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Best game to show a first date?

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First time my now-wife came to see my dorm room in 2006, she saw stacks of comic books. 0__o

I think that's much nerdier than video games. She was even willing to read some comics when I was still into them a few years back. Sometimes you just gotta let your freak flag fly. We'd already been spending a lot of time talking to each other, though, and had met once before.

Sounds like you have a great wife mate. :)
First thing you gotta do when you get her back to your place is to openly criticize her for her taste in 'games'. Grab her iphone and literally smash it with a hammer right in front of her.

Then you sit her down and make her watch you play the Xenosaga trilogy, or at least show her all the cutscenes.

She'll be uber impressed. Panties will go flying.


If your mutual plans thus far are 'have some drinks, then go back to your place', it's almost certainly to get down and funky if ya know'ma'sayin.
I was going to recommend something else for a first date, like going to a zoo or maybe some fun activity, like bowling, and avoiding taking her to your place at all.. but if it's bar, then your place, I'm pretty sure she just wants to get straight to sex. I mean she hasn't even met you yet and she's talking about going to your place. She may just want to get laid and the bar meet up will be a brief screening process.

In other words, all you have to do is show up and not screw it up. Don't show her video games.
First time my now-wife came to see my dorm room in 2006, she saw stacks of comic books. 0__o

I think that's much nerdier than video games. She was even willing to read some comics when I was still into them a few years back. Sometimes you just gotta let your freak flag fly. We'd already been spending a lot of time talking to each other, though, and had met once before.

I imagine you didn't go

"Future Ms. Maxcriden, you mentioned in passing you read a comic book once, SO LET ME TAKE YOU ON A MAGICAL TOUR OF HOW FAR COMIC BOOKS HAVE COME!"

There's letting your freak flag fly and hoisting it up on other people's boats.
You know OP I was going to call you an idiot until I remembered I've done this and it worked.

Of course, in my situation she said she played Tekken all the time back in the day, and she was about to take a 3 hour train ride to come meet me where I lived in the middle of nowhere after I had specifically told her that there was nothing to do where I lived except stay in and watch a DVD or play PS2.


If you have Dance Central, that would be an acceptable game to play with her on a first date. You might look goofy or might look like Usher Raymond, but either way it would be a good time.


One of the coop Kirby games.

good bet. would have been my answer.

A cutesy platformer, assuming you're both on your way out somewhere. Or maybe a scary game or something more involved if you're bringing her back to your place.

Kirby for the 30 minutes before you head out to dinner and a show. Journey for when you've brought her back for wine or coffee or whatever. Then eventually slip in a DVD and cuddle on the couch. Then kiss. I said kiss. Now touch. Good. I will watch.


While I have her there, it´s probably the perfect opportunity to show her how far gaming has come since Super Mario World.

I dont know man, she sounds like a filthy casual. As a test put her in front of a copy of Gunstar Heroes and tell her she aint getting no Big D until she beats that mofo on hard, solo.
The gamer might be dead if it can't reproduce for shit.

I imagine you didn't go

"Future Ms. Maxcriden, you mentioned in passing you read a comic book once, SO LET ME TAKE YOU ON A MAGICAL TOUR OF HOW FAR COMIC BOOKS HAVE COME!"

There's letting your freak flag fly and hoisting it up on other people's boats.

"- let's make ourselves comfortable...


Just sounds like a normal person, I wouldn't go out of your way to go all gamey on her.
You'd be better off playing an iPhone game with her.
Also, general life advice

If you're going in to a first date thinking "How can I mold this person in to my ideal?" (which is absolutely the subtext here), you should totally rethink your motivations for going on this date.


Dude... I don't know what to say.... Honestly, just read your post again and see if you can pick up the hints yourself.

She doesn't want to look at your games or any games for that fact and the puppy is just an excuse to go to your place.

But if you must, get a dating sim. Nothing beats simulating you're on a date while on a date.
I'm inclined to agree with everyone else, trying impose an agenda on the night will only end in a really awkward mess, just see what happens and don't try to over think.


I misread puppy as guppy and was very curious as to why she was so interested.

She ain't "kind of a gamer" just because she plays Candy Crush and WWF. The fact that you know what games she plays makes me think you've already asked her if she plays any video games. Don't show her any videogames when she comes over.
OP you have a fucking date.

For those of us here who are too socially inept to get to this stage, please don't fuck it up by doing the one thing even those of us would understand NOT to do.

How about you just get to know her before you try to do any type of shit like this? I mean, it's a first date.
I've been using OKCupid a bit lately, and I just got a date with a really cute girl lined up. We've sent several messages back and forth and chatted over the phone once. She plays Candy Crush Saga and Words with Friends on her iPhone, and she said she liked Super Mario World back in the day, so it looks like she´s kind of a gamer.

So on Friday we´re going to a bar in the neighborhood. She said she wants to see the puppy I have in one of my profile pics (I got a puppy like two months ago), so we´re going to come back to my apartment after the bar.

While I have her there, it´s probably the perfect opportunity to show her how far gaming has come since Super Mario World. What would be a good game for this? Originally I thought The Last of Us, but she doesn´t like zombies (she told me she gets scared by The Walking Dead), so that one is probably out, even though it´s probably the highest achievement we´ve seen in the art. So what else might work?

Christ on a fucking bike. Don't you dare show her a bloody game. Show her the puppy (not a euphemism) and then just have some drinks and chat and see what happens. Candy Crush and remembering SMW doesn't make her a gamer. You tell her you want to play Playstation on a date, and really you're shutting a socially acceptable door right in your own face.


I don't think she sounds like "kind of a gamer." I'd stay away from showing her any games entirely. But if you must, play on the nostalgia factor and show her the new super mario game.
Lol this. Playing candy crush and "super mario bsck in the day" doesnt really make her a gamer at all.

Show her the dog and leave it at that.
Honestly, even if she is a dedicated gamer, I am not sure she is going on a date so you can educate her with your vast knowledge of video games. She has Google. If she wants you to do that, trust me, you'll know.


I've been using OKCupid a bit lately, and I just got a date with a really cute girl lined up. We've sent several messages back and forth and chatted over the phone once. She plays Candy Crush Saga and Words with Friends on her iPhone, and she said she liked Super Mario World back in the day, so it looks like she´s kind of a gamer.

So on Friday we´re going to a bar in the neighborhood. She said she wants to see the puppy I have in one of my profile pics (I got a puppy like two months ago), so we´re going to come back to my apartment after the bar.

While I have her there, it´s probably the perfect opportunity to show her how far gaming has come since Super Mario World. What would be a good game for this? Originally I thought The Last of Us, but she doesn´t like zombies (she told me she gets scared by The Walking Dead), so that one is probably out, even though it´s probably the highest achievement we´ve seen in the art. So what else might work?

Dude, no. Don't do it. You will regret it.


I love it when people mention my avatar. That means you know I'm not trolling. If I was, I'd be doing the same thing everyone else is doing in this thread.

I personally wouldn't be. I think it would be cute. It isn't like she's forcing me in to buying new shoes with her every weekend, right?

But sure, fair enough.

I dont' care anything about shoes at all but this scenario provides a good litmus test of sorts, actually. I'm old enough and know enough about love to know that if it's the RIGHT person and they start talking about shoes, suddenly I become fascinated with knowing all about them and their obsession with shoes, even if I've never cared about shoes my entire life.

That's not to say I'd encourage anyone to forget to be mindful of the other person's interests or going on long tangents that interest nobody but themselves, but unguarded enthusiasm, discussion of people's likes and dislikes without worried about being guarded, playing games, or obsessing over concerns about what the other person will think about it. That's what leads to the real hot shit.

First time my now-wife came to see my dorm room in 2006, she saw stacks of comic books. 0__o

I think that's much nerdier than video games. She was even willing to read some comics when I was still into them a few years back. Sometimes you just gotta let your freak flag fly. We'd already been spending a lot of time talking to each other, though, and had met once before.

Exactly. As long as you maintain self awareness, it's always better just to be yourself. I honestly don't even undestand people that want to approach dating as some kind of strategy game. Maybe I'm just more of a romantic than I thought but that shit sounds tedious, fake, and not sexy at all. I've always had pretty good luck being myself.


Yeah please don't show her any games on your first date. You don't want her bored/ uncomfortable. Just play with the puppy man!
Christ on a fucking bike. Don't you dare show her a bloody game. Show her the puppy (not a euphemism) and then just have some drinks and chat and see what happens. Candy Crush and remembering SMW doesn't make her a gamer. You tell her you want to play Playstation on a date, and really you're shutting a socially acceptable door right in your own face.

Pretty much this. Maybe if you two connect after a good while, play a game both you and her on a weekend night or something. Now playing a game on your first date? Trust me, bad idea lol. Talk, laugh have fun with it, leave the games for later


Dude, she wants to go inside his home. OBVIOUSLY she wants to have sex with him.

nbthedude, that hurts. I thought you knew me better than that.
I was one million percent joking, in agreement with you.

I don't know what would make you think anybody would think you're joking with your first post. I thought you were serious. It would have been a better post if it wasn't a joke. Because it's pretty clear that a girl he met on a dating site and wants to go to his apartment after the bar most likely isn't going wanting to see a puppy.


Also, I think she really might want to see your puppy, despite what others here have implied. Assuming she really just wants to have sex with you based the fact that she's willing to come back to your apartment is far worse and far more dangerous than assuming she likes video games. Be respectful and show a genuine interest in her life and I hope she does the same to you.

Yep. Best response so far if OP is genuine and isn't actually conducting some sort of social experiment with GAF.


Show her whatever, I don't think it matters. I'll bet she gets what she wants regardless of how clueless you might or might not be. She's motivated.
Yeah no game on first date. However you should definitely show you passion for games. Let them know that it is a big hobby of yours so she knows what she is getting into.

You don't want to impress her too much that if you end up getting together, and it's only then she realises how much you play games. I'm saying this if you play games a lot of course. If you don't then it's cool.

I've made that mistake of trying not to show my gaming side to chicks I've dated/been with. Like just play games when they aren't around. But if they aren't really into that sort of thing it can be annoying for them to find out how much time you do end up playing games when they move in for example!

I now make it very clear on like my first date how much I play games and how much a part of it is in my life from the get go. Much better that way in my opinion.


Had a date with a girl earlier this week. We played EDF2017, she loved it (ie she has good taste in games).
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