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Assassin's Creed Origins screenshot leaks, new details (AC4 team, Naval combat, more)


Dude im not talking about that stuff, i have no problem with slow walking people. My problem is the tailing missions where you have to follow a target without getting seen and if they see you the mission is over.

They changed it in later AssCreed, there's either no tailing sections or if you lose someone in a tailing section it becomes a search section and if you're seen it becomes a chase/combat section.
Dude im not talking about that stuff, i have no problem with slow walking people. My problem is the tailing missions where you have to follow a target without getting seen and if they see you the mission is over.

None of that shit is in TLoU.

Whoa there, champ. Calm down. The only reason I'm talking about those types missions is because your post was in response to this post:

Hahaha, no no no, it's one of those missions where you need to actually follow someone while they go at a pace slower than your fastest running speed, feeding you with pointless exposition.

Which is explicitly about those forced slow-walking missions where characters feed you exposition.


Dude im not talking about that stuff, i have no problem with slow walking people who you have to follow. My problem is the tailing missions where you have to follow a target without getting seen and if they see you the mission is over.

None of that shit is in TLoU.

They haven't had those since Black Flag


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
I believe they changed it in later AssCreed, there's either no tailing sections or if you lose someone in a tailing section it becomes a search section and if you're seen it becomes a chase/combat section.

Ah so we shouldn't worry about it too much when it says "Follow X to Y"?


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Whoa there, champ. Calm down. The only reason I'm talking about those types missions is because your post was in response to this post:

Which is explicitly about those forced slow-walking missions where characters feed you exposition.

Wow mate im totally calm, don't know why you get a different expression, it was probably because of the bolded part but i just wanted to make sure you especially understand what i was trying to say the whole time.

Oh you know what, i think i misread Stone Ocean's post. My bad.

I'm talking about the tailing missions while he was talking about slow walking stuff... nvm
I played the entirety of Syndicate without the HUB enabled.
There are plenty of missions where you have to rush from objective A to B to C. Some of these in a carriage, some of these using parkour and ziplines, some of them with short timers. And there are several bad escort missions where you need to take enemies out based upon an NPCs path forward.

I also ran into a situation where I had completed an assassination (in a train station) and had escaped, only to find out after I was outside (and re-enabled the HUD) that I had to escape a very particular way to finish the mission. So I had to sneak back into the heart of the mission only to then escape the "right" way.


My attempts at running near zero HUD in Syndicate were lessons in frustration many times. Not sure how you managed to have a different experience but I'm jealous ;p


Welp, Horizon is rocking my boat at the moment, and its a stupidly well-made game.

I'd advise playing it to understand my argument bro.


I've played it to completion and, save combat, it has nothing on TW3. Even CDPR's DLC has better characters and stories, and one of them is like ten hours long. Horizon is a very good game and GG have surpassed the expectations that even longtime fans like myself had, but Horizon isn't the world beater you're making it out to be.
There are plenty of missions where you have to rush from objective A to B to C. Some of these in a carriage, some of these using parkour and ziplines, some of them with short timers. And there are several bad escort missions where you need to take enemies out based upon an NPCs path forward.

I also ran into a situation where I had completed an assassination (in a train station) and had escaped, only to find out after I was outside (and re-enabled the HUD) that I had to escape a very particular way to finish the mission. So I had to sneak back into the heart of the mission only to then escape the "right" way.

My attempts at running near zero HUD in Syndicate were lessons in frustration many times. Not sure how you managed to have a different experience but I'm jealous ;p
I payed special attention to the architecture. The only thing I had enabled were mission waypoints so I guess not the entire HUD. It wasn't frustrating for me. Actually, learning to counter multiple enemies took some time to learn.


I really hope the Crocodile is an actual crocodile.

Cause lol

That pic looks nice but that floating marker should fuck outta here. If someone wants a location let them look at the map.


I really hope the Crocodile is an actual crocodile.

Cause lol

That pic looks nice but that floating marker should fuck outta here. If someone wants a location let them look at the map.

Its a 50/50

Because in AC4 there was a mission requiring to you "Assassinate an Ocelot" but it was an actual Ocelot.


"Assassinate the crocodile."

Better be an actual Templar crocodile instead of just some nickname.

I mean, some temples kept sacred animals (like bulls and crocodiles) as incarnations (I think - correct me if I'm wrong) of certain gods so it could be one of those? If it were just some sort of wild crocodile that's, for example, attacking civilians or sth, then I don't think they'd be using the word "assassinate". I guess it could be one of those sacred crocodiles but yeah, it's probably just a human.


People saying naval combat ruined AC4 are blowing my mind right now

AC4 somehow becoming the fan favorite blew my mind in 2013. Swapping out awesome iconic huge cities in favor a sail boat and a bunch of shitty little islands? No thanks.



The inclusion of naval combat here is a huge disappointment for me. It's a shame since I was willing to give the game a shot because of the ancient Egyptian setting.

For me it's not the time-consuming, cumbersome nature of piloting and fighting with the ships, but more just the system and everything around it.

I didn't like the upgrades, I didn't like how long it took to sail from place to place with nothing interesting going on, I didn't like looking for places to dock, I didn't like having to run back to it, and I just thought everything was designed in a way that kept me from the story as long as possible. Which is why I stopped buying them after Black Flag, because I knew the series just wasn't for me any more. I get why they made the decisions they did, and they all make sense; I just wish there was more of a game-ification of those concepts to make it so I could play/get to the parts of the games I like much faster.


I've played it to completion and, save combat, it has nothing on TW3. Even CDPR's DLC has better characters and stories, and one of them is like ten hours long. Horizon is a very good game and GG have surpassed the expectations that even longtime fans like myself had, but Horizon isn't the world beater you're making it out to be.

I have to simply disagree here. Even if you see things like that, Guerilla are much more technically better developers than CD Projekt Red. And thats a non-arguable fact.

Horizon loads faster, looks marginally better and has better framerate on Guerilla's first attempt at Open World.

And I only mentioned the technical side of things. You accuse me of putting Horizon as a "world beater", but then you say its got nothing on TW3. You cant say it has "nothing". It clearly does.

So allow me to highlight some of them up for you, Aloy was much more enchanting, relatable and likable to me in the first hour of playing Horizon than I ever did playing as Geralt. The story telling of Horizon is told much more vividly, is told more interestingly and is more captivating than TW3's. Guerilla upped the ante by far with crafting mechanics by making crafting and ammo replenishing be viable as fuck, on the go, instead of having to pause gameplay flow to bring up a slow menu to adhere to the player's needs.

And let me just point out to you, Robo dinos are miles better than the human or monster enemies on TW3. Fighting gigantic robots all with their own personality while some other mechanical giants ambushed you along the way was incredibly hectic, exhilarating and unforgettable. Making for an incredible spectacle of bombs, arrows, elemental fireworks, the ground fucking shaking and missiles, lasers and bullets going haywire all over the place. To add to that, watching the environment around you getting destroyed makes every combat encounter in Horizon seem exactly what you would expect from an greatly agile person confronting these gigantic things. (and this is all taking place without 1 single framerate drop)

I never, ever, ONCE...had a moment like that in The Witcher 3.

It was slash, slash, do a broken dodge, slash, magic and win....and goes on like this for more than 80+ hours. Its unbelievable shit.

I had to force myself to finish that game. I shouldnt have to do that with any game. Period.
Wonder if they are going to reveal it with a trailer this month like they did for most other AC games and then a proper gameplay reveal during Ubi's own shown and perhaps another bit at MS or Sony's show.

Hopefully they bring enough new stuff to the table because that's Definitely something this franchise needs. A year break is nice and all but sadly doesn't automatically mean a much better game. Hopefully it's indeed overhauled in many ways. Egypt sure is interesting.


So it is a prequel huh? Well, hopefully they might add something new for a change. This series so far has gotten stale as bread. It is the Call of Duty of Open Worlds.


People saying Horizon is better than TW3, fucking lol. Horizon might be the best Ubisoft open world ever made, but it's still constrained by the Ubisoft open world gameplay loop, and didn't have the story or characters to carry it compared to the Witcher where every little sidequest runs circles to most games.

Hopefully Ubisoft is drinking LOTS from TW3 for this game. The setting has the potential, but if it's a franchise comeback, it has to make a difference. Pretty graphics aren't gonna cut it.


People saying Horizon is better than TW3, fucking lol. Horizon might be the best Ubisoft open world ever made, but it's still constrained by the Ubisoft open world gameplay loop, and didn't have the story or characters to carry it compared to the Witcher where every little sidequest runs circles to most games.

Hopefully Ubisoft is drinking LOTS from TW3 for this game. The setting has the potential, but if it's a franchise comeback, it has to make a difference. Pretty graphics aren't gonna cut it.

Horizon wasnt made by Ubisoft son.



Just took a look at that photo. Wow, getting some serious Prince of Persia vibes. (Two Thrones) This year has too many games.

Also for me personally pretty graphics and simple systems are fine. The AC games are meant to be about accessible historical tourism. With a fun alt history narative that shoehorns well known historical figures into campy action adventure archtypes. IE Ezio and Da Vinci being a Renaissance James Bond and Q, Blackbeard showing up in AC4, Napoleon in Unity ect.

If Origins understands this (and every indication so far says it does) then it should be good fun.


Loved AC4, haven't been a huge fan of the rest of the titles before and after it. Origins is looking very promising from description alone.

Also, the Horizon/TW3 comparisons have no place in this thread; TW3 is obviously the far superior title.
Loved AC4, haven't been a huge fan of the rest of the titles before and after it. Origins is looking very promising from description alone.

Also, the Horizon/TW3 comparisons have no place in this thread; Horizon is obviously the far superior title.


Gold Member
They could easily get rid of all the bad vibes surrounding the series and knock it out of the park with large detailed environments with lots of missions and interactions.

I want large scaled monuments or tombs to explore. Something to keep me playing. I loved AC's original plot, but after that it was interesting up to a point and then it just became a shuffled combination of miscellanous missions until something stuck with plot progression. Cool game mechanics, but exploration was like Spider-Man swinging from building to building without any major interactions.


Neo Member
I'm excited for this.

But then again, I'm always excited to some degree when it comes to Assassin's Creed, regardless of how much of a chore I would eventually find it come halfway through the game. I realize that I'm part of the problem guys lol. :( As a major history buff who is partial to open-world games, it's just hard to resist. Add in decently animated parkour traversal and climbing mechanics - I'm all over that shit.

I'm looking forward to playing as a lady. I spent most of my Syndicate playthrough as Evie, and only played as the brother (what's his name again? lmao) when I was forced to.
It is. But it does feel limited and stale after a while. Like a one trick pony, who does one hell of a trick, but it's still one.

To think Ubisoft's more varied game is still AC2.

Can't say I agree. The world is truly a joy to traverse, and the story is smart and has actual impact. The combat is amazing and offers a wide range of playstyles to succeed.


Walk into Asscreed leak thread, see a W3 vs Horizon debate. Lol.

I was pretty fed up with Asscreed after 1 and 2. Tried 3, got bored early on, tried 4, got bored early on, finally quit the franchise.

Though, damn them setting this in Egypt. That, if nothing else, will convince me to pick this up.


To everyone complaining about tailing missions, didnt they change the structure from failing a mission if you spook them to now the mission changing into a chase sequence? I think Unity introduced that. You fail to tail, then the mission changes into chasing the enemy. I am not too concerned about that anymore.

Naval battles were amazing. I thought the majority liked it. Maybe a bit too much in BF but it made sense since it was about the pirates. This time I doubt it will be featured that heavily.

Saying "Present Day is in" is not enough information. If its in, then it better be good. Do it right (like AC - ACB) or dont do it at all. IDC about playing a video game in a video game if it adds nothing to the overall experience.

They say its more open-ended like Skyrim. I hope it means I can make my character a stealthy archer like I did in Skyrim. Add a stealth system, better than skyrim but keep it optional so people can play however they like it. I doubt they will give that much freedom to diff playstyles, but it would be cool.


So this seems like it will take place in Egypt. The first leaker also mentioned Ancient Rome and Greece. Maybe these two locations will be for the next two Assassins Creed games. I remember that thread where a Gaf member talked with a Ubi guy while waiting for his plane/train and told him that the next game will take place in France and England and England was the setting for the next game.


Is that...the same kid all grown up now?

Yes, hes all grown up now lol 😂

Still got his famous trademark :p

Also, the Horizon/TW3 comparisons have no place in this thread; TW3 is obviously the far superior title.

I gave reasons why is not "far superior" and actually pointed out the
parts Horizon comes out winning extensively.

Your opinion is fine.


Hope modern day has a new protagonist instead of that "you are xyz employee" which greatly neutered the storytelling possibilities. Although Unity and Syndicate not having anything other than miniscule cutscenes was even worse.


Neo Member
curious to see if the graphics will hit or overcome Unity levels with good performace...

Now that the systems are out for some years the optimization should be easier with the expirience they have gathered.


Walk into Asscreed leak thread, see a W3 vs Horizon debate. Lol.

I was pretty fed up with Asscreed after 1 and 2. Tried 3, got bored early on, tried 4, got bored early on, finally quit the franchise.

Though, damn them setting this in Egypt. That, if nothing else, will convince me to pick this up.

I had a similar thing, I loved the Ezio games (the third wasn't so good) but hated 3 so much I quit. I did try Syndicate for the Victorian setting, and they somehow made that dull. How did they make a game about Assassins in London and not include Jack the Ripper? Thats right they made it DLC.... no thanks.

Ancient Egypt has me interested though.


I like ancient Egypt, I like AC in general.

Looking forward to it. Open world sounds intriguing, but I am far more interested in the rumored RPG elements - skill upgrades comparable to Skyrim and the likes.

My shortlist for the second half of this year is looking something like this now:

1. Destiny 2
36. Ace Combat 7
37. New CoD
38. Battlefront II
39. New Assassin's Creed.
40. Shadow of War
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