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Bioshock Infinite |OT| No Gods, Kings, or Irrational Games


Return to sender is the most useful vigor in the game. I think they had to give it to you late cuz it makes you so damn powerful. Best.

Yeah, it's awesome. Using that trick the
generator health bar never dropped below 3/4 full on 1999 mode.
Makes the final encounter waaaaaaaaay easier.

Ein Bear

It's a real shame that there's no new game + in this. I've beaten it twice, but still don't feel like I've had a chance to mess around with all the different vigors and stuff properly. By the time you've got everything and upgraded some stuff, the game's practically over.
Our review finally went up. No full score, but instead individual scores and collective opinions from six different people. Quite a diversity of opinions too.

Article art was contributed by my buddy Liam Mills, who loved the game. Made it himself, here's the image, along with a cropped 1920x1080 wallpaper for anybody interested.


1920x1080 wallpaper: http://www.abload.de/img/bioshocka9lzn.png

Eatchildrennnnn, I'll read your review ASAP! I still haven't written my final thoughts down. I will when I get time!
It's a real shame that there's no new game + in this. I've beaten it twice, but still don't feel like I've had a chance to mess around with all the different vigors and stuff properly. By the time you've got everything and upgraded some stuff, the game's practically over.
Some kind of a ng+ will be in the dlc, surely. Season pass is going to be popular if so.
As someone who didn't enjoy the gameplay that much is there any real point in replaying the game on 1999 mode?

Probably not, unless your major issue was that it was way too easy. 1999 ratchets up the tension during encounters pretty considerably compared to normal mode though, which I really appreciated. I loved it the first time through though.
As someone who didn't enjoy the gameplay that much is there any real point in replaying the game on 1999 mode?

I thought I was gonna love 1999 mode. Got up to Fink's area and am now giving up. It quickly becomes SO fucking unfun because of the bullet sponge enemies, Booker being made of paper, and overall just extreme tedium
I truly understand that some folks out there live for this kind of shit, but I frankly don't have the time nor would I want to commit myself to this even if I did. It's just not fun, it's work.

I guess if I ever do replay the game, it will be on Normal only. Oh well...


Hard mode being easy was one of my issues but yeah, wasn't the only one and 1999 doesn't sound like it'll fix them at all. I guess I'll skip out on it then.

First Bioshock I've not cared about replaying ):


You really shouldn't have any trouble in 1999 mode if this is your sixth playthrough. Personally I'd focus on Bucking Bronco instead of Crows and leave Devil's Kiss alone, but to each his own.

Yeah I'm over halfway. Just reached
the police station HQ in Shantytown
and I've found it easy so far. Some battles are more challenging than others but I usually come out of them thinking... that's it?

I've focused on long distance sniping and then shotgun / handcannon for up close/midrange (finding the hand cannon to be more versatile). For Vigors, I'm just sticking with Bucking Bronco and Devil's Kiss. Both of them upgraded and the chain gear mean's it's completely brutal. Not looking forward to the
handyman battle at the end of Finkton though :/
It's not really; it's
more like pop-quantum mechanical technobabble.

it's not
technobabble. That implies there just making shit up to sound smart. All of the stuff that is mentioned in the game is based on real facts according to that xbox girl video and just taken to a fictional next level similar to how genetics science was used in Jurassic Park


I've enjoyed my 1999 campaign most of the way, it's just running out of steam now for me now,
just finished gaining access to Comstock's house.

I think pushing all salt upgrades has really kept me engaged. The first time through, I used the vigors much like I used the plasmids in the original. A way to deal damage to crowds, so a lot of Shock Jockey and Devil's Kiss along with possessing turrets of course. Now I'm trying to find ancillary uses and combinations that work well. A huge salt meter and the blood is salt gear opens up some interesting possibilities. I don't know if including more vigors would have been better, but a Dishonored-esque blink or slow time would have been interesting. An upgraded charge sort of let's you zoom around the map in a hilarious way sometimes, but it's not the same.

Not looking forward to the
handyman battle at the end of Finkton though :/

The volley gun stuns them, keep one handy.


So this is probably dumb, but I just started my 1999 Mode playthrough and was wondering if there's a good guide for it or what the best advice is?

Beyond "put all your Infusions in salts and shields" I'm not sure how best to go about it.

I am positive it's been mentioned before, so even just a link to a different post is fine.

Deku Tree

What is the story with the
mick jagger tear?
. (Or whoever that is...). Is it just an Easter egg? Or can you do something with it?


The volley gun stuns them, keep one handy.

Thanks, this helped.

I completed 1999 mode a couple of hours ago. I really didn't have much trouble with most of the battles. The
three siren battles
, the handyman fights (except for the
one in the end of Finkton
) and the last battle were quite easy. I really thought it would be much harder.

Still, I loved it and I'm 1000/1000 now :D Going to put the game back for a long while (until DLC hits). Been playing it too much.
I had a hilarious moment the other day. I rounded a corner and there was a fireman waiting for me. I used Bucking Bronco, then I realized he ws close to an edge, so I used Undertow to push him over. I was giggling so much. I think it was his falling scream that did it.


Just finished up my second time through the game for 1000/1000. Only the third time I've bothered to do that(Dark Souls, Civ Rev) so you I enjoyed the game quite a bit.

The key to 1999 mode for me was charge, it had been mentioned in this thread but I didn't try it until I got to the first siren fight, it is amazing stuff. I wish I had used it in the Finkton Handyman encounter. Fully upgraded charge, burning halo, blood to salts, overkill and brittle skin(didn't have this for the siren battle though). With maxed out shield and salts I went through everything like butter. I tanked the final Handyman encounter and could even handle the final confrontation taking down two Patriots at point blank range at the same time, so much fun.

Great game really enjoyed it. I didn't care for Bioshock 2 but this really got me back to the level of fun I had during Bioshock 1. Good stuff.


What is the story with the
mick jagger tear?
. (Or whoever that is...). Is it just an Easter egg? Or can you do something with it?

the creedence clearwater revival song 'fortunate son' pops up throughout the game as a thematic element. it deals with class differences and political strife. the tears themselves are cross references to albert fink, brother to jeremiah fink, who has been peering into the future and alternate realities through similar tears and stealing songs and musical ideas to use in columbia. i wish there was much more to this sidestory, but there is no more interaction than simply listening.


wow ive been playing this game all day today, sooo freaking goood

i just made it to
about how far am i?

i think im gonna take a break, and play again later tonight
The economy in this game is really weird. I can't tell if its random or just badly designed. In the beginning lock picks and silver eagles are appropriately scarce but about halfway through I found endless amounts of lock picks, almost never dropped below 30 and nary a single chest to unlock and I have so much money scavenging is pretty much worthless except for ammo
Just finished the game... wow... fantastic ending, very satisfying.

Overall I was really pleased with the game, and my expectations were sky high. I'm so damn happy this game turned out well!


Eavesdropper achievement get!

I just got it yesterday as well. The first time I finished I had about 9 missing, which I found really confusing considering how much time I spent poking around. Well, it just so happened that about 6 of those were in two spots I hadn't visited. The bookstore in Emporia and around the Graveyard Shift in Shantytown on the way back. Apparently, I also only have 1 telescope/kinetescope left, but I'm not going to go digging through the game to find it.
Thanks, this helped.

I completed 1999 mode a couple of hours ago. I really didn't have much trouble with most of the battles. The
three siren battles
, the handyman fights (except for the
one in the end of Finkton
) and the last battle were quite easy. I really thought it would be much harder.

Still, I loved it and I'm 1000/1000 now :D Going to put the game back for a long while (until DLC hits). Been playing it too much.
Another poster pointed out but crows are also really effective against handymen. I'm not entirely sure why they are as the crows are usually pretty ineffective against all other special enemies but I spammed crows and shotgun and he was dead without too much of an actual fight.

Ein Bear

I decided to re-play BioShock 1.

Good lord, non-customisable controls are the devil. Pretty much every button on the PS3 pad does something different in Bio 1 than it did in Infinite. Even firing your gun has changed.
I had a hilarious moment the other day. I rounded a corner and there was a fireman waiting for me. I used Bucking Bronco, then I realized he ws close to an edge, so I used Undertow to push him over. I was giggling so much. I think it was his falling scream that did it.

This is actually a super useful vigor combo that I used all the time on 1999. Hilarious indeed, but also crazy awesome.


I rented this off RedBox and um...
I have no idea what's happening, I think i'll just play Tomb Raider now :V

You're missing out big time.

I didn't finish it because I had to reformat my PC and lost a part of my save, my brother played up to where I was and I continued it, finished it the same day.

The story is just insane, I have no words how to explain how good it is. The best story in a game I've played for a VERY long time.

Deku Tree

the creedence clearwater revival song 'fortunate son' pops up throughout the game as a thematic element. it deals with class differences and political strife. the tears themselves are cross references to albert fink, brother to jeremiah fink, who has been peering into the future and alternate realities through similar tears and stealing songs and musical ideas to use in columbia. i wish there was much more to this sidestory, but there is no more interaction than simply listening.

Yes i agree.
I wish there was more of it.
. Thanks!!!
I finally finished Infinite, and I guess I'm an outlier because I felt this was the weakest in the series, with Bioshock 2 being the best (particularly the story). Infinite has the other two beat in graphics and combat design, but overall I have no desire to play Infinite again. I feel like that other thread awhile back was on the money with the point that being a shooter really limits these particular games.


You really shouldn't have any trouble in 1999 mode if this is your sixth playthrough. Personally I'd focus on Bucking Bronco instead of Crows and leave Devil's Kiss alone, but to each his own.

There's a reason why the later parts of the game have encounters where you have little to no cover. That reason is Return to Sender. It makes you impervious to all damage. Use it.

You're saying that as if we have access to infinite amounts of salts ;)


I thought I was gonna love 1999 mode. Got up to Fink's area and am now giving up. It quickly becomes SO fucking unfun because of the bullet sponge enemies, Booker being made of paper, and overall just extreme tedium
I truly understand that some folks out there live for this kind of shit, but I frankly don't have the time nor would I want to commit myself to this even if I did. It's just not fun, it's work.

Interesting...I found it a bit too easy.

It's a real shame that there's no new game + in this.

Indeed. Perhaps in a DLC?


waaaait wait. just got the all infusion upgrades trophy on my second play through... the in game infusion menu includes the dlc infusions?

boooooooo. :/ i thought i had missed a bunch of secret rooms.
poor form. still, glad i got them all.


im 2 hours in but i gotta say, i like what im seeing here. but seriously where the hell is manual saves? this is really.irritating


Junior Member
So how is this shit really? I still haven't made the decision to buy the game yet. I need an opinion from someone like Derrick01 or DocSeuss or somebody.

I keep hearing that it's actually MORE linear than Bioshock 1 and 2 but that it still handles world-building really well. How does it do that compared to all the previous Shock games? Or are people just praising it as a good first person shooter? I've seen like, none of the previews or footage of this game at all, and there aren't many sites whose reviews I trust anymore.

get used to it. all you get are autosaves.

Damn. That sounds even more in the direction I don't like for this IP.
So how is this shit really? I still haven't made the decision to buy the game yet. I need an opinion from someone like Derrick01 or DocSeuss or somebody.

I keep hearing that it's actually MORE linear than Bioshock 1 and 2 but that it still handles world-building really well. How does it do that compared to all the previous Shock games? Or are people just praising it as a good first person shooter? I've seen like, none of the previews or footage of this game at all, and there aren't many sites whose reviews I trust anymore.

Damn. That sounds even more in the direction I don't like for this IP.

- It is more streamlined than the original Bioshock/Bio 2, but for more money it actually executes what is there better (it's not trying to be an RPG, basically)
- Shooting feels better in this game compared to Bio/System Shock
- Sky-rails are hella fun, and so is messing around with your powers
- Combat is mostly enjoyable, but can get a bit samey by the end (not much enemy variety)
- There's an unfortunate lack of gun variety
- There's plenty of exploration to be done (hub type areas) but you are driven by wanting to know more about the world itself, and not so much going on a collectathon
- Overall progression is more linear (no returning to areas) but it doesn't feel rushed like most scripted FPS games
- Voice acting, music, art design, world design... absolutely some of the best around!
- It has more of the big moments like Bioshock, and they are more evenly spread throughout the game
- It feels much more alive because of the NPCs and constant voice acting
- Setting isn't really utilized as well as Rapture, and it doesn't have any characters as compelling as Andrew Ryan
- I think the story is more compelling than the orginal Bioshock
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