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Breakup Season is upon us

Well now, this thread certainly came at a convenient time!

GAF, I apologise in advance. I normally don't post a lot about my personal life (I don't post a lot period, and really, who cares about my personal life? No one knows me) but I've had a hell of a time recently and I think it would be nice to get some stuff off my chest. So even if no one reads this, I think it will be therapeutic to at least type some of this out.

This year (in June) I got out of a wonderful 5 and a half year relationship. We were deeply in love, had lived together for 5 of those years, and were basically the perfect partners for one another. We had even planned to move to another country together (the UK), both so she could go to school and so I could finally live my dream of residing in another country for a while.

The last month or two we were together things seemed... off. She seemed a lot more distant and wouldn't talk to me about things, and she started going home to see her parents more often. I didn't see these as big issues because:

- She was going home for events, such as Mother's Day and her mother's birthday. Those were fair reasons to go home, I thought.
- She was bringing some of her stuff, such as books, back to her parent's house. She explained as "We're going to be moving in a few months and the plan was to store everything there anyway, so I may as well get a head since I'm already going there". A reasonable explanation. We were originally going to move around the beginning of October.
- She was more stressed than usual at work, and her new long commute didn't help things (her office moved to a new city, requiring a much longer commute).
- Whenever I'd ask if everything was okay, she would say that it was. We'd never lied to eachother before, so I had no reason to believe she wasn't telling the truth.

Well, then it happened. To make a long story short, I came home from work one day and she was waiting with all of her stuff packed. She explained that was leaving. She was going to stay in a hotel that night, then have her parents come and pick her and her stuff up the next night. She even took my car to work the next day.

I was... devastated is a way to put it. I went into work and got nothing done, and spent the entire day either going for walks (and explaining to my best work friend what happened) or browsing GAF trying to occupy my mind. I came home that night... and that was it. She was gone.

Adding to this, I was just getting through a string of family situations. Several members of my family became sick within close proximity of eachother. Everything from infections, to strokes, to cancer, some to the point where we weren't sure if they were going to make it. My grandfather even stopped by at one point just to see everyone one last time in case his surgery didn't go well. Thankfully, everything was mostly passed by the time she dropped her bomb.

I don't think I had time to properly deal with things. This all happened on Wednesday or Thursday. On Saturday, I went to my cousin's wedding and had to be as cheerful as possible (and thankfully, no one asked where she was). then the next day, I flew to California for E3 (a businessy-trip I had planned months in advance). Then I mostly just kept myself occupied with videogames and whatever else I could do to distract myself. I even had a week previously booked off of work, which I still took and just... played games? I don't really remember what I did.

The only contact we've had since those last few days were when she picked up the keys to get the last of her stuff (I left the keys in my parent's mailbox, since I didn't wan to see her) and a few emails so she could email me the proper paperwork for the cat we adopted. I'm keeping him.


Fast forward to August. I had a few small breakdowns in the weeks after she left, but for the most part was okay (I'm pretty much a champ at breakups at this point). I decided to just dip my toes in the pool of online dating again, just to see what was out there. I expected to maybe send a few messages, not get any responses, then take a break for a few months and try again when I felt I was ready.

What I didn't expect was to meet someone I was absolutely crazy about.

We started talking, and eventually meeting up. She's absolutely wonderful and we instantly clicked, talking all the time and doing fun things together. She's a little shy and introverted, but so am I so things were going really well, and she even got me to try some new things even though I'm normally not all that adventurous. Even better, she was able to get me out of my own head. For the first time in months I was able to not think about how the last relationship had ended, or worry constantly about my sick family members, or any of that other stuff that was constantly bouncing around inside my head. I fell hard and I fell fast.

We talked about it and made things "official" last week. We thought it was a good idea to define what we were doing officially as "dating", and she asked if I wanted to be her boyfriend. I said yes (of course) and was ecstatic. it gave me a reason to get up in the mornings, you know?

Then, on Saturday, I get a message. "I don't think I can do this" she says. She explains how anxious she is about being in her first real, in-person relationship (I'm sure no one cares about the backstory to this) and due to some mental walls she had built up, was incredibly nervous all the time and unable to sleep. "I can't do this. I'm sorry" she ended. We talked about things a little bit, but that was it. We hadn't even made it a week.

Even though we've only known eachother maybe a month and a half, this actually hit me pretty hard.

The next day I went to an event with my brother, and it was in the same neighbourhood I used to live in with my longterm girlfriend. I didn't think anything of it, until suddenly I got hit with a nostalgia bomb and everything came flooding back.

Now I'm sitting here. Once again I'm unable to sleep properly and haven't really eaten anything since Saturday morning (I've tried, but I get a few bites in and I feel sick). Everything coming back at once makes me think that I probably didn't deal with things properly on the first go around. I even called in sick to work yesterday, which is something I didn't even do when my longterm girlfriend left.

I was going to wait a few days and message the new girl, just to see how she was holding up. I checked this morning and see we are no longer friends on Facebook. I may have done that accidentally (I think my finger may have slipped on my phone when I opened her profile), or she have removed me. Either way, I still want to send a message even though I know it's a bad idea.


If anyone actually read any of this, then thank you. I don't expect anyone to read or care, but it feels good to finally be able to explain the whole thing, from start to finish. Thank you, GAF. This thread came at a good time for me, even if it means I'm starting to tear up a bit in the office as I write it. I know I'm going to be okay in a week or two. It's just... a lot of stuff to deal with all at once.

And I have a job interview tomorrow for the next step in my career. Let's hope I can focus on that.

K' Dash

Well now, this thread certainly came at a convenient time!

GAF, I apologise in advance. I normally don't post a lot about my personal life (I don't post a lot period, and really, who cares about my personal life? No one knows me) but I've had a hell of a time recently and I think it would be nice to get some stuff off my chest. So even if no one reads this, I think it will be therapeutic to at least type some of this out.

This year (in June) I got out of a wonderful 5 and a half year relationship. We were deeply in love, had lived together for 5 of those years, and were basically the perfect partners for one another. We had even planned to move to another country together (the UK), both so she could go to school and so I could finally live my dream of residing in another country for a while.

The last month or two we were together things seemed... off. She seemed a lot more distant and wouldn't talk to me about things, and she started going home to see her parents more often. I didn't see these as big issues because:

- She was going home for events, such as Mother's Day and her mother's birthday. Those were fair reasons to go home, I thought.
- She was bringing some of her stuff, such as books, back to her parent's house. She explained as "We're going to be moving in a few months and the plan was to store everything there anyway, so I may as well get a head since I'm already going there". A reasonable explanation. We were originally going to move around the beginning of October.
- She was more stressed than usual at work, and her new long commute didn't help things (her office moved to a new city, requiring a much longer commute).
- Whenever I'd ask if everything was okay, she would say that it was. We'd never lied to eachother before, so I had no reason to believe she wasn't telling the truth.

Well, then it happened. To make a long story short, I came home from work one day and she was waiting with all of her stuff packed. She explained that was leaving. She was going to stay in a hotel that night, then have her parents come and pick her and her stuff up the next night. She even took my car to work the next day.

I was... devastated is a way to put it. I went into work and got nothing done, and spent the entire day either going for walks (and explaining to my best work friend what happened) or browsing GAF trying to occupy my mind. I came home that night... and that was it. She was gone.

Adding to this, I was just getting through a string of family situations. Several members of my family became sick within close proximity of eachother. Everything from infections, to strokes, to cancer, some to the point where we weren't sure if they were going to make it. My grandfather even stopped by at one point just to see everyone one last time in case his surgery didn't go well. Thankfully, everything was mostly passed by the time she dropped her bomb.

I don't think I had time to properly deal with things. This all happened on Wednesday or Thursday. On Saturday, I went to my cousin's wedding and had to be as cheerful as possible (and thankfully, no one asked where she was). then the next day, I flew to California for E3 (a businessy-trip I had planned months in advance). Then I mostly just kept myself occupied with videogames and whatever else I could do to distract myself. I even had a week previously booked off of work, which I still took and just... played games? I don't really remember what I did.

The only contact we've had since those last few days were when she picked up the keys to get the last of her stuff (I left the keys in my parent's mailbox, since I didn't wan to see her) and a few emails so she could email me the proper paperwork for the cat we adopted. I'm keeping him.


Fast forward to August. I had a few small breakdowns in the weeks after she left, but for the most part was okay (I'm pretty much a champ at breakups at this point). I decided to just dip my toes in the pool of online dating again, just to see what was out there. I expected to maybe send a few messages, not get any responses, then take a break for a few months and try again when I felt I was ready.

What I didn't expect was to meet someone I was absolutely crazy about.

We started talking, and eventually meeting up. She's absolutely wonderful and we instantly clicked, talking all the time and doing fun things together. She's a little shy and introverted, but so am I so things were going really well, and she even got me to try some new things even though I'm normally not all that adventurous. Even better, she was able to get me out of my own head. For the first time in months I was able to not think about how the last relationship had ended, or worry constantly about my sick family members, or any of that other stuff that was constantly bouncing around inside my head. I fell hard and I fell fast.

We talked about it and made things "official" last week. We thought it was a good idea to define what we were doing officially as "dating", and she asked if I wanted to be her boyfriend. I said yes (of course) and was ecstatic. it gave me a reason to get up in the mornings, you know?

Then, on Saturday, I get a message. "I don't think I can do this" she says. She explains how anxious she is about being in her first real, in-person relationship (I'm sure no one cares about the backstory to this) and due to some mental walls she had built up, was incredibly nervous all the time and unable to sleep. "I can't do this. I'm sorry" she ended. We talked about things a little bit, but that was it. We hadn't even made it a week.

Even though we've only known eachother maybe a month and a half, this actually hit me pretty hard.

The next day I went to an event with my brother, and it was in the same neighbourhood I used to live in with my longterm girlfriend. I didn't think anything of it, until suddenly I got hit with a nostalgia bomb and everything came flooding back.

Now I'm sitting here. Once again I'm unable to sleep properly and haven't really eaten anything since Saturday morning (I've tried, but I get a few bites in and I feel sick). Everything coming back at once makes me think that I probably didn't deal with things properly on the first go around. I even called in sick to work yesterday, which is something I didn't even do when my longterm girlfriend left.

I was going to wait a few days and message the new girl, just to see how she was holding up. I checked this morning and see we are no longer friends on Facebook. I may have done that accidentally (I think my finger may have slipped on my phone when I opened her profile), or she have removed me. Either way, I still want to send a message even though I know it's a bad idea.


If anyone actually read any of this, then thank you. I don't expect anyone to read or care, but it feels good to finally be able to explain the whole thing, from start to finish. Thank you, GAF. This thread came at a good time for me, even if it means I'm starting to tear up a bit in the office as I write it. I know I'm going to be okay in a week or two. It's just... a lot of stuff to deal with all at once.

And I have a job interview tomorrow for the next step in my career. Let's hope I can focus on that.

I read the whole post, this is what this thread is about, just blow some steam off.

Just try to move on and don´t message the online dating site girl, you´ll be fine.


cant breakup when you are eternally alone



Well, then it happened. To make a long story short, I came home from work one day and she was waiting with all of her stuff packed. She explained that was leaving. She was going to stay in a hotel that night, then have her parents come and pick her and her stuff up the next night. She even took my car to work the next day.

That's super shitty, completely broadsiding you like that. Did she at least give you a reason? It sounds like you haven't been able to find closure (which is understandable).


Between Sept and Feb last year about five couples i knew broke up. Almost all of them were like 5+ years. Just insane.

This year gonna be interesting.


I've been single for a little over a year and I'm finally feeling like I'm getting over the break up from last year now. Anyone like this? I keep thinking I should be completely over her by now (she cheated). Crazy how a relationship can have that type of impact on you. I'm way less trusting of people, but I know I have to let my guard down for the next person. It's only right. For the year I've worked on myself professionally and I'm almost done with my masters.

I've started getting excited about meeting people again. So I'm looking forward to dating again.


Why would you ask someone out if you didn't love them?

Both times, the people I fell in love with were friends I'd known for a while. So yeah, I knew them really really well. I knew the first for three years.

Wait, why else would you ask someone out? Do people just ask out people they have no interest in, is that what I'm missing?

Being friends with someone is a lot different than romantic love...

Considering you guys both admitted that you have no experience with relationships and dating I guess I'll give you both a pass. For most people feelings of love takes not just thinking someone is attractive and being their friend for extended periods of time, but actual things like a romantic connection, physical intimacy, etc. If you love someone before you've even asked them on a date you are putting the cart before the horse.
Get a lawyer now. When my parents got divorced my mom opened a couple cards and maxed them all out and my dad was ordered by the court to pay for them. She also said she didn't want to worry about the money and do it fairly so my dad never got a lawyer and he got taken for everything. I love both my parents, but my mom screwed him and my dad said the biggest mistake was thinking he didn't need a lawyer
Yeah, I was seeing red flags with that comment too.

Holy shit, 2 new CCs already maxed out? What the hell?


Knew a co-worker who broke up with her boyfriend of 9 years for the same reason. They still love each other I think. Very tough, but it's really one of the only 100% "make or break" things, I think. It would be completely unfair on her, you, and any potential kids if that's really your feeling on the matter.

Exactly, and we both know that. It sucks because there's not really anything you can do to sort it out, and here I am trying to enjoy something that I know will end soon, which at the same time makes me enjoy it less because of "ok it's time to start building a shield". Which I don't want to, but my brain does it anyway.


Another thing to watch out for is if one couple breaks up in your social circle it has an accelerant effect on other relationships in the circle. Especially if one party of that broke up couple finds someone new they are happier with and everyone can see them in that lovey dovey new relationship phase.
I know things weren't official with the girl I was dating recently, but I know a couple of her friends had recently broken up and she mentioned that when we last met up...

Maybe it influenced her in some way... 🤔


I'm really sorry OP. Breaking up during the Christmas period feels especially awful. I also went through my first break-up at the beginning of December, last year.


Neo Member
Girlfriend recently broke up with me. She told me she didn't love me anymore and that was that. Not one argument throughout the relationship. We'd been going out for 3 years, It hurts, but I guess time is a healer.
That's super shitty, completely broadsiding you like that. Did she at least give you a reason? It sounds like you haven't been able to find closure (which is understandable).

We talked about it later. She realised that our lives were going in different directions and that our futures didn't align like we thought they did.

Which, in all honesty, is probably true. I just think she handled it in an extremely poor manner. Her original plan, from what I can gather, was to actually pack and leave while I was at work and I'd come home and she'd just be gone. But for whatever reason that didn't work out.


Just celebrated 1 year with my GF. Hopefully it will be another year.

But I thought right before Christmas and valentines day was the biggest seasons. So you can escape buying presents.
This thread terrifies me. I'm going on 5 months with my g/f and I'm her first long-term b/f. Are these breakups generally between 18-29 or upwards in age? Was wondering if being younger had any correlation.
Well now, this thread certainly came at a convenient time!

GAF, I apologise in advance. I normally don't post a lot about my personal life (I don't post a lot period, and really, who cares about my personal life? No one knows me) but I've had a hell of a time recently and I think it would be nice to get some stuff off my chest. So even if no one reads this, I think it will be therapeutic to at least type some of this out.

This year (in June) I got out of a wonderful 5 and a half year relationship. We were deeply in love, had lived together for 5 of those years, and were basically the perfect partners for one another. We had even planned to move to another country together (the UK), both so she could go to school and so I could finally live my dream of residing in another country for a while.

The last month or two we were together things seemed... off. She seemed a lot more distant and wouldn't talk to me about things, and she started going home to see her parents more often. I didn't see these as big issues because:

- She was going home for events, such as Mother's Day and her mother's birthday. Those were fair reasons to go home, I thought.
- She was bringing some of her stuff, such as books, back to her parent's house. She explained as "We're going to be moving in a few months and the plan was to store everything there anyway, so I may as well get a head since I'm already going there". A reasonable explanation. We were originally going to move around the beginning of October.
- She was more stressed than usual at work, and her new long commute didn't help things (her office moved to a new city, requiring a much longer commute).
- Whenever I'd ask if everything was okay, she would say that it was. We'd never lied to eachother before, so I had no reason to believe she wasn't telling the truth.

Well, then it happened. To make a long story short, I came home from work one day and she was waiting with all of her stuff packed. She explained that was leaving. She was going to stay in a hotel that night, then have her parents come and pick her and her stuff up the next night. She even took my car to work the next day.

I was... devastated is a way to put it. I went into work and got nothing done, and spent the entire day either going for walks (and explaining to my best work friend what happened) or browsing GAF trying to occupy my mind. I came home that night... and that was it. She was gone.

Adding to this, I was just getting through a string of family situations. Several members of my family became sick within close proximity of eachother. Everything from infections, to strokes, to cancer, some to the point where we weren't sure if they were going to make it. My grandfather even stopped by at one point just to see everyone one last time in case his surgery didn't go well. Thankfully, everything was mostly passed by the time she dropped her bomb.

I don't think I had time to properly deal with things. This all happened on Wednesday or Thursday. On Saturday, I went to my cousin's wedding and had to be as cheerful as possible (and thankfully, no one asked where she was). then the next day, I flew to California for E3 (a businessy-trip I had planned months in advance). Then I mostly just kept myself occupied with videogames and whatever else I could do to distract myself. I even had a week previously booked off of work, which I still took and just... played games? I don't really remember what I did.

The only contact we've had since those last few days were when she picked up the keys to get the last of her stuff (I left the keys in my parent's mailbox, since I didn't wan to see her) and a few emails so she could email me the proper paperwork for the cat we adopted. I'm keeping him.


Fast forward to August. I had a few small breakdowns in the weeks after she left, but for the most part was okay (I'm pretty much a champ at breakups at this point). I decided to just dip my toes in the pool of online dating again, just to see what was out there. I expected to maybe send a few messages, not get any responses, then take a break for a few months and try again when I felt I was ready.

What I didn't expect was to meet someone I was absolutely crazy about.

We started talking, and eventually meeting up. She's absolutely wonderful and we instantly clicked, talking all the time and doing fun things together. She's a little shy and introverted, but so am I so things were going really well, and she even got me to try some new things even though I'm normally not all that adventurous. Even better, she was able to get me out of my own head. For the first time in months I was able to not think about how the last relationship had ended, or worry constantly about my sick family members, or any of that other stuff that was constantly bouncing around inside my head. I fell hard and I fell fast.

We talked about it and made things "official" last week. We thought it was a good idea to define what we were doing officially as "dating", and she asked if I wanted to be her boyfriend. I said yes (of course) and was ecstatic. it gave me a reason to get up in the mornings, you know?

Then, on Saturday, I get a message. "I don't think I can do this" she says. She explains how anxious she is about being in her first real, in-person relationship (I'm sure no one cares about the backstory to this) and due to some mental walls she had built up, was incredibly nervous all the time and unable to sleep. "I can't do this. I'm sorry" she ended. We talked about things a little bit, but that was it. We hadn't even made it a week.

Even though we've only known eachother maybe a month and a half, this actually hit me pretty hard.

The next day I went to an event with my brother, and it was in the same neighbourhood I used to live in with my longterm girlfriend. I didn't think anything of it, until suddenly I got hit with a nostalgia bomb and everything came flooding back.

Now I'm sitting here. Once again I'm unable to sleep properly and haven't really eaten anything since Saturday morning (I've tried, but I get a few bites in and I feel sick). Everything coming back at once makes me think that I probably didn't deal with things properly on the first go around. I even called in sick to work yesterday, which is something I didn't even do when my longterm girlfriend left.

I was going to wait a few days and message the new girl, just to see how she was holding up. I checked this morning and see we are no longer friends on Facebook. I may have done that accidentally (I think my finger may have slipped on my phone when I opened her profile), or she have removed me. Either way, I still want to send a message even though I know it's a bad idea.


If anyone actually read any of this, then thank you. I don't expect anyone to read or care, but it feels good to finally be able to explain the whole thing, from start to finish. Thank you, GAF. This thread came at a good time for me, even if it means I'm starting to tear up a bit in the office as I write it. I know I'm going to be okay in a week or two. It's just... a lot of stuff to deal with all at once.

And I have a job interview tomorrow for the next step in my career. Let's hope I can focus on that.

Good luck on the interview man, I hope you knock em dead!

I've never been a relationship that lasted 5.5 years, so I can't imagine the struggle that gave you. I can, however, relate to the second part of your post. I just started dating someone who might not be ready for a relationship. She has a lot of trouble letting her guard down and letting people in. We're not officially anything yet, but I feel like one day she'll just up and end it without any warning. My last GF was like that, too. It's so brutal to fall for someone and have them be interested but afraid to commit.
This thread terrifies me. I'm going on 5 months with my g/f and I'm her first long-term b/f. Are these breakups generally between 18-29 or upwards in age? Was wondering if being younger had any correlation.

Mid 20's is the danger time, some women look at that as a last roll of the dice before they hit 30. How are you matching up to her friends boyfriends? Stick or twist? I've heard so many stories and experienced it myself, one day she just leaves because reasons... and you know you did nothing wrong, she never voiced any complaints.
This thread terrifies me. I'm going on 5 months with my g/f and I'm her first long-term b/f. Are these breakups generally between 18-29 or upwards in age? Was wondering if being younger had any correlation.

It tends to be younger people, but it really all depends on the relationship. You know your relationship far better than any of us, I wouldn't worry too much. It does happen, but it's not like everyone has to break up or commit on a schedule.
I never post on here, and never share personal stuff, but this thread got to me.

Trying to finalize my divorce. Last year, my wife started acting strange, and admitted to me that her co-workers were telling her to divorce and live life, because they were. So, she started to slowly change; trying to find things that we didn't agree with, and shit like that. I was in a bad place mentally, so I wasn't able to put things together.

Found out last October that she was sending nude pics to guys on Craigslist, and that she was having steady fuck sessions with 3 of them. Also found out she had a fling with a softball dad we knew for a long time, and was trying to get a threesome together with another softball dad.

Well, she decided to brag about it, and it got back to me. Shit happened; some I regret, most was justified, but there's no way to save a 17-year marriage after pulling shit like that.

I left the house last November. By December, she was already bringing at least one guy around the house, and introduced our teenage children to him/them.

Fast forward to today; I'm in a better place mentally, still sweeping up the shattered pieces of my life while at the same time trying to make something new with them that includes my children. Therapy helps a lot; so does crying. Oh, and hitting the gym when I feel an "anger session" coming on.

We were married for 17 years, and together for 20.


Me and gf of nearly 3 years are in a rough patch right now. Have our Chicago vacation next weekend so we'll see if we can get it together a bit.

Just a lot of things we disagree on about the future.
Going through divorce here, found out the wife never loved me, got two kids (2, and a 11 month old) and shes in love with someone else, whos also married with kids.

Ouch, sorry to hear that. Hope things get better for you.

I see this alot with what many assumed where "forever" marriages, turns out it was never the case. Most if not all the thirty something women I've chat with online had a similar story.

"Yeah, I thought I loved him, great job, good with the kids, but I wanted more" bla bla. Red flags go on in my head and never anything further from that. Worst part was there were a few that were still married but were waiting on the go ahead to bolt. What the hell has dating turned into these days?
99/100 times it's because they met someone else. Never buy the "I just need to discover who I am" bullshit.

Or "It's not you it's me" when every confnflict in the relationship before that was "I'm not in the wrong" more or less. "I hope we can still be friends" (So I don't feel guilty) but have little intention of actually being friends if you reach out to me.
Found out last October that she was sending nude pics to guys on Craigslist, and that she was having steady fuck sessions with 3 of them. Also found out she had a fling with a softball dad we knew for a long time, and was trying to get a threesome together with another softball dad.

Well, she decided to brag about it, and it got back to me. Shit happened; some I regret, most was justified, but there's no way to save a 17-year marriage after pulling shit like that.

I left the house last November. By December, she was already bringing at least one guy around the house, and introduced our teenage children to him/them.

Sorry to read this, she was fucking brutal!
Your mum doesn't count :)


I never post on here, and never share personal stuff, but this thread got to me.

Trying to finalize my divorce. Last year, my wife started acting strange, and admitted to me that her co-workers were telling her to divorce and live life, because they were. So, she started to slowly change; trying to find things that we didn't agree with, and shit like that. I was in a bad place mentally, so I wasn't able to put things together.

Found out last October that she was sending nude pics to guys on Craigslist, and that she was having steady fuck sessions with 3 of them. Also found out she had a fling with a softball dad we knew for a long time, and was trying to get a threesome together with another softball dad.

Well, she decided to brag about it, and it got back to me. Shit happened; some I regret, most was justified, but there's no way to save a 17-year marriage after pulling shit like that.

I left the house last November. By December, she was already bringing at least one guy around the house, and introduced our teenage children to him/them.

Fast forward to today; I'm in a better place mentally, still sweeping up the shattered pieces of my life while at the same time trying to make something new with them that includes my children. Therapy helps a lot; so does crying. Oh, and hitting the gym when I feel an "anger session" coming on.

We were married for 17 years, and together for 20.

Jesus Christ, this is awful, I am so sorry...

she is actual human garbage, I don't care what shortcoming you think you may have, you or your children didn't deserve this shit
Jfc this thread is scarier than reading that shining thread and having flashbacks to reading the book when I was twelve. Good luck to everyone posting their stories....sheesh.
I never post on here, and never share personal stuff, but this thread got to me.

Trying to finalize my divorce. Last year, my wife started acting strange, and admitted to me that her co-workers were telling her to divorce and live life, because they were. So, she started to slowly change; trying to find things that we didn't agree with, and shit like that. I was in a bad place mentally, so I wasn't able to put things together.

Found out last October that she was sending nude pics to guys on Craigslist, and that she was having steady fuck sessions with 3 of them. Also found out she had a fling with a softball dad we knew for a long time, and was trying to get a threesome together with another softball dad.

Well, she decided to brag about it, and it got back to me. Shit happened; some I regret, most was justified, but there's no way to save a 17-year marriage after pulling shit like that.

I left the house last November. By December, she was already bringing at least one guy around the house, and introduced our teenage children to him/them.

Fast forward to today; I'm in a better place mentally, still sweeping up the shattered pieces of my life while at the same time trying to make something new with them that includes my children. Therapy helps a lot; so does crying. Oh, and hitting the gym when I feel an "anger session" coming on.

We were married for 17 years, and together for 20.


JESUS CHRIST!! That is one of the most horrifying stories I've ever read on gaf. This is more terrifying than any horror movie I've seen in years. Stay strong dude. I hope everything gets better over time. Also hope you find someone that's worth your time. Your ex is a piece of shit of supernatural proportions.

I'd suggest hanging out with your buddies some more, best therapy anyone can have. Create a group chat on allo, hangouts, or some txt platform. Use that for 2-4 other people where you all talk some shit throughout the day. I'd recommend a platform you can add gifs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I know this might seem like some childish advice, but it's an awesome platform and would definitely help you.. esp if you and your friends have a semblance of a sense of humor.


I never post on here, and never share personal stuff, but this thread got to me.

Trying to finalize my divorce. Last year, my wife started acting strange, and admitted to me that her co-workers were telling her to divorce and live life, because they were. So, she started to slowly change; trying to find things that we didn't agree with, and shit like that. I was in a bad place mentally, so I wasn't able to put things together.

Found out last October that she was sending nude pics to guys on Craigslist, and that she was having steady fuck sessions with 3 of them. Also found out she had a fling with a softball dad we knew for a long time, and was trying to get a threesome together with another softball dad.

Well, she decided to brag about it, and it got back to me. Shit happened; some I regret, most was justified, but there's no way to save a 17-year marriage after pulling shit like that.

I left the house last November. By December, she was already bringing at least one guy around the house, and introduced our teenage children to him/them.

Fast forward to today; I'm in a better place mentally, still sweeping up the shattered pieces of my life while at the same time trying to make something new with them that includes my children. Therapy helps a lot; so does crying. Oh, and hitting the gym when I feel an "anger session" coming on.

We were married for 17 years, and together for 20.

For the love of God, I am never getting married.


I never post on here, and never share personal stuff, but this thread got to me.

Trying to finalize my divorce. Last year, my wife started acting strange, and admitted to me that her co-workers were telling her to divorce and live life, because they were. So, she started to slowly change; trying to find things that we didn't agree with, and shit like that. I was in a bad place mentally, so I wasn't able to put things together.

Found out last October that she was sending nude pics to guys on Craigslist, and that she was having steady fuck sessions with 3 of them. Also found out she had a fling with a softball dad we knew for a long time, and was trying to get a threesome together with another softball dad.

Well, she decided to brag about it, and it got back to me. Shit happened; some I regret, most was justified, but there's no way to save a 17-year marriage after pulling shit like that.

I left the house last November. By December, she was already bringing at least one guy around the house, and introduced our teenage children to him/them.

Fast forward to today; I'm in a better place mentally, still sweeping up the shattered pieces of my life while at the same time trying to make something new with them that includes my children. Therapy helps a lot; so does crying. Oh, and hitting the gym when I feel an "anger session" coming on.

We were married for 17 years, and together for 20.

This hurts me. Makes me so wary of people. I am glad you are in a better place today. With my ex I was with her for only 3 years and I felt it's been hard moving on. I can relate to that anger. The gym definitely helps.

I'd suggest hanging out with your buddies some more, best therapy anyone can have. Create a group chat on allo, hangouts, or some txt platform. Use that for 2-4 other people where you all talk some shit throughout the day. I'd recommend a platform you can add gifs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I know this might seem like some childish advice, but it's an awesome platform and would definitely help you.. esp if you and your friends have a semblance of a sense of humor.

I think this is good advice. I have a group chat of two other friends I talk to daily about anything (especially about my ex). I feel like it's harder as a guy to do things like that, but stuff like that helps me cope.
I never post on here, and never share personal stuff, but this thread got to me.

Trying to finalize my divorce. Last year, my wife started acting strange, and admitted to me that her co-workers were telling her to divorce and live life, because they were. So, she started to slowly change; trying to find things that we didn't agree with, and shit like that. I was in a bad place mentally, so I wasn't able to put things together.

Found out last October that she was sending nude pics to guys on Craigslist, and that she was having steady fuck sessions with 3 of them. Also found out she had a fling with a softball dad we knew for a long time, and was trying to get a threesome together with another softball dad.

Well, she decided to brag about it, and it got back to me. Shit happened; some I regret, most was justified, but there's no way to save a 17-year marriage after pulling shit like that.

I left the house last November. By December, she was already bringing at least one guy around the house, and introduced our teenage children to him/them.

Fast forward to today; I'm in a better place mentally, still sweeping up the shattered pieces of my life while at the same time trying to make something new with them that includes my children. Therapy helps a lot; so does crying. Oh, and hitting the gym when I feel an "anger session" coming on.

We were married for 17 years, and together for 20.

Christ that's fucking brutal dude. Glad to hear you're doing better.
I never post on here, and never share personal stuff, but this thread got to me.

Trying to finalize my divorce. Last year, my wife started acting strange, and admitted to me that her co-workers were telling her to divorce and live life, because they were. So, she started to slowly change; trying to find things that we didn't agree with, and shit like that. I was in a bad place mentally, so I wasn't able to put things together.

Found out last October that she was sending nude pics to guys on Craigslist, and that she was having steady fuck sessions with 3 of them. Also found out she had a fling with a softball dad we knew for a long time, and was trying to get a threesome together with another softball dad.

Well, she decided to brag about it, and it got back to me. Shit happened; some I regret, most was justified, but there's no way to save a 17-year marriage after pulling shit like that.

I left the house last November. By December, she was already bringing at least one guy around the house, and introduced our teenage children to him/them.

Fast forward to today; I'm in a better place mentally, still sweeping up the shattered pieces of my life while at the same time trying to make something new with them that includes my children. Therapy helps a lot; so does crying. Oh, and hitting the gym when I feel an "anger session" coming on.

We were married for 17 years, and together for 20.

Oh man, this definitely sucks. I'm glad you're taking steps to making it better, bit by bit.

K' Dash

I never post on here, and never share personal stuff, but this thread got to me.

Trying to finalize my divorce. Last year, my wife started acting strange, and admitted to me that her co-workers were telling her to divorce and live life, because they were. So, she started to slowly change; trying to find things that we didn't agree with, and shit like that. I was in a bad place mentally, so I wasn't able to put things together.

Found out last October that she was sending nude pics to guys on Craigslist, and that she was having steady fuck sessions with 3 of them. Also found out she had a fling with a softball dad we knew for a long time, and was trying to get a threesome together with another softball dad.

Well, she decided to brag about it, and it got back to me. Shit happened; some I regret, most was justified, but there's no way to save a 17-year marriage after pulling shit like that.

I left the house last November. By December, she was already bringing at least one guy around the house, and introduced our teenage children to him/them.

Fast forward to today; I'm in a better place mentally, still sweeping up the shattered pieces of my life while at the same time trying to make something new with them that includes my children. Therapy helps a lot; so does crying. Oh, and hitting the gym when I feel an "anger session" coming on.

We were married for 17 years, and together for 20.

Stories like this get me and make me somewhat relieved that I finished things with my fiancee before I could experience a horror story like yours, I´m glad you´re feeling better!


I never post on here, and never share personal stuff, but this thread got to me.

Trying to finalize my divorce. Last year, my wife started acting strange, and admitted to me that her co-workers were telling her to divorce and live life, because they were. So, she started to slowly change; trying to find things that we didn't agree with, and shit like that. I was in a bad place mentally, so I wasn't able to put things together.

Found out last October that she was sending nude pics to guys on Craigslist, and that she was having steady fuck sessions with 3 of them. Also found out she had a fling with a softball dad we knew for a long time, and was trying to get a threesome together with another softball dad.

Well, she decided to brag about it, and it got back to me. Shit happened; some I regret, most was justified, but there's no way to save a 17-year marriage after pulling shit like that.

I left the house last November. By December, she was already bringing at least one guy around the house, and introduced our teenage children to him/them.

Fast forward to today; I'm in a better place mentally, still sweeping up the shattered pieces of my life while at the same time trying to make something new with them that includes my children. Therapy helps a lot; so does crying. Oh, and hitting the gym when I feel an "anger session" coming on.

We were married for 17 years, and together for 20.
The human race was a mistake. Damn.


I never post on here, and never share personal stuff, but this thread got to me.

Trying to finalize my divorce. Last year, my wife started acting strange, and admitted to me that her co-workers were telling her to divorce and live life, because they were. So, she started to slowly change; trying to find things that we didn't agree with, and shit like that. I was in a bad place mentally, so I wasn't able to put things together.

Found out last October that she was sending nude pics to guys on Craigslist, and that she was having steady fuck sessions with 3 of them. Also found out she had a fling with a softball dad we knew for a long time, and was trying to get a threesome together with another softball dad.

Well, she decided to brag about it, and it got back to me. Shit happened; some I regret, most was justified, but there's no way to save a 17-year marriage after pulling shit like that.

I left the house last November. By December, she was already bringing at least one guy around the house, and introduced our teenage children to him/them.

Fast forward to today; I'm in a better place mentally, still sweeping up the shattered pieces of my life while at the same time trying to make something new with them that includes my children. Therapy helps a lot; so does crying. Oh, and hitting the gym when I feel an "anger session" coming on.

We were married for 17 years, and together for 20.
Jesus fucking Christ.

I'm sorry to hear you had to put up with that.
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