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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
How is flashpoint w/o the wayne family supposed to be good?

They could do a bootleg version with Oliver's dad. Flash established that he became the Green Arrow on Earth 2, so it's already out there. I don't really think it fits the same way it does with Batman, but what do I know. They'll probably do something like casting an actor on Flash to play Robert Queen aka Flashpoint Green Arrow. That way they could do Flashpoint on Flash for however long that lasts, and then Arrow could continue without issue.
I dropped the show at the laurel episode, judging by the posts here that was the best decision I could have ever made.

Saw those synopsis pics tho, holy shit what a dumb show.
they had a whole subplot on that

it was the part with Felicity talking down her ex-boyfriend hacker dude so she could get control of Rubicon again
Oh, that scene. No wonder.

But still, there were like 15,000 rockets in the air. Did no one in the writer's room consider the meaning of that?


I think the finale of this season definitely proved that the flashbacks are worthless and hurt the show. The time spent on the island subplot could have easily been spent on further detailing now the nukes were stopped or how Oliver was able to basically convert hope into a Spirit Bomb to beat Dahrk.

Also, I felt absolutely nothing when whats-her-face was killed


Just finished this.
overall liked darhk as a villain.
overall I think this is likely the most enjoyable season for me beating out season 2, and then 3 and 1 is still my least favorite season.

the flashbacks though... they were extra horrible this season. Not only did they do a poor job of lining up stuff it was just basically the reject material from the main villain.

it would be like taking a professional boxing match and randomly just throwing in scenes from two 8 year olds fighting. It was just boring to watch.

I am curious where the show will go from here. I think logically at some point the CW is going to have to make some sort of justice League show, and really Arrow from here on out might be a good place to start building that as there really isn't much of anything to resolve in arrow anymore.
5 years before the next season he took on Russians... meh w/e.

tomorrow will be heroes of tomorrow time, so hopefully that one is decent.
Just finished this.
overall liked darhk as a villain.
overall I think this is likely the most enjoyable season for me beating out season 2, and then 3 and 1 is still my least favorite season.

the flashbacks though... they were extra horrible this season. Not only did they do a poor job of lining up stuff it was just basically the reject material from the main villain.

it would be like taking a professional boxing match and randomly just throwing in scenes from two 8 year olds fighting. It was just boring to watch.

I am curious where the show will go from here. I think logically at some point the CW is going to have to make some sort of justice League show, and really Arrow from here on out might be a good place to start building that as there really isn't much of anything to resolve in arrow anymore.
5 years before the next season he took on Russians... meh w/e.

tomorrow will be heroes of tomorrow time, so hopefully that one is decent.

Legends of Tomorrow Finale was last week...


Legends of Tomorrow Finale was last week...

yeah I know, I thought it was tonight(as it aired on thursdays anyways), but am a few weeks behind (i've seen through episode 9).
I am just marathoning them all this week and tomorrow night is legend's time for me, I decided instead of waiting week by week a few weeks ago when there was a weak episode I would just stop watching until they finished, as I figured there would be lots of cliffhangers in the last few episodes.

Flash is the most important show for me of the arrowverse.

after legends I will likely work on supergirl for no reason than to eventually watch the flash cross over episode lol.



Yeah I don't know what the hell was up with that bit. There was one other episode this season where it was noticeably far worse than the others, it seemed badly rushed, there's some production issues in there.

On the other hand it's much harder to shoot action with Darhk because there's no hiding his face, same with shirtless Ra's. The Merlyn fights in season one he had his hood up, made it far easier. Manu Bennett could do many of his own stunts with Deathstroke and occasionally used the mask.


you're asking this after an american program took over a russian launch facility which fired a nuclear missile onto US soil.
A launch facility that ran on 70s levers, buttons and controls, yet had ultra HD 65" screens players over the walls.

And nukes that can be hijacked by pointed an IR blaster at it.


I'm slightly confused, how did they beat Darhk? With hope?

Oliver was Goku and the citizens of Star City gave him their energy (hope) which nullified Darhk's powers.

Also important to note that this is not some innate ability, the hope is feeding Constantine's runes.

Every bit with "hacking" is just so poorly written (and what the fuck ever happened with the other 15,000 nukes?)

They explicitly show Felicity giving the hack to the head of ARGUS. I'm assuming that in time of crisis, FBI, CIA, Homeland and Argus do talk.

A launch facility that ran on 70s levers, buttons and controls, yet had ultra HD 65" screens players over the walls.

NASA runs on the oldest computers available because of stability reasons, but they probably can invest in televisions.
Huh? And what exactly is the problem with that?

The whole plot just seems totally preposterous for a show like this. Like that's way too fucking large scale for a show about a few shitty powerless vigilantes. But I guess if you can point a magic device at a nuke flying toward you and "hack" it and redirect it to fly into space, it fits right in.

Also, Russia still nuked an American city and no one seems to give a fuck.

I feel sorry for those poor souls who get angry at Arrow finale so much, because if they think Daredevil will deliver them good finales they're in for a terrible dissapoitment.

Oh please. Every single episode of Daredevil is better than anything Arrow offered up this season.


The whole plot just seems totally preposterous for a show like this. Like that's way too fucking large scale for a show about a few shitty powerless vigilantes. But I guess if you can point a magic device at a nuke flying toward you and "hack" it and redirect it to fly into space, it fits right in.
She already broke through some the safeguards on the one misslle before, so why is it surprising they could hack it handheld way? And despite the fact that this solution was passed on to goverment they still made it obvious the very same direct handheld aproach wouldn't be likely to work all that well nation-wide, considering how many rockets are flying.

THis is why they needed direct access to Rubicon to stop the attacks.

Also, Russia still nuked an American city and no one seems to give a fuck.

No one give a fuck? The news talked about it, the riots broke on the streets because the whole nuclear crisis became a public knowledge.
What more did you expect? There's not enough time for nuclear attack to start causing long term consequences.
Arrow usually did pretty good job of not forgetting the effects destruction in previous seasons brought in. So I doubt they will just glance over it in S5.


Oh please. Every single episode of Daredevil is better than anything Arrow offered up this season.

Ughh..not even close. Especially considering some of the shitter S1 episodes.

Plus while Daredevil is definitely a better show overall, it still had two terrible finales and it still far from great show as a whole. S2 made it painfully obvious. Punisher was like a character imported from ten times better show. Whenever he dissapeared it just made it painfully obvious how far from being great DD is.

At this point I pretty much gave up hope that superhero genre will ever manage to get trully great show. I had hopes for S2 of Daredevil and Flash, looking how they were in first seasons and expecting typical huge improvements second seasons usually bring, but those hopes were squashed hard. I'm starting to accept I shouldn't expect anything beyond decent fun from the genre.
She already broke through some the safeguards on the one misslle before, so why is it surprising they could hack it handheld way? And despite the fact that this solution was passed on to goverment they still made it obvious the very same direct handheld aproach wouldn't be likely to work all that well nation-wide, considering how many rockets are flying.

THis is why they needed direct access to Rubicon to stop the attacks.

No one give a fuck? The news talked about it, the riots broke on the streets because the whole nuclear crisis became a public knowledge.
What more did you expect? There's not enough time for nuclear attack to start causing long term consequences.
Arrow usually did pretty good job of not forgetting the effects destruction in previous seasons brought in. So I doubt they will just glance over it in S5.

Because hacking a nuke while it's flying at you is the most fucking ridiculous thing ever. It's absurd even for a show of this caliber. I understand they needed Rubicon to stop the other ones, but the whole concept of Rubicon is also extremely stupid to begin with and again, just way too fucking large scale for the scope of this show. The whole situation is just laughable to me in how implausibly stupid it is. I'm sure others are able to suspend their disbelief, but between this and that fucking awful shit last week where they were electrocuting each other by hacking, I just can't come to grips with what the hell I'm seeing play out on screen.

Maybe they'll address it next season. Hopefully they will, because it's a pretty big deal and it's something that should fundamentally alter the world.

Agree to disagree on Daredevil. It has its fair share of pacing issues and messy writing here and there (well, mostly the last few of season two), but I haven't found anything in it as insulting as this season of Arrow.
That is not how nukes even work....

I mean i put a head cannon together ignoring that at the end of the terminal phase its basically a free fall unguided warhead (which is what makes them so hard for missile defense systems to stop) and say maybe this was an argus missile that was close enough to take out the city. I mean..I can't blame argus....but still it would't be a basaltic missile but a cruise at that point....and I know way to much about this and need to let disbelief work.


That is not how nukes even work....

I mean i put a head cannon together ignoring that at the end of the terminal phase its basically a free fall unguided warhead (which is what makes them so hard for missile defense systems to stop) and say maybe this was an argus missile that was close enough to take out the city. I mean..I can't blame argus....but still it would't be a basaltic missile but a cruise at that point....and I know way to much about this and need to let disbelief work.
Superhero shows can't even get consisent on how superpowers of their heroes work and that's their whole bread and butter. So fine knowledge of modern advanced weaponry is unforunatelly is definitely beyond their writers.


They wouldn't need to use this solution on all warheads, this was simply the one that would hit the soonest so they need a faster solution.


You telling me Meechin was able to take on Oliver, Thea, and Diggle all AT THE SAME TIME?

Like come on. Don't give up logic and consistency for a "cool" looking action scene


Yo so I'm watching season one and PLANTS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY. They don't just cure any illness. Aren't there any botanists on this writing staff?

You telling me Meechin was able to take on Oliver, Thea, and Diggle all AT THE SAME TIME?

Like come on. Don't give up logic and consistency for a "cool" looking action scene

Was even worse when the team was bigger. Fight scenes in recent episodes were much better when Thea was solo and it was just Dig and Ollie. Having Laurel in the mix really didn't help earlier either.


Fixed that for ya. Season 1 is mostly bad. Karen and Fozzie are much, much worse supporting characters than Diggle and Felicity.

Say what you want about Arrow, but it never had a whole episode where the only thing Oliver does is lie on couch, bleed and whine. :D


Say what you want about Arrow, but it never had a whole episode where the only thing Oliver does is lie on couch, bleed and whine. :D

There was that one time he got impaled and had to drink a bunch of tea! But then Roy/Dig/Laurel kinda took over the ass-kicking that episode.
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