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ASDA no longer stocking/selling the Wii U in stores, won't restock this year


The more I think about it, the more I think Nintendo really missed the boat on indies. They cannot compete with Sony and MS on big budget blockbusters. They can't spend $50 million for Titanfall. They cannot spend however many millions Sony spends on TLoU or Uncharted. But you don't need all of those millions to find the next Super Meat boy or Minecraft. That has become an incredibly lucrative segment of the market. And the thing is, a lot of these indie devs seem to hold Nintendo in high regard and really use a lot of old Nintendo action and platform games as inspirations and probably would have been ecstatic to work with Nintendo directly. Unfortunately it's too late for this now. Sony and MS have leapfrogged them in this regard. They really needed to cultivate this environment 2 or 3 years ago.

They were never going to get Titanfall, but some good attainable franchises that appeal to western gamers became available this past year, and they sat on their hands. Look at the THQ auction. Those IP's would have gone a long way towards fixing their branding problems. They just aren't willing under current management to compete for the core market.


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Hmm I really wanted to buy a Wii U down the line for the coming games, but now...I think it's not a good idea anymore.

I don't want to own a home console just to play 3-5 great games :/

Then don't buy a WiiU.


To be fair, the time between the 3DS launch and the Wii U launch was very short.
I wouldnt say that it was exactly very short, it was nearly 1 year and 9 months between the launch of the 3DS and the WiiU. However, it depends on how much time that is needed to do huge changes. And its hard to know exactly how something will play out before its released.


Regardless of what those two systems do, if the Wii U doesn't turn around by the end of the fiscal year, Iwata is likely out in April.

Not very likely.

If 3DS brings in the sales/money.. shareholders won't give too much of a damn about Wii U sales at present.

Home consoles are no important than handheld consoles when it comes down to it.

So as long as they have massive success with one gaming device and start making good money again...that's all shareholders will care about for the time being.
They were never going to get Titanfall, but some good attainable franchises that appeal to western gamers became available this past year, and they sat on their hands. Look at the THQ auction. Those IP's would have gone a long way towards fixing their branding problems. They just aren't willing under current management to compete for the core market.

I'm not so sure what a Darksiders or Saints Row would have done for Nintendo. They don't need retreads. They don't need the Big Two's leftovers. Nintendo tried this on Gamecube and it didn't work. They need new experiences. There is an entire generation of kids growing up who to them, Minecraft and Angry Birds are their Mario Bros. Mario and Zelda don't carry the same cache with these people as they used to, and won't anymore.


The more I think about it, the more I think Nintendo really missed the boat on indies. They cannot compete with Sony and MS on big budget blockbusters. They can't spend $50 million for Titanfall. They cannot spend however many millions Sony spends on TLoU or Uncharted. But you don't need all of those millions to find the next Super Meat boy or Minecraft. That has become an incredibly lucrative segment of the market. And the thing is, a lot of these indie devs seem to hold Nintendo in high regard and really use a lot of old Nintendo action and platform games as inspirations and probably would have been ecstatic to work with Nintendo directly. Unfortunately it's too late for this now. Sony and MS have leapfrogged them in this regard. They really needed to cultivate this environment 2 or 3 years ago.

There is a saying in boxing (and probably other sports) that you win your fights in the training gym and not in the ring.

For Nintendo and the Wii U, they should have done better in those lull years of the Wii, the entire 2010-2013 period is bizarre when it comes to Nintendo, just what were they doing? Why not get more studios under their wing? They released so few major Wii games, and yet still look unprepared today and have pushed several games back, Pikmin 3, MK8 etc.

If Nintendo were a boxer, they would be the overweight guy in the ring right now getting pummeled, should have trained harder and been ready now. Had 3 years to train and as far as i can see, did nothing but collect money.

Some Nintendo fans see 2 other overweight boxers coming to the ring in the PS4 and X1, i see prime Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield coming instead


Are you really saying Mario, Donkey Kong, Sonic, Zelda, W101, & Pikmin 3 should be compared to... what? TowerFall or whatever it's called?

I know it's hard to believe, but a lot of people don't really care for Nintendo's classic IPs. Or got tired of them.


Makes sense. The WiiU isn't selling and is just taking up space. Might as well take it off shelve to make more room for the PS4/X-One.
Indies might like playing Nintendo games, but trust me, they would not like working with Nintendo.

There is a reason why developers have been abandoning Nintendo left and right ever generation, and its directly tied to Nintendo's "me first, here are some scrapes if you are lucky" attitude they have toward other developers.
Makes sense. The WiiU isn't selling and is just taking up space. Might as well take it off shelve to make more room for the PS4/X-One.

And let this be a warning for vitas future on a bigger scale when sony turns the device into a ps4 controller

There is a reason why developers have been abandoning Nintendo left and right ever generation, and its directly tied to Nintendo's "me first, here are some scrapes if you are lucky" attitude they have toward other developers.

They actually have one of the guys that made xbla so big which is why their NA indie stance is so different


Downward spiral for Nintendo from here on out. I honestly do not see them pulling through with another console after this, and the 3DS is only somewhat holding on thanks to the iOS/Android.

I know there's the fact that they advertised poorly and weighed too much expectation on easy money, but I think the bigger factor was horse-crap hardware and a tablet trying to suffice as an approachable feature.


I'm not so sure what a Darksiders or Saints Row would have done for Nintendo. They don't need retreads. They don't need the Big Two's leftovers. Nintendo tried this on Gamecube and it didn't work. They need new experiences. There is an entire generation of kids growing up who to them, Minecraft and Angry Birds are their Mario Bros. Mario and Zelda don't carry the same cache with these people as they used to, and won't anymore.

The point would be to work on correcting their branding issues. Build a userbase third parties can sell to, and you can make a case for them to return. Saints Row would have announced to the world that this isn't the same old Nintendo.

I'm not discounting what you're saying about indies at all, by the way. I was just piggybacking off your Titanfall comment.
I know they are probably working on their next console, but I'm saying they need to make it a big priority and shift focus from Wii U over to it. Of course that could be what they are doing right now, but Iwata being adamant about turning Wii U around this holiday doesn't make me think that's the case considering he still hasn't given up on it yet.

But what else can Iwata say at this point? He's made his bed and all that. It wouldn't very well be prudent of him to say "I fucked up, I know, so we're going to phase out support for Wii U while we shift focus to something else that we can't tell you about just yet." I realize 4 million isn't a huge userbase, but it's still a lot of potential angry feedback if shit goes awry.


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Indies might like playing Nintendo games, but trust me, they would not like working with Nintendo.

There is a reason why developers have been abandoning Nintendo left and right ever generation, and its directly tied to Nintendo's "me first, here are some scrapes if you are lucky" attitude they have toward other developers.

I remember reading an article where devs stated that Nintendo kept the juiciest hardware stuff secret so their games always looked better and devs where forced to reverse engineer Nintendo code to find out.
The point would be to work on correcting their branding issues. Build a userbase third parties can sell to, and you can make a case for them to return. Saints Row would have announced to the world that this isn't the same old Nintendo.

I'm not discounting what you're saying about indies at all, by the way. I was just piggybacking off your Titanfall comment.

I get what you are saying but I just don't think the whole "kiddy/mature" thing is as big of a problem for Nintendo as it was 10 years or more ago. Wii Sports was very much family/kiddy oriented in terms of design and presentation and was a huge hit for them.
Yamauchi would never have stood for it. Nintendo needs someone like that. A straight up ruthless killer.

Yeah the killer of nintendo in the end because his policies have them in the mess they are in. They need someone who's as calculated as Yamauchi, but as inviting as Iwata aka not a dick


Only thing preventing Nintendo from doing that is Takeda and his love of small systems with low power draw. -_-

He needs to be removed as the general manager of Nintendo's research divsion.
Oh yeah, there definitely needs to be a thorough sweep at the top before they can move on from their current hardware philosophy. Surely, there must be a good amount of younger Nintendo employees that grew up during the NES/SNES era, remember what made their systems great back then (Yamauchi's shady practices notwithstanding) and could pull the company out of this rut.
Yamauchi would never have stood for it. Nintendo needs someone like that. A straight up ruthless killer.

Yamauchi's stubborness is technically what shifted 3rd party support from their consoles in the first place. He was no better of a leader than Iwata is.


I don't expect Wii U sales to pick up at all this year, even though there are some games coming out. Next year though, is probably the year when Wii U sales will either pick up or stay stagnant. Most of their content should finally be making its way out of the development pipes by then, and they have a number of system sellers coming out. If the system does gamecube numbers by the end of its life, then I would be impressed.
I'm not so sure what a Darksiders or Saints Row would have done for Nintendo. They don't need retreads. They don't need the Big Two's leftovers. Nintendo tried this on Gamecube and it didn't work. They need new experiences. There is an entire generation of kids growing up who to them, Minecraft and Angry Birds are their Mario Bros. Mario and Zelda don't carry the same cache with these people as they used to, and won't anymore.

It's a shame modern Nintendo equates hardware gimmick with innovation and new experience. As a software development company, Nintendo is strangely reliant on hardware pheriphals to shape their gameplay ideas. I can't think of the last truely innovated software feature they implemented first, Z-trigger camera focus/lock?


But what else can Iwata say at this point? He's made his bed and all that. It wouldn't very well be prudent of him to say "I fucked up, I know, so we're going to phase out support for Wii U while we shift focus to something else that we can't tell you about just yet." I realize 4 million isn't a huge userbase, but it's still a lot of potential angry feedback if shit goes awry.

To me I just don't think he is saying those things to save face, I think he actually believes that the popular stable of Nintendo IP will turn the system around, especially when you consider Nintendo's stance on saying things like they don't care what the competition is doing.


Poor Nintendo. They should make third-party so we can all enjoy their games.

Because you are forbidden to buy Nintendo consoles, right?

To me I just don't think he is saying those things to save face, I think he actually believes that the popular stable of Nintendo IP will turn the system around, especially when you consider Nintendo's stance on saying things like they don't care what the competition is doing.

Yeah i think iwata legitimately believes wiiu is going to have an amazing holiday, all will be well, and 3rd parties will come running

Also can we please stop with the 3rd party cracks that add nothing to the conversation not to mention how much nintendo would have to downsize. If you think things are bad now prepare for NSMB 2012,13,14,15, and 16


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Because you are forbidden to buy Nintendo consoles, right?

No. But at this point and the outlook that WiiU has, it's hard to justify a console for 5 or so great Nintendo games and a few third party games over the lifetime of the hardware.


Neo Member
No chance that they completely abandon consoles. Like I said, they'll merge them somehow as a worst case scenario, having a handheld you can connect to your TV and play like a console. If anything, Wii U could be seen as a stepping stone towards that.

I wonder... what's the likelihood of another 3DS revision that incorporates the streaming tech of the Wii U? Maybe with a small, apple TV like box that connects to your TV? Resolution would be a problem as I can't imagine a 3DS game looking that hot at 1080p, but assuming they can compensate for that with software it might be an interesting experiment for their unified console/handheld divisions.

Honestly, the more I think about it, having Shin Megami Tensei IV and Animal Crossing on the big screen is a lot more palatable than Game and Wario.
From the OP article:

The supermarket firm called MCV to say that, contrary to reports, it had never stocked Wii U in its 555 stores, and in fact the console was only available in around 100 outlets.

As I've been saying.
I've been justifying this since the n64

The Gamecube had some awesome 3rd party games. To be honest i probably put equal time into it vs the ps2. Truly not deserving of the horendous sales. The Wii i assumed would get support back before i followed the industry.

After the Gamecube. I said never again.

The gamecube was 99 bucks 2 years later with great 3rd party games. Was easily worth the price.


From the OP article:

The supermarket firm called MCV to say that, contrary to reports, it had never stocked Wii U in its 555 stores, and in fact the console was only available in around 100 outlets.

As I've been saying.
It's still the difference between 'Asda sell it', and 'Asda don't sell it'. There are now 100 fewer retail outlets selling the Wii U.
To me I just don't think he is saying those things to save face, I think he actually believes that the popular stable of Nintendo IP will turn the system around, especially when you consider Nintendo's stance on saying things like they don't care what the competition is doing.

I think he does have some level of confidence in what he says, yeah, but at the same time, I know he's probably losing a lot of sleep at night. I also think the general malaise towards the Wii U line up (here on GAF, especially) borders on hyperbole though. I think it's a decent enough line-up, and if Wii U wasn't battling it out with two new consoles this holiday, people would show more excitement for that software than you're seeing now. People just expected MUCH more from them given the circumstances.


I think I would buy a WiiU if it was at an affordable price. I don't think the price point is where I want it. My money is going to a new gaming PC and PS4 so I can't afford a third purchase right now. If WiiU was something like $100 I'd probably buy it. I'm still shocked as how the hell the PS3/360 is selling for the price they're at now. That's thievery considering how old the hardware is.

Dat Bayonetta 2 for WiiU doe...
The Gamecube had some awesome 3rd party games. To be honest i probably put equal time into it vs the ps2. Truly not deserving of the horendous sales. The Wii i assumed would get support back before i followed the industry.

The gamecube was 99 bucks 2 years later with great 3rd party games. Was easily worth the price.

It was about the same as the n64. Handful of great nintendo franchises (although shockingly not mario) and a few good third party games. Same way its been since 96. Honestly I struggle to think of very many great third party gc games that couldn't be found elsewhere


Or send them down to the gutter. You forget Yamauchi basically trusted Iwata, to which is why he gave him the promotion to CEO.

He was right to, Iwata's a fine mouthpiece for the company, an immensely entertaining and likable man, and he has the right creative vision, but he lacks Yamauchi's shrewdness and daring.


I get what you are saying but I just don't think the whole "kiddy/mature" thing is as big of a problem for Nintendo as it was 10 years or more ago. Wii Sports was very much family/kiddy oriented in terms of design and presentation and was a huge hit for them.

It's a bigger problem than its ever been post-Wii. Doubling down on the casuals payed off short term, but the boom is now over. What's left is weaker third party support than ever before.

If not the core, then where are sales going to come from? Indies help, but there's no guarantee there. They need third parties, now more than ever.
It was about the same as the n64. Handful of great nintendo franchises (although shockingly not mario) and a few good third party games. Same way its been since 96. Honestly I struggle to think of very many great third party gc games that couldn't be found elsewhere

But the ps2's power issue made many games run better on the GC. If Wiiu was in the position of the gamecube with a decent amount of multiplats running better i doubt many here would complain. There was also the xbox but its exclusive lineup was terrible.
I've seen "4M" thrown around a lot. Where does it come from? I doubt it's anywhere close to that. And I'm talking sold, not shipped.

Nintendo reported on January 30th that LTD shipments for the Wii U console were as follows:

As of December 31st, 2012:
Japan - 830,000 Wii U units shipped
America - 1,320,000 Wii U units shipped
Europe + Other - 900,000 Wii U units shipped
[B]World - 3,060,000 Wii U units shipped[/B]

Also, Nintendo reported on April 24th that LTD shipments for the Wii U console were as follows:

As of March 31st, 2013:
Japan - 920,000 Wii U units shipped
America - 1,520,000 Wii U units shipped
Europe + Other - 1,010,000 Wii U units shipped
[B]World - 3,450,000 Wii U units shipped[/B]

So, in the three month period from January to March, the Wii U shipped 390,000 extra Wii U consoles worldwide.

It therefore follows that assuming an identical, flat trend for all of 1H, upon Nintendo's July 31st Q1 earnings release, Wii U worldwide shipments will have hit ~3.84 million units for the quarter ending June 30th, 2013.

The "4 million units sold" figure you've seen is an optimistic projection of LTD Wii U shipments through the end of 1H.

[B][U]Optimistic investor projections:[/U][/B]
As of June 30th, 2013:
World - 4,000,000 Wii U units shipped
World - 550,000 LTD unit increase in the past three months (compare to a 390,000 LTD unit increase from January through March)
World - 183,333 average monthly increase from April through June

The "5 million by November" claim also operates under the assumption of optimistic projections.


Wii U can and likely will get better, but I think the max potential for sales is 50 million units total, and that's being generous. I think the reality is N64 numbers when all is said and done.

I don't see it quite hitting N64 numbers but that's a more reasonable guess than the 50m units. It's not impossible but more likely Nintendo will probably have to settle for something around Gamecube levels (22 million units). We don't know how well the PS4 or Xbone will do just yet so it's hard to say how greatly they'll eclipse the sales of the Wii U so we can't judge how Nintendo is doing in relation to their primary competitors but I'd be surprised (not greatly but at least a bit) if at least one of the competing platforms didn't do 2.5-3 times the Gamecube lifetime numbers.
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