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Alien: Isolation |OT| 1 Alien. 1 Ripley. No Jonesy.


Just got to that moment in the game (ch7,8). Huge ass grin from me as an Alien fan. They have made the best Alien game.

Whats the over/under on the
weapon though? Safer to save it for later levels I imagine.


Try hiding other places. It weirdly doesn't see you hiding under most tables unless it's a few feet away looking straight at you, for instance.

I'll give it a shot, maybe one of those things where i'll come back tomorrow and pass it first try.

I'm not sure if you guys realise this but the Alien adapts to your hiding, if it knows that you hide a lot in lockers, or if it keeps entering rooms with lockers and not finding you, it'll eventually learn to just rip a locker open.

That's probably why you've had more success hiding under things like desks since you might not be doing it more often than not?

I've heard he's super lax on easier difficulties, to the point where he can be looking directly at you but not see you if you stay super still.

Should I play Crew Expendable first?

Personally I think that it's better to play the main game first because it kind of trains you into dealing with enemies and hiding and whatnot at a relatively steady pace. I feel like the DLC spoils you a bit by outfitting you with weapons right off the bat and it might make your main game experience even more hard to adapt to.
I want these guys to make a new The Thing game, I think they could do something really incredible with the IP.

Also, I just completed possibly my favorite section of the entire game just for the atmosphere and design alone, when you play a certain flashback
to the Derelict and how Sevestopol's outbreak begins, the Derelict is so fucking amazing, it's like it was ripped straight from Giger's concept art and they even added extra areas that had the same feel as Giger's artwork. Like the Beacon itself for example. I'd love a whole game just based around exploring the derelict and its mysteries. I will say this though, it takes no cues from Prometheus at all in its design, which is interesting.


I want these guys to make a new The Thing game, I think they could do something really incredible with the IP.

Also, I just completed possibly my favorite section of the entire game just for the atmosphere and design alone, when you play a certain flashback
to the Derelict and how Sevestopol's outbreak begins, the Derelict is so fucking amazing, it's like it was ripped straight from Giger's concept art and they even added extra areas that had the same feel as Giger's artwork. Like the Beacon itself for example. I'd love a whole game just based around exploring the derelict and its mysteries. I will say this though, it takes no cues from Prometheus at all in its design, which is interesting.
Of course it doesn't take
cues from Prometheus. It's supposed to be the same one from the first movie, right? Or did I misinterpret that who scene?

And oh god yes, a new The Thing game like this would be amazing!


I know the lockers feel safer, but I think they make the alien more suspicious and less likely to search elsewhere. If he thinks you're in the vicinity he never really leaves. I found it was better to just keep moving around and under stuff.
I kept jumping in and out of the same locker and he eventually caught on and waited just out of sight until I was almost dead from holding my breath. Then he ripped me out of it. I died way more trying to hide in those lockers than I have from just keeping him out of line of sight.
It has a pretty steep learning curve, but once you figure out how the alien moves around and what attracts it, it gets easier - plus you eventually get better tools to deal with him.

You're right, it does get a lot easier after the initial medical encounter. Lots more open areas and things to hide under plus the alien finally started going into the vents. Before that he was always patrolling the corridors making it almost impossible to move.


I'm surprised by the number of save stations in this game. Judging from the reviews, I was expecting 1, maybe 2 per mission.

I've never had to redo a 20-30 minute section. 10 minutes at most, and even that's only happened a couple of times.
I'm on mission 7.


This is a great game.

Yep, I just came in here to say that this game is absolutely blowing me away. I just got through mission 7 and am moving through 8. The
whole flashback
was so well executed and a nice change of pace. It was brilliant. I have had zero frustrations so far either. I have only died a handful of times and those were my fault, all early in the game and all because I had hit the wrong button. The save system has also not once gotten in the way of my enjoyment. I've been super diligent about saving and have never lost more then a couple of minutes. It's weird, I 100% understand why people would dislike this game because dying constantly, or having cheap Alien encounters, or loosing progress due to saves all would get under my skin really fast, I just haven't encountered these issues. Nothing, so far, has had a negative impact on my experience.

The visuals and audio as flawless and help make the experience so much better, they couldn't have done a better job in this department. It's frightening and intense and pretty much as good as I could have hoped for this game to be. Bravo to CA on knocking out of the park. What a delight.
Why is a camera system seeing me while I hide under a desk with a closed back? I set off the camera alarm when I got into the room, hid under a table since the Alien was coming, and the dumb thing won't stop following and beeping at me, even though it shouldn't be able to see me.
I want these guys to make a new The Thing game, I think they could do something really incredible with the IP.

Also, I just completed possibly my favorite section of the entire game just for the atmosphere and design alone, when you play a certain flashback
to the Derelict and how Sevestopol's outbreak begins, the Derelict is so fucking amazing, it's like it was ripped straight from Giger's concept art and they even added extra areas that had the same feel as Giger's artwork. Like the Beacon itself for example. I'd love a whole game just based around exploring the derelict and its mysteries. I will say this though, it takes no cues from Prometheus at all in its design, which is interesting.

Ah!!! Why did I click that?

Makes me even more pumped to pick it up today. Been laid up sick the past two days, and it has been a hard wait. Alien Trilogy was the game my father spent a lot of time trading the controller with me when he used to enjoy doing that stuff with me, and I hope when my folks visit I can introduce this to him and bring things full circle in a way.
I'm surprised by the number of save stations in this game. Judging from the reviews, I was expecting 1, maybe 2 per mission.

I've never had to redo a 20-30 minute section. 10 minutes at most, and even that's only happened a couple of times.

Yep. And all this stuff about the Alien appearing at total random and killing you out of nowhere is just people not knowing what to listen and look for. I think the issue is just that the game is asking you to prioritise different things as you play, such as ambient noise and these little graphical indicators.

I've had a couple of moments where I've died and lost a bit more progress than I thought and went 'ugh' for a minute, but knowing where to go I then get where I was in half the time and I wouldn't trade that minor feeling of retreading for all the tension the actual desire not to die gives you.

As I play more and more I think this is a game which has done what it meant to do, and something which is actually reasonably unique. It isn't just the 'alien hunting you down!' thing, it's the combination of all the elements. Following the alien's movements on the tracker, often while dealing with a variety of lesser threats and concerns simultaneously, is fantastic.

The one gameplay issue I have is I died during a quicktime event and went back 10 mins or so. That kind of horseshit I can definitely do without, felt pointless. This game rejects a lot of modern trends, I wish it had rejected that one.
Of course it doesn't take
cues from Prometheus. It's supposed to be the same one from the first movie, right? Or did I misinterpret that who scene?

And oh god yes, a new The Thing game like this would be amazing!

Yeah that's the whole point I know, it's just that with the past Alien games they never really paid much attention to the details and in Aliens:CM, they fucked up the design of the
so bad.

Just as a huge fan of Giger's art, and the original movie the attention to detail of this game on nearly level brings a tear to my eye and fills me with pride.

This is the real, authentic Alien game I've been waiting for most of my life.


Why is a camera system seeing me while I hide under a desk with a closed back? I set off the camera alarm when I got into the room, hid under a table since the Alien was coming, and the dumb thing won't stop following and beeping at me, even though it shouldn't be able to see me.

Mission 10, right?

Those cameras are a complete pain in the ass. They can spot you even when you're not standing in its cone of vision.
Anybody else building some affection for the alien?

In mission 6 I started off in a room that looked to be filled with rotten humans. I heard my buddy crawling around in the ceiling and thought, I'll pop off a round to get the attention of these nogoodniks, just into that adjacent vent, and let then broadcast themselves to the alien who sure enough jumped right down and killed em all as I watched from the vent. I had to deal with the alien after that but I know how to deal with him. He's just easily startled is all.


Mission 14 is pretty nightmare inducing but I was expecting to have more trouble with it, given it's premise
Get through an alien nest while avoiding insta-kill facehuggers and two xenomorph
but I managed to do it first try. I guess I got lucky with the randomisation.


Post mission 10 spoilers:

Now that the Alien is temporarily out of the picture, I'm guessing it's safe to backtrack now, right?


Post mission 10 spoilers:

Now that the Alien is temporarily out of the picture, I'm guessing it's safe to backtrack now, right?

That's what I thought but at the same time you don't have anywhere near the items you need to be able to backtrack anywhere :/


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Gone about 2 hours in now, still kinda confused on the AI. Seems to be that if you can see them, they can see you, even if you are only peaking?

Also, how do I de-equip flares lol, I'm jus walking around with them out everywhere.


Gone about 2 hours in now, still kinda confused on the AI. Seems to be that if you can see them, they can see you, even if you are only peaking?

Also, how do I de-equip flares lol, I'm jus walking around with them out everywhere.

You have to wait until you get the pistol.
On Ch6 and Im at the power plant. They need to fix the Alien jumping around so much. I saw there was droll coming from a vent so I went to a door only to open to that wonderful smile. I mean dont get me wrong Im glad he is happy to see me but its getting slightly annoying that he can be in two places at once.

Also screw the androids. the one in the power plant is annoying with his paths. I do wanna say it is interesting that the alien doesnt kill the synthetics. Maybe thats why Ash was placed on the nostromo? Possibly monitor it without worrying about it "killing" him?


I'm stuck in the
Medical Lab, right when you are suppose to get the 1702 code for the door, and I basically can't do shit because the Alien is just stalking the hallways non-stop.
I'm stuck in the
Medical Lab, right when you are suppose to get the 1702 code for the door, and I basically can't do shit because the Alien is just stalking the hallways non-stop.
Get code, sprint to door and past the Alien as it slowly comes down, input code, seal door behind you, and rejoice as you get a few seconds of reprieve.


I just want to say you shouldn't think the flamethrower removes the tension. It'll help you get through some sticky situations but somehow it's useless in later chapters unless you've got a lot of fuel. :/


I feel stupid, how do I open the shutter to departures in ch2?
Was the generator 10 feet away in the control room supposed to do something, because nothing happened after I juiced it.

I feel like I just ran into a bug that halted my progress at this point possibly? Been running around this area for 20 minutes. ><


I feel stupid, how do I open the shutter to departures in ch2?
Was the generator 10 feet away in the control room supposed to do something, because nothing happened after I juiced it.

I feel like I just ran into a bug that halted my progress at this point possibly? Been running around this area for 20 minutes. ><
Lol use the computer and goto the utility option.
And finally had my first "oh, you missed that save station there? after the game told you to run for it? Guess you're gonna just eat the last half hour of your progress once one of these fucking droids catches your ass out there."


(I'm still having a ton of fun with this thing, but UGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHG)


I'm stuck in the
Medical Lab, right when you are suppose to get the 1702 code for the door, and I basically can't do shit because the Alien is just stalking the hallways non-stop.

I had a really difficult time there too. It gets a lot easier afterwards since the areas start to open up.
I'm 4 hours in or so, and I still don't get how these rewire systems work. What are they for?

What happens if I choose ventilation, doors, cameras etc?


I'm 4 hours in or so, and I still don't get how these rewire systems work. What are they for?

What happens if I choose ventilation, doors, cameras etc?

Some aspects of the environment (doors, vents, etc) are inactive and require power. The power is limited, and you have to divert the power to whatever system that needs it. For instance, you can remove the power from the camera (which the androids and humans use to spot you), and divert the extra power to open the vents and doors, and whatever system you need.
Some aspects of the environment (doors, vents, etc) are inactive and require power. The power is limited, and you have to divert the power to whatever system that needs it. For instance, you can remove the power from the camera (which the androids and humans use to spot you), and divert the extra power to open the vents and doors, and whatever system you need.

you're unlocking paths and the camera system can set off alarms later in the game.

Ok, thanks. But what about ventilation and "unstable system"? What happens if I choose give them power?


I am still not far in this game because its so damn scary, I either have to start playing witthout headphones or it will take me 100 hours to finish.

yesterday I just explored a little stealth section toroughly, the first one with androids. I just killed all the robots and had a good look at the leveldesign and I was pleasently surprised, because there were tons of different vias to move through this section with several ladders, hatches and air shafts. and on top of that you can still manipulate the air, alarms, create sounds etc.surprisingly well done. this a great stealth game but with the big difference to its competitors that you are extremely weak. even in the old thief games you are much more powerful and this, with the outstandig visual and sound design makes this game a truly unique exerience.

oh and I just want to mention how hilarious the androids are, they are really good enemies, too. I am glad they chose to use old android models instead of the perfect ones we see in the movies and past alien games.
Gone about 2 hours in now, still kinda confused on the AI. Seems to be that if you can see them, they can see you, even if you are only peaking?

From my experience, I've been able to peek without being seen and I've also been in situations where a hostile should clearly see me but can't (I'm behind a wall/cover, but it doesn't seem like it's tall enough to hide behind).

If you have nothing in between you though and a hostile makes direct eye sight with you, you're fucked though. That said, hostiles seem to suffer from poor peripheral vision, so you can avoid being detected if you take advantage of this.


From my experience, I've been able to peek without being seen and I've also been in situations where a hostile should clearly see me but can't (I'm behind a wall/cover, but it doesn't seem like it's tall enough to hide behind).

If you have nothing in between you though and a hostile makes direct eye sight with you, you're fucked though. That said, hostiles seem to suffer from poor peripheral vision, so you can avoid being detected if you take advantage of this.

Humans have god damned night vision.


Upscaling this game to 1440p using DSR makes it look so solid. Gets rid of a lot of that ugly aliasing.
Still stuck in medical, now after the 1702 door. I feel I might be playing this game too cautiously.
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