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Bruce Straley agrees that Ghost of Tsushima should be GOTY instead of TLoUII.


It’s better in every way except the narrative, which is still strong but not a completely tight picture/lightning in a bottle like the first game. Gameplay wise? Graphics wise? Performance? Literally anything else? It’s much better
Totally agree with this. If Straley is salty about anything, it's that the gameplay in TLOU2 shits on that in TLOU from great heights. The level of polish and attention to detail in TLOU2 is staggering and better in every way than TLOU.
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The whole team at naughty dog (including neil Druckmann) agrees that the original story ideas weren't working out.

It is once again twisting the narrative to fit your agenda by saying "bruce destroyed Neil's idea" when there's no proof of that happening. The only information we have is the team and neil agreed that the first scripts weren't honest enough.
You can try twisting it all you want but tlou1 was Neil's reward narratively.


Bruce still praised the story whether you like it or not. And nice job linking r/tlou2 posts.

May I ask for a source for this?

Absolutely garbage tier opinion from what I can only assume to be coming from a teenage brain whose default mode is to turn off. It’s like the whole game flew by you, either that or you have zero knowledge about character development, personal arcs, catharsis or closure.
Or, maybe, a little higher IQ that yours would be requiered to understand what i mean?

Watch this fucking video, in case playing the game wasn't enough.

I'm waiting, it's three hours long. Then try again with a straight face.

The second bit of about Joel in a female body diarrhea only cements the stupidity of the first point.
Yeah, whatever. Keep your head in the sand.

The whole team at naughty dog (including neil Druckmann) agrees that the original story ideas weren't working out.

It is once again twisting the narrative to fit your agenda by saying "bruce destroyed Neil's idea" when there's no proof of that happening. The only information we have is the team and neil agreed that the first scripts weren't honest enough.
You can try twisting it all you want but tlou1 was Neil's reward narratively.
Dude, GTFO:


It's not hard to understand that without someone questioning his first ideas, he wouldn't have "hammered his head against the wall, trying to figure it out".
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Or, maybe, a little higher IQ that yours would be requiered to understand what i mean?

Watch this fucking video, in case playing the game wasn't enough.

I'm waiting, it's three hours long. Then try again with a straight face.

Yeah, whatever. Keep your head in the sand.

Nowhere in your source does it say that bruce destroyed Neil's script:

Once again, trying to frame rate it as if bruce is the one responsible for part 1's story which is disingenuous and not try whatsoever considering Neil was the narrative guy (not bruce) and neil himself agreed with others thag the original scripts for the game weren't fitting, so he himself changed it.
You're getting desperate. Go back to reddit.
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Once again, trying to frame rate it as if bruce is the one responsible for part 1's story which is disingenuous and not try whatsoever considering Neil was the narrative guy (not bruce) and neil himself agreed with others thag the original scripts for the game weren't fitting, so he himself changed it.
You're getting desperate. Go back to reddit.
Again, dude, GTFO:


It's not hard to understand that without someone questioning his first ideas, he wouldn't have "hammered his head against the wall, trying to figure it out".

I don’t need to watch a 3 hour video from a nobody whose view you agree with because you already explained your view, and you clearly don’t know the first thing about good writing so let me just laugh at your IQ jab. You see context is everything, and in this context the IQ challenged person is telling others they should have more of it to understand what is a basic, amateur, teenage angst take on a story that is best left in basement dweller fan faction forums.
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Or, maybe, a little higher IQ that yours would be requiered to understand what i mean?

Watch this fucking video, in case playing the game wasn't enough.

I'm waiting, it's three hours long. Then try again with a straight face.

Yeah, whatever. Keep your head in the sand.

I don’t need to watch a 3 hour video from a nobody whose view you agree with because you already explained your view, and you clearly don’t know the first thing about good writing so let me just laugh at your IQ jab. You see context is everything, and in this context the IQ challenged person is telling others they should have more of it to understand what is a basic, amateur, teenage angst take on a story that is best left in basement dweller fan faction forums.


Poor Bruce. His IP is forever tainted and ruined by that awful story and characters.

Neil turned Joel and Ellie into Abby and Lev. Joel is dead and Ellie is unrecognizable. All this for a cheap and pointless revenge plot we've seen thousands of times before in media.

Just create a new IP next time instead of shitting on your legacy and fans.

what is a basic, amateur, teenage angst take on a story that is best left in basement dweller fan faction forums.

OMG they really think the story is hard to understand or something and we need explaining? What a bunch of clueless MKUltra dumb fucks. I'm embarrassed for all Pig Abby lovers and defenders.
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It’s better in every way except the narrative, which is still strong but not a completely tight picture/lightning in a bottle like the first game. Gameplay wise? Graphics wise? Performance? Literally anything else? It’s much better

The narrative is the entire point of these games, and TLoU2's narrative is awful.


Writes a lot, says very little
Totally agree with this. If Straley is salty about anything, it's that the gameplay in TLOU2 shits on that in TLOU from great heights. The level of polish and attention to detail in TLOU2 is staggering and better in every way than TLOU.

Agreed. So much so, shit give me The Last Of Us 1 remake by Bluepoint games with this engine, those models and this good ass gameplay lol
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Again, dude, GTFO:


It's not hard to understand that without someone questioning his first ideas, he wouldn't have "hammered his head against the wall, trying to figure it out".

Bruce states: "I think [Neil] came up with a good, really, nice, simplified version of that, and it worked out."

He doesn't say "yea nah I told him how shit it is and rewrote the game"

You literally do realize that neil was the narrative guy for tlou, right?




The man himself, the gifted, skilled, respected and ballsy artist behind legit masterpieces, agrees with a sentiment most gamers shared this year.



For those of you not familiar with the man:


Now before calling me a woman hater incel butthurt because his daddy got killed (people saying these things are the scum of humanity btw), my mother is actually the strongest person i know, i'm not a virgin since i was thirteen, i've been with enough girls in my life to see through the bullshit behind modern feminism from miles away, and i think Joel death and lamb PTSD are the only sequences worthy of the legacy of the first game, in terms of quality and expectations based on the talents involved.

The game have actual faults in it's narrative structure and even entire premises of game, your brain being able to detect them or not.



Is the game great in most areas? Yes. Are ND amazing developers? Yes. Is it fair to criticize certain aspects of it? YES.

P.S. With that being said, this Thread is not made for those sad console warriors who love to shit on PS games regardless, since those pathetic bastards are the ones to blame for making this kind of discussion impossible to have without being laughed at.

Bruce Straly was always the one making things work. Drukerman is nothing but an ambitious climber that was inflated up by his fanboys in the media. this balloon got popped.


Agreed. Its basically a better Assassins Creed Japan lol I personally like the game, but man it has many issues and can get massively repetitive. Its story bored me to sleep and I only liked the side stories with the other cast of characters.

Don't even get me started with Ryuzo's character basically betraying the entire country for food despite running past Rivers valleys filled with fucking Fish Deer running and shit are you kidding me? I literally laughed out loud because this doesn't really make a lot of sense and I have to question how the fuck did anyone seriously write this with a straight face. I mean my god...you LITERALLY HAVE FISHING VILLAGES, his clan has bows and arrows yet can't kill deer, boar, bears and all the other fucking animals that clearly they can consume? The fuck?

THEAP99 THEAP99 " It's basically just another Sony Ubisoft open world but with more polish. Congratulations. A B - minus rated game isn't goty worthy. Maybe if ghost of tsushima released in 2013 it would be. But today, nope. " Agreed. I like the game, but its not doing much new and has lots of room for improvement. We wouldn't give most Assassins Creeds GOTY and i feel this game falls in that area.

The Last Of Us 2 is simply a better game even before we talk about story.

Think about it.

Ghost Of Tsushima 2. If they added dogs that are actually able to SMELL YOU, AI that actually looks for you, have their heads move many directions looking for you like in The Last Of Us 2, actually vocally say the name of the person you just stealth killed looking for them as their ABSENCE CONFIRMS SOMETHING IS WRONG, someone telling me that being added in Ghost 2 is bad?

If you take those elements and add them to Ghost, you have a better game. Period. I like both games, but clearly 1 of theses games just has a deep level of quality that is very hard to top and elements that should be added in Ghost Of Tsushima 2 (or what ever they will call it) simply to make the world make more sense in terms of gameplay.
ghost is what i'd expect from suckerpunch. it's good but just not really something that can be considered a top notch game like u said.
Ghosts of Tsushima is about a native people fighting to defend their homeland from foreign invaders, therefore racist. TLOU2 is the woke-koran. It was practically tailor made for these awards.

AC: Valhalla is only acceptable because you play whites killing other whites, who are Christian.


Imagine wasting this much energy on something you hate. Instead of moving on, you keep the game living in your head. People like OP love talking about the game lol.

That in itself is an accomplishment by ND. It's so divisive that it keeps popping up in countless discussions. And it's gonna keep popping up, because OP is addicted to it and doesn't know how to stop.

I liked both TLOU2 and GOT. Good time to be a Sony fan :)


sony has really crazy strong year ff7r, got, lou2, miles morales and ds remake but from all this good games lou2 is easly best
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Bruce states: "I think [Neil] came up with a good, really, nice, simplified version of that, and it worked out."

He doesn't say "yea nah I told him how shit it is and rewrote the game"

You literally do realize that neil was the narrative guy for tlou, right?
Man, read that interview, watch Grounded Making Of.. and connect the dots. No MIT degree required to understand what happened.
And please stop treating me like a sort of agenda driven hater. I played the game, put hundreds of hours into it (the only Grounded playthrough lasted me 90 hours), LOVED the gameplay (indeed WAY superior to the first one, but still prefer melee and shooting in the original anyway), the environments, the art, the sound, you name it. And i'm pretty sure i'm more skilled at it than any lover of the game here.

Only kept playing beacause of that miracle drop, otherwise hit=restart.

Only used the arrow because he would drop one.

But no, narrative-wise i think it's objectively a fucking trainwreck only accepted because the rest of videogames narrative is trash, light years behind the first one.

More trash to add to ignore it seems, clear misleading/lie threads shouldn’t be allowed.

I know you came by reading that, but i think you missed this part on the first post:

"P.S. With that being said, this Thread is not made for those sad console warriors who love to shit on PS games regardless, since those pathetic bastards are the ones to blame for making this kind of discussion impossible to have without being laughed at."

Your butthurts are not welcome here, discussing is already hard as it is. Put me on ignore instead of leaving laughs under everything i write praising anything PlayStation related. Thank you.
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Jon Neu

console warriors who love to shit on PS games regardless, since those pathetic bastards are the ones to blame for making this kind of discussion impossible to have without being laughed at."

(1) I've completed Uncharted 4 again | NeoGAF

Tell me more about how I love to shit on PS games regardless. If anything, the only one shitting on PS games in this thread is you, by your own standards of what "shitting" on games is.

But don't worry, I haven't put anyone in ignore and I don't plan to, not even the more craziest and belligerent Sony fanboys.
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It is a huge improvement over the first gameplay wise. It seriously has some of the best combat I have experienced. It perfectly captures the brutal fight for survival feel of what violence would feel like in a setting like that.
I do like the combat but there’s way too much of it for how repetitive it is. The same combat for 30 hours straight is too much. One addition that immediately comes to mind, bleed damage, is not even a concern and only happens with one faction. Dodge button was a good addition in that it gives you something to pay attention to in melee instead of just mashing buttons.


So even by your own admission, you think TLOU2 has better gameplay than the first, and has a better narrative than most games out there. XD


"Now before calling me a woman hater incel butthurt because his daddy got killed (people saying these things are the scum of humanity btw), my mother is actually the strongest person i know, i'm not a virgin since i was thirteen, i've been with enough girls in my life to see through the bullshit behind modern feminism from miles away, and i think Joel death and lamb PTSD are the only sequences worthy of the legacy of the first game, in terms of quality and expectations based on the talents involved. "

If there ever was a definition of cringe.
Based Straley.

Yeah.. in the first region maybe. Good luck fighting Ronin and late enemies without the proper stance and top tier reflexes, given you have something like 3 frames in duels later on.
I think it's a very weird opinion you have, the game was way more challenging than any open world sword based combat i've ever played. Also, in Lethal mode enemies die quicker.

Damn, that is a STRONG indictment and I 100% agree with him. We can't beat around the bush here: TLOUII is basically The Last Jedi of gaming. It tries so hard to subvert expectations, while at the same time undoing so much of what came before, that it ends up a scrambled mess, with a quasi-executed thematic narrative and extremely poor storytelling devices (hello there, flashbacks!).

Cyberpunk may be the bigger disaster of the year out of the two, but at least Waterworld is still a fun romp in spite of its flaws. You can relish in its faults and still have a good time. It isn't a pretentious, nihilistic, nigh-narcissistic story of bleak post-modern Godlessness (in the game's case, by mocking representations of Western religion; wouldn't be such a big deal if literally every other Western work with Christianity wasn't insulting or tearing Christianity apart) that it makes '80s Soviet sci-fi and post-apocalyptic movies feel welcoming by comparison.

For everything TLOUII gets right with animations and graphics, the actual story, the themes, and how it tells those things is mediocre. Even the gameplay is basically more of the same from the first game, with very little new added or revamped. Yeah there's a benefit to familiarity but that game crosses it IMO.


But don't worry, I haven't put anyone in ignore and I don't plan to, not even the more craziest and belligerent Sony fanboys.
Dude yesterday you literally derailed a perfect Thread by retroquoting a portion of a monumental post from a user just because it mentioned two Xbox Games in it.

And the only Sony game you ever praised is the one i like the least and the same Thread you made was full of people shitting on it, i'm not the crazy one.

This is like those headlines on newspapers that people make fun of, what a stretch dude and you really put a lot of effort on it, are you ok OP?
No, i'm not. I loved the first one too much to accept what's being done to it.

So even by your own admission, you think TLOU2 has better gameplay than the first, and has a better narrative than most games out there. XD
Sure. Is it a worthy sequel to the first one? No.

If there ever was a definition of cringe.
I know right? Imagine having to resort to these premises before daring to question this game's story.


Gold Member
The Last Jedi comparisons only work if you can compare TLOU to Star Wars which it has nothing in common with. It never was the good guys vs bad guys story that Star Wars was. It's apples and oranges.

Jon Neu

Damn, that is a STRONG indictment and I 100% agree with him. We can't beat around the bush here: TLOUII is basically The Last Jedi of gaming. It tries so hard to subvert expectations, while at the same time undoing so much of what came before, that it ends up a scrambled mess, with a quasi-executed thematic narrative and extremely poor storytelling devices (hello there, flashbacks!).

Cyberpunk may be the bigger disaster of the year out of the two, but at least Waterworld is still a fun romp in spite of its flaws. You can relish in its faults and still have a good time. It isn't a pretentious, nihilistic, nigh-narcissistic story of bleak post-modern Godlessness (in the game's case, by mocking representations of Western religion; wouldn't be such a big deal if literally every other Western work with Christianity wasn't insulting or tearing Christianity apart) that it makes '80s Soviet sci-fi and post-apocalyptic movies feel welcoming by comparison.

For everything TLOUII gets right with animations and graphics, the actual story, the themes, and how it tells those things is mediocre. Even the gameplay is basically more of the same from the first game, with very little new added or revamped. Yeah there's a benefit to familiarity but that game crosses it IMO.

At the end of the day, I don't think the story of TLOU2 being a complete clusterfuck taken out of the worst The Walking Dead chapters matters that much. It's not a movie, it's a videogame, and everything else it's amazing.

Of course it would have been even better with an actual story and actual characters, dialogues, etc... But we have PLENTY of games that are amazing without having a strong narrative, this is just another one.


gameplay is a weaker point for tlou2. im replaying it for a 4th time rn and not skipping any cut scenes. naughty dog games are nothing without the weight of the narrative involving the gameplay and tlou2 thankfully delivers narratively
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The Last Jedi comparisons only work if you can compare TLOU to Star Wars which it has nothing in common with. It never was the good guys vs bad guys story that Star Wars was. It's apples and oranges.
It will depend on what aspects you are comparing. The suggestion that the two have intentional expectation subversion in common fits.


People really need to get over their skinned egos about this. All due respect to GoT but five years from now it will be an afterthought. TLOU2 was the kind of experience that sticks with you and trancends the medium. Get over it. And for the record even if it was NOT TLOU2 there are at least two or three other games that would easily take it before GoT.


Imagine pretending to be a victim instead of just letting your points speak for you....
Imagine talking like a NPC, coming into a Thread to bring absolutely nothing, and talk about cringe.

You must be unfamiliar with the subject.

gameplay is a weaker point for tlou2. im replaying it for a 4th time rn and not skipping any cut scenes. naughty dog games are nothing without the weight of the narrative involving the gameplay

I wouldn't have touched the game with a stick if that was the case.
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Dude yesterday you literally derailed a perfect Thread by retroquoting a portion of a monumental post from a user just because it mentioned two Xbox Games in it.

And the only Sony game you ever praised is the one i like the least and the same Thread you made was full of people shitting on it, i'm not the crazy one.

No, i'm not. I loved the first one too much to accept what's being done to it.

Sure. Is it a worthy sequel to the first one? No.

I know right? Imagine having to resort to these premises before daring to question this game's story.
Let it go , you'll feel better....just like Ellie, you know?
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Sure. Is it a worthy sequel to the first one? No.
Oh, so you think it's a good game... except the story?

It sucks for you. I can't help but feel a bit of pity for you for not being able to enjoy it...

Tons of people did like the story, me included. It's an emotional rollercoaster. it's very interesting, and does things games stories rarely do.

I really appreciated that we didn't get adventures of Ellie and Joel part 2. Because, they could have done that. They made a story that is completely different than the first, but pays direct homage to it's themes. The whole game is a tribute to how much Joel means to Ellie. Enough that she would ruin her life to find some sort of closure.

It's a really good sad story.

If ND are planning a trilogy, then this is the perfect dark middle chapter.


Imagine talking like a NPC, coming into a Thread to bring absolutely nothing, and talk about cringe.

You must be unfamiliar with the subject.


I wouldn't have touched the game with a stick if that was the case.
i mean the gameplay is still top notch 3rd person shooter stealth as far as i played in my gaming career. but when it comes down to it, it follows the trend of most games. just spam square melee attacks and it's far too generous in how far of a range it gives you attack. the mechanics are just simply extremely simple.

and when it comes down to actually playing it, it's too predictable in terms of masking checkpoints, it's too gamey. far too many times in the game you see a cracked door and that cracked door you have to press triangle for will always trigger a cut scene. it becomes to obvious and they need to work on that in future titles.

im excited for the multiplayer because when it comes down to it, the game feels good to play, but let's not act like it's some amazing gameplay. it's good gameplay. what i'd expect from naughty dog. but in the future they need to introduce more dynamic destructible environments into their games as well as add more melee combinations rather than spam square.

another aspect of tlou2 gameplay i was disappointed with was the animations. the animation blending is simply not their best work. uncharted 4 and lost legacy have far better animation blending. in tlou2 it's so obvious when the animations cut in combat and isn't as smooth as the gameplay demo from e3.

once again i will reiterate that tlou2's gameplay is still far immersive and responsive than most games i have played, but the formula and short comings are still obvious and i was hoping they'd do more improving. thankfully the environments, level design and storytelling gives it all enough weight that gives me a superb experience with the combination of it all. but when it comes down to it, the mechanics and general loop in tlou2 did not blow me away like i hoped.


Let it go , you'll feel better....just like Ellie, you know?
If i actually believed in her actions, i would. But that ending was insulting and made the whole thing collapse, so..


Oh, so you think it's a good game... except the story?

It sucks for you. I can't help but feel a bit of pity for you for not being able to enjoy it...

Tons of people did like the story, me included. It's an emotional rollercoaster. it's very interesting, and does things games stories rarely do.

I really appreciated that we didn't get adventures of Ellie and Joel part 2.
But we did though. Couldn't we just have new characters and leave that fucking masterpiece alone?
But sales..

Because, they could have done that. They made a story that is completely different than the first, but pays direct homage to it's themes. The whole game is a tribute to how much Joel means to Ellie. Enough that she would ruin her life to find some sort of closure.
It didn't.. it changed the entire point of the first game, changed it's characters, roles.. it really fucking shitted on the entire thing.

It's a really good sad story.
It's not. Given how rational you have been, please, would do me the favor of watching that video i've linked more than once? Whenever you want, just tag me and we'll discuss about it.

If ND are planning a trilogy, then this is the perfect dark middle chapter.
Ikr, so original!

i mean the gameplay is still top notch 3rd person shooter stealth as far as i played in my gaming career. but when it comes down to it, it follows the trend of most games. just spam square melee attacks and it's far too generous in how far of a range it gives you attack. the mechanics are just simply extremely simple.

and when it comes down to actually playing it, it's too predictable in terms of masking checkpoints, it's too gamey. far too many times in the game you see a cracked door and that cracked door you have to press triangle for will always trigger a cut scene. it becomes to obvious and they need to work on that in future titles.

im excited for the multiplayer because when it comes down to it, the game feels good to play, but let's not act like it's some amazing gameplay. it's good gameplay. what i'd expect from naughty dog. but in the future they need to introduce more dynamic destructible environments into their games as well as add more melee combinations rather than spam square.

another aspect of tlou2 gameplay i was disappointed with was the animations. the animation blending is simply not their best work. uncharted 4 and lost legacy have far better animation blending. in tlou2 it's so obvious when the animations cut in combat and isn't as smooth as the gameplay demo from e3.

once again i will reiterate that tlou2's gameplay is still far immersive and responsive than most games i have played, but the formula and short comings are still obvious and i was hoping they'd do more improving. thankfully the environments, level design and storytelling gives it all enough weight that gives me a superb experience with the combination of it all. but when it comes down to it, the mechanics and general loop in tlou2 did not blow me away like i hoped.
So refreshing to agree with you on this damn game.
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It is the distant future of 2021.

Gaming is dead. There are only two types of threads now: TLOUII and Cyberpunk. All other threads are instantly closed.

The streets rage with Twitter quotes and YouTube monologues about only these two titles. The endless battle of memes and slurs has left the Earth a wasteland. No one lives, they only survive.

Somewhere, Druckmann is laughing.

Welcome to the suck.


To be completely honest it is an absolutely fantastic game and deserves it all. Very fascinating that the PS4 could bring out so many quality games and the true reason we think so highly of this generation. Even more surprising is the widespread love for this game given its dark and brutal tone. Lots of blood and violence. The attention to detail and the world are extremely well done and the animations are top notch. But I do think that, while Ghost of Tsushima is a great game, it just didn't do all of the things I just listed as well as the game that actually won the Goty. Excited to see what Sucker Punch can do next. They probably got a lot of congratulations for Ghosts of Tsushima and will be very motivated for the PS5 generation.

I've seen tweets from Neil Druckmann that he loves Ghosts of Tsushima a lot and I think he is also mentioned in the Special Thanks Credits in Ghosts of Tsushima.


The best thing about the hatred of the game so perfectly mirrors Ellie's hatred.

The greif of losing someone/something you loved. And not being able to get over it, instead being obsessively consumed by it. Haunted by the by bittersweet memories of the good ol days.

ND has somehow made a story that transcends the borders of the game itself.

That is art.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
More trash to add to ignore it seems, clear misleading/lie threads shouldn’t be allowed.

After the number of people I blisted by the end of the "why people hate" thread, kinda surprised this one isn't empty for me!


I kid... Somewhat.
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