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All Cyberpunk 2077 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.


Gold Member
Honestly, you're one of the biggest jokes on this forum Gamezone. Your ratio'd to fuck (like most of Doom Patrol) because absolutely no one takes anything any of you say seriously at all. Honestly, It's about time you realised that. Everyone just sees 'Try hard Edgelord' You've been naysaying this game for quite a long time IIRC. I don't know why, not do I care tbh. But you're not convincing anyone. Is this game going to be perfect at launch? Give the scope and the scale there's bound to be some post-release issues for sure, but based on what people who've actually played it have said it seems to be pretty good. The previews have all been super positive, the Dreamcast guy whose beaten it was pretty enthused and had little to report in the way of bugs and the dude at Era couldn't bring himself to hate on it despite a ready audience actively wanting him to because let's not forget 'CDP are transphobic'

The game isn't going to be bust. it isn't going to be another NMS. At worst it's going to be coming in 8-8.5/10 with room for improvement if it's really buggy, and probably 9-9.5/10 if the majority of issues are addressed.

Are the base last-gen consoles going to get the short end of the stick In terms of performance? Absolutely, but everyone knew this. At worst, it should be serviceable, but on the positives as and when those PS4 and Xbox users upgrade to the Next gen systems, they get to enjoy the game on their new systems

Feel free to continue fretting though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I was never critical about the game before the leaks happened. I don't need to convince anyone. People aren't blind. Could the patch solve some of the issues? Sure. But I'm pretty sure that last gen users won't be very satisfied. Sorry for hurting your feelings.


I was never critical about the game before the leaks happened. I don't need to convince anyone. People aren't blind. Could the patch solve some of the issues? Sure. But I'm pretty sure that last gen users won't be very satisfied. Sorry for hurting your feelings.

Whom are you hoping to convince? You've been dooming on it for ages, even before the leaks.

Seee this is you: -

Not gonna lie, the game looks like hot garbage. So many bugs and terrible graphics, even for last gen. You can't blame this on weak console hardware. GTA 5 on PS3 and Xbox 360 have better visuals.

And this is the reality:

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Just thought I'd confirm the PS5 version does now have a subsection in the menu to switch between quality and performance modes.


HZD was first attempt at open world for guerilla and had lower budget than cyberpunk. It got 89 on metacritic. If cyberpunk gets lower than that that will be humiliating
Which all it is a refined Ubisoft open world clone with a good story. Same with Ghosts of Tsushima.

This is trying to be a open world Night City. With multiple play styles/builds/paths and multiple endings. This game will have tailor made levels for encounters inside buildings and such. Not some random enemies sprinkled into the open map.
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Which all it is a refined Ubisoft open world clone with a good story. Same with Ghosts of Tsushima.

This is trying to be a open world Night City. With multiple play styles/builds/paths and multiple endings.
Cool. But witcher 3 itself wasn't that different in open world design than Ubisoft games. Just better quests and story integration. It will still be embarrassing if it rates lower than horizon
Which all it is a refined Ubisoft open world clone with a good story. Same with Ghosts of Tsushima.

This is trying to be a open world Night City. With multiple play styles/builds/paths and multiple endings. This game will have tailor made levels for encounters inside buildings and such. Not some random enemies sprinkled into the open map.

What's the point?
I don't understand the driving portion of the game. It seems pointless? At best it will be very mediocre downtime. I can see how it works in GTA because at this point it's several games frankensteined together, so the driving is a world of its own, but here it almost looks like it's there just because it has to be in a city environment. However I can't think of any alternative they could make work well that would maintain the illusion of the city for the scale/exploration. I think modern gamers would feel a falseness if they had some unexplorable skybox outside of purely detailed pedestrian zones.

Just a rant.


Gold Member
Whom are you hoping to convince? You've been dooming on it for ages, even before the leaks.

Seee this is you: -

And this is the reality:

As I mentioned earlier, this is a handcrafted scene. It's much easier for them to make it look good. 90% of what you encounter are dynamic NPC's, and that's what people are worried about.


Have you even seen a crappy game get fully transformed by a day one patch before? I can't think of one.

Also, do those who review Cyberpunk get the day one patch, or do they also have to put up with this?

So we'll have a 70Gb game with a 43Gb day 1 patch. More than half the game, they'd better fix that crap.
New stream

Best stream I've seen so far.
A few observations:
  • Some missing sounds, breaking glass for instance.
  • Some textures such as billboards not loading properly.
  • The guy flees from a combat situation by jumping on a passing truck, thought that was pretty funny.
  • The game's artstyle really doesn't work well on low res video. The smooth muted colors make it look like objects don't have textures.
  • Item and ability management looks really complex.
  • A complete day/night cycle is about 4 hours real time.
  • Full dismemberment, visible guts and stuff.
  • A guy just rode to the ceiling on a box 😂
  • Environment looks super detailed. Lot's of loot.
  • I like the combat taunts. Voices overall are great.
  • Weapons look and sound fantastic.
  • Player randomly hacked an air conditioner to distract an enemy, very cool.
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Boy, I'm watching that PS5 stream and these are some super spongey enemies. Hopefully he's playing on hard or something - 5 shotgun blasts to the face to take down some random NPC doesn't seem fun.


Best stream I've seen so far.
A few observations:
  • Some missing sounds, breaking glass for instance.
  • Some textures such as billboards not loading properly.
  • The guy flees from a combat situation by jumping on a passing truck, thought that was pretty funny.
  • The game's artstyle really doesn't work well on low res video. The smooth muted colors make it look like objects don't have textures.
  • Item and ability management looks really complex.
  • A complete day/night cycle is about 4 hours real time.
i swear i just saw an enemy float up through the map lol. the guns look cool though although this seems like bullet sponge game


some extra jaw grinding cringe when npc goes full jank glitchard after seeing some really nice and smooth animation.
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