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Apple pulls everything w/ Confederate Flag from App Store including Civil War games


If you want censorship in one area you might get it in another as well. This is just the first step to many more...


Neo Member
Is crazy to think the the Japanese have gotten over the fact that we nuked them but we sit here and talk about how offended we are by a piece of cloth that represented people that are all dead. I guess some cultures are just more mature than others. The flag didn't kill people the other day, the nut job psycho path did. Maybe we should spend more time determing why there are so many crazy people his generation.

do you know all Japanese people?


Really dumb move.

Context is key. If it's used to represent historical events how is that offensive? Makes no sense.

It's like if you want to make a WW2 game but can't have any Nazi symbols or something.

Exactly my thought. Wolfenstein would be banned using Apple's rules. I mean... Wolfenstein! Or any WW II game for that matter. Goodbye early Call of Duty games.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
If you want censorship in one area you might get it in another as well. This is just the first step to many more...
Yes it is. And ultimately this change came out of the barrel of a gun.

I don't like that we censor. And I don't like that calls for censorship are complied with after acts of violence. It shows that it's too easy to completely change our society with a little random violence. I would prefer stoicism in the face of violence... Not a wild-eyed response calling for the removal of ideas from the public sphere.

Yes it's a racist symbol. But again... The road to hell is paved with good intentions. There are plenty more "good reasons" to censor ourselves in other ways after future events of upheaval.


The Apple Store is not the government and it is not "historical revisionism" to remove apps from a store anymore than Home Depot deciding not to sell hammers is "tool revisionism"

I'll just go down to an alternate app store to buy my civil war apps then if apple decides not to sell them. right.


The whole thing is reaching absurd heights. No State Government should have anything to do with flying the Confederate Flag in any of its forms. Private Citizens should be allowed to do whatever they want however in that regard. If some jackass wants to fly it they should be allowed too. Hell makes it easier to point out who are jackasses.


I was unaware of any group being largely oppressed in our country at this point. Please explain?

Then you clearly aren't paying attention, tons of articles, some not blown up by the media, tons of testimonies many books with facts etc.

One thing I don't get is how botched the US police force is. You can't tell me none of these cops who just see the corruption and let them lie and do all of this stuff have no back bone? Unless the cops are corrupt enough to hold honests officiers' families hostage, why the hell are they not fighting these corrupt cops and getting them on camera? Kind of like cleaning up from the inside? How the hell can you let three KKK members into a same police district (happened recently in Florida)? I could accept maybe one slipping by, but 3? Then when the force gets caught they fire them or let them escape. The judicial system is a joke in America.

I know in some cases it might be difficult. The whole system is corrupt, in dome cases where corrupt officers get caught, they just quit and escape into some other poistion of authority. I know one officer escaped their judgement before investigations and just ran into thr judicial court system to contniue their wickedness. These people are obessed with their agenda.


If you want censorship in one area you might get it in another as well. This is just the first step to many more...

U.S. courts have ruled that the First Amendment protects "indecent" pornography from regulation, but not "obscene" pornography. People convicted of distributing obscene pornography face long prison terms and asset forfeiture. However, in State v. Henry (1987), the Oregon Supreme Court ruled that obscenity was an unconstitutional restriction of free speech under the free speech provision of the Oregon Constitution and abolished the offense of obscenity in that state, although it remains an offense on the federal level.[21]

Child pornography is illegal in the United States. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that it is not protected by the First Amendment. And even if not obscene, it is not considered protected speech, according to New York v. Ferber.[22][23]

Woe to the land of the free and the brave . . .
Is it possible that they're just pulling the games now to review them and then they'll put them back up later? I can't imagine stuff with actual historical context is going to get the axe forever, but maybe there's some other cheap cash-in bullshit they want to get rid of and they just pulled everything for the time being?

I dunno. Obviously this is an overreaction, but that's what makes the most sense to me. I don't know how the app store works.


Unfortunately, this is another case of Apple being to wide about its policies. As someone who is against racism and other forms of bigotry, this pisses me off as much as people censoring out the swastika in spots where it should be there. If you get rid of the past, how can you learn from it? How can you prevent evil things from happening again if you do not remember them? Sometimes, context is very important, in words, images, and other things too. Erasing a symbol tied to hate does not kill the hate, it is not that easy.


This is a fucking stupid move, but Apple has always been known for making fucking stupid moves like this on the App Store, so it's not really surprising. Remember when they initially refused to allow Papers Please on the store because of "nudity"?

Didn't the version that ended up getting released still get censored?


This is exactly the kind of move the serves as proof for those "slippery slope" people who says not flying a racist flag everywhere means that we'll eventually have totalitarianism.

Is think this is a really stupid move (not only because of the reason above).

Mass One

So America's flag is ok because it was founded for freedom, so any misdeeds that follow is null, the flag is still ok?Personally, I just can't assume that everyone that waves that flag is a racist hateful person just like I won't assume anyone waving the old red white and blue is for freedom.

Yeah kinda. Did Betsy Ross have a tear from Bioshock Infinite to know about Japanese internment? She couldn't possibly design a flag to stand that stuff. Plus we also acknowkledge how that was bad and affected people. With the stereotypical Confederate flag we play dumb and and pretend like hate groups didn't co opt the flag and symbol.

Is Everyone who's flying American flag the right now is celebrating Jackson Indian Massacre? They aren't and are probably appalled by it. But the confederate flag was made as the pro-slavery then became the pro-immolation pro-lynching flag. And people are just like ehh, my heritage.

The stereotypical Confederate flag was made for hate, bigotry,slavery the whole thing. People who celebrate that, we know because we have pictures, were celebrating those parts. The other people who celebrate now post-60's America and aren't racist are just be willfully ignorant.

If they care enough about the heritage thing they get the right flag.


This is exactly the kind of move the serves as proof for those "slippery slope" people who says not flying a racist flag everywhere means that we'll eventually have totalitarianism.

Is think this is a really stupid move (not only because of the reason above).

I'm sick of all of these people crying about all of these "ISMS" diverting the themes.

Lady Gaia

The whole thing is reaching absurd heights. No State Government should have anything to do with flying the Confederate Flag in any of its forms. Private Citizens should be allowed to do whatever they want however in that regard. If some jackass wants to fly it they should be allowed too. Hell makes it easier to point out who are jackasses.

How does any of what has happened contradict what you think should happen? States are pulling their confederate flags. Individuals are free to fly them. Companies can decide whether or not to sell them. It's all perfectly consistent with our established freedoms in other areas.



If it's being used in an offensive manner (i.e. supporting racism) then yes. But it is a flag that did exist, so it can't be banished completely, especially from games based in that era that are aiming to be historically accurate or games where the context is clearly not promoting racism.

That's some straight up terrifying censorship. Would they as readily decree film or TV as no longer allowed to depict history accurately?? Slippery, scary and quite frankly absurd slope to put themselves on.

The most important part of teaching/depicting historical events (in any medium) is doing it accurately. Especially when we're talking about the parts we should be ashamed of.


Why ignore anything? Why do you think removing a flag solves it all? And why do you think a nation wide ban on the flag doesn't do anything at all?

I was being sarcastic.
Banning the flag isn't gonna solve anything. I was merely pointing out the silliness of banning a flag in the wake of another tragic shooting.
I was being sarcastic.
Banning the flag isn't gonna solve anything. I was merely pointing out the silliness of banning a flag in the wake of another tragic shooting.

But the flag was literally used as a symbol of why the shooting happened by the shooter. Klan hoods aren't why racism occurs, but that shouldn't mean that there should be a Klansman Halloween costume or a framed Klan hood on government property. People embracing a symbol of hate as a positive thing is something that needs to be discouraged.


To a non-American, the Confederate flag has always seemed like the US version of the Swastika. And it's not like you get games, even historically accurate WWII ones, advertised with the Nazi flag, for good reason.

Flags aren't just pretty icons. They have deep historical context and meaning. The Confederate flag has, and always will be, directly related to slavery.

The App Store has never been a bastion of freedom. If Apple won't allow apps with nudity, why should they allow apps that (indirectly) promote racism?
But the flag was literally used as a symbol of why the shooting happened by the shooter. Klan hoods aren't why racism occurs, but that shouldn't mean that there should be a Klansman Halloween costume or a framed Klan hood on government property. People embracing a symbol of hate as a positive thing is something that needs to be discouraged.
This conversation seems to be veering off into a discussion that belongs in the other forum. I'm interested to know specifically which games embraced a "a symbol of hate as a positive thing."


Censorship is never a good thing. This is getting silly.

Child pornography is illegal in the United States. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that it is not protected by the First Amendment. And even if not obscene, it is not considered protected speech, according to New York v. Ferber.[22][23]


A few weeks ago people were protesting outside a mosque with guns and inflammatory artwork to practice "freedom of speech". As I recall there were a good number of people actually defending that behavior. Now everyone is freaking out over an inflammatory flag to the point that it's getting a bit ridiculous. What happened to freedom of speech? Whatever though, the confederate flag is a relic belonging in the museum. This move by Apple is stupid though.


That is an interesting perspective, what country are you from?

I'm English.

I boggles my mind to see why an reasonable people would view that flag with pride. It's a symbol of an old regime which had slavery at its heart. As well as a symbol of military failure. So a direct parallel to how the Swastika is a symbol of both the Nazi party, plus the regime and atrocities they stood for, and their wartime failure.

If you have Germans waving the Nazi flag about, they're not celebrating their history or nationality. They're celebrating the Nazi regime. Which will forever be linked to the holocaust, just like the Confederate is linked to slavery.

And all the whining about freedom. Apple have the freedom to do whatever they want to curate their digital store. They have always had strict polices around content. Apps get pulled all the time for breaching these rules.


I'm English.

I boggles my mind to see why an reasonable people would view that flag with pride. It's a symbol of an old regime which had slavery at its heart. As well as a symbol of military failure. So a direct parallel to how the Swastika is a symbol of both the Nazi party, plus the regime and atrocities they stood for, and their wartime failure.

If you have Germans waving the Nazi flag about, they're not celebrating their history or nationality. They're celebrating the Nazi regime. Which will forever be linked to the holocaust, just like the Confederate is linked to slavery.

And all the whining about freedom. Apple have the freedom to do whatever they want to curate their digital store. They have always had strict polices around content. Apps get pulled all the time for breaching these rules.

Americans seem to confuse "freedom" with "I can do whatever I want with no consequences". Of course you have the freedom to spit in my face, no one is stopping you, if I punch you in response it has nothing to do with prohibitting your freedom, you are merley reaping what you sow.


Missing the point a bit there Apple

I think its safe to say that. I read this in the news and serious said "W*** T** F***" aloud.

Unless they plan on removing all games with any reference to military/political aggressors this is incredibly stupid. No more USSR, No more WW1/2 Germany, no more Communist China, no more N. Korea, no more... USA!


By The logic here we should have also banned CS after the VT shooting and Doom after Columbine. Cuz you know they pulled the trigger just like that mean old flag did. Especially that flag when used in a historical context!
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