makes the most sense. The alien is a lot more relentless in hunting you on hard and sees you much easier. Makes for a more tense game + makes more sense with the Alien being an Immortal murder god in the lore.


I say play on hard. It is the recommended difficulty when you first start the campaign and from what I've heard it makes the most sense. The alien is a lot more relentless in hunting you on hard and sees you much easier. Makes for a more tense game + makes more sense with the Alien being an Immortal murder god in the lore.

I agree fully with this. I started on normal and just felt like I wanted to be punished more. The Alien is wayyy better on hard. I can't say I have died more but the interactions between us are a lot tighter.


Finished for tonight. Me and the alien are having our first real merry-go-round and its neat. Guy is so fast though, it's unreal.

Another random point, reloading each bullet in the revolver is pretty great.
I never used them but you can also

- Use rewiring to cause sound distractions
- Use craftables

But honestly I'd keep trying and if you ever quit the game out of frustration at least make it after you've dodged the Xenomorph unsuccessfully a few times lol
those pesky humans, the alien was much easier to trick and avoid.

I'd like to say it was bugged (I mean it definitely was that time everyone got stuck in place), but that was truly embarrassing. I basically lucked out one time and managed to sneak past. Maybe this is what I get for going with Hard.


It's like that on everything, I think. I've noticed it on PC at least. Pretty much all the cutscenes are FMVs. But why they're so choppy, I dunno.

I don't know if I'm not noticing the choppiness, or if the fact that I'm using Radeonpro forced vsync + triple buffering is helping at all. Or maybe I'm just getting distracted by the fantastic audio.
100% success rate for that glitch.
I had that happen too, except I could actually hit them.

That side room with the sleeping androids next to comms had a glitch I noticed. I tried hiding in one of the lockers next to one of them, and one of the androids teleported out of their pod and threw me out of the locker. Afterwards he wasn't hostile and I couldn't damage him at all.

I also had the Alien stuck on a corner sprinting at me for a good 20 seconds until I looked away and got insta-killed. I'm gonna try and highlight it off of my twitch stream.

Edit: This game has it's moments.


The game warns you that it is pointless to run from the Alien as soon as it spots you, does that mean I can't attempt to run to a nearby vent or room then?

DDepends on the situation. I have survived doing that. Now I just walk towards him with the flame thrower.


I just got owned and this save system is getting on my nerves. And here I thought the other day this game could have been better as a rogue like lmao


Spoilers for mission 9 or 10 (can't keep track) Basically don't click if you aren't REALLY far in (I'm 7 hours in, but I usually go pretty fast, so probably assume it's at the 8-10 hour mark). I just don't want to spoil anything for anyone. Alright, here it goes:

That LV-426 flashback scene really caught me off guard, but it was sooooo good. I loved the descent into the egg pit. It was beautiful in a weird way, with that fog mixed with the blue light. And the engineer and the detail in the helmet, and the reveal of the ship, and OH LAAAAAAWD.



Do flashbangs do anything against synthetics?

And I'm on the part where you're supposed to escape from the comms area and avoid the androids. Is it possible for the alien to show up here or does he start stalking you later in the game? I can see him sometimes on the tracker and running through the vents, but I haven't encountered him aside from the scripted event.
Well Im at CH 5 and I think the training wheels just got pulled off.. Has anyone actually held their breath when he gets all up in you while you are in a locker? cause this shit is intense and the music is NOT helping.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I had that happen too, except I could actually hit them.

That side room with the sleeping androids next to comms had a glitch I noticed. I tried hiding in one of the lockers next to one of them, and one of the androids teleported out of their pod and threw me out of the locker. Afterwards he wasn't hostile and I couldn't damage him at all.

I also had the Alien stuck on a corner sprinting at me for a good 20 seconds until I looked away and got insta-killed. I'm gonna try and highlight it off of my twitch stream.

Edit: This game has it's moments.

That ending made me jump, lol.
Do flashbangs do anything against synthetics?

And I'm on the part where you're supposed to escape from the comms area and avoid the androids. Is it possible for the alien to show up here or does he start stalking you later in the game? I can see him sometimes on the tracker and running through the vents, but I haven't encountered him aside from the scripted event.

you don't have to worry about the alien until it properly shows up and is staking you. You'll know when that is. You're not there yet, close, but still safe from it.


Well thanks to this game I can no longer say no game has ever crashed on my PS4. Right as I was doing really well taking out the first group of humans. :(
Yea I cannot play this game. Just can't do it ; ;

Before I even got to the alien, I was playing in the dark with some really high quality headphones cranked up.

At one point the whole station shakes violently and suddenly, and at the same time my house did the same thing. I almost shit myself. Turns out it was a passing train shaking the house at that precise moment.
Man, I wish I had shadowplay on or something. I got grabbed by a flaming android, thrown into some flames, and now my arms are permanently on fire, with no detrimental effects. This is amazing.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
It got me while I was in a locker on our first real encounter! Can it hear the motion detector?
Man I tried to go give blood so I could get this game and then I found out that I'd only get 10 bucks instead of y'know like 30 or so, and considering the fact that I pass out and have seizures everytime I get my blood drawn I decided it wasn't worth it. I was hoping to at least get twenty so I could maybe purchase a key off of someone in the BST thread but ehhhh that's not happening.

I wish I had a job. T_T I want this game so bad.


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
The game really does have that "When it's on, it's on, but it's only on about half the time" thing going for it, doesn't it?

I haven't finished it yet, but the part of the Crew Expendable DLC where
you're in the vents and Lambert is reading her lines from the movies
is some of the most scary, tense stuff I've played in forever. And while the level design struggles to meaningfully direct players it does a fantastic job of building scare mazes. Then I end up repeating the same room 30 times until I'm sick of it and quit the game in frustration. It's such a rollercoaster of loving and hating this game.

I also messed with turning on the Oculus settings and it becomes pretty clear pretty fast why they kept it buried. The functionality that's in the public build is very much a prototype. It's hard to run the game at an Oculus-friendly framerate at 1080p on most machines, lots of gameplay segments involve jerking the camera away from your control, the HUD is way the wrong size, leaning vertically isn't easy when sitting, etc. Still, it's a neat experiment and a fun way to play a round of survivor before dying, or to stare the Nostromo crew in the face in Crew Expendable.


Fuck it. I'm not waiting around for the system update or Driveclub.

I just digitally purchased Alien: Isolation ($59.99) and and the Crew Expendable DLC ($3.99) for PS4.

Downloading both of those and the Alien Isolation update file right now.

(29 minutes left for the full game)


Sometimes the xenomorph is just annoying. It moves around too much and in some parts of the game, it moves around in such a small area that you can barely move before having to hide.


Man I tried to go give blood so I could get this game and then I found out that I'd only get 10 bucks instead of y'know like 30 or so, and considering the fact that I pass out and have seizures everytime I get my blood drawn I decided it wasn't worth it. I was hoping to at least get twenty so I could maybe purchase a key off of someone in the BST thread but ehhhh that's not happening.

I wish I had a job. T_T I want this game so bad.

That's fucking dark, what the hell, man?
I watched the Giantbomb quicklook and like most of the people streaming this game and playing it they have no idea how to play stealth games.

Watch me ghost this shit like Thief II whenever I get around to having a copy.

That's fucking dark, what the hell, man?


Being poor sucks, I once had to give blood just to help my mom pay the bills and it was fucking agonizing.
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