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Archer - S4 |OT| of Babou, Therapy Cranes, Whorediots & the Danger Zone - Thurs on FX

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Krieger snorting MOUNTAINS of cocaine.

What are the odds of Archer thinking the baby is his somehow? What are the odds of him actually being the father, potentially because of what happened at Fourth of JuLuau?

RIP Captain Murphy


Krieger snorting MOUNTAINS of cocaine.

What are the odds of Archer thinking the baby is his somehow? What are the odds of him actually being the father, potentially because of what happened at Fourth of JuLuau?

RIP Captain Murphy
I'm rolling the die on this actually being Lana's huge decision and she just went to a clinic.

I thought Legit had a pretty good first season. Surprised no one else is watching it.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
realized that Archer's last words to Lana before Drowning, was I Love You. Which is strangely the most seriousy moment I can think of in the series, or from Archer.


I'm rolling the die on this actually being Lana's huge decision and she just went to a clinic.

I thought Legit had a pretty good first season. Surprised no one else is watching it.

Or her decision could have been not aborting Archer's demon spawn. You're probably right though.

I'm hoping for a Wee Baby Seamus type scenario where he's somehow taking care of the baby despite not being the father.

realized that Archer's last words to Lana before Drowning, was I Love You. Which is strangely the most seriousy moment I can think of in the series, or from Archer.

He loves her, but not nearly as much as he loves himself. Or Mother.

My favorite line of the episode was probably the one where he tells her to be a better mother than his mother, and she tells him that it won't be that difficult.
"This isn't entirely about race."

Sadly no Bionic Barry or Katja. Hopefully next season....?

I felt that they could have used another episode for the finale, or at least an extension of it. A lot more could have been done with the Sealab (Pod 6!!!!) union. In the end it felt incomplete and rushed.
A pretty good episode.

Overall I'd say that the Season felt like it was on auto-pilot. Which is I guess to be expected given that we're in the 4th season. Still pretty enjoyable.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Great ending, I don't get one thing though
Why did the let Archer drown before they started swimming?
Surely it would make sense for him to try and swim a bit first?


why do people keep saying it's archers? when did they hook up?
It's a donor. Lana says so in the episode. It goes by quick though, many people must have missed it.

Very strong ending. The pregnancy thing I have been waiting for for like, forever, but seeing Archer give up his mask (and be the only one who does so) was incredibly satisfying. Like "Crossing Over," this was a surprisingly touching episode of a mostly blunt and crass show.

"Are you..."
"The man who cheated death?"

Got me pretty good. Also, Cyril's being kind of shitty about the Lana-baby thing.













World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
In that last gif is he saying he loves her?
- Complex: Behind the Scenes on the Archer Season 4 Finale
Matt Thompson and Neal Holman have been making television together since the early aughts, when they first worked on Cartoon Network's Sealab 2021, part of the line-up that would lead to the creation of Adult Swim. Now, they collaborate on FX's Archer, the bonkers send-up of '60s spy shows created by Adam Reed (co-creator of Frisky Dingo). Thompson serves as executive producer, and Holman's the art director.

"Neal and I have been making TV shows together for 10 years now," Thompson says. "Every year we say, 'Next year is the year we do it the right way.' And it never works out."

Thompson's talking about planning and execution. For fans and critics, Archer has always worked out the right way. In its fourth season, the show is smarter, funnier, and more eye-catching than any other animated program on TV.

Let Thompson and Holman tell it, things could be smoother. To get a better perspective on the creation of the show—the two-part finale of the fourth season especially—Thompson and Holman let Complex glimpse the behind-the-scenes action. This is how Archer is made.
Some really cool stuff here on process, story boarding, voice acting, etc...



Gorgeous approach shot.

I think Cheryl and her further descent into madness was probably the best part of the season for me, tangentially the gypsy woman has certainly been solidified as the best new running gag. I hope next season we get more Woodhouse, seemed like he was barely around at all. A solid Mallory ep would be good too, she certainly had her moments this season but was mostly relegated to B plots.

See you all in the season 5 thread.
I'm rolling the die on this actually being Lana's huge decision and she just went to a clinic.

I thought Legit had a pretty good first season. Surprised no one else is watching it.
Solid season of Archer, but think it was the weakest thus far. Still, mostly loved it to bits! Sealab love for the finale was like I'd died and gone to heaven. Never would've imagined Jon Hamm as Captain Murphy, let alone him pulling it off! Goz Cola, the drink machine, pod 6, I mean, so great. Not a day goes by that I don't miss Sealab (and Frisky, for that matter). Stupid Adult Swim... but hell, their loss = our gain.

On a side note, I've been watching Legit and while it started a little slowly I grew to really enjoy it! It's very biting but has some unexpected heart / character moments. Lots of it feels like Jefferies just doing shtick for the camera, but it doesn't really matter much 'cuz he's pretty freakin' funny. What he said in the car (you know what I'm talking about) in the episode before the finale made me laugh harder than just about anything has in AGES.

Demon Ice

Absolutely died at

"Here, lemme jailbreak your phone, it's a totally reversible process - d'oh, bricked it!"

And coked up Krieger air drumming Tom Sawyer, pure gold! Totally called Lana being pregnant. Her freakout at Archer in the DSV (world's first DSVUI!) was amazing.
A few notes from the Warming Glow Q&A with producer Casey Willis:
Q: Who has the unenviable task of clearing the episode with Standards and Practices?

A: Mostly Adam and myself… there have been things in animation that I was SURE that they would flag and they didn’t!!! And we hardly ever get flagged for violence. I think Archer is a pretty violent show. Archer and Lana have shot people in the FACE!!!!

Q: When Cyril called Lana “Scarlett O’Whora,” she paused before saying it was a “donor.” She seems to be with holding information. Any chance Lana’s going to start sharing secrets next season due to her pregnancy? And can we expect her wear some decent maternity fashions? Mini-sweater dresses don’t seem like the most comfortable maternity wear…

A: I think she just realized that Cyril was in no state to discuss it. If you will recall The Honeymooners, Lana made a big decision but then Cyril made her change her mind. So, I think she was going to have a baby with Cyril but then he acted like a jealous jerk so she got a donor instead… This is just my reading of it.

Q: I’ve always appreciated the show’s attention to detail when it comes to depicting weapons. Do you guys have a firearms technical consultant or do you just have somebody on staff that knows guns?

A: I know a little bit. Adam will usually name a specific gun in the scripts and luckily for us the internet has a lot of pictures of guns. We also buy airsoft versions of the guns when possible so we can pose with them and get the drawings correct. The studio is right down the street from a shooting range!

Q: what news on the Archer figures Lucky Yates plugged in his Q&A? Any idea on release dates for those or where to get them?

A: I had a call with the people making plushies and action figures on Tuesday. No idea about release dates but I do believe they are working on a Comic Con exclusive!!!!

Q: Is there any chance FX (or another network) will want a season of Archer that is more than 1/4 year? Any chance it could go to an old-school 26 week season??? Because the off-season with no Archer is a serious drag.

A: I’m sure FX would take more if we could make more. But 13 is kind of our limit given the size of the studio and the fact that Adam writes almost everything. Put it this way, We delivered the season finale 1 week before it aired!!! We can’t cut it closer than that.

Q: How much trouble was the legal aspect of having Sealab and Bob’s Burgers crossovers?

A: It was a bit of a problem. Matt and Adam did create Sealab 2021 but they do not OWN it. Big difference.

Q: Was there any thought/discussion on using cast members from Sealab 2021. I mean, Erik Estrada’s gotta eat.

A: It was discussed but in the end Adam really liked the idea of a crazy guy alone in a giant lab

Q: How much discussion has gone into S5 so far? When do you guys crank back up?

A: There has been some discussion and if the plan goes through, it’s going to be CRAZY! Production will probably start back up on Archer June 1st-ish

Q: was there ever any discussion on having other SeaLab characters make cameo appearances, even if they may have been figments of Murphy’s imagination?

A: It was discussed but Adam went with a different storyline. I believe there was some legal questions too. At one point all the wetsuits were labeled with Sealab characters but we changed it at the last minute just to be safe… if you look closely in one shot you just might see buckethead Wendy :)


Oh my god, Archer and Ray's little wrestling before the very end. Fucking adorable, haha.

It was kinda confusing, though. I don't know why but I kinda pegged archer as a homophobe, considering how often he picks on Ray for being gay. But then again, Archer picks on anyone for anything, no matter how small/stupid the reason is.


This was a great season. I <3 Pam, probably my favorite character. I always lose it when she says: "Holy shitsnacks", which she did during the last ep =D


The Autumn Wind
It was kinda confusing, though. I don't know why but I kinda pegged archer as a homophobe, considering how often he picks on Ray for being gay. But then again, Archer picks on anyone for anything, no matter how small/stupid the reason is.
He's not a homophobe, he's just a dick.


I really love Sea Tunt pt2. It's one of my favorite episodes. Thinking back, there was a whole lot from season 4 I really enjoyed. For some reason the less-good episodes were more memorable for me... But looking at an episode list gives mostly hits, not misses. And the finale was really great. Archer's "I love you," is really touching. You don't really expect that going in.

The cutaway to coked-up Krieger winded me I was laughing so much.


Gorgeous approach shot.

I think Cheryl and her further descent into madness was probably the best part of the season for me, tangentially the gypsy woman has certainly been solidified as the best new running gag. I hope next season we get more Woodhouse, seemed like he was barely around at all. A solid Mallory ep would be good too, she certainly had her moments this season but was mostly relegated to B plots.

See you all in the season 5 thread.

I think we're going to see a lot less Woodhouse. Coe sounded like he was struggling this series as he had to use a very different sounding voice for Woodhouse. My guess is we'll see Woodhouse in one or two episodes or they'll kill him off. It doesn't seem likely that they'd replace the voice actor.
Yeah, there's no way Archer is a homophobe. You need to watch the show more. As the other poster said, he's just a dick. A lot of racial jokes on the show, but that's it.


I had no idea Jon Hamm voiced Murphy from listening to him, great job. Anyway, great finale as always. Already plan to rewatch the season, so many amazing episodes. My favorite was probably Papal Chase, so great.

On that note, did we find out wtf is up with Woodhouse's voice? I swear when he says "Sir" to Archer on the plane it was his deep voice, but then it was right back to the nasal high pitched one. So weird.
On that note, did we find out wtf is up with Woodhouse's voice? I swear when he says "Sir" to Archer on the plane it was his deep voice, but then it was right back to the nasal high pitched one. So weird.
The voice actor is getting old and his performances are more inconsistent these days. A few different crew members have mentioned it in interviews. Not sure what they can do about it at this point.


I had no idea Jon Hamm voiced Murphy from listening to him, great job. Anyway, great finale as always. Already plan to rewatch the season, so many amazing episodes. My favorite was probably Papal Chase, so great.

On that note, did we find out wtf is up with Woodhouse's voice? I swear when he says "Sir" to Archer on the plane it was his deep voice, but then it was right back to the nasal high pitched one. So weird.

Papal Chase probably has the best pre-credits opening of any Archer episode. For a while it stays pretty good. But it hits a slump about halfway through. Performances from Pam & Woodhouse were weird. Except for "ha!"

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