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Annoyed Gamer: Getting Ready for Xbox One

I don't disagree with what he said on the whole, but there is a little too much hand waving at the less coordinated and less paying attention to the articulate to make any of it stick. It's almost like an indictment of any detractors and not just the gigantic assholes.



  1. Ignored the 500-600 MFLOP power difference and attributed resolutiongate to "drivers"
  2. Didn't acknowledge that he was wrong to spread a lie without properly researching first
  3. Lumped everybody who criticized him into "Sony Defense Force"
  4. Thinks he's "contributing" to the industry
What can I say about this man that hasn't already been said?

Great summery here. On Marcus defense, he do talk about PS4 being the more powerful machine on IW.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Why do all of these internet personalities have to be "annoyed" or "angry". What's with all of the negativity? Why not just enjoy your hobby and be happy about the great games that are releasing?
Maybe one day someone will step forward as the Informed Gamer, the Educated Gamer or the Accountable Gamer. One can only hope.


I love the its a everything box so that makes it ok not to push 1080p.

Last I checked my PC is even more of a everything box and does push 1080p..
Having just watched the video, not sure where you got that he was justifying the lack of 1080p on some titles. He was just pointing it out as a possible reason.
Having just watched the video, not sure where you got that he was justifying the lack of 1080p on some titles. He was just pointing it out as a possible reason.

He outright says he expects the X-Box One to magically become a "1080p box" due to maturation of device drivers (and presumably the operating system, which is the real culprit behind most footprint problems, though I don't think he mentioned that).

This is a very cursory-level comprehension problem: when people talk about how much more powerful the PS4 is than the X-Box One they're talking about raw processing power on the silicon, not differences in how the power is used. No one's actually been counting the 10% GPU reservation for Kinect into their calculations in the first place; they're quite generously allowing that to be a "gimme" and assuming the X-Box One actually manages to use the full throughput of its CPU + GPU for games.

To say that the Kinect GPU reservation is the reason for the performance gulf is flat-out false, and to posit that reduction of it via better firmware will bring the consoles to parity shows a completely superficial comprehension of the differences between the systems. Those things are fine for a random enthusiast trying to get caught up on the conversation, but for someone who "did their research" it's pretty stupid garbage to be spouting.


Why do all of these internet personalities have to be "annoyed" or "angry". What's with all of the negativity? Why not just enjoy your hobby and be happy about the great games that are releasing?

Because they're glorified bloggers with no personality or merit to speak of other than being loud, so they leverage it.

Rise above the sea of angsty internet gamers with precisely the same merit as you (next to zero) by being even louder and more annoyed and more accented than they are.


  1. Ignored the 500-600 MFLOP power difference and attributed resolutiongate to "drivers"
  2. Didn't acknowledge that he was wrong to spread a lie without properly researching first
  3. Lumped everybody who criticized him into "Sony Defense Force"
  4. Thinks he's "contributing" to the industry
What can I say about this man that hasn't already been said?

I'm not saying that having a shtick is inherently bad. I got sick of Ben Croshaw's many years ago, but I still respect the man because his reviews to this day contain actual intelligence and creativity. Marcus Beer has never contributed to the videogame industry any more than the shit I took this morning.


Gold Member

  1. Ignored the 500-600 MFLOP power difference and attributed resolutiongate to "drivers"
  2. Didn't acknowledge that he was wrong to spread a lie without properly researching first
  3. Lumped everybody who criticized him into "Sony Defense Force"
  4. Thinks he's "contributing" to the industry
What can I say about this man that hasn't already been said?
He purposely did that too, because he had no answers for what he had said.

About as sly as saying a game is "upscaled to 1080p" instead of saying a game is 720p.

I still like him, he tends to be spot on about games, but outside of games he misses the point too many times.


Gold Member
Good to see that the majority of comments here pretty much validate his argument that he presented.
And the fact that the majority can't see this is..........................................


Perfectly reasonable episode with a predictable response from GAF.

People attacking him for choosing to respond to the idiots rather than the sensible posters with the whole Adam Sessler thing, so what? Isn't that sort of the point he's trying to make, sensible discussion is fine... but why the vile?

Talk about missing the point entirely.
*PS4 "supposed to be" "just" a games machine.

*Xbox One one is an "everything" box because it does <Insert list of functions PS4 also does/has equivalent of>.

Cool story bro. How's them overheating rumours you heard but no one else anywhere has working out this week?
Perfectly reasonable episode with a predictable response from GAF.

People attacking him for choosing to respond to the idiots rather than the sensible posters with the whole Adam Sessler thing, so what? Isn't that sort of the point he's trying to make, sensible discussion is fine... but why the vile?

Talk about missing the point entirely.

I'm waiting for your eventual meltdown, your salt levels are just too high for nothing to happen.


I completely agree with what he said about how MS is treating Rare, which is a real shame considering all the great games they once brought us.

Also, it seems there are a lot of people taking what he said in the second half of the video personally. He isn't calling out everyone online that has an anonymous username, all he is saying is that if you are going to try and make an argument, you should be prepared to stand behind what you're saying as yourself, and not hide behind said username making insults. Is it wrong for him to expect people to act like adults? It's a shame that the anonymity that the internet provides gives some people the idea that they have the right to act like an ass.

Just in case anyone feels what I said is an insult to them, and I don't want to appear as a hypocrite, my name is Adam James.


Stop watching his crappy show. His opinions are no more valid than any other random dude on the internet.

He is there for entertainment. Some people love tuning in to people they dislike. He is entertaining enough, even if I think his arguements in this video are terrible, in regards to the community and journalists. For all the talk of the game media wanting us(not expounding on "vocal minority") to treat them as individuals many of them seem to have no problem treating us as a hive mind.

Pot meet Kettle.


Heh, "Come talk to me" on twitter... Yes, because proper conversations are possible there. The funny thing is he talks about bubble and big picture, but expounds on none of it leaving it to generalizations for people to peg those words too. If that is his definition of "calling out" that is quite weak.
Perfectly reasonable episode with a predictable response from GAF.

People attacking him for choosing to respond to the idiots rather than the sensible posters with the whole Adam Sessler thing, so what? Isn't that sort of the point he's trying to make, sensible discussion is fine... but why the vile?

Talk about missing the point entirely.

People tried to engage in sensible discussion with him after his last video. He blocked them from his Twitter. They weren't being homophobic or racist, they were just presenting questions that he didn't have answers for or opinions that differed from his narrative.

The whole croc about internet anonymity is a convenient way of moving the goal posts. He couldn't actually back up his statements or argue his position, so he took his ball and went home, and now will only respond to arguments from "real people" as opposed to the magical internet gremlins that lurk under his bed. I'd be shocked - just shocked - if his response to people stepping up, giving him their real names, and still saying he's completely wrong and needs to stop spouting gibberish will be, "I only want to have a debate with people who contribute to the industry."

He doesn't want to debate anything because his positions are uneducated and often completely indefensible. The claims that he was chased off by a pitchfork-wielding mob of Sony fanboy bullies are a complete cop-out bordering on an ad hominem attack in an argument he wasn't able to rise to.


Another episode of "Privileged gamer", because when you lose touch of the reality of your audience the wisest move is trouble down on your rubbish.


Gold Member
No. Wii has an awesome line-up of games. It lacks a lot of the PS360 multiplatforms, but it does have a fuckton of completely exclusive games.

Never said there was none, but there is LOADS of crap games on wii. Id wager more than on the other two systems.


  1. Didn't acknowledge that he was wrong to spread a lie without properly researching first

I'd love to see other gaming news outlets follow the same rule as GAF and have to provide at least two sources to their editors before they can talk about rumours or leaks in their articles and videos. It'd certainly save shit like last week's "PS4 overheating" rumour from causing a nuclear meltdown amongst the gaming community. But then again, games news outlets are just after dat ad cash-moneys!

Annoyed Gamer calls out annoyed Gamers.
The hypocrasy isn't lost in here.
Ah yes, the drivers excuse. I see Microsoft's people have been doing a lot of behind the scenes damage control recently. Most of these gaming media folks don't know much about the tech, so they just repeat whatever they're told by Microsoft people off the record.


Why do all of these internet personalities have to be "annoyed" or "angry". What's with all of the negativity? Why not just enjoy your hobby and be happy about the great games that are releasing?

Well Angry Joe directs his anger where it should be, at publishers/devs/MS/Sony when they try to pull a fast one over consumers. Annoyed gamer seems to just be annoyed at his viewers/gamers in general. A big distinction.
No sign of the guy huh...



So you all agree Marcus called out MS for treating RARE wrong...I swear I seen that posted here by member #xxx ages agos...So what? Marcus show struggles for relevant content. It appears ad-hoc to me thus uninformed and unprofessional.


I don't agree with his assumption that the power difference between XB1 and PS4 is due to the states of driver optimization; I think it may get better over time with regard to the XB1, but it simply isn't as capable a box in raw terms.


Neo Member
People tried to engage in sensible discussion with him after his last video. He blocked them from his Twitter. They weren't being homophobic or racist, they were just presenting questions that he didn't have answers for or opinions that differed from his narrative.

The whole croc about internet anonymity is a convenient way of moving the goal posts. He couldn't actually back up his statements or argue his position, so he took his ball and went home, and now will only respond to arguments from "real people" as opposed to the magical internet gremlins that lurk under his bed. I'd be shocked - just shocked - if his response to people stepping up, giving him their real names, and still saying he's completely wrong and needs to stop spouting gibberish will be, "I only want to have a debate with people who contribute to the industry."

He doesn't want to debate anything because his positions are uneducated and often completely indefensible. The claims that he was chased off by a pitchfork-wielding mob of Sony fanboy bullies are a complete cop-out bordering on an ad hominem attack in an argument he wasn't able to rise to.

Absolutely right!

I'd like to discuss this matter with him but twitter is not the right place for this because of the limited space.
If he wanted to discuss with us, NeoGaf is the perfect place.

He's accusing us to be cowards, hiding behind nicknames.and the anonymity of the internet...
Well since I'm a female gamer I don't want to see my name, picture and adress scattered all over the internet but I'd have no problem telling him my real name via PM.

Markus Beer has a NeoGaf account, so if he want's to diskuss with us, here we are. :)

Btw. sorry for my bad English, I'm not a native speaker but I really try to. :)


I don't agree with Sessler on his arguments recently, but I do think gameplay is more important than graphics, but not in the context of using a 3rd party multi-platform title as a proxy for determining power differences between two machines.

All else being equal I'd rather see the power in the upcoming generation used to create actual new gameplay rather than dudebro shooter v.10. I think as a commentator on the industry and as someone who relies on his obvious literary education, Sessler should be communicating more successfully about gameplay > graphics.

I don't understand why people listen to Marcus Beer, so nothing to add here.
At least Beer briefly touches upon the fact that the Xbone is 100 dollars more than its competitor, whilst having 3rd party (and 1st party) games that are 720p as opposed to 900-1080p.
I don't have anything personal against Marcus, I like Sessler and I like what he says about raising the level of discourse on the internet ... BUT

Isn't this the same dude who called Phil Fish a hipster tosser for no reason at all and resulted in Fish leaving the game industry? I kinda agree that we should be judging the games by the games themselves, but it's kind of disingenuous to put yourself out as a person taking the moral high ground when you are guilty of acting like the very people you are railing against.


Hold on. He's doing what he told Phil Fish not to do....

He's getting pissed off at haters giving him abuse. Yet, he tells other people to "man-up" and "take it" because it's part of the package of being on the internet.

Oh, and my name is Farrow Fox. You can find me on Twitter and Youtube.

Yep, fuck this guy, so so fucking much. I can't stand him, the audacity of this guy is off the dial. Phil Fish should mail him a giant fucking hand giving the bird. He's a 1 trick pony, fuck him.


... why is he coming up with excuses like "The kinect's 10% power cost is responsible for the reduced resolution"?

Well, it is part of the problem. The Xbone is weaker on the specs, the dev tools are crap, and Kinect is sucking power out of it. It's safe to say that it won't hit parity just fixing some of them, but it might hit 1080p easier if they finish the dev tools and reduce the Kinect hit.

  1. Ignored the 500-600 MFLOP power difference and attributed resolutiongate to "drivers"
  2. Didn't acknowledge that he was wrong to spread a lie without properly researching first
  3. Lumped everybody who criticized him into "Sony Defense Force"
  4. Thinks he's "contributing" to the industry
What can I say about this man that hasn't already been said?

I think that covers it.


Still outstanding seeing an industry that so disregards the consummers opinion and still think they are always right. To the point of basicaly demanding what the consummers should care about and stating they are dumb. Bizaro world...
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