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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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I liked it better when we were free to ogle pretty ladies without reproach. Now it's all suicide and politics.

That pic was the beginning of the end.

I'm sorry guys.
So you're OK with cheap EU labour coming over and taking jobs? We're paying for their sparkies to come over here now, £1000 each, that's like 10x that in their countries. England is like a holiday to them. I don't want my future child going to school with people called Pavel and Alena.

Care to back up that £1000 each thing with sparkies you're on about? There was a Mail front page this week about bricklayers on £1000 a week (based on a £200 day rate), is that what you mean?

Oh and that last line is absolutely horrible and I'd feel terrible if no-one properly called you out on it.


formerly Oynox Slider
I liked it better when we were free to ogle pretty ladies without reproach. Now it's all suicide and politics.

That pic was the beginning of the end.

I'm sorry guys.

You mean when you were free to ogle??

You started this, Bowen. Now end it.

(In threatening villain voice)
Care to back up that £1000 each thing with sparkies you're on about? There was a Mail front page this week about bricklayers on £1000 a week (based on a £200 day rate), is that what you mean?

Oh and that last line is absolutely horrible and I'd feel terrible if no-one properly called you out on it.

Oh yeah I meant bricklayers LOL!


Junior Member
There's nothing wrong with UKIP, they're just ordinary people saying the things ordinary people say. Us ordinary people don't like foreigners or rules on what shape bananas can be. It's time for a new force in Politics. We spend billions on Europe, and what do we get out of it? NOTHING but our streets crowded with Romanians and doctors' surgeries where they have to speak ten languages. Farage for PM. If not this time then next time for sure.

And Brand is a druggie homeless-looking clown elitist, I can't believe they're still giving him air time.

So you're OK with cheap EU labour coming over and taking jobs? We're paying for their sparkies to come over here now, £1000 each, that's like 10x that in their countries. England is like a holiday to them. I don't want my future child going to school with people called Pavel and Alena.

That's the problem, they probably do work harder. But we're disenfranchising entire swathes of our own young people to let them in. Close the doors, I say, teach our own people the trades we're importing.

Any valid concerns about immigration you might allude to, or rather grasp at, are drowned out by your ignorant and blatant racist statements like "I don't want my future child going to school with people called Pavel and Alena."

/ is first generation immigrant who runs a business employing locals, just like his immigrant father did before him

So yeah, middle finger to all the anti immigration lot.

Oh, and for what it's worth, immigrants do work harder than natives in my experience. Also, lets not forget how many of our lot went over to Germany to work in the 80s, also earning ridiculous money because the locals wouldn't / couldn't do the jobs.

Please don't equate having concerns about immigration to bigotry and racism.

Edit: Perhaps it's better to sideline these discussions over to UKPoliGAF.
Any valid concerns about immigration you might allude to, or rather grasp at, are drowned out by your ignorant and blatant racist statements like "I don't want my future child going to school with people called Pavel and Alena."

Please don't equate having concerns about immigration to bigotry and racism.

Edit: Perhaps it's better to sideline these discussions over to UKPoliGAF.

Yeah that was wrong of me, I perhaps got on a rhetorical high horse. I'm sorry about that.

But I am very concerned by immigration and so are a lot of people I speak to, and we deserve to have our voices listened to as well. There is a tendency to brush these concerns over to the side because of "LOL racism" but if a good chunk of the country are thinking one thing then that's democracy, you can't argue with it.


You mean when you were free to ogle??

You started this, Bowen. Now end it.

(In threatening villain voice)
Hey come on now, I'm sure a few other dudes got some cheap thrills from the pics too. Jed was often very vocal about his appreciation, God rest his soul.

I may be a pervert, but I'm not a self-serving pervert.
I think some of your sarcasm detectors are defective.

Also I was mid way through typing out a carefully worded but interesting post on the subject of the foreign hordes but I don't know whether or not to persevere.


So you're OK with cheap EU labour coming over and taking jobs? We're paying for their sparkies to come over here now, £1000 each, that's like 10x that in their countries. England is like a holiday to them. I don't want my future child going to school with people called Pavel and Alena.

I missed this initially.

Jesus christ.
Oh yeah I meant bricklayers LOL!

Ah then that story isn't a great argument then. It was "£1000 a week" bricklayers, apparently double the day rate, for ones from other countries. That's hardly cheap EU labour, that's more expensive EU labour.

PLUS it's a story from the Mail ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Found out a friend of mine's name was actually Stanislav when he died recently. He'd been calling himself Stan for like... 40 years. Filthy lying foreign scum!


yeah, this thread is nose diving fast.
pull up people! UP!



formerly Oynox Slider
good to see people vilifying poor roundabout for having political differences to them

bunch of hypocrites

Discussion is good. And I say this as a fully-paid up triple minority.

Maybe roundabout needs to just add a few more LOLs!

This is a tense situation.

Especially as I can't connect to the Titanfall servers. Grrr.


Discussion is good. And I say this as a fully-paid up triple minority.

Maybe roundabout needs to just add a few more LOLs!

This is a tense situation.

Especially as I can't connect to the Titanfall servers. Grrr.

Have you played Titanfall yet? Don't recall you mentioning.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
CHEEZMO™;142702123 said:
unironically support far right political parties, brehs

I thought you were an Anarcho-Communist? Isn't that as far left as you can get?

Discussion is good. And I say this as a fully-paid up triple minority.

Maybe roundabout needs to just add a few more LOLs!

This is a tense situation.

Especially as I can't connect to the Titanfall servers. Grrr.

There's always... Darku Soulsu!


Have you met many academics? I deal with them on a daily basis and lolno.

Yeh, I have a bit of contact with them as an undergraduate and a member and organiser of a few student societies, but nowhere near as much as postgraduates do. Since my uni is usually involved in policymaking, I think since I have started university, I have been sweetened by the idea of academic elitism and how the general public cannot and will not comprehend academic, philosophical, social and economic ideas without sufficient training until a revolution in information symmetry occurs.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Yeh, I have a bit of contact with them as an undergraduate and a member and organiser of a few student societies, but nowhere near as much as postgraduates do. Since my uni is usually involved in policymaking, I think since I have started university, I have been sweetened by the idea of academic elitism and how the general public cannot and will not comprehend academic, philosophical, social and economic ideas without sufficient training until a revolution in information symmetry occurs.

I understand your logical approach and it is very tempting at points. But academia is either incredibly conservative or extremely liberal. I know very sensible, intelligent academics who are adamant ukippers (one of whom is gay, another an immigrant). Many are Oxbridge-y elites and don't get me started on the economists/business school people...


I understand your logical approach and it is very tempting at points. But academia is either incredibly conservative or extremely liberal. I know very sensible, intelligent academics who are adamant ukippers (one of whom is gay, another an immigrant). Many are Oxbridge-y elites and don't get me started on the economists/business school people...

It's true in academia, especially within the social sciences and economics, suffer from objectivity problems; a vast number of theories that academics ignore due to their background, training and biases and cycles through paradigms of thought in their discipline. I don't want a true metrocracy, no matter how attractive it is and that it would be an extreme violation of freedom of speech, which I am big supporter of and how it empowers us to change and debate problematic situations within institutions. I'm more focused on changing the incentives of the policy decision makers in favour of logical debate instead of political biases. Empowering the academics instead of weakening them. There are a few groups in society that I envy and celebrate. Doctors, researchers, academics, entrepreneurs and human rights activists.

EDIT: For those UKIP supporters, attended a small seminar by the former head of UKIP who's attends my university. He called Farage a dimwit. Nothing wrong with supporting UKIP or any party unless it reduces the rights of certain demographics of society, thought that may be quite interesting.


formerly Oynox Slider
Have you played Titanfall yet? Don't recall you mentioning.

Yes, a few times now. After about an hour of game-time, I really like it. I wanted a new podcast / radio game since Destiny's becoming more sinister.

I thought you were an Anarcho-Communist? Isn't that as far left as you can get?

There's always... Darku Soulsu!

that's my main course! I have to plan that around E as it's so unpausable. But she's watching TV now so I've got until 10pm. To fail repeatedly. :)

I understand your logical approach and it is very tempting at points. But academia is either incredibly conservative or extremely liberal. I know very sensible, intelligent academics who are adamant ukippers (one of whom is gay, another an immigrant). Many are Oxbridge-y elites and don't get me started on the economists/business school people...

What do the economists / business school people say?
I'm looking forward to the Brand/Farage Question Time Extravaganza myself.

But really, immigration is a fun issue to talk about. The "i-word" makes people absurdly nervous of the taboo because they are desperately afraid of appearing to be the "r-word." So it's got to the stage where anybody who brings up the i-word is most certainly an r-word and so only r-words would be concerned with it.

It's also really common that people absolutely fail to distinguish between different kinds of migration. Legal migration of skilled/unskilled labour, illegal migration and asylum are different things that should be treated differently. If a person is fleeing genuine persecution then yes, we should help shelter them, for example, when Idi Amin expelled Asians from Uganda in 1972 we were right to help.

Legal immigration is a mixed bag. Of course skilled labour is highly valuable, especially health workers. Nobody wants less doctors. You occasionally hear that argument that doctors and nurses and other professionals from developing countries should stay where they are and help their fellow countrymen, that's its unfair for Britain to hoover up foreign talent. I see the logic in that, but I'm always suspicious that the argument is being used as a cover for prejudice.

When it comes to un-skilled labour you get the other argument, that the unemployed in this country are too lazy to do those jobs so we need migrants there. I'm really not fond of sweeping generalizations when it comes to millions of people.

Essentially my stance on the subject is this: I wish people saw it more as a numbers issue and left the emotion at the door. But at the same time, statistics are used by all sides to persuade the public one way or another. I want to see a set of reliable, agenda-free reports that give us the hard maths on a few things. Like how much wealth immigrants bring to the country, whether current trends are sustainable etc. I feel like that's not something that's ever going to happen though. Every face in the debate has a study they can refer to which supports their argument. And of course you can't trust a politician not to omit or misconstrue figures, nor you can you 100% trust that the study is unbiased or reliable.


This has taken far too long. Turns out I'm more self conscious about potentially "getting it wrong" than I thought. Sorry if I was a tease and had people waiting for my post.


Yes, a few times now. After about an hour of game-time, I really like it. I wanted a new podcast / radio game since Destiny's becoming more sinister.

Cool, it's a really neat game but for whatever reason I never really got into it. Apparently the pc community is dead now so I uninstalled it.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Rambling post incoming

It's true in academia, especially within the social sciences and economics, suffer from objectivity problems; a vast number of theories that academics ignore due to their background, training and biases and cycles through paradigms of thought in their discipline. I don't want a true metrocracy, no matter how attractive it is and that it would be an extreme violation of freedom of speech, which I am big supporter of and how it empowers us to change and debate problematic situations within institutions. I'm more focused on changing the incentives of the policy decision makers in favour of logical debate instead of political biases. Empowering the academics instead of weakening them. There are a few groups in society that I envy and celebrate. Doctors, researchers, academics, entrepreneurs and human rights activists.

EDIT: For those UKIP supporters, attended a small seminar by the former head of UKIP who's attends my university. He called Farage a dimwit. Nothing wrong with supporting UKIP or any party unless it reduces the rights of certain demographics of society, thought that may be quite interesting.

Nothing wrong with political biases, by the way. Except when they aren't yours ;) .

What you are saying is interesting but also meaningless. That sounds harsh. How do you empower these groups? (my answer: elect them) How do you change the incentives of policy decision makers in favour of logical debate? The Lords is probably a better place for debate than the Commons, which is a playground, but is that because of age or because of no term limits?

The former head of UKIP (Sked, I'm guessing, though Robert Kilroy-Silk shouldn't be forgotten).... he's a solid historian and fairly decent man. He despises UKIP though, partly out of bitterness, but also hates their xenophobia.

What do the economists / business school people say?

Business academics tend to speak in a string of acronyms punctuated with conjunctions. They and economists have a very bad habit of being too rigid in their thinking, seeing reason where there is none, trying to objectively analyse far too much... etc. Libertarianism is very common in this area as is a distinct lack of empathy. Obviously I'm generalising!

I have a lot of respect for these two fields (I nick from them all the time) but democracy is best, there is just a severe lack of democratic action by the electorate. People used to riot as a means of expressing political discontent (look up food riots) but politicians are largely unaccountable. I don't think having academics or doctors or whomever in charge will make for better decision-making in the long term. They are as vulnerable to idiocy, corruption, laziness and obliviousness as anyone else.

The lawyers are wonderful of course ;)
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