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Apparently Bethesda ripped off a New Vegas mod for a Far Habor Quest in Fallout 4


Ah yes, I conpletely forgot the part where the modder is selling the mod for money.

Technically that doesn't matter too much. As long as someone's operating within the IP, you can still sue them to protect your property. So they can do basically whatever they like, even if they take a PR hit.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
This seems so stupid.
They could've shot the guy a mail, asked if it was okay, he'd have said YES and bragged about it, and have included a special thanks credit, and maybe even get some feelgood coverage from the media.

Instead, a shitstorm.


To rip it off is bad. To rip it off and sell it as DLC for the subsequent game in the franchise is disgusting. Shocked this could happen, but not surprised they will never admit to it.

I don't see how it would be any different from being in the base game. They sold that too, all the same. Not shocking, Bethesda is just good at sweeping this kind of shit under the rug by not responding to it.
So, I read what the creator of the mod had to say and looked at all of the comparisons and explanations of the scenarios, and everything seemed like it was indeed very similar, but at the end of the article, the creator says that people should give Autumn Leaves a try if they "want to play a 'Whodunit', but with entirely different themes, different writing, different plot, different music (!) different voice acting (!!)." I haven't played either the DLC or the mod, so I don't know if the bit about the different themes, plot, and writing is sarcasm, or if the scenarios that showed up in Brain Dead are the only instances that appears to be ripped wholesale from Autumn Leaves.

Can anyone speak to what, if anything, is different between the two, and how much is different? It sounds like BD is shorter, so even if everything else is different, that would mean a good chunk of it would be derivative, which would be something taken into account in any possible court hearings.
Then don't make mods, if you're worried about not getting any credit if the copyright holder is "inspired" by it or "rips it off".

considering how much Bethesda relies on the modding community for lengthening the lifespans of their games or flat out fixing design oversights, it's probably not a great message to send out to the community.

But don't let us talk you out of supporting your favorite developer



Has Pete Hines said anything good as a PR Person for the past several years?
So by essentially copied, do you mean essentially not copied? Because essentially copied means they ripped the modder's original assets and/or dialogue and passed it off as their own, when that doesn't appear to be the case at all.
With that context and the mod author's statement, this seems more par for the course (if more on the nose) IRT Bethesda's past relationship with mod "inspiration" than I initially thought. I seem to recall an interview about Skyrim where Todd was talking about how they basically copied a bow combat mod from Oblivion for the new game. Not that it's cool to steal or that they shouldn't be taken to task, but I don't think this is exactly a new thing for BethSoft.

of all the things available to rip off, you'd think they'd rip off a better story at some point
You're right, because the Bethesda staff that worked on this had the foresight to not make a 1:1 copy and the modder doesn't want to start a public fight with Zenimax, everyone should just forget about it.

Sarcasm. You couldn't just say that you think Bethesda did not in fact copy or rip anything and that the two things are in fact not the same? Hell, the MODDER CREATOR says it wasn't a copy.

entirely different themes, different writing, different plot, different music (!) different voice acting (!!)
considering how much Bethesda relies on the modding community for lengthening the lifespans of their games or flat out fixing design oversights, it's probably not a great message to send out to the community.

But don't let us talk you out of supporting your favorite developer

I've never played any of the Fallout games and think Skyrim is vastly overrated, but please continue with the ad hominem when my approach is neutral.

Now you may have a point with Bethesda's relationship with the modding community and vice versa, but it remains to be seen if anything changes as a result.
Maybe Bethesda should just hire modders to help write quests for them instead.

We don't know if Bethesda copied it or somewhere some lead designer brought forth the idea as their own.

Funny enough I find Las Vegas better looking, side by side Fallout 4 looks extra cartoony.
Or cartoony isn't the right word, textures just look cheap, bright single colored textures.

Considering how fucking ugly the color palettes were for FO3 and NV the more 'exaggerated' colors are an improvement.
I dunno whats scummier. The fact that they blatantly stole someone's idea and sold it to customers. Or that they are on twitter pretending that its not the case.


People using the word steal is odd. Bethesda tells you they own everything in their ecosystem. Modding in their world is a bit like open source and they own the end result.


Man, with Bethesda themselves getting up to this, it's no wonder they're so shitty about responding to stolen mods on Bethesda.net.
I've never played any of the Fallout games and think Skyrim is vastly overrated, but please continue with the ad hominem when my approach is neutral.

Now you may have a point with Bethesda's relationship with the modding community and vice versa, but it remains to be seen if anything changes as a result.

To support Bethesda on the issue you'd have to believe that either "corporations own everything you make with their tools" or "as long as it's not illegal then it isn't unethical", which aren't "neutral" opinions in any sense.

Nobody is arguing that any court would rule against Bethesda, they're just pointing out that it's an incredibly shitty thing to do both as a group of creatives and as the overseers of an active and passionate community.


The legality of this seems entirely irrelevant.

Bethesda did a shitty and creatively bankrupt thing. Not much ambiguity here.
To support Bethesda on the issue you'd have to believe that either "corporations own everything you make with their tools" or "as long as it's not illegal then it isn't unethical", which aren't "neutral" opinions in any sense.

Nobody is arguing that any court would rule against Bethesda, they're just pointing out that it's an incredibly shitty thing to do both as a group of creatives and as the overseers of an active and passionate community.

I've been explaining how it's not. You should go in with the understanding that whatever you create that uses copyrighted material, you don't own unless it's under fair use. It's pretty simple.
While this seems way too similar to simply be coincidence, I wonder if both sides were inspired by a recent tv show or book or something.


People using the word steal is odd. Bethesda tells you they own everything in their ecosystem. Modding in their world is a bit like open source and they own the end result.

Yeah, I've always thought this was the case, and apparently it is? Still, a shame they didn't give him credits for it or it was blatantly done, but I don't think they're obligated to do that.


Water is not wet!
Bethesda actively tries to court and support the modding community though...

It seems the majority of people ready to defend this are coming at it from a legal or corporate apologist angle so of course you'd end up on Bethesda's side but from a creative angle it is really disgusting that a company that would pride themselves on their modding community would take from it on the back door with no recognition.

ive yet to hear anything from Bethesda where they try to court and support the modding community. Now im sure Bethesda has hired on modders in the past but ive never got the impression thats something they regularly do. Other companies like Obsidian and Bungie have hired high-profile Bethesda modders afaik (Jorge Salgado for Obsidian and the Falskaar mod guy for Bungie)..
ive yet to hear anything from Bethesda where they try to court and support the modding community. Now im sure Bethesda has hired on modders in the past but ive never got the impression thats something they regularly do. Other companies like Obsidian and Bungie have hired high-profile Bethesda modders afaik (Jorge Salgado for Obsidian and the Falskaar mod guy for Bungie)..

I think fireaxis hired Long War studio to make the initial three mods for xcom2.
I've been explaining how it's not. You should go in with the understanding that whatever you create that uses copyrighted material, you don't own unless it's under fair use. It's pretty simple.

It's an established fact that fair use is very shaky and copyright holders will win any dispute they choose to challenge, but that's not the core issue here. It's perfectly legal for Bethesda to monetize and "steal" any user content made for their game, just like it's perfectly legal for Nintendo to shut down anyone trying to stream their games, or for Valve to just revoke anyone's Steam games at any time. The question isn't whether Bethesda can do any of this stuff, it's just pointing out that it's probably shitty for them to try.

So yes, it's incredibly simple, and I don't understand why you refuse to understand everyone else's point. It's like you're purposely letting it go over your head in order to pretend like you have some sort of insight into the legal process, which none of this is actually about.
Fuck. I used to trust Bethesda and thought them as one of the most creative studios in the industry. This is fucking unforgivable.

Makes this even more sad that this was the one quest that a lot of people were saying was the best in the game.


Yes all the assets are belong to Bethesda but it's not about that. It's about stealing the whole idea, the story. For a huge ass company like Bethesda to stole an idea of a small modder is unacceptable.

Also I can't believe people are saying that the modder should be proud of this whole thing. Would you be proud, if someone steal your own project and make money out of it without giving you any kind of credit?

Bethesda charges money for the DLC and the game. You would expect the people developing the game and being paid for it to devise original content instead of copying a mod from one of their other game that someone made for free and did not even get credited for it.

If this was a free update where Bethesda credited the modder I don't think people would be so irked by this.

Ah yes, I conpletely forgot the part where the modder is selling the mod for money.

I understand what you guys are saying. However, without NV the mod wouldn't even exist. I don't know... It's unreasonable to charge for it but I'm still neutral about the whole thing. If you don't support this you don't have to buy it.With that being said, they should at least give the original creator credit.
Bethesda actively tries to court and support the modding community though...
This is news to me.

Everything I've seen makes it look more like Bethesda's just trying to figure out how to get some money out of this modding business. Looks like they found a means of which to do that with this DLC.


One could argue the lack of creativity in writing story extensions in another company's copyrighted universe using their copyrighted assets. Essentially Fan Fiction.

Okay, then Far Harbor is extremely uncreative, because Bethesda didn't even make the IP or the world its contained in.

Unless somehow buying the IP made it creative for them?
Corporate apologists are in every thread like this on GAF so don't be surprised by it.

Eh, can't say that I am. There's a defense force for everything on GAF, everyone knows that lol.

I think fireaxis hired Long War studio to make the initial three mods for xcom2.

Firaxis is pretty much the new gold standard for mod support. The mods that have come out for the game have increased its longevity tremendously, and they keep improving support with subsequent patches.


First I ever heard the word creatively bankrupt but sounds about right for this shitty thing Bethesda pulled for paid dlc.


I mean, half of the new features in New Vegas were ripped mods from Fallout 3. No one cried foul then.

As far as I know Obsidian asked for permission from the mod makers. I know for a fact that they asked the creator of the Weapon Modification mod of Fallout 3 for permission to use the same idea in New Vegas.
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