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All Cyberpunk 2077 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.


Low quality videos doesnt change fact that those videos looks just flat like tottaly missing any AO , lighting, terrible low poly models. But no worries day one patch transform it to new game yes, yes?? I guess gog version here i go ...


I'm good with 25 hours main quest. I'm NOT okay with a 11 hours main quest. I mean It's a RPG....?!.

But since the source is not credible. I will wait for actual reviews to hear more about it.
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That reminds me of Remnant. I wasn't in love with it and the dev straight up told me that I should have rated it a buy because it had no micros and to have ignored the issues in the game. The CRAZIEST convo I think i have had with a dev.

Welp, thanks Karak. Gonna remove the game off my wishlist now.



Writes a lot, says very little
1. My original post said Cyberpunk 2077 has zero MTX. then you jumped out saying the multiplayer will. Those are two separate thing, how come it became your narrative "me saying MTX is okay for CDPR"? Come on man, we can do better than keep setting those straw man.

2. Commercial model for multiplayers like battlefield and titanfall has nothing common whatsoever to a single player RPG like witcher 3, Till CDPR release their plan for the multiplayer counterpart then we can do a proper comparison. We can argue if you find any other single player RPG do same free DLCs like witcher 3.

3. I normally don't nitpick but didn't 2077 pre-order started at 2019 E3? So all over the textwall, the only valid point is the downgrade, which I think was beautiful nevertheless at launch and ages well.

Downgrade was your thing that's okay, I tend to believe CDPR learned their lesson from witcher 3 and you think oppositely. We can just agree to disagree on this mater. I guess I should withdraw the hater thing to create a more pleasant atmosphere.

1. doesn't matter, they support MTX. Period. The comment was about being "pro-consumer" vs anti-consumer. You listed things you felt the developer did that warranted it to be pro, I listed things that very much question that notion.

2. Irrelevant. They are comparable. One's free quest is another gamers free map. Regardless, Witcher 3 does not give you 100% of its quest for free, you need to buy the rest, that can't be stated about Battlefront II or Battlefield V or Titanfall 2. Your personal view on it is irrelevant, they don't need to be the same games or the same genre or anything like that, simply put that games offer free content more significantly yet the publisher is not deemed "pro-consumer".

3.Thats incorrect. Cyberpunk's pre-order started 2018. Why even comment if you don't even look up this information? I mean...I'm literally staring at my pre-order on Amazon and it states 2018

You don't want a real discussion about this, you simply want to emotionally be validated regarding your like for the publisher. If the things they do, we can see EA and other publishers do that clearly are not regarded as pro-consumer, it means they are not as pro-consumer as you'd like to think. Unless you want to suggest EA is just as or something.

So I don't hate the developer, but factually reasons exist to question them. I even pointed out several times about maybe not 100% trusting this developer before those delays and removed features etc. Its not because Witcher 3 was downgraded.

Its because how the developer omitted the information. It told me they need the game to sell and will hold off telling consumers to move units. My issue was never the downgrade, that happens in game development, but knowingly omitting such information to gain sales is extremely questionable and I believe should concern anyone hype for their games.

Think about it like ths, its like Fable. Just cause Peter Molyneux stated lots of crazy shit about Fable, doesn't mean anyone taking his comments about the next Fable with a grain of salt is a "hater", on the contrary, they know enough about the developer from being a fan as to not trust 100% lots of what they say from past experiences.

Cyberpunk 2077 is a day 1 for me, that doesn't mean I forgot about them lying about Witcher 3, it simply means my expectations are realistic. You can like CDPR and still be honest about the history of this behavior.

I tend to believe CDPR learned their lesson from witcher 3

In terms of the downgrade maybe, but their issue with saying one thing and doing another and putting out some confession, admission, reversal is still very much going on.
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I wish more people could experience Halo 2 hype train so they could know what disappointment feel like. 16 years later and I still find it hard to be hyped for any video game so I tend to be more impressed with a lot of games than most people if I'm being honest lol.
I have never been as disappointed in a game as halo 2. I mean Jesus - the fake E3 gameplay - all the initial trailers looking absolutely nothing like the final game. The game itself being worse than Halo CE campaign wise and not a lot of open spaces. Man that was brutal.

This game - I have my expectations in check. I don’t foresee myself not loving this - don’t really care about random jankiness, don’t really care about graphics being next level, I’m in it for the setting - the Witcher 3 was great but had its own flaws. I expect this to be similar in a lot of ways.


Writes a lot, says very little
Low quality videos doesnt change fact that those videos looks just flat like tottaly missing any AO , lighting, terrible low poly models. But no worries day one patch transform it to new game yes, yes?? I guess gog version here i go ...

I want to see more to see what is going on with the low crowd size. Running on PS4 or XONE doesn't even answer why those crowds are so low as Hitman very much exist on those systems with massive crowds.
I am not going to wait, but I imagine the eventual goty edition with any and all free and paid dlc with updates and patches on disk that comes out on ps4 pro and Xbox will be really awesome. Definitely going to double dip.
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I don't think its a bad look at all
I think its their version of the game and eash is taken as it is. If its a good 40 great a bad 40 ok, good 30 bad 10 ok.
Its all about the context of the experience not just the gross number of hours.

Also that DEV.test account is like any outlier and spread around DUE to its high level not in spite of it. They are also testers and MOST devs will have their own testing times(to look at their content) within the game. 100+ hours for even a longer style ACTIOn game isn't unheard of.

Yeah... maybe I’m not “hardcore” enough but is it weird that I prefer games to NOT be like 150 hours? Totally fine with 10-20 hours. How am I supposed to play 150 hours of a video game, unless that was my profession. Don’t get me wrong I’m gonna play the game a lot but once you’re over a certain point in hour count... never a big selling point for me. I want to be entertained not make sure it fills my time for the foreseeable future. I got shit to do


I would have preferred for TLOU 2 to be 15 hours (for various reasons).

When I buy a RPG, it means I'm ready to get lost in it. 10-20 hours is not much for that imo.


Full fledged and arguably most ambitious AAA game without single MTX, heck not even pre-order bonus.
Free next-gen update for a 5 year-old game (maybe 6 when the update is live).
24 free dlc for witcher 3 and 2 best bang for the buck major expansions.
DRM free storefront.

Those don't count as pro-consumer, I don't know if "pro-consumer" exists in your universe.

Ignore EDMIX, that dudes been stroking a hate boner for CDP since they first announced the game. He posts piss and vinegar about it in just about every thread.
I would have preferred for TLOU 2 to be 15 hours (for various reasons).

When I buy a RPG, it means I'm ready to get lost in it. 10-20 hours is not much for that imo.

It should’ve been even less than that (LOU2) as it stands I have no desire to replay it. I tried because I loved the gameplay itself - but you start to notice how little of that actually makes up the game second time around.


Gold Member
1. doesn't matter, they support MTX. Period. The comment was about being "pro-consumer" vs anti-consumer. You listed things you felt the developer did that warranted it to be pro, I listed things that very much question that notion.

2. Irrelevant. They are comparable. One's free quest is another gamers free map. Regardless, Witcher 3 does not give you 100% of its quest for free, you need to buy the rest, that can't be stated about Battlefront II or Battlefield V or Titanfall 2. Your personal view on it is irrelevant, they don't need to be the same games or the same genre or anything like that, simply put that games offer free content more significantly yet the publisher is not deemed "pro-consumer".

3.Thats incorrect. Cyberpunk's pre-order started 2018. Why even comment if you don't even look up this information? I mean...I'm literally staring at my pre-order on Amazon and it states 2018

You don't want a real discussion about this, you simply want to emotionally be validated regarding your like for the publisher. If the things they do, we can see EA and other publishers do that clearly are not regarded as pro-consumer, it means they are not as pro-consumer as you'd like to think. Unless you want to suggest EA is just as or something.

So I don't hate the developer, but factually reasons exist to question them. I even pointed out several times about maybe not 100% trusting this developer before those delays and removed features etc. Its not because Witcher 3 was downgraded.

Its because how the developer omitted the information. It told me they need the game to sell and will hold off telling consumers to move units. My issue was never the downgrade, that happens in game development, but knowingly omitting such information to gain sales is extremely questionable and I believe should concern anyone hype for their games.

Think about it like ths, its like Fable. Just cause Peter Molyneux stated lots of crazy shit about Fable, doesn't mean anyone taking his comments about the next Fable with a grain of salt is a "hater", on the contrary, they know enough about the developer from being a fan as to not trust 100% lots of what they say from past experiences.

Cyberpunk 2077 is a day 1 for me, that doesn't mean I forgot about them lying about Witcher 3, it simply means my expectations are realistic. You can like CDPR and still be honest about the history of this behavior.

In terms of the downgrade maybe, but their issue with saying one thing and doing another and putting out some confession, admission, reversal is still very much going on.

1.Come on man, I really I said no MTX in Cyberpunk 2077 is pro-consumer and you must alter the narrative to "they supporting MTX so they are not". Please, enlighten me again, by this stand which developers don't support MTX and hence "pro-consumer" in your book? Multiplayer games intrinsically pro-MTX because of the constant post launch content update and MTX doesn't mean they are anti-consumer, we have examples Warframe and Path of Exile. I asked to give me your supported instance you just kept dodging.

2. You forced to compare apple to orange and accusing me of not wanting a real discussion? And it's so ridiculous saying that not 100% witcher quests are free. Do you get Battlefield, battlefront or titanfall for free? Are those employees just robots not needing their salary for living? This is common sense, how come it became my personal perspective?

3. I did look for the pre-order info because I did it on PSN. But we don't need argue on those pointless stuff.

You keep saying developer is disingenuous for omitting info to gain sale, you have proof? How many player returned their copies due to this? Witcher 3 was their first huge release and they could've just fumbled on this downgrade matter due to being inexperience to PR. Did they keep fucking up on the expansions, on gwent? and very soon we will see how it turns for 2077. Why you have to make such big accuse before it actually happens?

I am all on board for rational discussion but I fee like would be endless back and forth because you simply don't admit the facts I listed and keep altering the goalpost. We can end here for good. Anyway hope we all can enjoy this game.


Caught bits of that long stream. The game looks good, that is unquestionable. I love the lighting. Can't judge it from those low quality streams on OG consoles.

Did see a number of floating vehicle and NPC bugs though. Fix those and add more traffic on highways and it's all good I think.


It should’ve been even less than that (LOU2) as it stands I have no desire to replay it. I tried because I loved the gameplay itself - but you start to notice how little of that actually makes up the game second time around.
I saw through it the first time and there were times I was internally screaming why was the game taking so long to tie up such a simple plot. It felt super bloated with more forced bad writing and atrocious characters with the same gameplay mechanics.
I saw through it the first time and there were times I was internally screaming why was the game taking so long to tie up such a simple plot. It felt super bloated with more forced bad writing and atrocious characters with the same gameplay mechanics.
Yep, like the second half of Ellie’s portion drags on so badly. I legitimately stopped caring about the convoluted storyline half way through because I was like - ok she wants revenge I get it can we move on. Pacing was just seriously off for that game.

EDIT: the story itself also was trying so hard and like you could practically hear them in the writers room like “hey this should happen’ then this” it was so transparent in how it moved forward. I do think the gameplay was ultimately better than the first though - it was like the reverse situation of the first game, where the story was great but the gameplay wasn’t like next level - this the story kinda sucked but the gameplay was great.
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Uninterrupted 3 hour PS5 stream

I've just started watching it and damn man, lighting looks amazing

Some places gives me that Mirrors Edge where it looks almost lifelike but at the same time a bit stylized.

Crazy to think that this will run on base consoles. Less FPS and resolution, of course, but the rest will remain unchanged.

Anxious to watch Digital Foundry video about it
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Writes a lot, says very little
1.Come on man, I really I said no MTX in Cyberpunk 2077 is pro-consumer

1. I'm sure it is, but the comments you made IN GENERAL are about the DEVELOPER being pro-consumer.

Read your post.

Full fledged and arguably most ambitious AAA game without single MTX, heck not even pre-order bonus.
Free next-gen update for a 5 year-old game (maybe 6 when the update is live).
24 free dlc for witcher 3 and 2 best bang for the buck major expansions.
DRM free storefront.

Those don't count as pro-consumer, I don't know if "pro-consumer" exists in your universe.

So its fair game. We should we not bring up the fact that they now support MTX aka anti consumer, cause its in another title, yet we can bring up their past with Witcher 3 as an example of pro-consumer?

All is fair here.

If you can say something they did in the past with any title makes you trust them as pro-consumer, it should be allowed to be brought up many things done in the past and present that counter that. They made statements against MTX, they have walked them back and are in support of them. My issue isn't with MTX for the 100th time, its with the developer having a history of being very hypocritical.

And it's so ridiculous saying that not 100% witcher quests are free.

Not really, that is factually the truth. You need the expansions to play every last quest sir. Those are paid for. You need to deal with those facts instead of only wanting shit omitted that hurt your narrative.

Do you get Battlefield, battlefront or titanfall for free?

??? Not sure where you got that notion from bud. We are talking about post launch content, never said anything about getting those titles 100% for free, simply their post launch content in terms of maps. Shit, did you get Witcher 3 for free? It sounds weird, like you are trying to argue about something that was never suggested. If its about post launch content, keep the discussion about that vs goal post moving.

3. agreed.

You keep saying developer is disingenuous for omitting info to gain sale, you have proof?




So you simply can't tell me they don't know the state of their own title. So can we expect another article telling us what is wrong or missing from Cyberpunk 2077 on December 11th? Its not saying anything is wrong with a downgrade, its questioning why they are omitting this until the day after they took folks money. That is what told me they'd do stuff like this to maintain sales.

I believe its within reason they'd limit review copies and other information for sales for Cyberpunk 2077 as clearly they've done so before.

How many player returned their copies due to this?

Irrelevant. The point is simply that they've done this in the past. Its not about the downgrade, its about the choice they made to not tell consumers this until after the game was sold. As....what else are they going to wait to tell us after Cyberpunk 2077 is sold?

I'm sorry but its a valid criticism. You can't really tell me they don't know the state of their own game before release.

Why you have to make such big accuse before it actually happens?

Not accusing them of anything as much as its speculation. it would be like saying why should you assume EA would sneak in loot boxes in a game after they made some statement not to, because they did so in the past. Its fair speculation thats valid based on their factual actions.

you simply don't admit the facts

Not really. I'd argue I've keep the majority of this based on what publishers have factually done vs what I personally feel about them. They factually stated no downgraded would happen, they factually admitted one did... They factually gave out SOME free DLC with Witcher 3, 100% of their DLC was not free as a paid expansion exist. They factually had negative views towards MTX, they factually now support MTX and will be putting them in the MP version of this title... Most of what is brought up is factually what occurred, not how I feel about the DLC or how I feel about the downgrade etc. For the record, I was bummed it was downgraded, but I still generally enjoyed a lot of the game, my issue isn't that sir, its the behavior of the publisher to withhold this information until after the game came out.

So its a day 1 regardless, simply that I'm treating them like peter molyneux lol Doesn't mean I hate the game or the team, but I need to be honest with what I see from this developer even if I'm hype for the game. I separate that as I feel many times people can ignore objective information based on how much they might like a developer.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Seriously what happened to that guy, just disappeared!

Facts. Isn't that the person that did all those before and after videos about Ubisoft games?

DeadMansParty DeadMansParty Same. Might double dip. Can't get my hands on a 3090 or 3080 rtx so its PS4 Pro for now. (I might end up playing it on PS5 for a few runs before I make a new build). Hopefully it will support mods by then.

zkorejo zkorejo Thats good to know, the majority of my time with it will likely be on the PS4 Pro.
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can't wait to see the PC version!!
I'm new to pc gaming and this is my first steam purchase. Idk who to ask this but I have been wondering if on pc my game will look like ps4 version or better?

My specs: ryzen 3700x, gtx 1660 super, 32 gb ram. I will be gaming on 1080p.

EDMIX EDMIX I don't have the game I was judging that based on the random glimpses of the 3 hour stream shared above.
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Writes a lot, says very little
I'm new to pc gaming and this is my first steam purchase. Idk who to ask this but I have been wondering if on pc my game will look like ps4 version or better?

My specs: ryzen 3700x, gtx 1660 super, 32 gb ram. I will be gaming on 1080p.

EDMIX EDMIX I don't have the game I was judging that based on the random glimpses of the 3 hour stream shared above.

Based on what you listed, it will be better then base PS4 easily. Plus you could always upgrade your GPU to have it meet or beat PS5, Series X etc.

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Based on what you listed, it will be better then base PS4 easily. Plus you could always upgrade your GPU to have it meet or beat PS5, Series X etc.
Thanks for the answer!. Yes I plan on upgrading to 3070 but it's overpriced in my country rn due to high demand low supply.
Why trust someone who's clearly not trustworthy?

Yet you could argue the same thing about many publishers that many don't count as "pro-consumer". EA has several games where they have free dlc for the entire game and very much do not get counted in that "pro-consumer" ideology. Talk to me when 100% of Cyberpunk 2077's DLC is free and not simply "some" of it.

Also they will feature MTX

So at the end of the day, they still fucking LIED to consumers about that downgrade and conveniently remembered after they took fans money.

I would never put it past them to limit those reviews to minimize the comments about the issues with the game to keep game sales strong and consumers in the dark about those issues.

EA fucking giving FREE DLC for 100% of the life of a title didn't suddenly turn them into saints.

Keep that same energy.
You're gonna want to look into that story a bit more. There's more to it than the sensationalized headlines looking to bank off a "Gotcha!" would have you believe. Cyberpunk 2077 isn't getting microtransactions, the upcoming multiplayer project set in the Night City of Cyberpunk 2077 is. Its a totally separate stand alone product that happens to share a setting and isn't planned to drop until at least 2022.

With that out of the way, the reason it's being monetized that way is because soley online games require massive continuing investment to keep live. It's why 75% of MMOs have subscriptions, and why the ones that don't go heavier on microtransactions to compensate. Honestly, I'd rather pay a sub than have to deal with microtransactions, but the console market as a whole isn't used to that idea. Sure you have examples like FF XIV and DC Universe Online with subscriptions on console, but they dont see near the same level of support games like Destiny and GTA Online get from the console market. So it only makes sense for CDPR to follow that monetization scheme. Choosing otherwise runs the risk of alienating the non-PC market.


Writes a lot, says very little
Cyberpunk 2077 isn't getting microtransactions, the upcoming multiplayer project set in the Night City of Cyberpunk 2077 is.

Ok but I never debated that. Simply questioning the hypocrisy of the developer.

With that out of the way, the reason it's being monetized that way is because soley online games require massive continuing investment to keep live. It's why 75% of MMOs have subscriptions, and why the ones that don't go heavier on microtransactions to compensate. Honestly, I'd rather pay a sub than have to deal with microtransactions, but the console market as a whole isn't used to that idea. Sure you have examples like FF XIV and DC Universe Online with subscriptions on console, but they dont see near the same level of support games like Destiny and GTA Online get from the console market. So it only makes sense for CDPR to follow that monetization scheme. Choosing otherwise runs the risk of alienating the non-PC market.

I agree, but again I never questioned why as much as I'm question the past comments of the developer regarding MTX. It makes complete sense why it'd be added, but the question still remains, why wasn't this statement made about MTX back then?

The way you stated it is perfect as it makes sense why such a model is used, but that could have easily been CDPR's response regarding MTX....


I have nothing against a reversal or 180 or a developer changing their minds or admitting a mistake or changing something, simply that its happened enough times for me to assume it will happen again regarding Cyberpunk 2077.

The criticism is valid.


Writes a lot, says very little
So ones saying story just 11 hrs others 22 and ign preview video says prologue took them 8hrs then after another 8hrs game started to become more interesting. So must be long.

I think they are all right.

It likely just comes down to playstyle. I'm at 85 hours in Ghost Of Tsushima, a game many of my friends completed in 50 hours. So I think it something that can take 11 hours to beat for some, 22 hours to beat for some, 50 hours to beat for some, 100 hours to beat for others.

They could have just did the main quest and no side quest for 11 hours, main quest and some side quest for 22 hours etc. It varies.


So i guess then digital lets say pc version will allready be with patch no need to download it after. At least other games worked that way. But then main game 70gb and patch plus 50gb? Or it wont add just change files to new ones.

P.s. someone said his x1x digital preload started to download allready for 60gb. Looks like preloads will start soon for most
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So Panam AKA "Best girl" is named after this, what a nice Easter egg

I know Panam was a real company, but i mean the product placement itself, its one of the most remembered things about Blade Runner, how Panam and Atari went to hell not much after the movie came out.
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