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BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode Two |OT| The Debt Is Paid

Question for those who have beaten it already - how many lockpicks will be needed? Should I be wasting money buying them from vendors or do you get tons of extras like in the main game?

I love how one of the first places you go into is
basically a porn shop and peep show.

In the middle of the game I actually bought some but in the end I had like 14 left


Question for those who have beaten it already - how many lockpicks will be needed? Should I be wasting money buying them from vendors or do you get tons of extras like in the main game?

I love how one of the first places you go into is
basically a porn shop and peep show.

you only really use lock picks in the first half of the game


Any idea at what time tomorrow us EU PS3 people will be able to play this? Hopefully the store updates sometime early in the morning, although it's unlikely


Ah gotcha. Is it worth using some to unlock turrets? I noticed it required 3 of them. Get anything good for doing that?

you can get noise makers if you get the timing down, and then you can also gain ammo from the downed turrets. i did it a couple of times. noisemakers are pretty handy, especially if you're playing nonlethal.


I completely forgot this was happening so soon until I saw the thread. I probably won't get a chance to play it until the weekend, dammit.
Question for those who have beaten it already - how many lockpicks will be needed? Should I be wasting money buying them from vendors or do you get tons of extras like in the main game?

its ok to use money at vendors, i mean I dont see anything you can spend money on anyways.

i used money to buy eve and a few lockpicks when I needed them. you dont pay for upgrades or anything
Finally I'm able to connect to Steam and currently downloading Episode 2. It's going to take a long time to finish downloading. But I'm glad I have the 360 version and downloaded Episode 2 while I went to school. I'm going to begin playing it in a short while.
I just beat it. It was the right length and quite possibly one of the best DLCs made for a game. If you have beaten Bioshock 1 and Infinite you need to play and beat this DLC. You know nothing until you do. lol


I just beat the game and I'm left severely underwhelmed by the story, without spoiling anything I'll say that to me it answered all the wrong questions while opening up or failing to answer all the important ones.

Now, I don't wanna write a long write up as to why I think the story was just all wrong but I'll just write a few of my thoughts, SPOILERS, obviously.
My main problem with the story is again this reliance on Rapture, I don't care about Rapture, I've been to Rapture, I played for hours inside Rapture, I killed Ryan and Atlas, and I escaped Rapture. I really don't need to know anything else about Rapture, so returning to Rapture again to answer questions I never really asked for is just pointless. I never cared how Big Daddies got developed, I never cared how Atlas got the pass phrase from Suchong, none of that was important to the original BioShock. Infinite offered a world of infinite possibilities, of infinite worlds, and yet once again we are dragged back to Rapture to fill in minor holes the plot that nobody really needed answers to.

But, then at the same time Burial at Sea fails to answer really any of the big questions left from Infinite, like where the fuck is Booker? Is he back in his own timeline with Elizabeth? Where is Elizabeth? Why was she hunting Comstock's? What exactly are the Lutece's doing? How any Elizabeth's are there? Is she the last one? Why does this one not have her pinky cut off? I could go on. The point is these are the questions we all cared about not piecing together the obvious plot of how Atlas managed to rise up and take down Ryan, we all know that is going to happen why do we need to know the exact details of how and why does it all have to rely so heavily on Elizabeth and Columbia's influence?


I really hope Levine is done with BioShock I want something new from him and something less like LOST and more like System Shock 2.


I just finished this... sat in silence as the credits rolled.
I really loved this. Significantly more than Part 1 (which I didn't like much at all). Tied the base game for me. I actually enjoyed the stealth element to this one.

... What a ride... And now it's over.
Yeah, I'm having a fun time and taking it fairly slow. Question, is the vigor
Old Man Winter optional to get or part of the story? I found a mod for it in a safe, but I don't have it yet, so I can't get the mod.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Thanks for playing, fools!


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Are there still issues with the Xbox version? I downloaded part 2 and when I boot up it says "You only have part 2 installed, please download part 1" yet when I go to play the add-ons it only shows Part 1, and I just finished beating it...

EDIT: Part 2 has 2 downloads? That may be the issue.
Are there still issues with the Xbox version? I downloaded part 2 and when I boot up it says "You only have part 2 installed, please download part 1" yet when I go to play the add-ons it only shows Part 1, and I just finished beating it...

did you download both parts of Episode 2?
Elizabeth feels like Batman sometimes. Swooping around the "skyhooks" aka gargoyles, swooping in on enemies from behind to stealth kill them, going into various types of vents... Love it. xD
I feel like I'm in places I shouldn't be yet. I've found
two doors that require keycodes, but I haven't stumbled upon any yet.

Or maybe the keycode doors I've found are the same one, but from both sides. Not sure what the point of that door is since I can go around to both sides through different means, lol.

Nvm, found what I needed. Door still seems kinda pointless though.
Can't seem to play the episode, it keeps telling me I need to download episode One again. I launched episode one and played the last fight and then tried to access the DLC, still nothing. Even turned my Xbox off and on.

Episode 2 consits of two parts. You have to download both to play it.

Edit: there's two parts? Ah, welp, thank you, haha. I suppose this extra download time gives me more room to finish my essay about Lobster of all things.
Can't seem to play the episode, it keeps telling me I need to download episode One again. I launched episode one and played the last fight and then tried to access the DLC, still nothing. Even turned my Xbox off and on.

Episode 2 consits of two parts. You have to download both to play it.


So are you PS3 owners still not able to download it yet? Also, I have the season pass so I'm downloading it in-game.

I downloaded it in the US 4 or 5 hours ago. Edit: Not sure about downloading it in game. If you have the season pass just go to the ps store, it will be marked as free.

MAN this is really cool. Great job to everyone at Irrational, having a lot of fun with this. :)


Neo Member
I just finished it. Loved it, felt like it gave me closure and wraps up the storyline throughout the series nicely. Great job guys.
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