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ASDA no longer stocking/selling the Wii U in stores, won't restock this year

Yeah, all 12 of them. Who cares.


Probably the people that bought them, the people that notice a company in shambles(if they just discontinue a system that just came out), confidence amongst shareholders, etc...

Ending the Wii U right now or soon makes next to no sense whatsoever.
Wait I didn't follow sales a lot but I remember the dreamcast had quite the buzz initially with the 2k football games crazy taxi and soul caliber .... What killed it off well and truly was the ps2 . So if the wii u is selling worse and that's before the next gen consoles are available .... I am not too hopeful for the future ... Someone rightly pointed out nintendos core audience can only do so much .... Although I'm pretty sure most of the wii u owners will probably go grab the next nintendo console too they just like Nintendo games so yeah it makes sense for them to position themselves as that toy to play Nintendo games on and try to cut their losses ... Except that toy to play Nintendo games can also apply to the 3ds... Maybe that's why they are exploring this while console cum handheld thing



Realistically speaking how long will it take for XBone and PS4 to pass Wii U's userbase? 2 months? This is why pubs have moved on.
Now that will be the true 'reality check'. When the PS4 and XBone drop and start shifting some decent units.

If things look bad now, I can't imagine how they'll look in a year.


Loving this. Maybe it will finally force Nintendo to go sub-$200 and take things more seriously on the game front


Yep, they either cancel Wii u early and release a crazy Wii like console with a new gimmick or actually ride ou wiiu and go head to head with the next next gen

It's nice to have dreams...

I'd like Wii Z to be as powerful as PS5 and Xbox Two also, but I don't see that happening. And yes I know I sound like a broken record saying; Xbox One that's where Nintendos next will land in terms of power TOPS.
Both console together? They might reach 3.5mln sold after first two months.

But individually? I don't think so :p

Yeah but with both having such similar architecture, it makes sense for publishers to look at their install bases combined as n attractive platform. I mostly point this out because there are always those people who don't seem to understand why pubs will drop a platform that sells like shit (Wii U) in favor of the Xbone/PS4 alternative.


Isn't this what they're likely already doing? Whether the Wii U's situation improves soon or not, they're still going to release the games they've already announced. There is, of course, a chance things could turn around in the process of things, but other than shifting some secret projects around in the worst case, Nintendo is already doing what they should be. It will either work, or it won't.

Not exactly, Nintendo's current strategy is to deliver 1st party games because they think their holiday lineup will turn the console around and that people just don't understand the gamepad. My suggestion is that they admit the Wii U is a failure and to fast-track the development of next gen hardware to compete with PS4 and Xbox One before those two get too strong of a hold on the market. (to prevent another Wii U situation)

Whether or not Nintendo would have the ability to pull off another hardware launch so soon, well I would rather not take a stance on that part.


Not exactly, Nintendo's current strategy is to deliver 1st party games because they think their holiday lineup will turn the console around and that people just don't understand the gamepad. My suggestion is that they admit the Wii U is a failure and to fast-track the development of next gen hardware to compete with PS4 and Xbox One before those two get too strong of a hold on the market. (to prevent another Wii U situation)

That's likely impossible. It's best to ride out the storm and be the first out of the gate next gen with a more powerful console.


Now that will be the true 'reality check'. When the PS4 and XBone drop and start shifting some decent units.

If things look bad now, I can't imagine how they'll look in a year.

Honestly, this is what I think investors are waiting on. It's easy for Iwata to blame the market on Wii U's poor sales when there are no other next gen consoles on the market to compare it to.

But if the X1 and PS4 shift impressive numbers on release, Iwata is done.
Realistically speaking how long will it take for XBone and PS4 to pass Wii U's userbase? 2 months? This is why pubs have moved on.

The PS4 will take just 2 days if it's anywhere near PS3 launch weekend sales... Unbelievable that the Wii U still probably won't have outsold PS3's 165k launch weekend in a year!! :O

As long as there is plenty of stock, it's not going to take much effort. Which is pretty darn mental when you think about it.


I do think they're going to ride out the Wii U until 2017 or so, and push a cutting edge box next, more or less on par with the successors of the Xbone and PS4, simply because they need to try to gain back some support from third parties and core consumers.

2017 will probably be the year that the XB1 and PS4 will really be hitting their strides. Unless something catastrophic happens, you likely won't see their successors until 2019, 2020.

So Nintendo would be able to make something that's more advanced than next gen, but less advanced than the next next generation, similar to the position the Dreamcast was in.


Not exactly, Nintendo's current strategy is to deliver 1st party games because they think their holiday lineup will turn the console around and that people just don't understand the gamepad. My suggestion is that they admit the Wii U is a failure and to fast-track the development of next gen hardware to compete with PS4 and Xbox One before those two get too strong of a hold on the market. (to prevent the another Wii U situation)

Whether or not Nintendo would have the ability to pull off another hardware launch so soon, well I would rather not take a stance on that part.
Uh, it's too late for that. Doubt they could launch again before 2016 at the earliest.
Ignoring the Ouya joke, that list is only robust to Nintendo fans. If you like mascot games you're set, but if you like oh I dunno...football? FPS games? It's a typical Nintendo lineup missing all of the big name franchises from third parties.

That list isn't going to make anyone forget about the Xbone or PS4. Especially considering the U isn't even in the same league in power, and not even a whole lot cheaper.

Good for me since I don't like either of those. (Actually I dont' like sports or shooter games in general, but that's beside the point.) I never even understood why those series are so popular.

Anyway, I have never heard of this store brand. It certainly doesn't exist in Finland. Since it apparently is big though, it's only going to worsen Wii U's disastrous situation. I'm still looking forward to the games coming this year, but...we've to see if they can help this situation.


People say brand loyalty doesn't matter during console transitions, but now in the age of online networks I think we are seeing that it does, at least to an extent. Barely anyone used their Wii for online connectivity. People don't want to jump ship to a platform that none of their friends are gaming on. Nintendo needs to price their console at a level where it's more affordable as a second box.

Granted, there's still a lot of people that don't game online but enthusiasts do, and these are the people that are buying units in the first and second year.

I have bought every Nintendo console to date but the Wii U at $350 is just an extremely hard sell given the PS4 and X1 are right around the corner and offer much more value. It'd have to be $250-200 for me to consider it.

Isn't the Wii U Nintendo's most expensive console ever?


Uh, it's too late for that. Doubt they could launch again before 2016 at the earliest.

Hence my skepticism that they could pull it off so soon. I'm not exactly sure what they could do with their consoles at this point as doubling down on the Wii U would just be money down the drain. I guess they could just "Vita" the Wii U and focus on the 3DS in the mean time, but then again the Wii U is a much bigger part of Nintendo''s strategy than Vita is for Sony.

Mr Swine

2017 will probably be the year that the XB1 and PS4 will really be hitting their strides. Unless something catastrophic happens, you likely won't see their successors until 2019, 2020.

So Nintendo would be able to make something that's more advanced than next gen, but less advanced than the next next generation, similar to the position the Dreamcast was in.

MS and Sony will push Nintendo out of the market with their more advanced and "developer friendly" consoles. Nintendo will not go the same route as MS and Sony and invest money on a console that is just as good if developers aren't there. They would owe more money than they are doing now


3DS has never, never, EVER been in such a dire situation. It was in a bad situation, but this is another level of bad. Heck, IIRC, Vita didn't see stores not stocking it anymore so soon after launch, did it?

THIS. I don't know why people kept comparing the WiiU on 3DS despite the big difference of the two. 3DS had never been this bad.


Amazing how quickly your fortunes can turn in one console cycle.

Let this be a lesson that no matter how well you did in the last cycle, you can't just assume you are going to win the next.

It's now happened to Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft.

Nintendo has to change courses quickly. Releasing the same tired franchises and old games remastered (unless it's 3rd party) isn't helping them.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Honestly, this is what I think investors are waiting on. It's easy for Iwata to blame the market on Wii U's poor sales when there are no other next gen consoles on the market to compare it to.

But if the X1 and PS4 shift impressive numbers on release, Iwata is done.

I hope so.


I certainly wouldn't call the Wii U lineup as it stood last month 'robust', but for perspective, I haven't bought a single non-VC Wii U game since 2012, simply because none of them were worth owning, or were already on PS3/360 for less.

But between now and the end of this year, we'll have Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Wind Waker HD, Sonic Lost World, DKC:TF, and Super Mario 3D World. All exclusives, all games I definitely want, and I'd wager many feel the same.

Then going forward into 2014 we're promised Smash, X, Mario Kart 8, and Bayo-motherfucking-netta 2. I'd say the above, coupled with the handful of quality release period games, constitutes a pretty robust library before we've even gotten to the new Zelda or Metroid, or resurrection of any number of Nintendo franchises, or future third party offerings over the years to come.

If you're unable to overlook the stigma of Nintendo hardware or permit yourself some shred of Sony/MS disloyalty, then by all means enjoy any sour grapes you intend to consume, but good times are definitely ahead for Wii U owners.
Realistically speaking how long will it take for XBone and PS4 to pass Wii U's userbase? 2 months? This is why pubs have moved on.

Could be, but by spring '14 Nintendo will have some bighitters, they drop the price of the WiiU and I predict that PS4 and X1 will have the same problems as Nintendo after a good launch: not enough great games too keep selling their hardware after the launch.

Call me nuts, but I think that some WiiU games that will launch in spring '14 can compete with every PS4 or X1 title out there. I think it's way too early to say Nintendo is done for.


THIS. I don't know why people kept comparing the WiiU on 3DS despite the big difference of the two. 3DS had never been this bad.

Comparable doesn't mean the same. They had the same problems: Over-priced and the games were too far away, plus Nintendo wasn't marketing well enough.

Wii U can and likely will get better, but I think the max potential for sales is 50 million units total, and that's being generous. I think the reality is N64 numbers when all is said and done.
Could be, but by spring '14 Nintendo will have some bighitters, they drop the price of the WiiU and I predict that PS4 and X1 will have the same problems as Nintendo after a good launch: not enough great games too keep selling their hardware after the launch.

Call me nuts, but I think that some WiiU games that will launch in spring '14 can compete with every PS4 or X1 title out there. I think it's way too early to say Nintendo is done for.

Will a Wii U price drop have any effect next to concurrent PS360 price drops?
Dude, you're in a thread about a huge retailer that is literally not going to stock the Wii U anymore. What does Nintendo's piggybank have to do with this? If retailers don't want it, they're not going to stock it. Where does that leave the Wii U? The same place the Dreamcast went.

Asda haven't really stocked Wii U properly since launch; a minority of stores in and around cities. Furthermore, they haven't stocked a single post-launch game online, let alone in store. This is only a shocking development for the tabloid minded.
Comparable doesn't mean the same. They had the same problems: Over-priced and the games were too far away, plus Nintendo wasn't marketing well enough.

Wii U can and likely will get better, but I think the max potential for sales is 50 million units total, and that's being generous. I think the reality is N64 numbers when all is said and done.

The games and IPs Nintendo had in place for the 3DS lend themselves better to a turnaround in that market. Stuff like Pokemon, Mario Kart, Mario Bros., 3D Land, ect...

Also there is almost zero chance Wii U ever gets to 50 million units. N64 did like 30 million, and that system had a ton of hype and positive press coming out of the gate. At one point between Goldeneye and Zelda it had two of the biggest games on the planet. It was the delays and wasteland of game releases after 98 that eventually dropped that system off the map. Saying that the Wii U has max potential to get to 50 million units is like saying there is max potential for RIPD to make $100 million at the box office.
Hm, never good news if a retailers stops selling a console. On the other hand, what could they do, software is not here yet.

On a side note, i think it is sad too see that this thread does not have more bans ... the hyperbole against Nintendo is really getting out of control ... especially those "go third party, i wanna play your games"-cries, and every time the same old people who yell those like a chorus...

Such behaviour should not be tolerated, against neither console/developer/publisher.


Comparable doesn't mean the same. They had the same problems: Over-priced and the games were too far away, plus Nintendo wasn't marketing well enough.

Wii U can and likely will get better, but I think the max potential for sales is 50 million units total, and that's being generous. I think the reality is N64 numbers when all is said and done.

50 million ain't happenin. Not even close.

The N64 did those numbers back when the only conpetent competitor it had to worry about was Sony.

Now it's dealing with TWO competitors that are not just competent, but more willing and better equipped to respond to the market.

An now, with retailers dusting units off the shelves, I'd say Nintendo would be lucky to move 20-30 mil when all is said and done.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Comparable doesn't mean the same. They had the same problems: Over-priced and the games were too far away, plus Nintendo wasn't marketing well enough.

Wii U can and likely will get better, but I think the max potential for sales is 50 million units total, and that's being generous. I think the reality is N64 numbers when all is said and done.

I think at this point that it could be achievable. Maybe.


The blackboard didn't say "(x) will save Nintendo", it said "(x) will save the Wii U".

Their "10+ billion cash reserve" can't make people buy something they don't want to buy.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that their "10+ billion cash reserve" is a myth. I have no idea how their finances look but I find it hard to believe they're sitting on the same amount of cash now as they were in the heyday of two extremely profitable systems.
Wii U can and likely will get better, but I think the max potential for sales is 50 million units total, and that's being generous. I think the reality is N64 numbers when all is said and done.

LOL. It doesn't have a chance in hell to reach 50 million. 20 million is being optimistic. Most likely 10 million before it's pulled from shelves.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that their "10+ billion cash reserve" is a myth. I have no idea how their finances look but I find it hard to believe they're sitting on the same amount of cash now as they were in the heyday of two extremely profitable systems.

Makes sense. Kind of like the myth of the GC being some hugely profitable system that put the ps2 to shame.


LOL. It doesn't have a chance in hell to reach 50 million. 20 million is being optimistic. Most likely 10 million before it's pulled from shelves.

I think 10 million is way too pessimistic. Wii U's big titles are coming soon, and I definitely think Mario, DKC, Zelda, Smash, and Mario Kart can get it to 20 million.


Junior Member
Could be, but by spring '14 Nintendo will have some bighitters, they drop the price of the WiiU and I predict that PS4 and X1 will have the same problems as Nintendo after a good launch: not enough great games too keep selling their hardware after the launch.

Call me nuts, but I think that some WiiU games that will launch in spring '14 can compete with every PS4 or X1 title out there. I think it's way too early to say Nintendo is done for.

Most indications are to the latter . From what's announce ps4 has killzone knack driveclub at launch . Infamous launch window so early 2014. Then they have the order announced whih would be mid to late 2014 I assume (not sure on this)

And that's not mentioning the 3rd party sony is assured off. Lots of cross gen games in 2014 including destiny.

Also missing are what many big Sony studios like nd ssm mm japanstudio are workin on and ggs second team which should hit later.

I highly doubt ps4 will have a software drought problem like the wii u. Similarly for ms although their first party is weaker and tends to start fast and taper off not counting halos GOW forza.
Comparable doesn't mean the same. They had the same problems: Over-priced and the games were too far away, plus Nintendo wasn't marketing well enough.

Wii U can and likely will get better, but I think the max potential for sales is 50 million units total, and that's being generous. I think the reality is N64 numbers when all is said and done.

50 milion total.

Current line up is pretty much only for Nintendo fans.

This is GameCube all over again.
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