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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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My brain hurts.

They hacked the incoming ICBN with long range IR blaster that was held in shaky hands.

Dhark's power just stopped with no explanation.

They saved the world from nuclear Armageddon by using the line: "If we invert the horizon, they'll explode in space".

It is what I call "dumb as shit". As in "this is fuckin' dumb as shit".

I can't wait for season 5. What will Felicity's mother get up to this time!

It satisfies me that Arrow will run at the very least 2-3 more seasons and I can watch people on the internet hyperventilate over that fact.

The ratings are fine.

It could go on for an eternity just as long as it keeps on getting dragged through the mud.


It doesn't matter whose fault it is. It satisfies me immensely.
Because you don't understand them. That number has a context. A context that shows Arrow performed very strong with that loss. Forfty of all people know that.

Don't they wait like 7 days now with DVR views and all that sort of stuff for full ratings .
And i don't mean just for arrow but also everything else.
It is harder to get those numbers and they change very little when it comes to general rankings. But yes, it is likely that with those numbers there would be little to no loss as delayed viewing becomes more important
My brain hurts.

They hacked the incoming ICBN with long range IR blaster that was held in shaky hands.

Dhark's power just stopped with no explanation.

They saved the world from nuclear Armageddon by using the line: "If we invert the horizon, they'll explode in space".

Dhark's power stop working was explain .
The power of hope that come from people that was helping oliver .
It's fucking stupid and BS but that and other stuff is what happens when you write your self into corner \nonsense.

It is harder to get those numbers and they change very little when it comes to general rankings. But yes, it is likely that with those numbers there would be little to no loss as delayed viewing becomes more important

I also forget that they also don't mean as much to networks .
Still this is CW so it's not like arrow in any danger .


Smallville ran for 10 years, Supernatural is going into its 12th. If they have Amell on contract until 2019, I see no reason why CW wouldn't renew Arrow through to a S7 at least.

My brain hurts.

They hacked the incoming ICBN with long range IR blaster that was held in shaky hands.

Dhark's power just stopped with no explanation.

They saved the world from nuclear Armageddon by using the line: "If we invert the horizon, they'll explode in space".

Ah, but then he stood completely still!

I think the most bizarre thing about the nukes story is that Felicity seemingly disposed of the entire world's supply of nuclear weapons. Like, why wasn't that made into a bigger deal?!


They didn't focus on that because nobodys took care of those nukes. Just like nobody points out who captures all those hive members

Of course it did. It's the best season ever. Fantastic even. Great writing, great characters. Just fabulous. Absolutely brilliant in every way.
Yes, that is what I'm saying instead of criticizing your poor statistics. If you want to use numbers, I will gladly point out their context.


The season 4 finale had the lowest viewership out of all finale episodes in Arrow and the season as a whole was the lowest rated out of all of them (in terms of millions of total viewers).

GG Team Arrow.


Not at all surprised by this. Things are wrong and they've done nothing to turn it around. I wonder if there is a graph out there that shows the correlation of the decline in quality of the show starting in season 3 with the steady increase of Olicity and everything else surrounding it. The overall increase of drama surrounding that relationship and the family drama. Not saying drama alone causes problems. Badly done drama does. I bring up Olicity again because it's the thing that is the best example of the problems with the show. The amount of attention it takes up at the expense of everything else is a big problem. Details about non-olicity aspects of the plots get over looked or ignored because that drama needs to be pushed first and put toward the forefront. Then they want to pull off a story with nukes being launched. There is only so much time in an episode and because of what is important to the writers and the runners is so warped so much goes unexplained or is completely half assed. Or you get conclusions that make no damn sense given what the tone of the show is suppose to be or just make no damn sense if you factor in logic and common sense. A LOT of that was on full display last night. The hacking of the nuke on the roof that was mentioned above as an example.

No amount of shock deaths, world ending threats is going to turn this show around until they address the very real issue with the writing. That is the writers and show runners are putting attention and detail on the wrong things and as a result they keep bleeding viewers and quality of the show keeps suffering.

Either the show runner needs to be replaced or the writing staff has to be gutted.

I had trouble deciding what was worse the Flash or Arrow finale. After having time it was the Arrow finale. The Flash undid a lot of character development. There was as just a LOT of stupid, face palming, and infuriating things with Arrow though. Any good it did have gets buried under all of that.

I think I'm done as well with Arrow. I was giving it to the finale to give me a reason to at least check out season 5. How it ended and what it hinted at makes me think the issues I have aren't going away at all. If anything they're doubling down on them. So I'm out unless an overwhelming number of people say things have been improved. I think the next time I bother with the show will be the big crossover but not before that and maybe not after that.
Yes, that is what I'm saying instead of criticizing your poor statistics.

Joni: I get that you like this shitfest. But it is just that and it deserves (as i suggested) to be dragged through the mud for an eternity.

These writers have put in minimal effort and I hate the fact that some applaud them for what has resulted from a lack of effort and laziness. We will never be on the same page with this. Not ever.


Indeed, I understand statistics. You are thinking this loss is significant when it is the second lowest of all their shows. It is a point you keep ignoring.

Not at all surprised by this. Things are wrong and they've done nothing to turn it around. I wonder if there is a graph out there that shows the correlation of the decline in ratings and quality of the show starting in season 3 with the steady increase of Olicity and everything else surrounding it. The overall increase of drama surrounding that relationship and the family drama.
Season 3 and 4 have higher ratings than season 2.





Not watched the finale yet but on episode 22 and have to say WHAT THE FUCK is with the lense flare!
Who directed this trash!?


Indeed, I understand statistics. You are thinking this loss is significant when it is the second lowest of all their shows. It is a point you keep ignoring.

Season 3 and 4 have higher ratings than season 2.

If that's wrong then I'll take out the ratings bit. The quality of the show how is worse though and I will stand by that..


If that's wrong then I'll take out the ratings bit. The quality of the show how is worse though and I will stand by that..
That I wont deny, like everyone here I loved deathstroke, but episodes where Olicity is there seem to get more viewers. The demo rating drop for this season and the break up seem close.
I've never seen so many people just lose hope at once.

Let's be honest. Have you waded through that cesspool? None of those guys ever had hope in the first place.

The season 4 finale had the lowest viewership out of all finale episodes in Arrow and the season as a whole was the lowest rated out of all of them (in terms of millions of total viewers).

GG Team Arrow.


Flash was down too. It was down on the season as a whole. I'm sure the decline can be traced back to that time Felicity appeared on the show.
Let's be honest. Have you waded through that cesspool? None of those guys ever had hope in the first place.

Was it really that bad ?
I don't check reddit lol.

That I wont deny, like everyone here I loved deathstroke, but episodes where Olicity is there seem to get more viewers. The demo rating drop for this season and the break up seem close.

Well that can work out in our favor , keep out the bad break up drama lol .
Being serious most people did not have a problem with them early on in the season .
After the cross over it was down hill just for stupid drama.




Season taken as a whole was mediocre.jiff as fuck. The Hand storyline was straight-up weak, and the only really engrossing part of the Punisher story was Fisk.

I'm not gonna compare it to Arrow as a whole, but DD S2 was, imo, weaker than Arrow S2
Absolutely nothing in Daredevil was as weak as Ravager.


- J - D -

Well that was bad. All around bad, actually, but not in a shockingly awful way. The experience felt like the sad Affleck meme playing out in hour-long slow motion. By the end, you just want to give up and slip quietly into the void of death. At least there, there's no more "hacking" jargon.

If the Flash finale was a wooden rollercoaster falling off the rails, this was a sinking ship. You see the inevitability of vague disappointment coming, creeping up like icy water, and there are no lifeboats. There are no lifeboats.

Last night I had the gall to say that Arrow season 4 was better than the Flash season 2. I made a mistake. My lapse in judgement came in bothering to compare them at all. I will not expend any more energy trying.

It's been a bad season for CW superhero shows.

I hope CW Supergirl will be good.
You mean him lying to her ( his fiancé ) for months and also not talking to her about certain things .

Those certain things being his son, who should forever be the most important person in his life, and he was literally ordered to not tell her or else not see him, and she knew this.

In a season where their relationship started with her lying to him for months.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
DC TV Summer Thread: Civil War

Who had the shittiest finale? Choose a side.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I'm slightly confused, how did they beat Darhk? With hope?

Oliver was Goku and the citizens of Star City gave him their energy (hope) which nullified Darhk's powers. They didn't really get that point across very well, it stuck out more to me because I watched the "This season on Arrow..." segment before the episode and they highlighted that Defense Against the Darhk Arts training he got a few episodes ago. But in the episode they sorta glossed over explaining it.

I think it was a good concept because instead of it just being Felicity's hope that helped him, it was the entire city. It's cheesy, but I like the idea.


Was anyone else confused by Amanda Waller's proposal to Oliver at the end about becoming a vigilante? Like, did she want to set him loose on Starling and other cities? Why was she only offering a bunch of shit rags to wear as a costume?
Well no. In the first set of flashbacks he's playing vigilante in Coast City or whatever after coming back from Hong Kong until Waller and ARGUS scoop him up to do this mission.

Basically she just said he's free now, so he can go back stateside and play shitty vigilante or do whatever he wants now. Guessing Russia is where he learns to be a cold hard serial arrow shooting murderer cause I got none of that this season. Felt like present day Oliver just reacting to magic on the island instead.

The flashbacks were also weak because other than the magic connection it absolutely failed to make the (as cheesy as it was) light/dark dichotomy that the finale tries to spin as their plan all along. Maybe it was but the execution wasn't there or consistent enough to make it feel like that was what the season was ultimately about. Not even in the present some of the time, if we're being honest.
Oliver was Goku and the citizens of Star City gave him their energy (hope) which nullified Darhk's powers. They didn't really get that point across very well, it stuck out more to me because I watched the "This season on Arrow..." segment before the episode and they highlighted that Defense Against the Darhk Arts training he got a few episodes ago. But in the episode they sorta glossed over explaining it.

I think it was a good concept because instead of it just being Felicity's hope that helped him, it was the entire city. It's cheesy, but I like the idea.

Huh, I thought I misheard him talking about hope.

That's... that's an interesting way to Bea Darhk I guess.


Ok finale

But how did Damien lose his MAGIC power (I thought he killed all those people, he basically did a Geralt's telekenetic blast on them-which [lol] I guess drained him?) during the street fight with Ollie, but still somehow yet be able to detect nukes being hacked/or un-hacked and use MAGIC to finish off Felicity's ex?

My dude Diggle came clean, but he's off to fight war now? Lol

A bit different than most finales, ended on a happy note like last season.



They couldn't even give Oliver a moment alone at Laurel's grave without Felicity showing up randomly
Guaranteed you would not have the same complaint if Diggle "showed up randomly", when Felicity has been in this shit with Oliver for almost as long. And was engaged to him.

This complaint is dumb. You don't like the character, so any time she shows up she doesn't belong, even though it makes total sense for her character to be there.


Indeed, I understand statistics. You are thinking this loss is significant when it is the second lowest of all their shows. It is a point you keep ignoring.

Season 3 and 4 have higher ratings than season 2.

I'm glad you have the patience to fight the statistically correct fight, I don't think I have the vigor for it.

Blue Lou

I'd love to see something similar to RedLetterMedia's reviews on the Star Wars films for the seasons. Are there anything similar on Youtube ?
It was fairly obvious to me that the hope of the people powered Olliver to resist Darkh's powered up magic. It was obvious his magic still worked by how he killed Cooper.

The fight afterwards were hive for some reason didn't use guns after Ollie got his ass handed to him by Darkh for some reason were dumb.


They could've been a little clearer about Darhk losing his powers. Instead of just getting hit by one arrow, it would've been cool if he slowed a few down but got worse as the crowd rallied behind Oliver. I don't know. Maybe it was cut for time.
This show, ugh. Finale was better than last week's episode, but I just feel like every scene elicits a groan from me for different reasons. Every bit with "hacking" is just so poorly written (and what the fuck ever happened with the other 15,000 nukes?), the flashbacks are just an absolute waste of time, the fight scenes are incoherent and boring (and the goons forgot they had guns, apparently), and the dialogue is just so insipid (darkness, lying, hope, blah blah blah). Ugh.

We're in dire need of some sweeping changes. (Flash finale spoilers)
Save us, Flashpoint.
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