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Batman: Arkham Origins |OT| Justice from the head of Prototype And Hulk: UD


So why the hell did they swap the shoulder buttons in the PS3 version? Here I am in combat, there's a guy on the other side of the room and I can't reach him so I'll just whip out a batarang. "Environment analysis, no subject detected." Combo reset. Fuck.
Did you go into the options? There's a toggle in AA to do it the way you described, and I imagine similar may've happened here unless the devs just sucked and failed to accomodate for the fact next to no one likes to use L2/R2 on PS3.

... Might be an excuse to get a DS4 now though if they're compatible with Arkham Origins.

Dr Dogg


I cannot beat Deathstroke :(

I found it easier to focus on the prompt telling you to press Y/Triangle to counter in the bottom centre of the screen than on flashes above Deathstroke's head. Press it to early or to late and you'll get walloped.
For the pole it's 2 counters, the Katana it's 3, the barrel obviously 1 and the 4th phase was a mixture of 2 and 3
. That and being super aggressive did the trick for me.

It's all about counters though, get it wrong and you're gonna have a bad time.
I like the game so far, but it hasn't blown me away like Arkham City did. I hate how they swapped the shoulder buttons too. But that's really a minor complaint. I loved the Deathstroke fight though. It really wasn't that hard though; I beat it on my second try. =
Oh man. Small side mission spoiler for
Mad Hatter

After you take the Hatter down and save Alice, Batman calls in the police.

Batman: "The police are on their way. Everything is going to be alright."

Alice: "No... it's not."

That's some dark stuff
Gah the bugs in this game! The first I encountered was near the beginning, when pulling the raft. Every fucking time the space bar would just keep telling me to pull. Even though the first try it goes away once I get closer to the second point etc. Only when mashing all the keys on my keyboard did I finally find out that I could cancel it via lcntrl. Otherwise I would have just been stuck in a loop.

And now I have another bug, where I'm trapped in a comms tower in Burnley, under the control of Enigma, and every time I try grappling to the vent area (that just had the vent yanked off by me), Batmans hands go through the ledge and he doesn't climb up.

Deathstroke separates the button spammer and the players who actually understand the combat system. Seriously...if you are having trouble with it, just wait for the counter icon to appear, counter and then attack. I mean the game will actually slowdown so you have time to hit it.

Just unlocked the Burnley tower, no glitch. I'm have the Wii U version...best version confirmed? lol

I seriously think it might be something related to the DX11 geometry. Going to test it with the geometry on normal. Unless people are also getting the glitch on xbox and ps3. Then I am back to waiting for a patch. lol.


Was I actually supposed to fight the Electrocutioner? Because I took him out in 1 or 2 moves. I have no idea what I did but I did the cape thing then attacked and he was down. Is this a glitch?


Deathstroke separates the button spammer and the players who actually understand the combat system. Seriously...if you are having trouble with it, just wait for the counter icon to appear, counter and then attack. I mean the game will actually slowdown so you have time to hit it.
Deathstroke was really easy. I just only hated having to watch the grab and roll animation

Was I actually supposed to fight the Electrocutioner? Because I took him out in 1 or 2 moves. I have no idea what I did but I did the cape thing then attacked and he was down. Is this a glitch?


Those PhysX do add something extra when fighting in the snow or when pieces of papers are flying around smoke etc. Visual a upgrade from AC also love the atmosphere. And now a new owner of a GTX 780.
Deathstroke was really easy. I just only hated having to watch the grab and roll animation

Yeah that seems to be toggled when you are fighting him closer to a wall. The fight is alright but it repeats a lot like you were saying. I wish there were more steps to it. I don't get comments that say its one of the best fights in the franchise. The Ra's al Ghul fight was very similar and a lot better in AC in my opinion.


Since everyone asks about the Electrocutioner fight, I think we should just blow it up to the point where people think it is the next tier from Mr. Freeze in AC and if they glitched it and missed it, it's their fault.


Got the Wii U version as a gift, because my Wife didn't know I got the PC version alongside my GTX 760. At least I get to compare.

Wii U version looks like the PC version at 720p on normal settings. The shadows are much lower quality than the PC version, but really nothing worth getting upset about. The framerate on the Wii U seems to stay at 30, even when action sequences get pretty heavy. It slowed down a bit when I had more than 10 enemies on screen, but honestly the PC version takes the same hit in the same situation.

PC version performs better, but then again the graphics hardware cost more than the Wii U console. If I was a console gamer and I had gotten the Wii U version and missed out on the PC version, I can't say that I'd really be upset about it. It's a competent port and it looks great. Off TV play is a godsend for me, since I have a 3 year old and a wife who love their TV time, so the Wii U version will get the most play for me.

To clarify, my PC is a Media Center that has an InfiniTV card, and it is my cable box, so that's why Off TV is important to me.


When I finished Asylum, I knew I'd want to play it again.
When I finished City I couldn't wait to start over on Hard.
When I finished Origins I thought: "Phew, it's over."

I share this opinion. The game felt like a chore to finish. It had some cool moments but not enough. It did make me start a new Arkham City game, though, so at least there's that.


just beat the game and i gotta say it was very very good. the pacing felt a bit off and the ending came unexpectedly, but overall i thought it was just as good as the Arkham games.

however, how do i encounter the
other assassins such as Deadshot and Shiva
? do i have to complete a certain amount of sidequests or something similar?


Small glitch after the Deathstroke fight. I got stuck in the room you fight him in. Door to actually leave the area would make the sound as though I opened them, but they would NOT open. Restarted the checkpoint and the worked. Small issue, but just a head's up.

Also, I'm playing on the PC.


Over ten hours in and the game has now notified me that my save is corrupt.

What a shame that such an obviously great game has been rushed out in such buggy state. Not starting over and risking it happening again. Hopefully they patch this shit quickly.
Got the Wii U version as a gift, because my Wife didn't know I got the PC version alongside my GTX 760. At least I get to compare.

Wii U version looks like the PC version at 720p on normal settings. The shadows are much lower quality than the PC version, but really nothing worth getting upset about. The framerate on the Wii U seems to stay at 30, even when action sequences get pretty heavy. It slowed down a bit when I had more than 10 enemies on screen, but honestly the PC version takes the same hit in the same situation.

PC version performs better, but then again the graphics hardware cost more than the Wii U console. If I was a console gamer and I had gotten the Wii U version and missed out on the PC version, I can't say that I'd really be upset about it. It's a competent port and it looks great. Off TV play is a godsend for me, since I have a 3 year old and a wife who love their TV time, so the Wii U version will get the most play for me.

To clarify, my PC is a Media Center that has an InfiniTV card, and it is my cable box, so that's why Off TV is important to me.

Dear Mr. Schnozberry,

Expect your check in the mail shortly.


Nintendo America

lol. just kidding.
Oh my god, I just got manhandled...

Bane is crazy, I love this fight. Still a little sad shiva is just a side mission, arguably, besides deathstroke, she's the most dangerous assassin. DS probably should have been last.


Well I ordered this earlier today and now all I'm reading are glitches/bugs one after the other hear and on other forums. Scared me too much to even bother so I just cancelled it. If its cheaper on black friday and fixed, ps3, then I'll grab it.
I'm loving the game so far but damn, it could have spent a few more months in the oven. World traversal is full of jank and combat sometimes lacks precision, a real step back compared to AC.

Rather than spending time on a shitty MP, they should have polished the SP game. Nevermind they're putting out paid DLC when the least they could do is iron all that out.


Alright I'm pissed. Was towards the end of the game and after getting all that shit unlocked my save gets corrupt. God damn it.


Okay, I'm stuck and need your help.

I'm down in the sewers and have reached a part were I need to raise the water level but the stuff aint working. There is a button to press but nothing happens.

Then I saw something with DV in another room, I used my Remote Batarang and hit it, nothing.

What Am I suppose to do? Oh, and there is a wall on the other side of the water that I can blow up but I can't reach it.


I'm loving the game so far but damn, it could have spent a few more months in the oven. World traversal is full of jank and combat sometimes lacks precision, a real step back compared to AC.

Rather than spending time on a shitty MP, they should have polished the SP game. Nevermind they're putting out paid DLC when the least they could do is iron all that out.

Yeah the game is definitely at its worst for me when traveling the boring ass world. I think with the world how it is, I would have preferred to have the game be more linear.


Alright I'm pissed. Was towards the end of the game and after getting all that shit unlocked my save gets corrupt. God damn it.

Just happened to me playing on 360. Had most of the challenges done and was looking forward to new game+. Seems like its a pretty common problem.


Those corruption stories are scaring me from really progressing with the game until some patches hit. Damn, same situation as Arkham City without the excuse of GFWL.

EDIT: Actually: Platforms where this is happening? I expect it'd be an issue on PC or all regardless, but it'd be good to know.


So uh, I can't perform the double and triple batarang attack even though I bought the upgrades. How did this game pass QA again?


Those corruption stories are scaring me from really progressing with the game until some patches hit. Damn, same situation as Arkham City without the excuse of GFWL.

EDIT: Actually: Platforms where this is happening? I expect it'd be an issue on PC or all regardless, but it'd be good to know.

360 for me.


Nope. Just restarted my computer and still the cutscene was fucked up. My save is right a soon as you get into the bank. I refuse to go any fucking further until I can get this bullshit sorted out. I want to enjoy the story and the cutscenes, not have them be my biggest headache. Damn it this just pisses me off so much. It doesn't make sense. I can't think of any reason for this to be happening.
Silly question but how do you do a Grapnel Accelerator Takedown? Enemies never seem to be close enough to the edge of a building for me to pull it off.


Gold Member
Okay time for some positives after my barrage of negative posts in this thread: Diamond district design is ACES. It's the only area that really shines in both atmosphere and layout. It really has that christmas ambiance, well-thought out layering of buildings, the streets look detailed and buildings are properly lit in typical Gotham neon lights and blue/pink building lights.

Another thing I noticed is how Batman growls during fights, which might be a minor detail but really adds to his appearance as this raging monster beating up 15 guys. I love that. I also noticed a lot of context-sensitive stuff I don't recall from Arkham City, like throwing people against walls, smashing their heads on railings and stuff like that.

White Man

This game is buggy shit. It stopped putting mission waypoints on my map. It won't even let me put normal waypoints on the map. I've quit and reloaded and quit and reloaded. I hope there's a quick patch, otherwise the game is garbage.
I simply can't beat Deathstroke.
I read all about the timing of counters, seen the YT vids (especially this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEgLEBsi7uo) but in my case I just don't get any prompts other than the ones above his head. It's like the guy from this YT vid plays a different game than I. :(
If I attack him head on (pressing X), 99% of the time I get an unblockable counter. WTF!?
I feel stupid. :/
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