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Bruce Straley agrees that Ghost of Tsushima should be GOTY instead of TLoUII.

Jon Neu

The Last Jedi comparisons only work if you can compare TLOU to Star Wars which it has nothing in common with. It never was the good guys vs bad guys story that Star Wars was. It's apples and oranges.


The Last Jedi comparison it's perfect.

The Last Jedi was a disaster of storytelling, an ego project of a director who believes he is much better than what he really is having too much freedom and too much hate against the fandom, cimenting everything in a cheap, unearned and irrelevant subversion of expectations and the "importance" of identity politics.


The nicest person on this forum
Here is my question, why does it matter what others considered "GOTY"!? if you liked TLOU2 more, then thats your "GOTY" no matter what Bruce Straley or other people says, it not gonna change how you feel about the game.

13 Sentinels is my personal GOTG, even if entire gaming community disagrees with me.


Here is my question, why does it matter what others considered "GOTY"!? if you liked TLOU2 more, then thats your "GOTY" no matter what Bruce Straley or other people says, it not gonna change how you feel about the game.

13 Sentinels is my personal GOTG, even if entire gaming community disagrees with me.

Don't worry about it. Your stance on the matter is great, but a lot of people get very emotional about what others like and they get actually angry and toxic when it is something they don't agree with.


The best thing about the hatred of the game so perfectly mirrors Ellie's hatred.

The greif of losing someone/something you loved. And not being able to get over it, instead being obsessively consumed by it.

ND has somehow made a story that transcends the borders of the game itself.

This is art.
This is ego.. a million dollar, gargantuanly produced ego display.
It's Druckmann smelling his own farts in a crystal bottle. Nothing more.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Watch this fucking video, in case playing the game wasn't enough.

I'm waiting, it's three hours long. Then try again with a straight face.

I made a comment on this guy's YouTube video before and you know what? He replied. If you think he properly analyzed the story then you're wrong.

There was one instance where I quoted a character's dialog during gameplay to prove his point wrong wrong and he told me (paraphrasing) "It happens during gameplay and the player can skip it entirely" in his video that he used something that happens during gameplay that can be skipped entirely too, but the dialog is still there and the devs put it there for a reason. Knowing that he used this gameplay vs cutscene excuse, I asked him to show me where this happens during a cutscene THREE TIMES and he couldn't do it. This was one of several things I pointed out that he got wrong. There were even instances where he asked me "Why didn't this X character do this" when it was already discussed in the story.

What you're doing is telling people you don't like the game and you're seeking other people's opinions as some sort of validation. Imagine I posted my opinion and then shared videos from YouTubers who enjoyed the game and properly analyzed the story?

It's been 6 months and people still can't seem to move on.




The man himself, the gifted, skilled, respected and ballsy artist behind legit masterpieces, agrees with a sentiment most gamers shared this year.



For those of you not familiar with the man:


Now before calling me a woman hater incel butthurt because his daddy got killed (people saying these things are the scum of humanity btw), my mother is actually the strongest person i know, i'm not a virgin since i was thirteen, i've been with enough girls in my life to see through the bullshit behind modern feminism from miles away, and i think Joel death and lamb PTSD are the only sequences worthy of the legacy of the first game, in terms of quality and expectations based on the talents involved.

The game have actual faults in it's narrative structure and even entire premises of game, your brain being able to detect them or not.



Is the game great in most areas? Yes. Are ND amazing developers? Yes. Is it fair to criticize certain aspects of it? YES.

P.S. With that being said, this Thread is not made for those sad console warriors who love to shit on PS games regardless, since those pathetic bastards are the ones to blame for making this kind of discussion impossible to have without being laughed at.


Is this legit? This plot seems too bad to be real?? WTF

Speaking about GOT and TLOU2, i loved the first much more, it's my second favorite open world of this gen also, after RDR2.

Loved TLOU2 too but not as much as part 1, specially when it comes to story, the gameplay is super great tho and one of the best if not best aspect of the game.
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This is ego.. a million dollar, gargantuanly produced ego display.
It's Druckmann smelling his own farts in a crystal bottle. Nothing more.

It's more like if Druckmann is fondling your mind, playing with your emotions like a puppet master.

You feel shame and disgust, but also conflicted. Because you know talking about TLOU makes you feel good.

You hate how much control he has over your psyche, but it's hard to let go of the addiction.



The Last Jedi comparison it's perfect.

The Last Jedi was a disaster of storytelling, an ego project of a director who believes he is much better than what he really is having too much freedom and too much hate against the fandom, cimenting everything in a cheap, unearned and irrelevant subversion of expectations and the "importance" of identity politics.
Yet tlou2 has won the most fan awards this year and was subject to the biggest review bomb in history


Here is my question, why does it matter what others considered "GOTY"!? if you liked TLOU2 more, then thats your "GOTY" no matter what Bruce Straley or other people says, it not gonna change how you feel about the game.
I know, but this is a video game forum, in real life i'd never bother people with this shit but i have to express my disappointment somewhere.. so here we are.

I made a comment on this guy's YouTube video before and you know what? He replied. If you think he properly analyzed the story then you're wrong.
It doesn't matter, he make some seriously solid points which i shared completely during my playthrough.

It's more like if Druckmann is fondling your mind, playing with your emotions like a puppet master.

You feel shame and disgust, but also conflicted. Because you know talking about TLOU makes you feel good.

You hate how much control he has over your psyche, but it's hard to let go of the addiction.
I mean.. you're right. Fuck him.

Silver Wattle

Gold Member
So we can expect murder and revenge in future naughty dog games, wow, much excitement.

I don't see how TLOU success has been attributed to drukmann, he comes off as a guy in the right place at the right time and nothing more.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Look my GOTY is Nioh 2, a game with stance-based samurai combat that I'm pretty confident is going to be better than GoT's. Because its focus is on combat above all other considerations

Truth is, its the reason I haven't played Ghost yet. I was holding off even before the PS5 upgrade really incentivised both purchases.

As to TLOU2, look it wasn't my GoTY, despite it having a lot of positive attributes and not annoying me in any way for its alleged SJW-ism. I could very easily see it being GOTY for other people though, as well as being a non-starter for others.

Its a deliberately provocative and divisive title, which is a good thing in my view because I don't believe in handing out gongs for not offending the largest number of people.
I don't want "safe" product to be lionized as the pinnacle of gaming, that's just a nightmare scenario!

I believe in "accessibility" in the sense that people with physical handicaps ideally shouldn't be locked out of experiences when a simple rejig of controls or event prompting csn fix their issues. What I actively despise is the idea of "accessibility" as content-filter, where anything too weird or complex, or controversial is verboten because some asshat with a Twitter account and too much time on their hands might flip their lid over it.
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Wouldn't surprise me if it was real seeing how bad the script for TLOU2 is. If it is real then thank god Bruce saved the first game.

TLOU 1 was so damn perfection, i've played it like 5 times since 2013 and it's still hit me hard each time, it's one of the best game of all time easy.

Hopefully Naughty Dog will find the guy that will set things the way Bruce did when he was on the studio, specially looking at how TLOU2 ended being (it's not bad, but def not as good as TLOU1 and Uncharted series which is not enough when you're ND), they seems to need that kind of guy/leader.
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Jon Neu

Yet tlou2 has won the most fan awards

Yet it lost against GoT.

And don't get me wrong, I think TLOU2 it's FAR better than GoT. But narrative wise, it just shit it's bed. And that's going to taint that game forever.

and was subject to the biggest review bomb in history

Everytime something gets bad reviews, it's always "review bombing".

Maybe a lot of people genuinely didn't like at all the course the game took?


Yet it lost against GoT.

And don't get me wrong, I think TLOU2 it's FAR better than GoT. But narrative wise, it just shit it's bed. And that's going to taint that game forever.

Everytime something gets bad reviews, it's always "review bombing".

Maybe a lot of people genuinely didn't like at all the course the game took?
Keep damage controlling.

I'd even argue it's impressive tlou2 came in 2nd for the game awards fan vote considering how much people want to say everyone hates the game. Yet #2 is a pretty good feat considering all the slander. And yet it's the most fan and critically awarded game this year so far.

And yeah, it was review bombed. It has the most user reviews for any game on metacritic and there's no verification any of the reviews played the game. You look on ps store and the game is rated highly which requires the game to be bought. Even on amazon it has good reviews.


TLOU 1 was so damn perfection, i've played it like 5 times since 2013 and it's still hit me hard each time, it's one of the best game of all time easy.

Hopefully Naughty Dog will find the guy the will set things the way Bruce did when he was on the studio, looking at how TLOU2 ended being (it's not bad, just not as good as TLOU1 and Uncharted series), they seems to need that kind of guy/leader.

I think, and I genuinely mean zero offense by that, you are underestimating how much influence Neil Druckmann now has at Naughty Dog and I doubt that any big change will happen at Naughty Dog ( at least not the kind of change that some Neogaf frequenters want to see) anytime soon.
He has been there for quite some time, worked his way up and everything he touched turned gold.

Keep damage controlling.

I'd even argue it's impressive tlou2 came in 2nd for the game awards fan vote considering how much people want to say everyone hates the game. Yet #2 is a pretty good feat considering all the slander. And yet it's the most fan and critically awarded game this year so far.

And yeah, it was review bombed. It has the most user reviews for any game on metacritic and there's no verification any of the reviews played the game. You look on ps store and the game is rated highly which requires the game to be bought. Even on amazon it has good reviews.

I think that dude is talking about the rigged players choice awards which were sabotaged by 4chan lol
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I think, and I genuinely mean zero offense by that, you are underestimating how much influence Neil Druckmann now has at Naughty Dog and I doubt that any big change will happen at Naughty Dog ( at least not the kind of change that some Neogaf frequenters want to see) anytime soon.
He has been there for quite some time, worked his way up and everything he touched turned gold.

I think that dude is talking about the rigged players choice awards which were sabotaged by 4chan lol
There is proof of 4chan inflating votes for ghost of tsushima just to spite tlou2. How much of an actual effect that had, who knows. But tlou2 coming in #2 is a feat on its own considering how much people are supposed to hate it


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Wouldn't surprise me if it was real seeing how bad the script for TLOU2 is. If it is real then thank god Bruce saved the first game.

It's wrong.

Their (Neil's and Bruce's) ideas were being rejected by Sony in which Tess was the main antagonist of the story.

ORIGINALLY, Tess' brother was going to be killed after Joel tried to save Ellie from being executed. This causes Tess hunt down Joel.

Based on Neil's own words, ELLIE was going to kill Tess right before she was going to kill Joel. This story went through several variations before being accepted by Sony.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
It doesn't matter, he make some seriously solid points which i shared completely during my playthrough.

It does. If someone is going to tell me how the story doesn't work, then they should at least know it well.

Jon Neu

I'd even argue it's impressive tlou2 came in 2nd for the game awards fan vote considering how much people want to say everyone hates the game.

If coming second to a game that shouldn't be in the GOTY conversation it's impressive to you and the proof that the game isn't massively hated, who am I to burst your bubble?

And yeah, it was review bombed. It has the most user reviews for any game on metacritic and there's no verification any of the reviews played the game.

So it was reviewed like any other metacritic game, you just aren't happy with the results.

Again, nothing against your made up bubble if it makes you happy and comfy.


If coming second to a game that shouldn't be in the GOTY conversation it's impressive to you and the proof that the game isn't massively hated, who am I to burst your bubble
Dude how purposely obtuse are you? Tlou2 has won the most fan and critic awards so far this year. And there's deliberate proof since June of plenty of people only flocking to ghost of tsushima just because they want to spite tlou2.

You need to start being consistent man
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I think, and I genuinely mean zero offense by that, you are underestimating how much influence Neil Druckmann now has at Naughty Dog and I doubt that any big change will happen at Naughty Dog ( at least not the kind of change that some Neogaf frequenters want to see) anytime soon.
He has been there for quite some time, worked his way up and everything he touched turned gold.
Except for TLoUII, the one in which he had more freedom.

ORIGINALLY, Tess' brother was going to be killed after Joel tried to save Ellie from being executed. This causes Tess hunt down Joel.

Based on Neil's own words, ELLIE was going to kill Tess right before she was going to kill Joel. This story went through several variations before being accepted by Sony.
Basically TLoUII. Thank God Sony saved the first game then, from such an idiotic story.

It does. If someone is going to tell me how the story doesn't work, then they should at least know it well.
How does that proves him wrong about everything. He touched every single story beat and he's spot on.

I thought I loved TLOU2 and that it was a phenomenal game, but now that Bruce Straley liked Ghost of Tsushima I am convinced that TLOU2 was a rancid piece of shit

Thanks for connecting the dots, Vick Vick . Highly convincing


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Now before calling me a woman hater incel butthurt because his daddy got killed (people saying these things are the scum of humanity btw), my mother is actually the strongest person i know, i'm not a virgin since i was thirteen, i've been with enough girls in my life to see through the bullshit behind modern feminism from miles away, and i think Joel death and lamb PTSD are the only sequences worthy of the legacy of the first game, in terms of quality and expectations based on the talents involved.

Sounds like some virgin incel is talking shit OP. I bet you never been together with a real wamen like Abbey.


Twitch jokes aside, maybe I'm just confused, but why is he an ex director? Did he let Druckmann down too many times with his strong plots?
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Jon Neu

Dude how purposely obtuse are you? Tlou2 has won the most fan and critic awards so far this year. And there's deliberate proof since June of plenty of people only flocking to ghost of tsushima just because they want to spite tlou2.

Yet again, it lost against GoT. And yet again, it received huge backlash on Metacritic and pretty much every videogame forum.

Seems to me you are the one being purposely obtuse by wanting to live in your little bubble, cherrypicking the things that suit your fantasy and disregarding the ones that don't.

"B-bu-but that doesn't count because review bombing and 4Chan!".



What time is it?
Here is my question, why does it matter what others considered "GOTY"!? if you liked TLOU2 more, then thats your "GOTY" no matter what Bruce Straley or other people says, it not gonna change how you feel about the game.

13 Sentinels is my personal GOTG, even if entire gaming community disagrees with me.

Reaffirmation. I'm sure you'd love it if more people were talking about 13 Sentinels.


Yet again, it lost against GoT. And yet again, it received huge backlash on Metacritic and pretty much every videogame forum.

Seems to me you are the one being purposely obtuse by wanting to live in your little bubble, cherrypicking the things that suit your fantasy and disregarding the ones that don't.

"B-bu-but that doesn't count because review bombing and 4Chan!".

But tlou2 won against all other games including ghost on other fan voting awards. Are just going to ignore that?

I'm not saying it doesn't count. All I'm saying is that user scores and user awards all around are pretty unreliable because of shit like this and shit like cod. In the end, user awards and user scores don't mean much to the future of the studio, critics do. And yet, tlou2 beats out ghost of tsushima in both player choice and critic choice awards. It's the reality.


always chasing the next thrill
This thread is good reminder that the most interesting movies of al time have a lot divided opinions on it.. almost 2 camps.

TLOU2 is a very very interesting game;)

Jon Neu

But tlou2 won against all other games including ghost on other fan voting awards. Are just going to ignore that?

I'm not saying it doesn't count. All I'm saying is that user scores and user awards all around are pretty unreliable because of shit like this and shit like cod. In the end, user awards and user scores don't mean much to the future of the studio, critics do. And yet, tlou2 beats out ghost of tsushima in both player choice and critic choice awards. It's the reality.

You mean small concentred awards that probably only fans of the game to begin with will care about are more reliable than the standard review site for gamers?

I don't know, man.


I think TLOU2 is a great game. It has some very powerful moments.

In all honestly, and speaking from a personal view, it is too long and concentrates too much on characters I didn't want to concentrate on.

A thorough edit and some very minor revisions would have made the game another great, though I'd need a second playthrough to settle on those.

The SJW doesn't exist, at least to the extent some contend it does. Abby is perfectly acceptable as presented. "Bigot Sandwich" is a hamfisted line and shoehorned in. It got a massive eyeroll from me. I think Ellie's sexuality could have been represented in much better ways. I think it was best done just by showing her relationship grow. The biggest problem is what seems a token representation in Lev's trans character. A character we don't really want or get to care about. Perfectly fine to have a trans character, but this feels like tokenism. I don't think any of these things should have garnered such a vitriolic response as they did.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
How does that proves him wrong about everything. He touched every single story beat and he's spot on.

Not according to our discussion. He was just falling apart. He even tried to tell me that Neil's Duckmann's comments about the story isn't creditable. The guy wrote the story and he wants to tell me Neil's take on the story doesn't matter? :messenger_grinning_smiling:


Gold Member
Yet again, it lost against GoT. And yet again, it received huge backlash on Metacritic and pretty much every videogame forum.

Seems to me you are the one being purposely obtuse by wanting to live in your little bubble, cherrypicking the things that suit your fantasy and disregarding the ones that don't.

"B-bu-but that doesn't count because review bombing and 4Chan!".

oh sweet irony


Sounds like some virgin incel is talking shit OP. I bet you never been together with a real wamen like Abbey.

Ironically, the actress look actually good.. when she's a normal human being instead of:


Well not sure what you mean by that. It worked well for me. Actually much better than just well
Just what i've been saying since the opening post. Nevermind.

Not according to our discussion. He was just falling apart.
Sorry, but who cares about your discussions? He put a three hous long analysis, and he's spot on about any story beat.


The situation reminds me of True Detective (a TV show).

Season 1 had 2 guys in charge who played off each other and one of the writers got reigned in. It was a pretty good show in season 1. But then, for season 2, one writer left and the artsy fartsy one was fully in charge. It ended up being an embarrassingly bad second season full of overwritten horseshit and bad ideas because the bad writer was no longer being reigned in.


The situation reminds me of True Detective (a TV show).

Season 1 had 2 guys in charge who played off each other and one of the writers got reigned in. It was a pretty good show in season 1. But then, for season 2, one writer left and the artsy fartsy one was fully in charge. It ended up being an embarrassingly bad second season full of overwritten horseshit and bad ideas because the bad writer was no longer being reigned in.
Bruce straley did not write the first game.

Honestly I'd put the faults (if I had many) for tlou2s story on halley gross. She's a writer on westworld & I think neil would have been fine on his own. People seem to gloss over her.


The nicest person on this forum
Reaffirmation. I'm sure you'd love it if more people were talking about 13 Sentinels.
Honestly yeah, unlike games like TLOU 2 and GoT, 13 Sentinels barely get any media attention and pretty sure it didn’t sell well in west.

In current gaming media, only AAA and indies gets any attention, while AA games gets brushed aside.
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