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Bethesda has an embargo on announcing the FO4 review embargo, are you kidding me

Oh, another thread about review embargoes? Cool. BLOPS 3 is gonna suck, reviews can't drop until midnight EST!

While I can kind of understand there being some anger towards release day embargoes, why are people actually upset about coverage news being embargoed? Sure, maybe it's weird, but it's also a date that is days prior to release. It has much less to do with any quality worries on the publishers part, and much more to do with a lot of news hitting at once and providing a level of awareness for the game.

The constant reminder that there is practically no wall separating paid PR employees and a nominally independent editorial agency covering the business ferments nothing but distrust and resentment in both parties.
I don't understand why anyone would be angry at this. It's an odd thing for a PR person to insist on, but not something that matters for the consumer in any way.


Oh, another thread about review embargoes? Cool. BLOPS 3 is gonna suck, reviews can't drop until midnight EST!

While I can kind of understand there being some anger towards release day embargoes, why are people actually upset about coverage news being embargoed? Sure, maybe it's weird, but it's also a date that is days prior to release. It has much less to do with any quality worries on the publishers part, and much more to do with a lot of news hitting at once and providing a level of awareness for the game.

I feel like some people are just looking for any little reason to be mad at Bethesda. I can't think of any other reason why it would be worth it to make a mountain out of a molehill like this.


Don't see a problem with this, if u need reviews to justify your purchase just wait


Shocking to think that video games is a business.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
So the game is gonna be as good as it looks....





Who cares. Everyone is just looking to get worked up to have something to complain about for a big game. The bigger the fan base for a game the smaller the "issue" has to be before people blow it up into something it is not.

Or maybe a game with such a large fanbase is bound to have a proportionate amount of fans who see through the bullshit?
This Embargoception sucks but I don't see anyone publishing a bad review anyway.
Fallout 4 even let you play with a female character, which guarantees at least an 8.5 on Polygon.

What does the decision to define gender/pronoun have to do with anything? Almost feels like a KiA style complaint


I think the bigger story here is where Jason is going to work now that he's broken the embargo embargo and Totilo will have no choice but to publicly fire him to regain the trust of Bethesda.


It makes sense, too. Imagine an embargo that's 1 week before the launch. All the critics come out and say "OMG this game was amazing.... Too bad you have to wait a week before you can play."

Basically, CDPR done this with Witcher 3 (review embargo before release), plus fuckin youtubers shit.
This is not a new practice. You guys do realize that other publishers buy ads on the back of other AAA reviews, right?? And that websites drum up interest and money from those publishers by hyping up for their own review coverage??

Bethesda is simply trying to minimize the amount of chaff from competing publishers and controlling the one thing they have left in their hype arsenal: reviews.

Please stop acting like this is some big conspiracy.


I edited it. Perhaps there are a few technical problems that are resolved with the patch and they're scared the technical problems may bring the score down?

I think it's just their marketing message. They've done it since at least Fallout 3 with a review embargo the day before release. Not sure on Oblivion.


I think I would reply "ew no" and decline a review copy of the game. It's not like day 1 reviews are going to be that useful, anyway.

True Fire

Is this common in other industries? I know embargoes are a thing in the movie industry (RIP Fant4stic), but embargoes of embargoes?

It's kind of bizarre to me how muzzled video game reviewers are. Is it because metacritic scores are potentially devastating to sales? I know moviegoers really don't care about Rotten Tomatoes scores, and many of the movies that made a billion+ dollars are "Rotten."


This is not a new practice. You guys do realize that other publishers buy ads on the back of other AAA reviews, right?? And that websites drum up interest and money from those publishers by hyping up for their own review coverage??

Bethesda is simply trying to minimize the amount of chaff from competing publishers and controlling the one thing they have left in their hype arsenal: reviews.

Please stop acting like this is some big conspiracy.

Makes post about insider advertising deals between publishers and reviewers with zero proof.

Complains that people are acting like it's a conspiracy.
Makes post about insider deals between publishers and reviewers with zero proof.

Complains that people are acting like it's a conspiracy.

Is this a joke post?? Insider deals? Wow...

It's called business. Spoiler alert: websites make money from ads. Publishers want their ads to be seen by lots of people! Lots of people visit websites when big AAA reviews go live!


The constant reminder that there is practically no wall separating paid PR employees and a nominally independent editorial agency covering the business ferments nothing but distrust and resentment in both parties.
Embargos happen in pretty much every field of journalism. From games to sports to politics.
If the people don't want this type of thing to continue, what can be done to prevent this from happening in the future? Not accepting games early for review?


I can't get my brain around this. Surely as long as reviews go up after the embargo then it's all good .......right?

I don't see what Bethesda are achieving by dictating when reviewers can tell us when the reviews are up. We know based on the embargo that they are no earlier than Monday 9th November. So how does this tactic benefit Bethesda?

I'm really looking forward to Fallout 4 but I hate this kind of corporate wankery.
Is this a joke post?? Insider deals? Wow...

It's called business. Spoiler alert: websites make money from ads. Publishers want their ads to be seen by lots of people! Lots of people visit websites when big AAA reviews go live!

Would you say that all of these disparate entities work together to make this happen? Perhaps even...conspiring?


Well they figured people were looking at the embargo date to try and figure out if everything was kosher so they just went ahead and embargoed that. Seriously cannot think of a more shady yet legal industry than this sh*t right here.


Is this a joke post?? Insider deals? Wow...

It's called business. Spoiler alert: websites make money from ads. Publishers want their ads to be seen by lots of people! Lots of people visit websites when big AAA reviews go live!

Ohhhh, I aplogize. The wording of the original post had me seriously confused when I first read it. It sounded like there was sinister dealing between the two and upon review I don't even understand why I thought that. My apologies

So basically, you're saying that Bethesda wants to know exactly when the reviews go up on each site so they can put their big ads up at the same time for the highest number of views. If that's the case then I still find that pretty slimy :/
Would you say that all of these disparate entities work together to make this happen? Perhaps even...conspiring?

Please stop holding the industry to some ridiculous national security level standard. Despite what die-hard fans want to believe, it's not that complicated or mischievous. Bethesda wants to limit the flow of information re: the review embargo. They don't want to see huge Tomb Raider, Battlefront, Insert AAA game here, ads all over their day to shine. Would it be the end of the world? No. But they are a publisher and it's their job to minimize that shit.
Embargos happen in pretty much every field of journalism. From games to sports to politics.

It being common doesn't mean I have to be okay with it. That the extent of control extends to 'oh hey don't tell people you're on embargo until Friday, Love: The people who gift you review copies' leaves one with an uncomfortable sense that the press isn't even control over its own editorial scheduling at any level.


King of Gaslighting
This is some of the most bullshit outrage I have ever seen on NeoGAF. This is a decision that doesn't affect the consumer at all, unless the embargo for other countries puts the reviews after purchase.

This says NOTHING about Bethesda's faith in their product, and everything about their desire to control the release of information. They are allowed to advertise their game their way.

Seriously this forum is embarrassing some times.
This is some of the must bullshit outrage I have ever seen on NeoGAF. This is a decision that doesn't affect the consumer at all, unless the embargo for other countries puts the reviews after purchase.

This says NOTHING about Bethesda's faith in their product, and everything about their desire to control the release of information. They are allowed to advertise their game their way.

Seriously this forum is embarrassing some times.

The reaction in this thread really is horribly misplaced.

Geeze, do people just need to be angry at nothing sometimes?


It being common doesn't mean I have to be okay with it. That the extent of control extends to 'oh hey don't tell people you're on embargo until Friday, Love: The people who gift you review copies' leaves one with an uncomfortable sense that the press isn't even control over its own editorial scheduling at any level.
They don't have to agree to the embargo though. They get an advantage, early copy of the game for more time, by agreeing to not release the review until X date. The sites can choose not to and Bethesda can just not send them a copy. It's something that happens so much, especially in entertainment, that it has little if any effect on the review.
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