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Assassin's Creed Unity |OT| Liberté, égalité, parité

I purchased online from Best Buy after signing up for Gamers Club. The thing is I selected the delivery option and it hasn't even shipped yet. :(

I'm considering cancelling and doing a store pickup but with that big concert in DC tomorrow, driving after work is just going to suck. :( :(


I think people are more worried by the fact that there are certain specific places where it drops well below 30fps.

Indeed. I was going to go with PS4 since Watch_Dogs really strained my PC, but all this talk of post patch jankiness is kinda alarming.

Hopefully it will be locked down soon. Ubi seemed to be pretty good about patching AC4, though AC3 is still a glitchy mess years later


I think people are more worried by the fact that there are certain specific places where it drops well below 30fps.

I think it really depends on individuals sensitivty levels.

I mean I keep hearing there were framerate issues/dips in the older AC games on 360, but I never experienced any. So unless the game runs constant 20fps, I'll be fine

Mr Git

Very pleased with the OT title. Of the dozens of doozies in the parity thread, this was definitely my favourite.
I have seen hours of play on both versions. Enough for me to draw that conclusion. Little defensive, did I strike a nerve? There's plenty of misery on the internet, I am sure you won't starve.

Both versions huh? I guess you're not talking about the pc version then since that was the one I was referring too. As far as striking a nerve. Not really. Being called names on the internet or in this case a sociopath is just any other Monday. Interesting conclusion you came too though. College psychology 101 perhaps?? I guess the yearly expectations of the ubisoft game performance isn't warranted from their numerous other games with bugs? Also as far as defensive goes I didn't start off with personal attacks now did I?


Is not the first time that a preorder bonus is more of a first shipment kind of deal. Others like Gamestop mentioned it on their site:

The code is inside. The game's labeled "limited edition" because of that.

The Spin to Win code was instantly sent to the email. I preordered the collector's edition on Amazon months ago (they later cancelled it by some mistake) and was given the code right there. Managed to get a weapon for the game.

yeah I know packing codes inside isnt anything new. But yeah ussually its called a LE bonus or something. it's like what a lot of Battlefield games do as well. But wierd, I never got a code emailed to me for spin to win. Also seems to be the case for a lot of people in the Q&A section on the Amazon product page. pretty much everyone says that they either never got a code or that they had to email Amazon to get one, but no one specifies if it is the PSN code or Spin to Win code. Anyways, Amazon support told me they dont know anything about that code and I would need to contact Ubi.
Any French history buffs want to help me out with this riddle? The answer will be a monument, somewhere in the game. I'm stuck on this third one, and can't seem to Google my way out of it.

Riddle is in spoilers.

The font of knowledge,
plaything of angels.
In the garden of life,
Man first learned sin.


Not happy watching a stream and seeing more tailing missions. Ubisoft, PLS. Also, the framerate seems rough on this stream from the XB1 version. It MIGHT be his stream, I don't know but it hasnt looked smooth so far.


Any French history buffs want to help me out with this riddle? The answer will be a monument, somewhere in the game. I'm stuck on this third one, and can't seem to Google my way out of it.

Riddle is in spoilers.

The font of knowledge,
plaything of angels.
In the garden of life,
Man first learned sin.

I don't know how the riddles work but maybe
Palais du Luxembourg ?
Welp, just bought the game for a few bucks off the Indian Origin store. Mostly to test my rig and make fun of the terrible gameplay. :/
I don't know how the riddles work but maybe
Palais du Luxembourg ?

Good call, but that was actually the answer to the riddle before this:

In the playground of the wealthy,
Assembled by the Medici clan.
The grand foyer will transport,
To the highest social ranks.


I wonder if this firmware 2.02 coming out "soon" has anything to do with the games coming out this week and next.
I can't believe the tailing missions made it in. God damnit Ubisoft.

At least now there aren't fail states for getting spotted. Apparently if you are spotted during a tail it will then turn into a chase or maybe you will get the option to kill the target and loot the body to find out where he was going.


Neo Member
Any French history buffs want to help me out with this riddle? The answer will be a monument, somewhere in the game. I'm stuck on this third one, and can't seem to Google my way out of it.

Riddle is in spoilers.

The font of knowledge,
plaything of angels.
In the garden of life,
Man first learned sin.

The fountaine de la concorde in the champ élysée? the place was used in the france revolution at the time maybe that's it? (Does it have to be a building per se?)
The only thing that is still holding my interest is the coop-mode. Otherwise it would be a definite pass ( until a sale ), but the idea of going through missions with a bunch of friends is a satisfying one. If that mode pans out well, I'll take the plunge.
Both versions huh? I guess you're not talking about the pc version then since that was the one I was referring too. As far as striking a nerve. Not really. Being called names on the internet or in this case a sociopath is just any other Monday. Interesting conclusion you came too though. College psychology 101 perhaps?? I guess the yearly expectations of the ubisoft game performance isn't warranted from their numerous other games with bugs?

Oh I am not questioning the potential for bugs, it's the glee in seeing other users frustrations over them that I find suspect. Not psych 101, just an observation. I think with releases like this you find individuals who have no intention of buying the game/have no interest in it just come to fan the flames and watch people's expectations get the better of them. I don't think that represents a base for a healthy discussion on how things can be improved. With regard to PC ports UBI has proven completely inconsistent (Blacklist was excellent, AC 3 was a bad port AND had major issues on the design side) Reveling in the anger is tasteless, even if people bring it upon themselves. Maybe they are "part of the problem" but I'd rather seek a solution than continually point that out. Or at least direct the vitriol toward those that push this crap onto the dev teams to rush out to market.
Oh I am not questioning the potential for bugs, it's the glee in seeing other users frustrations over them that I find suspect. Not psych 101, just an observation. I think with releases like this you find individuals who have no intention of buying the game/have no interest in it just come to fan the flames and watch people's expectations get the better of them. I don't think that represents a base for a healthy discussion on how things can be improved. With regard to PC ports UBI has proven completely inconsistent (Blacklist was excellent, AC 3 was a bad port AND had major issues on the design side) Reveling in the anger is tasteless, even if people bring it upon themselves. Maybe they are "part of the problem" but I'd rather seek a solution than continually point that out. Or at least direct the vitriol toward those that push this crap onto the dev teams to rush out to market.

Upset customers equal less copies bought. Unfortunately Ubisoft doesn't tend to listen when it comes to outcry most of the time. They just look at the numbers. As far as no interest in the game I have no interest in Unity. Thats true but I have an interest in the market as a whole because Ubisoft is one of the biggest publishers around so when they get constant passes on mistakes and the arrogance they've shown it tends to effect me as a gamer in the greater scheme of things. Its easy to say "bring it up with a company" but when a company is so far removed from the community and does things their own way then how do you get them to listen? Aside from that Unity has looked like a rush job to me from the start. A next gen AC game to capitalize on next gen owners. So no I don't revel in the anger. However its nice to see that people speak up at times and call these companies out on their bs. As far as the community goes lets be honest, most of the gaming general audience are simply okay with that behavior. Time and time again you'll see outrage or some scandal directed towards EA/ubi/sony/ms yet they'll but whatever hyped up game they release. Destinys a good example. Most of the people that were "burned" by Destiny will most likely buy Destiny 2 based on pr promises.
Any French history buffs want to help me out with this riddle? The answer will be a monument, somewhere in the game. I'm stuck on this third one, and can't seem to Google my way out of it.

Riddle is in spoilers.

The font of knowledge,
plaything of angels.
In the garden of life,
Man first learned sin.
Whuh, there are landmark-based riddles? It's something I've been wishing for since the first game.
Pretty pumped for this game, to be honest.

Been deep into Path of Exile as usual, but since it's end of league with some time until the others, I get to enjoy some quality AC Unity and Dragon Age.


anyone delve into the app yet? I think there are missions u can unlock from it, i am wondering how far in they are

No unlockable missions I've seen but gear and Altair's outfit are tied to it. Can't link my u play account so no progress can be made.
No unlockable missions I've seen but gear and Altair's outfit are tied to it. Can't link my u play account so no progress can be made.

I was able to log in to my uplay account through it, but I dont have Unity yet so there isnt much I can do I dont think. I also dont think its fully functioning yet. There seems to be an assassin for the nomad game u can unlock through uplay, when I click redeem, it doesnt do anything. It just takes me to the homepage of Uplay

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Not any moreso than the other versions. They are all almost identical right now some some FPS differences at different times impacting all versions.
Well, it seems to have worse framerate, so that'd be moreso, considering that it's not solid 30 on PS4 to begin with.


The game is amazing!.. I am really loving it. The game has fr and pop in issues but the patch definitely helps (played pre-patch and post-patch), its not perfectly smooth after the patch but its not as bad as it was without it.

Overall the game feels just amazing. I am really loving the harder combat, parkour, mission design and story telling. The game looks really really good in person, the lighting, interiors, large crowds and different things happening around you all the times makes the city feel alive unlike previous games.


Seeing a lot of reports the keys GreenmanGaming are sending out unlock the game now if you bought it from them. No luck if you got it directly from Uplay though.
This game is seriously impressive!

My last impressions were from ~2 hours of play, I now have about 4-5 hours and my enjoyment has only went up. There are tons of little touches that really make this game feel alive. Everything is so dense, the textures and detail in the world is pretty remarkable. People calling this a last gen game are selling it tremendously short.

I agree that it feels like AC2/Brotherhood. Traversing the world is actually fun because of the improved animations. Side missions are hard and they don't really hold your hand that much surprisingly like the Nostradamus puzzle missions and murder mysteries. Its such a time sink, I've barely done anything and the hours fly by.

Performance is weird because it will be running great but then you get these drops that do hurt the overall presentation but you can tell its poor optimization in spots, like if they had another 4 months it would be nailed down smooth. But the visuals when the sun is out and shining are a treat. This gen is going to be great.

Screenshots incoming:



Love the dense amount of detail^




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